Fastrac Blox continued from page 2 While Tomcat® and Jaguar® rodenticides Garcia joins Bell as Registrations Specialist are a popular choice among PMPs, Fastrac is an acute bait with unsurpassed rodent ac- anuel Garcia joins Bell Laboratories Affairs. ceptance and control with recognized stop- as an International Registration Spe- “Manuel will be a great asset to the regis- feed action. Fastrac can kill rats and mice in Mcialist where he will manage the registration tration team,” said Lublinkhof. “Especially one or two days after consuming a lethal of Bell Products in Latin American countries. as Bell ventures into new areas of opportu- dose. Garcia ensures that all requirements for nity in the Latin American region.” Bell's patented All-Weather Blox have mul- registering new products and re-registering Garcia is from Madrid, Spain, graduating tiple edges that appeal to a rodent's desire to existing products are fulfilled. With products with a degree in Business Studies from the gnaw and contain the highest-grade toxicants registered in several Central and South University of Salamanca in Spain, and re- and inert ingredients for outstanding rodent American countries as well as the Caribbean, ceived a Masters in International Marketing acceptance and control. They work well in updating registrations is ongoing at Bell. He from RTC Technical College in Sligo, Ire- any condition -- wet or dry, indoors or out. works closely with Bell’s biology and chem- land. “We are certain Fastrac will be an excellent istry laboratories, coordinating the regulatory Prior to joining Bell, Garcia worked as an tool for the pest control industry in South agencies’ data requirements. Account Manager for Bank of America in Africa,” said Hudson. “Providing reassurance Garcia will work with Torill Holm, Bell’s Madrid, and more recently as a Relationship V O L U M E 1 8 l N U M B E R 3 l JULY-SEPTEMBER 2015 to the end user that even the toughest ac- Senior International Registration Specialist, Banker for Associated Bank in Madison, Wis. counts can be rodent free.” and John Lublinkhof, Director of Regulatory He is fluent in Spanish and English. I Island Conservation continued from page 3 This is because the inherent isolation of these project headquarters. islands and typical lack of predators means “In the last few days of the operation more that just a few rodents left unkilled will repop- Polynesian Ground-dove and Tuamotu Sand- ulate and resume their destructive ways in just piper were sighted on Vahanga,” said Richard a few years. Griffiths, Island Conservation Project Direc- After initial surveys, the project shows signs tor. “This is a sign of hope for recovery not of success. “It will be one year before we can only for these French Polynesian species, but declare the six islands rat-free, but initial signs for the hundreds of threatened island species are very positive,” said Steve Cranwell – Op- around the world waiting for similar interven- eration Manager and Invasive Species expert tions on their behalf.” I from BirdLife Pacific, in a recent report from Use pesticides safely. Always read the label. Follow the Alliance Code of Practice for glue boards in the U.K. Sweet Success For Bell’s T-Rex A sugarcane crop was providing the sweet life for a hardy population of Cotton Rats in Guatemala, that is, until Bell’s T-Rex®. ats are nothing new to sugarcane pro- sugar production. It’s a costly pest problem ducers in Guatemala. As one of the that requires creative methods to eliminate. mostR damaging pests that growers have to deal After a recent presentation with the Sugar- with, managers and producers stop at nothing cane Growers Pest Control Association, Bell’s to protect their valuable crop from a rodent’s Latin American Business Manager, Dan De sweet tooth. Poli, gave a box of Bell’s Trapper T-Rex Rat Rodents, in particular the Cotton Rat, cause Snap Traps to sugarcane producers to test in drs evc Requested Service Address extensive destruction to sugarcane yield. Rats the fields. After much success, one company gnaw through the ring of the sugarcane stalk in in particular, Ingenio Madre Tierra, was ready www.belllabs.com order to eat the juicy tissue inside. This causes to put the T-Rex to the ultimate test. emt1355 Permit AIO,W 53704 WI MADISON, l BLVD. KINSMAN 3699 aio,WI Madison, anything above the chewed portion to die and Ingenio Madre Tierra (translates to ‘Mother PAID attracts insects and other pests to the hollowed Earth’) is Guatemala’s fourth largest sugarcane out section. producer, and second largest in output. With SPostage US Just a mere six inches of gnawing can com- over 18,500 hectares of crop (plus production RR STD PRSRT pletely damage a full 30-foot sugarcane stalk. facilities), an aggressive Integrated Pest Man- Every one percent of