"""REVISED*°" Agenda for the Meeting of the Town of QualicumBeach Heritage Forest Commission to be held on Thursday, May 5, 2016 @ 9:00 am in the Town of QualicumBeach Committee Room, Municipal Office, 660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA THAT the Town of QualicumBeach Heritage Forest Commission adopts the May 5, 2016 meeting agenda. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES THAT the Town of QualicumBeach Heritage Forest Commission approves the February 4, 2016meeting minutes. GUEST PRESENTATION Welcome to speaker Terry Taylor, Plant Ecologist Presentation of a complete list of ?ora of the Heritage Forest. BUSINESS COUNCIL (1) Status of Recommendations to Council - for information (a) February 22, 2016 Council Motion (fromFebruary 4, 2016 recommendations) THAT staff investigate the options of using the approximately400 year old Douglas-fir cross section slabs as part of the 150 year celebration event, AND FURTHER THAT, Town staff exploreif any funding opportunities are available. (b) February 22, 2016 Council Motion (from February 4, 2016recommendations) THAT the Town's Bylaw Officer Visits the suspected offenders of the garden refuse dumping at the St Andrews Road entrance and the Chester Road fire access gate, AND FURTHER THAT, Town staff remove the existing garden refuse material from the Heritage Forest. (c) February 22, 2016 Council Motion (from February 4, 2016 recommendations) THATstaff repair the rotten and leaning fire access gate at the Heritage Forest Chester Road entrance. (cl) February 22, 2016 Council Motion (fromFebruary 4, 2016 recommendations) THAT staff install a culvert to address the ?ooding issue at the Heritage Forest Corduroy Trail accessing Hemsworth Road. (2) Referrals from Council ~ Nil (3) Council Motions — Nil ADJOURNMENT THAT the Heritage Forest Commission adjourns the meeting. Next Regular Meeting; September 1, 2016 at 9:00am N:\0100—0699ADM]NISTRATlON\0360 COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS\0360-20COMM.l'ITEES\O360-20- }IRTG\‘l6\Agendas\May 5 16 Regular Agenda.doc Draft Minutes of the Town of Qualicum Beach Heritage Forest Commission Regular Meeting held on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 9:00 am in the Town Hall Committee Room, 660 Primrose St., QualicumBeach, BC Present: Members: Chair JackMaclean, Brown Property Preservation Society Councillor Neil Horner ]im Christakos, Member at Large Pat Iacobson, Commission Member Tom Whitfield, Brown Property Preservation Society Staff: Sue Hood, Office Assistant The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA IimChristakos MOVED and Tom Whitfield SECONDED, THAT the Town of QualicumBeach Heritage Forest Commission adopts the February 4, 2016 regular meeting agenda with the addition of Douglas-fir Slabs. CARRIED ELECTION OF CHAIR Pat JacobsonMOVED and ]im Christakos SECONDED, THAT the Town of QualicumBeach Heritage Forest Commission elects Iacl<Maclean as Chair for 2016. CARRIED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Pat JacobsonMOVED and JimChristakos SECONDED, THAT the Town of QualicumBeach Heritage Forest Commission approves the November 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes. CARRIED BUSINESS Heritage Forest Reserve Fund Commission members discussed the recently established Heritage Forest Reserve Fund Bylaw and how best to publicize the recent opportunity for funds to be received by gift, bequest or other contribution, for the purpose of maintaining and improving the Heritage Forest. The Brown Property Preservation Society (BPPS)will spread the word through Society members and the BPPS AGM on February 24, 2016. The Town will publish a paragraph in the next Town Tidings publication. Interpretive Signage Commission members discussed the request by the BPPS to remove the interpretive sign describing the historic logging and amend the date of logging from 1870's to 1910's. BPPS will pay for the cost of the change. Dumping in the Heritage Forest Commission members discussed the ongoing issue of garden waste dumping and accumulation at the St Andrew Road entrance and at the Chester Road fire access gate entrance. 1 Town of Qualicum Beach Draft Heritage Forest Commission February 4, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Tom Whitfield MOVED and Councillor Horner SECONDED THAT, the Heritage Forest Commission recommends to Council THAT the Town's Bylaw Officer visits the suspected offenders of the garden refuse dumping at the St Andrews Road entrance and the Chester Road fire access gate, AND FURTHER THAT, Town staff remove the existing garden refuse material from the Heritage Forest. CARRIED Chester Road Gate Commission members discussed the temporary repair made to the Chester Road gate which has resulted in the post becoming rotten and the gate sagging. Pat JacobsonMOVED and JimChristakos SECONDED THAT, the Heritage Forest Commission