Feature Open-access mega-journals As most major publishers have now launched a mega-journal with new approaches to scale, scope, and quality, a project team headed by Stephen Pinfield at Sheffield University is investigating the phenomenon which is causing some debate and controversy. ONE of the most important trends in ­scientific­publishing­over­the­past­­decade­ The authors: at Sheffield University, has­been­the­advent­of­the­so-called­ Peter Willett is Co-Investigator; Stephen Pinfield is the OAMJ project’s Principal open-access­(OA)­‘mega-journal’.­In­2015,­ Investigator; and Simon Wakeling is a­team­from­the­Universities­of­­Sheffield­ Research Associate ([email protected]). and­Loughborough,­led­by­Stephen­ ­Pinfield,­was­awarded­a­grant­by­the­ Arts­and­Humanities­Research­Council­ (AHRC)­to­analyse­the­characteristics­of­the­ ­phenomenon­and­evaluate­its­significance­ for­the­research­community­and­beyond.­ This­article­provides­a­brief­introduction­ to­mega-journals,­based­on­the­literature­ review­undertaken­in­the­first­phase­of­that­ project.1 Open-access mega-journals (OAMJs) several titles which can be grouped under now appear to be an established part of At Loughborough University, Valerie Spezi this broad heading. The first such journal, the scholarly communication landscape. ([email protected]) is Research PLOS ONE launched in 2006, has been Associate and Claire Creaser and Jenny Almost all major publishers have now followed by titles such as PeerJ, BMJ Open, Fry are Co-Investigators. launched their own mega-journal. Their and Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), to combination of new approaches to scale, name only a few. Size is relative, however, scope, and quality – in conjunction with an with both PLOS ONE and Scientific Reports OA business model – mean that they have each publishing more than 10,000 citable given rise to debate and controversy, some articles in 2015, while others are, by com- of it heated. parison, somewhat smaller, albeit still much What is a ‘mega-journal’? larger than many academic journals, e.g. PeerJ published some 800 articles in 2015. The term ‘mega-journal’ was first used One key reason for such large numbers is specifically in relation to journal size, but having a broad subject scope: PLOS ONE is now used more widely, and there are Table­1:­Criteria­for­a­mega-journal Primary criteria Secondary criteria l Large publishing volume or aiming for it l Moderate APC l Broad subject area l High-prestige publisher l l Peer review of scientific soundness only Academic editors l Reusable graphics & data Open-access mega-journals l Full open access with APC (OAMJs) now appear to be l Altmetrics an established part of the l Commenting scholarly communication l Portable reviews landscape. l Rapid publication March 2017 CILIPUPDATE 31 Open Acess Mega Journals pp31-33.indd 1 23/02/2017 15:53 accepts articles from all science, technology and medicine (STM) disciplines and some social scienc- es. Articles are not assessed on their potential ‘interest’ to a nar- row subject community, nor on cri- teria of ‘novelty’ or ‘importance’, judgements which are traditional- ly central to the acceptance criteria of the majority of established peer-reviewed titles. Rather, PLOS ONE assesses articles based on the primary criterion of ‘scientific soundness’, and all articles which meet this quality threshold (within the very broad subject coverage) are accepted for publication. As a result, the term ‘mega-jour- nal’ has become associated not merely with large-scale publishing output, but also breadth of scope and peer-review criteria based spe- cifically on soundness, as well as the basic criterion of open access, normally with a business model of pre-publication article-processing charges Figure­1:­Article­numbers­in­the­11­largest­mega-journals,­2006-2015. (APCs). The key elements are summarised in table 1 together with several secondary Source:­Scopus. criteria, some or all of which are character- istic of many mega-journals. 2 prolific title, publishing 1,940 research ar- to debate whether some of the smaller me- These criteria (derived from Björk) are ticles compared to PLOS ONE’s 1,756. RSC ga-journal titles are large enough to justify somewhat subjective, so that providing an Advances, the third most productive title in the ‘mega’ prefix. exact classification is challenging – when 2015, published over 12,800 articles in 2015, can a journal be described as ‘mega’? We and is now, as of the beginning of 2017, 2­How­broad­is­‘broad’? discuss the primary criteria further in the Gold OA, but still has a traditional peer Large publication volumes are generally remainder of this section. review process.4 associated with broad disciplinary scope, Other mega-journal titles also grew the second of the Björk criteria. Broad 1­How­large­is­‘large’? during the period, but with much smaller scope is a major departure from scholarly Bibliometric work conducted by the re- numbers of articles, between 500-1,000 arti- publishing trends of the last 50 years, which search team reveals variations in mega-jour- cles a year. Bearing in mind that publication