. «S WHOLE NUMBER 1583. NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1878. YOL. LXI.--NUMBER 19 Bo it enacted by the Senate and nouse of lepr«- The Mother's Lesson. mons anil I fought Mr. Brown energetically ner, which shall be as valid as if recorded by EQUIPMENT. snntntivesin General Assembly convened. NORWALK GAZETTE, • .' Harouu AI Kascliid. REALESTATE. but in vain. The last words he uttered as lie the judgment creditor himself. Number of locomotives (not in-' No lease of any railroad h.-ieafter made BT SALVIA DALE. One day, Haroun Al Kaschid read Sec. 4. Nothing in this act contained shall eluding switching engines). shall be'binding on either of t'ia contracting PUBLISHED EVEBHUiSDAY MOBIIRQ. left the room were, "Depend upon it, Miss Average weight of same includ­ A book wherein the poet said: lie construed toauthorize any such lien to hold parties for a period of iro n than twilve To Rent. "A story, a story, dear mother," Abigail, I'm right. I seldom make a mistake and be valid as to any real estate, or any in­ ing lender, water, and fuel. months unless the same shall bj approved by Tlie Seeomt Oldest Paper In tlie State. Centaur Entreated the soft, tender voice, Number of switching engines. •' Where are the kings, and where the rest about such things, and I am certain that Mr. terest therein, which might not have been the stockholders of the ccmpany or com­ The First Floor of a Dwelling House, with levied upon under an execution On the same Number of passenger cars. panies that arc parties to the lease by a vote Whose faintest echoes could ever 5 ' O.f men who once the world possessed ? Streams will be acknowledged by. posterity Number of baggage and mail errs. judgment, at the date of filing such lien. of two-thirds of tho stockholders called for OFFICE JN UAZETTli BUILDIJS'Q. kitchen, basement, ctc. Apply to My spirit refresh and rejoice. as the preacher of the 19th century." "Well, Sec. 5. Any such lien may be foreclosed, Number of merchandise cars. that purpose, and at least one month's no­ "Do tell me a nice little story, They're gone with all their pomp and shew, Mr. Brown," I replied, "I always thought or redeemed in the same manner as. mortga­ Number of coal, gravel and othc r tice shall be given of such meeting by adver­ R. L. ELLS. They're gone the way that thou shalt go. cars. And I'll be so glad and so good." that the world is degenerating, but even I ges upon the same estate. tising twice a week for four weeks'in a daily A. H. BYINGTQN & CO. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect from its Number of locomotives equipped paper published in the state, and also by And my loving smile was an answer O thou who choosest for thy share cannot make up my mind to believe that pos­ with train brakes. For Sale. passage. t mailing a copy of the call and of the lease to A. II. BYINOTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. Liniments. The pleader quite well understood, The world, and what the world calls fair, terity will be such a fool as that!" Approved March 29, 1878. Number of cars equipped with each stockholder, and said notice and call cosy comfortable Cottage on one of tiiOpU'iis- For she sprang to my arms in a moment It was about a month after this that my train brakes. shall state that at the meeting the lease will A antcst streets in town, within live minute* Name of brake. walk of the Bridge or Churches, will be cold at And gleefully mounted the throne, " Take all that it can give or lend, rejection took place. I had noticed that he House Bill No. 174. be submitted for the approval of the stock­ Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. cost pi ice. A portion ol the purchase money can More than 1,000,000 bottles of the now celebrat­ ClIAl'TJSIt L1X. Number of passenger train cars remain on boad and mortgage. Price S'j.000. En­ Where gayly and proud'y tin quiincd it But know that death is at the end!" :• holders. ed Centaur Liniments were sold last year. looked at me in a curious way as though lie An Act authorizing the Directors of the State with patent platform, bulfcr Approved March 27, 1878. Single Copies 5 Cents. quire at this Office. O'er a realm that was all her own. had something to say and didn't knew how Prison to fis the number of Assistants to and coupler. We assort without tear of contradiction that no Ilaroun Al Easchid bowed his head ; man, woman or child will say that they did not to say it, and also that he sighed a good deal the Warden. Name of patent. Ilnnse Bill No. 23S. 