recommends to Council THAT staff repair the rotten and leaning fire access gate at the Heritage Forest Chester Road entrance. CARRIED Water Tap at Former Stables Location Town staff will ensure that the water tap located in the meadow is available for the watering of the saplings from May to October. Hemsworth Corduroy Trail Commission members discussed the need for a more permanent solution to be implemented at the CorduroyTrail access at Hemsworth Road in order to eliminate the ?ooding issue. Tom Whitfield MOVED and JimChristakos SECONDED THAT, the Heritage Forest Commission recommends to Council THAT staff install a culvert to address the ?ooding issue at the Heritage Forest Corduroy Trail accessing Hemsworth Road. CARRIED Douglas-fir Slabs Commission members discussed the best way forward in determining a suitable location for display of the Douglas-fir slabs including banding, timeline references and protective covering of the slabs. Councillor Horner MOVED and JimChristakos SECONDED THAT, the Heritage Forest Commission recommends to Council THAT staff investigate the options of using the approximately 400 year old Douglas-fir cross section slabs as part of the 150 year celebration event, AND FURTHER THAT, Town staff explore if any funding opportunities are available. CARRIED COUNCIL Status of Recommendations to Council - for information November 19, 2015 Council Motions (from November 5, 2015 recommendations) THAT the previous motion to amend the Heritage Forest Management Plan pertaining to property owners adjacent to the Heritage Forest being able to propose a Vegetation management Town of Qualicum Beach Draft Heritage Forest Commission February 4, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 plan up to 1.0 m beyond their property line be rescinded in accordance with the recommendations from The Land Conservancy and the Brown Property Preservation Society. THAT staff be instructed to identify a tree service company able to assess the large Douglas-fir branch hanging over a portion of the walking trail in the Heritage Forest and take action if required for the safety of the trail. THAT a letter be prepared by the Town's Bylaw Enforcement Officer, and distributed to all property owners neighbouring the Heritage Forest adjacent to the St Andrews Road, Crescent Road East and Chester Road entrances, outlining that dumping of garden refuse is illegal and will be strictly enforced. THAT staff provide a supply of cedar bark mulch at the entrance to the Heritage Forest on St Andrews Road in order that volunteers can maintain the trail surface wherever necessary close to the St Andrews entrance. Referrals from Council - Nil Council Motions ~ for information Ianuary 27, 2016 Special Council Meeting The following Motion was made at the January 27, 2016 Special Council Meeting: THAT Council appoints Tom Whitfield to the Heritage Forest Commission, representing the Brown Property Preservation Society, for a term ending December 31, 2017. ADJOURNMENT Pat JacobsonMOVED and Tom Whitfield SECONDED, THAT the Commission adjourns the meeting. CARRIED Meeting adjourned: 9:40 am. ]acl<Maclean, Chair NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 9:00 am. N:\0100—O699Admin\0360-20Committees & Commi'ssions\0360-20Committee\0360-20-HRTG\16\Minutes\16.02.04Regular HERITAGE FOREST, QUALICUMBEACH PLANTS AND FUNGI MASTER LIST. Terry Taylor. April 14, 2016 TREES: Abies grandis grand ?r Acer macrophyllum broad leaf maple Alnus rubra red alder Arbutus menziesii arbutus Picea sitchensis Sitka spruce Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii coastal Douglas fir Thuja plicata western redcedar Tsuga heterophylla western hemlock SHRUBS: Acer glabrum Var. douglasii Douglas maple Cornus stolonifera red osier dogwood Gaultheria shallon salal Lonicera ciliosa orange honeysuckle Mahonia nervosa low Oregon- grape Rosa gymnocarpa baldhip rose Rosa nutkana Nootka rose Rubus parvi?orus thimbleberry Rubus spectabilis salmonberry Rubus ursinus ssp. macropetalus trailing blackberry Sambucus racemosa ssp. pubens Var. arborescens coastal red elderberry Vaccinium parvifolium red huckleberry HERBACEOUS PLANTS: Achillea rnillefolium yarrow Achlys triphylla Vanilla leaf Adenocaulon bicolor path?nder Aphanes arvensis (Alchemilla occidentalis) ?eld parsley-piert Arceuthobium campylopodium hemlock dwarf mistletoe Claytonia sibirica Siberian mi_ner’s-lettuce Galium aparine cleavers Galium tri?orum sweet—scentedbedstraw Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum large-leaved avens Goodyera oblongifolia rattlesnake plantain orchid Lathyrus nevadensis Var. pilosellus purple peavine Linnaea borealis ssp. longi?ora twin?ower Lysichiton americanus skunk cabbage Maianthemum dilatatum Wildlily-of-’the—Valley Mitella ovalis oval—leaVedmitrewort Monotropa uni?ora Indian pipe Nemophila parvi?ora
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