4. Tribute meetings set for Farrell Dobbs •• 2 THE Gains won by Grenada revolution .. 5 Women workers discuss union organizing 15 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 47/NO. 42 NOVEMBER 18, 1983 75 CENTS U.S. troops Grenada: . U.S. targets poised Central Anterica next to attack Thousands of people are marching November 12 in Washington, D.C., and on Syria the West Coast against U.S. wars in the Caribbean and Central America. These protests could not be more timely, given BY MOHAMMED OLIVER the U.S. invasion and occupation of the The U.S. government is threatening to Black-populated island of Grenada, es­ go to war against Syria to achieve its aims calating attacks by CIA terrorists against in Lebanon. The White House is beeftng Nicaragua, and a huge U.S. naval-marine up its military might in the region. It not buildup in Lebanon. only rushed to replace the marines who The massive invasion of Grenada marks have died there, but increased its force by the ftrst time since Vietn·am that U.S. several hundred more. It will soon have troops have been used for the purpose of four naval task forces poised off Lebanon's shores. The U.S. armada includes three aircraft carriers, 300 warplanes, and the battleship New Jersey. One of the naval EDITORIAL battle groups, headed by the aircraft carrier Independence, is steaming toward Leba­ taking over another sovereign nation and non from Grenada, where it partieipated in . forcing a new government down the throats the U.S. invasion of that island. of its people. The U.S. rulers have carried Meanwhile, Palestine Liberation Or­ out their arrogant violation of Grenada's ganization (PLO) ftghters loyal to PLO right to self-determination despite wide­ chairman Y as sir Arafat are under heavy spread opposition - including condemna­ military attack from PLO dissideqts backed tion by an overwhelming vote in the United U.S. troops round up Grenadians suspected of being members of People's Revolu­ by the Syrian army. The bloody assault on Nations and protest demonstrations around tionary Army. Arafat' s troops near the Lebanese city of the world. Tripoli is aimed at forcing the PLO to fol­ The full toll of U.S. aggression in Gre­ low the political dictates of the Syrian re­ nada is being kept secret from the Amer­ Movement (NJM), which led that revolu­ Even with this devastating blow, fol­ gime. ican people. But the few facts that have tion, succeeded in mobilizing the workers lowed by the U.S. invasion, the U.S. rulers U.S. involvement in a broader Mideast gotten past the Pentagon censors show and farmers of Grenada to make deepgoing recognize it will take more to uproot the war seems imminent. Imperialist attacks massive destruction through bombing and advances in living standards, health care, gains of the revolution and stamp out resis­ against the Lebanese, Palestinian, and an unknown number of Grenadians education, and democratic rights. tance to the man Washington hand picked . other oppressed peoples of the region have slaughtered. Washington has wanted to crush that to now run the country, Sir Paul Scoon. escalated since the October 23 bombing of The bloodshed has only begun. Far from revolution ever since 1979. It seized the Already Washington says its occupation the U.S. and French military headquarters a "rescue mission" to "restore order and de­ opportunity in October when ~. disastrous force is holding at least 200 Grenadians in Beirut. Two hundred thirty U.S. mocracy," the invasion of Grenada has split in · the NJM leadership led to the prisoner and subjecting them to "intensive marines and 58 French soldiers were killed been carried out to overturn the anti~ execution of NJM leader Maurice Bishop, . questioning." Thousands of U.S. troops in the attacks. An Israeli military post in capitalist revolution that began in that Grenada's prime minister, and other cen­ are conducting house-to-house searches for Tyre was demolished on November 4 in a country in 1979 with the overthrow of a tral leaders, and the overthrow of their gov­ other activists. Their principal .targets are similar bombing attack that killed 60 U.S.