ISSN 1392-3528 Public Relations Department Lithuanian of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Parliamentary No 8-9 (72-73) August-September, 2003 MMMirror ON 24-26 AUGUST SPEAKERS AND SECRETARIES GENERAL OF THE NORDIC AND BALTIC PARLIAMENTS MET IN PALANGA (P. 27) THE SEIMAS RATIFIED THE TREATY CONCERNING LITHUANIA’S ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION (16 09 2003) THE RUSSIAN OCCUPATIONAL ARMY WAS WITHDRAWN FROM THE TERRITORY OF LITHUANIA ON 31 AUGUST 1993 The commemoration meeting and guard of honour at Vilnius Independence Square (near the Parliament). 31 08 2003 SUMMARY Lithuanian Parliamentary Mirror No 8-9 (72-73) his visit to Lithuania. In Kaunas Metropolitan SUMMARY his speech Mr. Christen Archbishop Sigitas attempted to draw Tamkevièius delivered PLENARY SITTINGS history parallels between speeches during the two small European sitting (p. 12) countries, Lithuania and Switzerland (p. 7) On 25 September, a discussion on the In accordance with the sions of the tragedy in position of Lithuania in Constitution of the America would remind the Intergovernmental Republic of Lithuania that terrorism might Conference on the and the Seimas Statute, strike anyone, even the Treaty establishing a the 7th (autumn) most powerful countries Constitution for Europe session of the Seimas (p. 11) was held at the sitting began on 10 September. of the Seimas. The This session is to last till HOMAGE PAID TO Resolution on the 23 December. Chairman THE VICTIMS OF Position of the Republic of the Seimas Artûras LITHUANIAN JEW- of Lithuania at the Paulauskas invited ISH GENOCIDE ON Intergovernmental Seimas members for 23 SEPTEMBER AT Conference on the collaborative work in THE SEIMAS. Chair- Issue of the Constitu- his opening speech at man of the Seimas tion for Europe was the plenary sitting Artûras Paulauskas adopted (p. 17) (p. 10) opened the sitting and reminded that over the ADOPTED LAWS AND years of rule of the Nazi DECREES Germany 6 million of European Jews, includ- Law Amending and On 4 September, the ing more than 200,000 Supplementing the Law Parliament commemo- Lithuanian Jews, were on Petitions. This law rated a ten-year anni- killed by the Nazis and establishes the right for versary of the visit of their collaborators. Mr. citizens over 16 years of the Pope John Paul II. Paulauskas called on age to present to the Signatory of March 11 the participants of the Seimas, the Govern- Act, Chairman of the sitting to pay homage to ment and municipalities Seimas during 1993- At the Seimas sitting of the victims of the petitions on issues of 1996, First Deputy 10 September a speech Holocaust by a minute protection of human Chairman of the Seimas was made by Chairman of silence. rights and freedoms, Èeslovas Jurðënas gave of the Senate of the President of the reforms of governmen- a speech in the sitting Republic of France Knesset of Israel tal structures and (p. 6) Christian Poncelet who Reuven Rivlin, Chair- institutions and other was visiting Lithuania man of the Seimas of issues that are impor- (p. 10) the Republic of Lithua- tant to the society, self- nia Artûras Paulaus- government and the On 11 September, in kas, Minister of Educa- state (p. 19) commemoration of the tion and Science of the victims of the terrorist Republic of Lithuania Law on Insurance. The attacks in New York Algirdas Monkevièius, purpose of this Euro- On 9 September, a and Washington two President of Lithuanian pean integration law is speech was delivered at years ago, Chairman of Jewish Community to harmonise the legal the Seimas sitting by the Seimas Artûras Simonas Alperavièius, norms that regulate Chairman of the Paulauskas made a Rabbi of Jewish Reli- insurance and activities National Council of speech at the plenary gious Community of insurance agents with Swiss Confederation sitting giving a special Chabad Lubavich the European Union Yves Christen during emphasis that repercus- Sholom Ber Krinsky, law. This law also 2 Lithuanian Parliamentary Mirror No 8-9 (72-73) SUMMARY provides that from the European Commission day Lithuania enters the and to establish the European Union the procedure, control of existing prohibition for payment of the tax on the insurance market of the production of quota the Republic of Lithua- white sugar and of nia to participate in the surplus sugar produc- domestic market of the tion tax as well as European Union is to be liability in the case of cancelled (p. 19) the breach of this law (p. 21) RATIFIED INTERNATIONAL Draft Law Amending DOCUMENTS Articles 16, 17, 19, 39, (p. 20-21) 41, 42, 43 and 46 and the referendum on 10- Programme in Monitor- on Supplementing the Law on the Ratification 11 May 2003 as well as ing and Assessment of Law on Public Service of Agreement of the President’s Decree No. Long-Range No.IXP-2769. The Republic of Lithuania 184 of 21 August 2003, Transboundary Air purpose