The Films of AynRand April2008 $4.00 ~L.() ~L.() o 00 o I"­ ....:t-­ ....:to I"-~ ~ CfJ V"V< and bewilder. 1/ - Thomas Macaulay o ~ II.BEPUBUC 2008: I~Y& Civil Liberties flllt)Begency Reston· Reston, Virginia To order DVDs or CDs of the 2007 talks, go to: 2007 Speakers: Ron Paul Andrew P. Napolitano Robert Scheer Daniel Ellsberg Bob Barr Thomas J. Dilorenzo James Bovard Ralph Raico Ivan Eland Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. Justin Raimondo Karen Kwiatkowski Richard M. Ebeling Robert Higgs Doug Sandow Joseph Margulies Sheldon Richman Joseph R. Stromberg Anthony Gregory Joanne Mariner lau rence M. Vance Ted Galen Carpenter Bart Frazier Jacob G. Hornberger 11350- Random Hills Road Suite 800 Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Phone: (703) 934-6101 Fax: (703) 352-8678 Email: [email protected] April 2008 Inside Liberty Volume 22, Number 3 4 Letters Good point, but ... 7 Reflections We push junk bonds, confiscate junk food, christen a new sex organ, empower welfare recipients, give the candidates what they really want, study a society of almost-sentient upright bipeds, expose the most corrupt corporation, and search for WMD's. 19 Have Cat, Shot Cat Stephen Cox shows what happens when tigers attack. Features 21 PFY vs. RP: Is There a Racist in the House? Ron Paul, the libertarian in the presidential race, was the subject of a political scandal. Bruce Ramsey assesses the damage. 25 The Films of Ayn Rand How does an individualist handle an art form in which collaboration is essential? Stephen Cox examines the movie career of Ayn Rand. 32 I Married an Alien Sandy Pierre finds that bringing an alien into your home isn't exactly like it is in the movies. 35 Gun Control: The Logical Fallacy Come, says Eric Neigher; let us reason together. Is there any logical reason to grab those guns? Reviews 39 Prelude to Disaster You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist, Jon Harrison discovers, to be troubled by the missteps that allowed 9/11 to happen. 42 Death by Environmentalism "Good intentions," Gary Jason shows, can be a very bad guide. 44 Liberty and Inequality Bruce Ramsey is cheered by America's inequality. 46 The Oscars That Should Have Been As Jo Ann Skousen shows, what's past is prologue - to your DVD. 51 Docs Rock at Sundance '08 The Sundance Festival is a counter-culture, central-culture celebration. Hayley Skousen takes in the atmosphere of America's foremost film festival. 53 Blood for Oil Jo Ann Skousen watches the diatribe of a left-wing novelist transformed into an unwilling tribute to capitalism. 54 Fixer Upper Blackmail, murder, and mental breakdown: Jo Ann Skousen visits the world of a corporate clean-up man. 47 Notes on Contributors The last line of offense. 55 Terra Incognita Life in the bush of ghosts. How to Letters Subscribe [ ] Re-review used by some as the basis for modern to I appreciate very much your mak­ statist liberalism. And Point 5: Machan ing room in your pages for a review believes in freedom of the will, but of "Libertarianism, For and Against" what happens if we do not, in fact, have II ("Your Libert)', My Liberty/' Jan.-Feb.) free will? Answers: Individualism is a LibertiJ] of which I am coauthor. Much of the physical fact. Our minds have no physi­ review was on target but some of it per­ cal connection with other minds, and Liberty takes individual taining to my contribution to the book any apparent groupthinking we do is a was confused - for example, I did not voluntary performance. Free will is also freedom seriously ... and defend libertarianism from a Kantian a physical fact, caused by the fractal the status quo with more position (certainly I didn't invoke Kant chemistry of our brains. The revolution than one grain of salt! anywhere) but a neo-Aristotelian, of fractal mathematics made it no lon­ Lockean, Randian one. ger necessary to determine if noncausal Every issue of Liberty brings The idea thatone musteitherpresent randomness truly exists in the universe you news you can't miss, a consequentialist-utilitarian defense of - complex, fractal systems are not opinions you won't find libertarianism or a Kantian one is to­ distinguishable from random ones. anywhere else, and the best tally alien to how I have approached Therefore, we are free-willed individu­ libertarian writing in the world. normative matters throughout my writ­ als who are best served by a society that ing - one need but consider "Classical allows us to be free and individual, and You won't want to Individualism" (Routledge, 1998) as a exacts only a small, limited by contract, clear case in point. There are many oth­ portion of our freedoms to empower a miss a