damage to each hectare agement (IPM) program is fundamental to suc- of crop represents half a ton (1,000 lbs) lost in cessful crop maintenance. Continued on page 2 T-Rex Continued from front page Bell’s Trapper T-Rex snap traps to use for not Another benefit of T-Rex was the ease-of- only trapping, but also monitoring rodent pres- use for applicators in the field. “They are sure. They placed seven traps in each hectare much easier to use and safer for our employ- of land, using corn tortillas as an attractant. ees,” said Perez. Based on the percent of captures, Perez would When setting 3,000 traps across 18,500 then determine the amount of bait to use. hectares of land (that is about 45,700 acres), “If the catch rate per hectare was less than safety and ease-of-use is of top priority. The T- 8%, no baiting took place. 8%-15%, then one Rex is a safer option because it can be set eas- FASTRAC BLOX now kilo of bait was placed per hectare. 16%-30% ily by foot or hand. Applicators simply have - two kilos, and so on,” explained De Poli. to press the lever on the back of the trap and Return to Paradise available in South Africa This strategy avoided the costly mistake of they are good to go. The removable bait cup Restoring the French Polynesian Islands either overbaiting or underbaiting the fields as can be withdrawn to fill with an attractant, and rofessional pest controllers in South part of an ongoing effort to use less rodenti- then re-inserted without having the trap set. Africa have a new bait to fight rodent nother island rat eradication project is population, with BirdLife International esti- ® cides. “With the results and durability of the T- Pinfestations, with Bell’s Fastrac All-Weather underway, this time in the Pacific par- mating fewer than 100 birds remain today. ® Rex, they’ve already paid for themselves,” said Blox , with the active ingredient Traps and IPM adise of the French Polynesian Islands. Lo- Perez. The team at Ingenio Madre Tierra is so A A Familiar Story Bromethalin. cated in the South Pacific Ocean halfway In crop and commercial food processing ac- pleased with how T-Rex has performed in the Launched in July, Brady Hudson, Bell’s between California and Australia, it is Despite the isolation of these islands, res- counts, trapping is an essential component to a sugarcane fields; they will soon place an order Market Manager for UK and South Africa, known as an exclusive island escape, filled ident species were not immune to human in- comprehensive IPM approach to rodent pre- for 2,000 additional traps. and Tino Panetta, Bell’s EMEA Business with stunning turquoise lagoons and pictur- terference. Decades ago the Norway rat, vention and control. It can be the most effec- “Our T-Rex continues to be a favorite tool Manager, spent a week promoting the new esque romantic landscapes. Polynesian rat and other invasive species tive method to eliminate rodents quickly. Dead used for IPM in Latin America,” said De Poli. product offering to Pathogen & Environ- Visited by honeymooners and travelers overran the island groups of French Polyne- rodents can easily be disposed, eliminating any “When it comes to mechanical control, it has mental Services (PES) in South Africa. alike, the island is now the site to what will sia. They fed on the young chicks and odors or other issues. quickly become the market’s number one PES is Bell’s exclusive distributor for likely be the largest ever rat eradication proj- hatchlings of the famed ground-dove, along “We are trying to reduce our bait usage con- choice.” I South Africa, with offices near Cape Town, with native species including the endangered siderably by increasing the amount of traps,” ect. BirdLife International, with SOP Manu Johannesburg and Durban. They are the (BirdLife Partner in French Polynesia) and Tuamotu Sandpiper. Nests built throughout the sugarcane fields entice said Perez. “Not only to monitor, but also to leading provider of products to the profes- Island Conservation are leading the opera- Because the island species evolved with- birds-of-prey that hunt rodents control and reduce populations mechanically.” sional pest control industry across Sub-Sa- out predatory animals, they were particu- The T-Rex not only traps rodents with its tion across the remote areas of the French hara Africa. Polynesian Islands. larly susceptible to hungry rodents that The man in charge of such a project is Fer- patented interlocking teeth, but it’s also built Hudson and Panetta spent the week meet- The first phase of bait application fin- preyed on the eggs and chicks of the flight- nel Perez, from the Guatemala Agricultural with a durable plastic material to withstand the ing with PES representatives Reon and ished in July of this year.
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