Volume XXIII Number 6 June 2007 Greetings from the Note from the Editor In This Issue Conservation Committee Note from the Editor .................. 1 Of what I’ve observed of CMC doings this past month, there are three key Annapurna IV Team Ok .............. 1 issues that seem prominent and need Greetings from Conservation ..... 1 reporting. First, the status of the e-Com- Outings Chair Needed ................ 2 pass initiative; second, how the online Clubroom Librarian Needed ...... 2 trip management issue between our Mailing Party ............................. 2 group and the state website is progress- Found: Sleeping Bag .................. 2 ing (see Seth Allen’s related article this June Trips ................................3-4 issue); and, finally, some comments on a Thanks To Trip Leaders .............. 5 recent visit to a BCMC Council meet- ing from our state representatives for In Memory of Hans Thurnaurer . 5 conservation, Steve Bonowski and Bryan Summer Youth Program ............. 6 Martin. Profile: Old Pete Speaks ............ 6 Large Yellow Toadflax, a noxious weed The e-Compass will start its first issue (for the color image, see online version of the in July. As of today, 47 members have Deadline for July issue is: June 8 Compass on the website) signed up (due largely to its announce- Website: cmcboulder.org Many open space and forest lands sum- ment in the GPS). By my estimate, if To see online issues of Compass, mer users who hike, climb and bike 200 people sign up, we should be able browse to: cmcboulder.org → admire the wildflowers and the incred- to save about $1,300 per year in print- Compass → Current Issue ible wild flora and fauna. One threat to ing and mailing costs — a significant this amazing balance in nature that is amount for the BCMC. So, please, if you Annapurna IV Team Alive & sometimes less considered by recreation- have not signed up for email delivery Well ists is the spread of noxious weeds. In of the Compass, and are willing to do Boulder County and into the mountains so, either go the website under Publica- tions→Compass →E-Compass, or click As of May 16, when this issue was going west of Boulder there is an increase in on the link in the GPS announcement. to press, the news from the Annapurna oxeye daisy, bouncing bet, cheatgrass, You can unsubscribe at any time on the team, composed mostly of BCMC and other intruders which are crowding same webpage (that is, reverse your members, had reached a high point but out native plants. Please consider setting decision, and elect to renew receiving the could not make a summit attempt due to aside one day this summer to partici- hardcopy Compass issue via postal mail poor weather. The last report was that pate in a weed pull or related efforts to delivery). the team had reached Camp 3 on May 15 eradicate noxious weeds this summer. at around 21,000 feet, when they were You will still be outside, in some of your Regarding online trip management at warned that unexpected bad weather was favorite settings, and enjoying the com- the state website, and the issue of how it rapidly approaching. Taking advan- pany of others! does not work well for how the BCMC tage of a few remaining hours of clear manages its trips, it has been heard at weather, the team descended to base — contributed by Sandy Hollingsworth the state level, and they have responded. camp, where the prediction proved true. Thanks to our state representative, Peter Smart mountaineering. A full report will [Editor’s Note: for more information Gowan, who presented our grievances appear in the July Compass. on noxious weeds, see http://www. co.boulder.co.us/openspace/resources/ at a state board meeting on April 14, the weeds/weeds_noxious.htm] — information contributed by Val Hovland Continued on page 2, Editor’s Note Editor’s Note John Raich, delivered in November This is a real opportunity to network continued from page 1 2006. I would like to quote this interest- and serve the club. Required duties are state office has agreed to meet with Seth ing section of his letter: interfacing with the BCMC and state trip Allen, our Outings Committee chair, schedulers, and attending the monthly and myself, as head of our Computer “Perhaps the most serious challenge that Council meetings. Also needed is a Committee, among others, on Thursday, the Denver Group has faced over the last Scheduler who assists in the timing and June 7 in the Clubroom, to discuss this half dozen years is its static or declining location of trips, interfacing with the important issue. All interested members membership. Efforts to counter that trend Outings Chair and trip leaders, but no are invited to attend, especially trip have only been partially successful. We regular