have been characterised by ever-increas- nal size.3 In 2015, the combined outputs volumes are strongly discipline-depend- ing levels of subject specialisation. Many of the 11 mega-journals that meet a strict ent, this places them at the same level as mega-journals cover an entire discipline interpretation of Björk’s primary criteria some large, well-established STM journals (e.g. all life sciences; all of physics) or a and that are also indexed in Scopus totalled based on conventional interest and signifi- range of disciplines (e.g. all science, tech- 44,820 articles (Figure 1). PLOS ONE clearly cance-based peer review; indeed, 15 other nology and medicine). Heliyon, launched in dominates this figure. However, 2013 was titles indexed in Web of Science published 2015, covers all academic disciplines. Again, a high point in PLOS ONE output, with a more than 3,000 articles in 2015, and more this is not unique to mega-journals – Nature decline to 27,488 in 2015, while Nature’s than 400 published over 500 articles in that and Science have long covered all scientific Scientific Reports grew from 2,494 in 2013 to year. While such titles are in the largest one disciplines, while RSC Advances covers ‘all 10,600 in 2015. In September 2016, Scientific per cent of all journals, the lack of a clearly of the chemical sciences, including multi- Reports overtook PLOS ONE as the most agreed definition means it remains open disciplinary and emerging areas’ detailing over 100 topics which are included. Notwithstanding their theoretically The OAMJ Project broad scope, mega-journals have been dominated by biomedical disciplines in We are conducting terms of the number of articles published. a two-year project One factor may be the wider acceptance of funded by AHRC to Gold OA publishing by these disciplines, explore the recent and the willingness of the cognate fund- phenomenon of open-access ing agencies to support the associated mega-journals and the future of costs. There is evidence, however, that scholarly communication. other disciplines, particularly the physical This is a collaboration between Lough- sciences, are now adopting mega-journals, borough University and Sheffield University. for example AIP Advances in physics, with The project is led by Stephen Pinfield a small number of OAMJ initiatives in the from SheffieldUniversity. Further details humanities and social sciences, notably can be found on our project website at http://oamj.org/ Follow us on twitter at SAGE Open, launched in 2011, and the @OAMJ_Project Open Library of the Humanities, launched in 2014. 32 CILIPUPDATE March 2017 Open Acess Mega Journals pp31-33.indd 2 23/02/2017 15:53 3­Approach­to­Peer­Review publishing volume is clearly facilitated mega-journals, interviewing publishers, This is perhaps the criterion which most by broad subject scope and objective peer conducting subject-based case studies, and closely defines the mega-journal and is review, but which of these criteria is the a broad survey of academics to analyse the certainly the most controversial. Me- driving aim? Alternatively, do publishers characteristics of the emergent open-access ga-journals’ approach to quality control of mega-journals simply wish to imple- ‘mega-journal’ phenomenon and evaluate – peer review based only on scientific ment a novel and more ‘democratic’ ap- its significance for the research community soundness – has been criticised as rep- proach to scholarly publishing? In practice, and beyond. resenting a decline in quality standards, the answer is likely to differ for the various labelled, for example, as ‘light peer OAMJ publishers, and one of the aims of Conclusion review’. By dispensing with traditional our project is to obtain the views of a range Mega-journals have the potential to peer review processes, mega-journals are of stakeholders on this and other aspects of fundamentally alter the scholarly com- seen as casting off the valuable filtering the OAMJ phenomenon. munication landscape and this may have function of journals that researchers Mega-journals themselves are hetero- direct implications for research support rely on, even if only to save them time. geneous in terms of their characteristics. librarians, serials librarians, and research Mega-journals, it is argued, simply have a Key components of OAMJs are being libraries as a whole. Librarians have a lower quality bar. implemented and combined in different key role to play in the evolving scholarly On the other hand, it is also argued ways. It remains to be seen whether this communication landscape, particularly as that peer review focused on soundness – will simply add to the range of choices for their role as curators of scholarly output is described more positively as ‘objective peer authors so that mega-journals find an ac- changing, moving from serials purchasing review’ – avoids the subjectivity associated commodation with conventional selective decisions to signposting resources in the with peer reviewers judging the novelty of journals, or whether mega-journals signal increasingly open access journal landscape.
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