rssN0375 7633 Bollettino della SocietnPaleontologic a Italiana Pubblicatosotto gli auspicie col contributo del Consiglio Nazionaledelle Ricerche Volume 4lrr. 1r2002 MUCCHI - MODENA Bollenino della Societh Paleontologica ltaliana 4t (t), 2002 rssN037 5-7 633 69-81 Modena,Aprile 2002 The Tlrrolian M.gafauna of'West Bulgaria and the "Pikermian of the Late Miocene biome" Nikolai Spnssov National Museum of Natural History BulgarianAcademy of Sciences,Sofii KEY V/ORDS - Large mammAls,Palaeoenuironment, Late Miocene,Bulgaria. ABSTRACT - Most of the localitiesof Miocene uertebratefauna in Bulgaria are ofTurolia and lake coastalsedimenttl Th, dispositiohof the localitiesshiws that the iecent hydiologicals larsestfossil faunal comDlexesin Wist Bulsaria are in the relions of Hadiidimouo, Kalimintsi, i as7of"the fossils fiom the latt mentionedTocalityseems to bi heteiogerriut. The lower horizons. fori;n, (Lott iurolian) to Early Ruscinia, ig, (most probably tr[N13). The fossiliferousset Formation) includesa number olft*att localitiTs.The ageof the'old.estone in thi sectibnof the- The restoj- the localities,,tt**ing fo* the upper leueE,aie of Maeotian (Early Middle-Turoi being- Litt MiocenemummAtfa"i"a is the oittfo* Hadjidi*oro-l (Mestabisin). The accun icalVoods.The preliminary iniestigationshowithe prtttit, of 29 mummnl speciesin the tapl 'enuiron*ritpolirontological analysist6o* a priualenceof the spiciesinhaiitiryg ?Pen,to onbor otber exteit, with tlit opproronit of a foresitoroina. Suchshoud bb the main appearanceof tl zoocoenosisshoutd be 6inea 7o, ot2orly as in the thin arid forestsfom the Late Faleogeneof C, "Pikermiane" RIASSUNTO - [Caratteristiche nella fauna a grandi mammiFeridel Tu dentale] - La magqio,partt delle localith a uertebratidel Miocenes-uperiore della Bulgaria i dt ri di ambiente lacfftre o fluuiale. La distribuzione arealedei siti fossiliferi dimostra comel'attu, re,gii definito nelh suelinee principali. I piit importanti complesi;fauhistici in Bulgaria occiden Ka1l*aitti, Kromid.ouo,Goina Sishitsa , Hrnfiorsko. Le eti ,apirtttntate in quelte localith at con un liaelh probabilmenteMeotico, arriuando ai liuelli piil riienti del Pontito Quroliano su. AncoraMN tr. I sedimentiaffioranti nell'areadi Kalimintsi (FormazioneKalimantsi) sonoi, zioni fossili,k'piir antica d.elli"qualiponebbe essere del VallesiAno,mentre le ph recentisono de, statoLn ojt, ti pin ricca associizionifaunistica nota i quella di Hadiidimoio-I (bacinodi Mc tato di ,ro ,rrirrrione di euentidi esindazionedi ,aralr, e dallo ttrdio preliminAre emet{€ unr ri. L'analisi tafonomicae paleoecologicaeuidenzia k preualenzadi ta*i caratteristicid1-spazi . ambienti ari/i, tipici di ina toroniforestata. Per quisti caratteri, l'Associazionedi Hadjidimoi "Pikermiano". una fauna di tipi L'oiigine di una iale zoocenosipub essereindiuiduata nelleart supiriore dellAsia centrale THE LATE MIOCENE LOCALITIESIN BULGARI"A refer it to the zones MN 9- 10. The rich Tirrolian (Maeotian-Pontian) fauna gives a rather good idea of The abundant data availableup till now show the the zoocoenosisand the ttitut"l environirent of this presenceof a large number of lvliocene localities of time. The latest summ ary of the Late Miocene local- gttl ,rertebrate fauna iit garia (see:Bakalov & Nikolov, ities of hipparion fauna is presented on Text-fig. 1 1962; Nikolov, 1985; ie* localities are bei.g found and Thb. 1- The Turolian localities are concentrated even now Text-fig. 1). The map of the Neogene in several regions Sofia area, the area of N\f localities in Bulgaria'clearly indicates that those fio- Bulgaria near"the Danube, the basins of Maritza and the Late M iocen".,.rpecially Tirro lian, strongly p revail tun?ia and especiallvthe basinsof Struma and Mesta (T"b. 1). Those of Vallesian ageare relatively 6*. Of in SW Bulgaria. Obviously this is an indication that the Vallesian localities especially interesting are by this timE the main hydrological net of the region Nessebar and Kalimantsi- I in S\7 Bulgaria (see aiready existed. This also supports the suggestion of below), because of their fauna. The fa[na from an aciive transportation of destructed rock material Nessebar old Turkish cemeteries (South Black Sea and its accumulation by the Turolian rivers in the coasr of the country) includes: Schizocltoerusuallesien- region,.related to the planatioT processes.The con- sis (.f, Nikolov S( Thenius, 1967), Prod.einotherium centrauon of fossiliferoussites in the fluvial and lake bauaricum (.f. Nikolov, 1985), Hipparion aff. H. sediments is not accidental.Favourable taphonomic 'aphaiistu.s.primigenium, DinocrocutA gigantea, Machairod'us conditions in this mainly arid environment were Pre- (Spassov,N. 6( KJufos, G. in prepara- sent exactly in the rivei dales where the embeddittg tion). This fauna gives reason to the latter authors to (mostly seasonal)of the organisms took place. 