meeting attendance required. leaders who have experience in using the need to address this issue more forcefully Please contact [email protected]. system. Also at issue is the trip reporting if we want the club to continue to be suc- � process. Sheila Delamere has provided cessful. Part of the explanation may lie a description of that to me, which could in the fact that there has been a shift in Clubroom Librarian Needed certainly make better use of technology how some of our members and potential The Clubroom Library could use your to save some manual effort between the members view their participation in help to index published materials. If you BCMC and state office. mountain recreation... In the 1990’s we would like to pitch in, please contact the saw the growth of ... “plug and play” Clubroom at 303-554-7688 or bcmc@ Finally, I would like to report on a members. These members might be char- cmcboulder.org. � presentation made by Steve Bonowski acterized as being more focused in their and Bryan Martin about the state office’s recreational interests, have less time Found: Nice Sleeping Bag conservation efforts to the BCMC Coun- available due to job and other demands, A nice sleeping bag was found at the cil meeting on May 14. Steve, a longtime want ... ready access to information, are Brainard Lake cabin in early May. The member of the CMC, is a “Senior Policy technologically savvy, and have less pa- club would really like to return this to its Advisor” to the Conservation Committee tience with club rules and bureaucracy. owner. Please call the clubroom at 303- (according to the state website, the only Because of time constraints, they are less 554-7688 and describe to claim it. � place where I found him mentioned), likely to volunteer but still expect a well- while Bryan is it’s newly hired assistant run organization that is focused on their Mailing Party: June 21 director. Bryan comes with excellent cre- interests.” Come to the Clubroom and help mail out dentials, having served with the Nature the July Compass! This is a relaxed way Conservancy and helped in the creation Well said. I’ve not heard anything from to meet people and give something back of the Continental Divide Trail. Steve, the Club that so concisely and force- to your favorite club. The next issue will as many of you know, has long been fully addressed the issue of our declin- be ready to mail on Thursday, June 21, involved with the CMC at the state level ing membership; too bad Mr. Raich at 5:30pm, so please just drop in. Phone and with leading adventure travel trips. was leaving this post. The handout also Sheila at 303-554-7688 for more infor- Steve proceeded to speak for over an included the Conservation Department’s mation. � hour, referring to a large Colorado state financial review. This revealed the map covered with circled areas, X’s, and 2006 expenses were $130,848, and the arrows; it looked like a statewide war projected 2007 expenses will be around campaign. Bryan was pretty much not $263,903 — an increase of over 100 per compass involved, having only been hired this cent. I don’t know what you may make Editor: Rick Casey week, but warmly referred to at points of that, but to my mind this club had email: [email protected] by Steve, as to soon be ‘taking over the better start focusing more on its member- good work’ that Steve had been doing. ship, and less on conservation, if it wants Published: Monthly by Boulder Group, Colorado Mountain Club, 633 South The council members were presented to continue to exist. While I agree with Broadway, Unit N, Boulder 80305, mailed with a twelve page summary of the pre- the aims of conservation, it does little the third week of previous month sentation.The presentation was all well to attract or retain club members. I hope Boulder Group Chair: Tom Wilson and good; a very impressive performance Mr. Bonowski and the state leadership email: [email protected] that the conservation office, led by Steve, take Mr. Raich’s warning to heart. � To subscribe to GPS, the weekly and were fighting conservation battles e-newsletter: [email protected] for the CMC all over the state. However, Clubroom hours: Open Monday through I must say that most of it went over my Volunteers Needed Thursday, 5 to 7 pm head: I, nor the Council, was prepared Clubroom Telephone: 303-554-7688 to hear such a long presentation. But email for general CMC information: tucked away in the twelve page presenta- Outings Chair, Scheduler [email protected] tion handout were a couple of pages that Needed website: cmcboulder.org attracted my attention afterwards, though We welcome announcements, articles, letters, were not part of Steve’s presentation.
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