Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:280 Price: Afs.15 SATURDAY . MAY 16 . 2015 -Sawr 26, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes Pakistan launches yet MoPh Billboards: Dissidence breaks Govt officials, crackdown lawmakers another military on private out as people in Charikar declare blamed for offensive against HOSPITALS ABDULLAH AS PRESIDENT Badakhshan’s insecurity Taliban in N-Waziristan SLAMMED AT Monitoring Desk AT Monitoring Desk Pakistan’s security officials confirm AfPak AT Monitoring Desk KABUL: A number of people, in parts of Charikar city of central KABUL: A number of experts, coordination to check infiltration into Af- KABUL: Condemning the crack- Parwan province, declared Abdul- activists and residents of the north- ghanistan in the wake of the military operation down of the Ministry of Public lah Abdullah the Chief Executive eastern Badakhshan province the Health (MoPH) against private of the National Unity Government other day held a gathering in Kab- Muhammad Nadeem surgents would be attacked from hospitals, private health centers as the president of Afghanistan. ul to exchange views on growing different directions. “As the gov- association said that some govern- According to Afghan Pajhwok insecurity in northern provinces. PESHAWAR: In a bid to eliminate ernment wants to conclude the ment officials were hell-bent on News, residents of Pul-i-Lashmak Participants of the event operation soon. Therefore, the se- tarnishing the image of private hos- area of Charikar, the capital city claimed that a number of govern- remaining shelters of the Taliban pitals. Aziz Amir, head of the as- in North Waziristan, Pakistani se- curity forces will enter from two of Parwan, have installed billboards ment officials and members of the to three directions,” he sociation, told reporters on Friday showing Abdullah Abdullah as the parliament were behind deteriorat- curity forces have launched an op- that the MoPH have sealed some eration on Friday. According to added.Responding to a question, president. The lines written in Dari ed security situation in the coun- private hospitals without assess- read as: ‘Dr. Abdullah Abdullah the try. They said that MPs and gov- officials, the insurgents loyal to the he said the Afghan authorities were ing their performances. He said Afghan Taliban and the Islamic informed of the operation in order President of the Islamic Republic ernment officials from Badakhshan that private hospitals treat around of Afghanistan.’ Portraits of Ab- have hand in insecurity in the prov- State were hiding in the Shawal to beef up security. “Afghan au- 8 million patients annually. “If the Valley of North Wazristan. North thorities had been assured that dullah’s deputies are also installed ince in order to chase their own government seal private healthcare on the billboards showing them as political and economic aims. Waziristan is one of the seven agen- there would be no distinction be- centers, then people would have cies that make the Federally Ad- tween the Afghan and Pakistani ‘the first and second vice presi- Waqif Hakimi, an analyst in no other choice, than going for dents of Afghanistan’. Analysts political affairs, told the gathering ministered Tribal Areas (FATA). Taliban. The security forces will treatment abroad,” he added. The Thick forests are helping the mili- eliminate sanctuaries of all militant believe the act is the backfire of that lawmakers and judiciaries MoPH recently blacklisted nine the fraud allegations traded be- Parwan residents, as they say that smooth running of the government should stop interference in Bada- tant groups to remain untouched, groups and will treat them alike,” private hospitals and limited the he said. Another official, who de- tween Abdullah Abdullah and the photos reveal political insta- affairs,” he commented. Ozam Al- khshan. He said the government is so far. On Friday morning, activities of 28 other hospitals. The Ashraf Ghani campaigners soon nied to be identified, confirmed that bility in the country and that un- ipur, a resident of Charikar city, also blamed for growing insecuri- Pakistani fighter jets started bomb- ministry said that the above men- after the Presidential polls were dermines people’s confidence in said such an attempt by a number ing the hideouts of the militants in there was discussion about coor- ty in the province as it paves the tioned hospitals lacked facilities over in April 2014. Now the two the government. Abdul Rab Baha- of the residents indicates the weak- ground for MPs’ illegal inference the valley, an official at the FATA dination between Afghan and Pa- and professionals to treat patients. have formed a National Unity dur, a lecturer in a private univer- ness of the unity government. He Secretariat said on the condition kistani authorities regarding the in Badakhshan. “The current emer- The blacklisted hospitals include Government. When the presiden- sity in Parwan