of this law is to and the Republic of the Seimas of the Pollution in Europe prepare the public Iceland, Principality of Republic of Lithuania (EMEP) service for the Euro- Liechtenstein and ratified the Treaty pean integration Kingdom of Norway on signed in Athens on 16 Law on the Ratification processes and establish Conformity Assessment April 2003 of Cartagena Protocol measures that would and Acceptance of on Bio Safety of the encourage Lithuanian Industrial Products. Law on the Ratification Convention of Biologi- officials working at the of the Agreement of the cal Diversity international institu- Law on the Ratification Government of the tions and organisations of the United Nations Republic of Lithuania Law on the Ratification as well as the institu- Convention on the Law and the Government of of the Statutes of the tions and agencies of of the Sea and Agree- the Kingdom of Bel- World Tourism Organi- the European Union to ment Relating to the gium on Mutual Ad- sation return to the public Implementation of Part ministrative Assistance service of the Republic XI of the 10 December in Customs Matters THE SEIMAS of Lithuania (p. 21) 1982 United Nations BEGAN Convention on the Law Law on the Ratification DELIBERATIONS Draft Law Supplement- of the Sea. of Decision III/1 of the ing Article 9 of the Conference of Coun- Draft Law on the Republic of Lithuania THE SEIMAS OF tries of 1989 Basel Production Tax for Law on the Protection THE REPUBLIC OF Convention on the Quota Sugar and of Minors against LITHUANIA RATI- Control of Additional Tax on Detrimental Effect of FIED EU ACCES- Transboundary Move- Sugar Production No. Public Information SION TREATY ments of Hazardous IXP-2770 ES. The Draft No.IXP-2864. The Wastes and their Law on the Production amendment classes the 16 September. Following Disposal (Amendment Tax for Quota Sugar municipalities as Subparagraph 16 of of Basel Convention) and Additional Tax on institutions that along Article 67 and Sugar Production with the Inspector of Subparagraph 6 of Law on the Ratification proposes to establish Journalist Ethics bear Paragraph 1 of Article of the Convention on taxes for white sugar responsibility for the 138 of the Constitution Long-Range produced within the implementation of the of the Republic of Transboundary Air white sugar quota that provisions of the Law Lithuania and taking Pollution Protocol was allocated to Lithua- on the Protection of into account the na- Regarding the Financ- nia as a result of Minors against Detri- tion’s will expressed in ing of Cooperation negotiations with the mental Effect of Public 3 SUMMARY Lithuanian Parliamentary Mirror No 8-9 (72-73) Information. According to the initiators of the SUMMARY draft law (Ministry of Culture), the institu- tions responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Minors against Detri- mental Effect of Public Information noticed in the course of their activities that more has to be done about external advertising and public events held in the territories of the On 24-26 August, the forces remains one of Institute of Interna- municipalities to Speakers and Secretar- the priorities on the tional Relations and protect minors from ies General of the agenda of the develop- Political Science of detrimental effect of Nordic and Baltic ment of Lithuanian Vilnius University public information Parliaments met in army and he added that (p. 32) (p. 23) Palanga. This is a in principle parliamen- traditional meeting of tary parties in Lithuania VISITS, MISSIONS, INTERNATIONAL the heads of the Nordic agree on Lithuania’s BUSINESS TRIPS RELATIONS and Baltic Parliaments, participation in interna- (p. 33-35) which for the first time tional operations A delegation of the was held in Lithuania (p. 30) CHAIRMAN OF THE parliamentarians of the (p. 27) SEIMAS countries, participating On 26 September, in the activity of the The meeting of Chair- Chairman of the Speech by Mr Artûras South Caucasus man of the Committee Committee on the Paulauskas, Chairman Parliamentary Initia- on National Security European Affairs of the Seimas at the tive (SCPI), including and Defence of the Vytenis Povilas Andriu- Meeting of the Speak- the members of Arme- Seimas Alvydas Sadec- kaitis, Seimas observer ers of Nordic and Baltic nian, Azerbaijani and kas with the USA at the European Parliaments in Palanga Georgian parliaments officers serving at Parliament Egidijus on 24-26, August 2003 and the representatives special forces head- Vareikis and Seimas (p. 36) of LINKS, a non- quarters was held at the representative to the governmental organisa- Seimas. During the Convention Algirdas Address by Mr. Artûras tion of the United meeting the partici- Gricius participated in Paulauskas, Chairman Kingdom, visited the pants exchanged a round-table discus- of the Seimas of the Seimas on 5 August.
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