single issue! ers who would not fit within either one government. of those two meta-ethical schools. Point 3: What does a libertarian do Act Today! But I suppose few people whose about orphaned children? Answer: Any Liberty offers you the best in works are reviewed are ever fully sat­ society that survives protects its chil­ isfied with how they are being read by individualist thinking and dren - by custom, by chari~ and, as the reviewer. writing. So don't hesitate. You a last resort, by law and government Tibor Machan power. Difference is, the family is the have nothing to lose, and the Silverado, CA fruits of Liberty to gain! basic unit of a free societ)T, while the Five-A-Side government is the first cause in the col­ Use the coupon below or call: In his review of "Libertarianism: lective society, with family members 1-800-854-6991 For and Against," Gary Jason finds five relegated to mere agents of enforce­ points on which Tibor Machan's case ment of the collective will. Note that the p------- .. for libertarianism is "shaky." Let me try last resort to government power in the Please enter my subscription to shore up those points. case of the protection of children does I to Liberty immediately! I Point1:Machan'scaseis"tooskinny" not necessarily apply to adults who are o One Year - $29.50 to allow a society to survive in the real poor, aged, infirm, irrational, or insane. I 0 Two Years - $56.00 I world. Answer: Raw, theoretical liber­ A free adult has to be responsible for his (u.s. prices only. To Mexico and Canada, subscrip- I tions are $39.50 per year; to other countries, $59.00.) I tarianism doesn't acknowledge well the own path through life. power of competition between nations Point 4: A real estate tycoon, as an I name I as a positive force. The United States is example, is not an independent creator doubly blessed to have internal states of wealth. He depends on civil servants I address I that compete with each other to attract like police, firefighters, street and wa­ quality citizens and corporations. ter departments to provide value to I city state zip I Point 2: Dignity of rational agents propert)T, and therefore should split ac­ and natural rights are stated as the ba­ quired wealth with them and let them I phone number I sis for libertarianism, but they are also drive the train sometimes. Answer: By I 0 I enclose my check (payable to Liberty) I Charge my: I 0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover I I signature I I account # expires I I Send to: Liberty, Dept. L, I .. P.O._-----_Box 1181, Port Townsend, WA 98368 .. April 2008 constitution we agree not to put our cause, be it orphaned children or any of flourishing of the individual and the collective hands into others' pockets. As the other million or so justifications stat­ natural rights of individuals). long as the jobs of tycoon and police of­ ist planners use for their "programs." I certainly do not believe that the ficer are open to all, there is no injustice When the state IIacts," by its nature, it utilitarian and Kantian perspectives are here. If too many police officers leave does the only thing it can do. It points the only perspectives inethics generally, their jobs to become tycoons, then the guns and uses coercion. or the only ones of use in exploring the government raises the salaries of police It should be noted that in the real foundations of libertarianism. Indeed, officers and lures some of them back. In world this "starving children" argu­ I explicitly said that while the perspec­ my town, large numbers of people have ment fades to irrelevancy. In a society tives that have traditionally been so nicer houses and cars than I do. More where the total tax load approaches 500/0 employed have been egoism, utilitari­ power to them. Begrudging them their (in my country, Canada, it's well over anism, and natural rights theorJi other successes would not be an act of an that), there are still thousands upon perspectives can be employed as well. innate desire for IIequality," but a rev­ thousands of charitable organizations These include virtue ethics, existen­ elation of envy. .that routinely raise millions of dollars tialist act deontologism, Christian act Tom Jaquish for all manner of causes. Does anyone deontologism (agapism), and Rossian Fort Wayne, IN seriously believe that, left to our own multiple-rule deontologism. voluntary action, and left with some Mr. Jaquish's points to shore up lib­ Charity at Gunpoint of our own money after the taxman is ertarianism's basis are worth reflecting Gary Jason's review of IILiber­ through with us, we would let orphans upon.
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