70 N. SPASSOV About the Maeotian-Pontian (Tirrolian) fauna of tions from Spassov& Ginsburg, 1999). The oldest one the mammals of'W Bulgaria one could judge not o4y includ es:Aceratherium aff. incisiultrll, ?Choerohphodon after separatefinds but in many casesafter whole fos- sp., cfi Hipparion mediterrnneum. The middle levels sil faunll complexes.Such are representedmostly by: yielded : Tetmlop h odo n longiros tris, D einoth erium gigan- Hadjidimovo from the basin of Mesta river. teum, Mammut borsoni.The uppermost on e: Anancus Some localities from the Struma basin as Gorna aruernensis,Mammut borsoni, cf Dicerorltinus sp. (D. Sushitsa,Kromidovo and especiallyKalimantsi schleiermaclteriafter I. Nikolov but it seems this Hrabarsko (Sofia region). specieshas never been found in E. Europ e), Hippa!!?n The faunal check-lists of the Tirrolian localities meditelraneum, Hipparion sp., Tizpirusbalkanicr'ts. The mentioned (except Hadjidimovo and Kalimantsi remains listed by Bakalov 6{ Nikolov (1962) as " " below after Nikolov (1985) with Dipoides majoi' and Lepus timid,ui' need a revision, Pehtsata) are given " nomenclature or til(onomic corrections and some as well as the specimen referred to Wspertiliauus additions. (A number of taxa need revision and are schlosseri", actually belongitg to a Desmaninae insecti- therefore noted with: ?, uff., cf as consecutive degrees vore (B. Sige,S. Legendre,pers. comm.). of resemblanceto the relevant speciesor generic taxon). The r.di*.nm From Hrabarsko are referred to the Balsha member of the Gnilyanska formation (= MAIN LOCALITIESFROM THE SOFTAREGION Gniljane formation). It occupies the uppe_rParts of the formation. Basing upon the mollusk fauna and HnnenRsKo the flora found, Kamenov and Kojumdjieva (1983) - - (i:.. suggesta Pontian supposedlyearly Pontia! €e Located in the Sofia district, it is an abandoned appro*. the beginnitg of MN l3) for the Gnilyanska mine. At this site, the Balsha member of the foimation, includitg the Balshamember. Gnilyanska fmt. (Kamenov 6{ Kojumdjieva, 1983) The fauna of the lower and the middle layers of yielded fossil remains from three levels (here listed Hrabarsko should be most probably Maeotian after after Nikolov, 1985 with corrections and with addi- the composition. ROMANIA ube Russe f-( 24'?!z'sl- ze.lo 44./ J //'To' . rl a , .56 v Pleven O -) /'62 .20 '18 rrl ,2 Jo 33. a .29 o SOFIA v ol .49 O Burgqs 47i J 27. m lovdiv tl .46 / 6i 12' r'14. \34\/ /- 2 '\tfu 28. o \ 41. l5 o ,2.\'30 \ , r! (q."'1.59 l.l () .l7 \.50 TURKEY 160'23'39 fS\ 6&.43.32 y. \e€ 31.-'42 i GREECE Text-fig. I - Main Late Miocene localities of Vertebrate fauna from Bulgaria. THE TUROLIANMEGAFAUNA OF WESTBULGARIA 71 Aee Main localitiesw th most Proposedbiochronological position of No Localities in alphabeticalorder probable Valles an age the localities with Turolian aee I Ahmatovo from Earlv to Late Turolian ) Aldomirovtsi from ? Earlv to Late Turolian -l J Archar Turolian 4 Baldevo ? Late Turolian 5 Batishnitsa Earlv - Middle Turolian 6 Boedanitsa Late Turolian 7 Boevovtsi Earlv - MiddleTurolian 8 Brezhane Middle - LateTurolian 9 Breznik Turolian l0 Butan ?Earlv Vallesian lt Bvala Slatina from ?Middle to LateTurolian t2 CherkezitsaRiver. from Earlv to Late Turolian between Ahmatovo and Popovitsa l3 Chiman from ? Middle to Late Turolian t4 Debar cf. Late Turolian l5 Dinevo cf. Late Turolian l6 Diieurovo Turolian l7 Dolna Sushitsa from Earlv to ? Middle Turolian r8Drasovishtitsa Late Turolian - Ruscinian l9 Ezerovo ? from Middle to Late Turolian 20 Gaber from Middle to Late Turolian/Ruscinian 2l Gloiene Earlv - Middle Turolian 22 Gorna Gradeshnitsa Turolian 23 Gorna Sushitsa Earlv-Middle Turolian 24 Gorni Tsibar Earlv-Middle Turolian 25 Hadiidimovo Beeinnine of the Middle Turolian 26 Hairedin Late Turolian - Ruscinian 27 Hanovo Middle Turolian - Ruscinian 28 Haskovo ?Late Turolian 29 Hrabarsko from Middle to Late Turolian/Ruscinian 30 Ilindentsi Earlv Turolian 3l lzsrev Late Turolian-Rusclnlan 32 Kalimantsi* seebelow* see below* a- JJ Katina Late Turolian 34 Kocherinovo ? Late Vallesian 35 Koprivlen Turolian 36 Kresna Late Turolian 37 Kromidovo Earlv or most probablv Mid. Turolian 38 Kula Turolian 39 Liubovishte Middle-La e Turolian 40 Malorad Late Turolian 4l Mandra Late Turolian-Rusclnlan 42 Marino Pole Turolian The localities are selected from (1962) 43 Melnik Late Turolian Bakalov 6{ Nikolov and Nikolov (1985) with changes and 44 Mihailovo ? Earlv Turolian additions bv the author. 45 Mines Maritsa Iztok from Middle to Late Turolian The biochronology is after Nikolov 46 Mursalevo Earlv-Late Turolian (1985), revised by the author. (E. (exact 47 near Burgas loc. Unknown)
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