said that as per the said the government has control of gence of the Taliban rebels in Bada- of anonymity. The FATA Secre- operation. He said the two sides Ali Sina Hospital based in Kart-e tial race was hit by a standstill and agreement of the National Unity 50 percent of Charikar city while tariat is responsible for political agreed on the coordination mecha- khshan was planned several years Seh, Spinghar Hospital in Kot-e an international intervention be- Government, Abdullah Abdullah is the remaining 50 percent is admin- back. Rivalries and illegal interfer- administration of the tribal belt nism during the recent visit of Sangi, Madawa Hospital on Com- came inevitable, supporters of Ab- the Chief Executive of Afghani- istered by people. The report quot- along the Durand Line. The offi- Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to ence of lawmakers in some parts pany Road, Shamsur Raman Hos- dullah Abdullah has installed sim- stan, not the president. He said that ed Abdul Basir Salangi, the acting of the province has raised insecu- cial said that around 15 militants Kabul. Such other operations are pital in Kart-e Now, Karim Rah- ilar billboards and posters declar- depicting Abdullah Abdullah as the governor of Parwan, as saying that were killed in the bombings. He on the cards to improve Afghan- rity in the province,” he added. man Hospital in Khair Khana, ing him the winner of the polls and president of Afghanistan while he the posters have been installed by Another participant, Abdul said the Frontier Corps, a para- Pak ties, the official said, adding Gulab Ahmad Zai Hospital in Ar- the ultimate the president. How- is the chief Executive affects the a number of local commanders. military force, and army troops are that the coordination would help Wadud, said the government is not zan Qeemat, Halaj Hospital in ever, the political stalemate was mindset of the people and may trig- Salangi did not provide details. As interested and committed to sup- taking part in the large-scale oper- to prevent militants from taking Khair Khana, Faisal Hospital on defused by an international medi- ger political unrest across the po- per the source, the spokesmen of ation. He said the valley which is shelter in other parts of the tribal press the Taliban in Badakhshan, Sarsabzi Road and Khurami Hos- ation. The report said that the pic- litical landscape of the country. the Chief Executive turned down or it has deliberately ignored influ- considered a stronghold of the in- belt or Afghanistan. tures have provoked a number of pital in Khair Khana. “This act potentially can affect the to comment on the matter. ence of the militants in the north- eastern province. He suggested the government to assign a fact finding team to find Italy pledges long term Taliban pushed back in the root cause for escalating inse- curity in Badakhshan. Musa Juyinda, a participant of the event, said that Badakhs- support to Afghanistan GHOR: GOVERNOR han’s situation is worsening as even MPs are not able to travel to are currently surrounded by secu- AT Monitoring Desk AT Monitoring Desk report, a group of 20 militants have the province for assessing its situ- Salahuddin Rabbani, and his Ital- opment and efforts for the peace rity forces. He said that airstrikes surrendered to the government in ation. He urged the government to KABUL: In the sidelines of ian counterpart, Paolo Gentiloni process of the National Unity KABUL: Security forces have sur- have killed and wounded scores of northern Kunduz province. A pay serious attention in this re- NATO’s ministerial meeting in signed the agreement in a meeting Government. The Italian external rounded the Taliban militants in Taliban militants on Friday. Rah- statement issued by the National gard and uproot insecurity in the Turkey, Afghan and Italian minis- in the Turkish city of Antalya. affairs minister reiterated that his Charsada district of Ghor province, mati was confident that security Directorate of Security (NDS) said province. Hinting at joblessness ters signed an agreement to estab- Rabbani thanked Italy for its country would support economic said acting governor of the prov- forces will clear the district from that the militants along with their among Badakhshan youth, he said lish a joint commission for boost- support to Afghanistan in past 14 development of Afghanistan. “We ince. Sayed Anwar Rahmati said presence of militants soon. It is commander, Shikh Zahir, handed dozens of highly educated young ing bilateral ties between the two years, and said the country has have a long-term policy of assist- that heavy fighting is going on be- worth mentioning that the Taliban over their weapons to security forc- generation are jobless in the prov- countries, a statement on Friday. made improvement in different ing Afghanistan which has helped tween security forces and the Tal- militants have mounted their at- es.
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