'Twas Ihe licmr of twilight so peaceful, Tears fell upon the page as he read. Be it cnactted by the Senate and House of uepre- . FAP.ES, FBEIAILT, BTO. CHAPTFn. LXV'I. perform according to the advertisement. We do and I concluded that he had fallen in love scntatives iu lieteral Assembly convened : # Advertising Kates: not pretend that the Centaur Linimentswill Sj dear in its soothing repose. — Tlmry W. Longfellow in St. Nicholas. Average rate per mile reciveil An Act relating to Expenses of Contestants DESIRABLE PROPERTY Section 1. The warden of the state- pris­ Fourliuesor loas, 1 insertion 50cts 3 times 31 so mend a broken leg or perform impossibilities, with one of tho pretty girls in Zoar and on shall bo assisted by such number of offi­ from passengers on roads oper­ forSc-^tsin the Qeneral Assembly. When the jarring of life's many discords Bo it enacted by llio Senate and llonstt ol ]>e| ro- (Jnc Square,one insertion, - - - - - - l ou FOR SAIiS ! but wc do say and mean that these Liniments Forllie Gazette. wanted some,one to confide in.;-The very cers and men as the.direetors slifll, from time ated by this eompan}', exclud­ senlatives in iicnernl Assembly eonvencd. Seems stilled by the day's soft close; ing season ticket passengers. Per week, for continuance, - - - .... 50 HE very desirably located homestead, lormer- will come nearer workingmiracles than anything J he Trial ot my .Life. thought softened my heart and I was as gen to time, determine. No contestants lor seals in either house of T ly known as tlie McClure place, pleasantly ever before discovered. Wc have thousands of When the heart seems to bask in the quiet Average rate per mile for season OneSquare, SixMonths, - ------- 700 situated on the corner ol Main Street and North tie as I could be to the man, made the cake Sec. 2. So much of title nine, chapter the general assembly, shall te allowed more certificates showing how remarkable cures of ob> And the mind to partake of the rest one, section four of tiie general statutes as ticket passengers, reckoning than one hundred dollars for'attorney fees " '* ou2 year—with paper - - -15 00 Avenue, is oQ'ercd lor sale. It is near the busi­ . J, _'*i . BY R K. he liked best, didn't snub bint any more than one round trip per day to each Two '• " «•»•«< ... 2100 ness center ol the town, and still somewhat retir­ stinate cases oi Rheumatism, Neuralgia,Sciatica, That broods over nature's vast workings, provides that no more than twelve officers and expenses, together with the legal fees ed and shaded by grand old elms. It is on high Caked Brcast9,Poisonous Bites,Scalds and Burns Were you ever rejected ? I don't ask the was unavoidable, and, in short, acted as a and men shall be appointed to assist the war­ ticket. - of \vitnt3sses summoned with the approval of Three" '• " " " - - - - 3»00 ground, and in a good neighborhood. Apply to Like a fond mother bird o'er her nest. Average rate of fare per mile Quarter ot a Column, onetime, - - - - -.5 00 Swelled Legs and Stiff Joints, &c., have been ei- men. I expect they've walked that little fig­ maiden aunt would do under the circumstan­ den,'is hereby repealed.' the committee oa- contested election*. ALLEN G. BET'lS, Gazette Ollice. Approved March 27, 1878.* from all passengers. One quartercolumn, one year, - - - - - 50 00 Icctcd by it. The certificates all read one way, Ah! little can they who forever, ure at least once in their lives. I speak to ces. I was richly repaid for it. Idiot! It and the sale is constantly increasing. We will Total number of passengors car­ House Bill No. 179. One lull Column, onetime, - - - - - 10 00 By greenwood and streamlet abide, women only, and I solemnly ask you, my was Wednesday evening just after the service. IIOUSA Bill No. 26G. ried. CHAPTER I.XV1I. ' One half Column, one yei.r, ----- - 8000 For Sale send these certificates gratis. Some of them may Know the wanderer's joy in the desert, ; * sisters, were you ever rejected ? Of course I had come home and taken off my things CHATTER LX. Passenger mileage, or passengers An Act relatiug to time of Payment oC Taxes Full Column, one time, -------- 20 00 Or Exchange for Norwalk Prop- be found around each bottle ot Liniment. The An Act relating to the Annual Returns of carried one mile. on Property Receipts. ITullUolumn, one year, .- - -• r. - - - 15100 ; Liniments are quick, tbey arc reliable, they are Where the vases gleam at his side, U not 1 Did you ever have any female relative and then gone out on the south porch to Railroad Companies.
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