-backed dictatorship. The New Jewel ernment by opponents within the NJM. Continued on Page 22 people - including 28 Israeli troops. Is­ raeli troops have occupied southern Leba­ / non, where Tyre is located, since its inva­ sion of that country in the summer of 1982. Antiwarrmaririe wins victory for GI rights· The U.S., French, and Israeli govern­ ments have accusee the Syrian and Iranian BY ANDREA GONZALEZ position to the U.S. invasion of Grenada "My name is Jim Stryffeler. I arri a Marine regimes of being responsible for the bomb­ CINCINNATI - A major victory has and his plans to participate in the Sergeant. I have been in the Marine Corps ings. Both the Syrian and Iranian govern­ just been won here for the constitutional November 12 march on Washington in op­ for five and one-half years. I joined the ments have denied this charge. right of Gis to speak out and demonstrate position tothatinvasion and U.S. i~terven­ Marines right out of high school, like many other young people, hoping to get job in opposition to U.S. military intervention tion in Central America. Imperialists escalate attacks abroad. Stryffeler, while on vacation leave, skills. On November 9, Marine Sergeant Jim scheduled a news conference at the Hilton "I am speaking today," the statement In the wake of the October 23 bombings, Stryffeler, a member of the Young Hotel in downtown · Cincinnati for continued, "as a U.S. citizen who is op­ U.S. Secretary of State Shultz went to Socialist Alliance, was given an honorable November 4. He planned to explain his op­ posed to the U.S. invasion and occupation Paris for discussions with French, Italian, discharge from the Marine Corps. He had position to the U.S. military invasion of of the small island of Grenada. I am plan­ and British government offtcials. At about been threatened with victimization and Grenada and his intention to march on ning to act on my beliefs by participating in the same time, Under Secretary of State possible court-martial because of his op- November 12. the peaceful, legal action of November 12 Lawrence Eagleburger held discussions He had been politically active for the last called by antiwar, labor, civil rights andre­ with Israeli officials t~convince their re­ several months. This included sending a ligious organizations to protest this inva­ gime to play a more active combat role in letter to the editor of the Cincinnati Post sion and the deepening U.S. war drive in . imposing imperialist rule in Lebanon. protesting an editorial that appeared in the Central America and the Caribbean. · Washington was also considering increas­ paper, marching in the August 27 demon­ "I am also acting on my beliefs by en­ ing its military aid to Israel. stration in Washington, and joining the Continued on Page 7 Continued on Page 21 YSA. However, in order to pre¥..ent him from speaking out against U.S. military inter­ vention, the Marine Corps, which found Jackson campaign spurs debate out about the news conference, cancelled his leave, transferred him to the Marine Reserve Center on the outskirts of the city, ~on Black political act~on and ordered him to report for duty Friday morning. BY MALIK MIAH and genderless, and that the sole hallmark The Marine brass feared that his news On November 3 civil rights leader Jesse of a true leader is not .. skin color ... but conference would pierce the "big lie" prop­ Jackson offtcially announced his campaign the ability ... to bring competence, com­ agated by. the Reagan administration that for the Democratic Party nomination for passion and fairness to the sacred trust that the U.S. population, especially Gls, over­ president at a Washington, · D.C., news the people elect their offtcials to discharge. whelmingly support the U.S. invasion of conference and rally of 2,500 people. "This is not a Black campaign. It's a· Grenada. At the time the news conference Jackson was joined by other Black Dem­ campaign through the eyes of the hurt, and was scheduled to begin, Sgt.· Stryffeler was ocratic Party leaders, including several the rejected, and the despised, those left being detained and interrogated about his big-city mayors and members of the Con­ naked before the Lord· in the wintertime. political views and activities. gressional Black Caucus. Native American "Blacks, women, Hispanics, workers, Nevertheless, in front of a full turnout by and Latino leaders, as well as a leader of Indians, _Chinese, Europeans - we must the Cincinnati media, the news conference the North American Farmers Alliance were come together and form the rainbow coali­ was held: John Studer, national executive also present. tion." director of the Political Rights Defense The more than three-hour gathering "We can do without the Democratic and Militant Fund, which aided Stryffeler in organizing heard Jackson explain: Republican parties," he added. But, he Marine Corps Sgt. Jim StrytTeler op­ the news conference, read a statement "I seek the presidency because I want to continued, "they cannot do without us." poses U.S. invasion of Grenada. Stryffeler had prepared earlier. It stated, afftrm my belief that leadership is colorless Continued on Page 11 Meetings to celebrate Farrell Dobbs' life Meetings to celebrate the life of Farrell Because of his opposition to the course In addition to the meetings listed here, Dobbs and pay tribute to his many con. of U.S.
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