.,t -... - TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 19S9 PAGE FOURTEEN ATcraire Daily Net Press Run The Weather J®aitrlfp0tpr lEupitittg H|fralh For the W«ek EsdliiK FnrrgM t of U. 8. Weather Bureau JM W iry 10th, IBBS Innreaaing rioudineaa folluwed Two fire engines from companies ; hy ennw or rain tnnight. I/ns' 28 tn 1 and ♦ of the Town Fire Depart-' Marlow Store | 12,864 $2. Oenaelonal rain ThhrMlay. About Town menl put out a small grass fire Member «( the Audit High near 40. at 710 Keeney St. yesterday after­ Bureau o( Ctrcnlatlon X- T»i« HoUl»ter TTA will hoM it* noon. Dam.»ge was negligible. Incorporates Manche$ter-—A City of Village Charm lint mwUng of the ye»r tonight ; «t « o'clock in the «udltorium : The Holy Ghost Mothers Oinie Mallow's Department Store atJ (naaalfled Advertising on Page 26) RAynond D. Stinchfleld. nssistont will meet tonight at T't.i at the 861-807 Main St. has Incorporated j VOL, LXXVIII,«NO. 88 (TW ENTY-eTg H T p a g e s — t w o SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14. 19.19 PRICE FIVE CENTS AUj^rlntendent of school*, will dts-1 home of Mrs. .lohn Malone. 3 cuas Uie vtrioiL* testing systems Quaker Hd. The Rev. .John BIsn after operating as a proprietorship 11 MANCHESTER used In the Manchester school sys­ field will he the guest s p e a k ^ for <7 vears. | tem. A brief meeting of the exec- i According to papers filed in the uUve boerd w ll be held tr the li- . The weekly meeting of jXe Man­ town clerk's office, the Incorpora­ Bill to/ Ban brery at 7:30. Third' grade r’'*''-i chester Squadron of riyjl Air P a­ tors of Marlow's are .Nathan Mar­ ents' will ser\-e refreshments. trol. w ill l>e lield W et^ sd av eve­ ning si 7 o'clock s t ^ i e American low. the founder and now president I St. John's Church W l .hold it.* l-egion Home, / of the new corporation: .\lrs. Ruth I State Tax P. Sandals, his d.anghter. v ie e ' Ike for‘Pay as We Go’ annuel meeting Sunday a^fter the jiiesidcnt: and George H. Marlow, 10:S0 e.m. Mass. At 3 o'ft^ck a Registratlony''are still being tak­ SALES and APPUANCES his .son. secretaiy and tieasiirer. ^ traditional Polish wafer dlnnty^cill en for the ^ 'l e s of lei hues on On Income • i>e served. There will he a prngHm ••Amateur Pholograph> ' being of­ George .Vlarlow who has been’ an4 gifts will be distributed tn chiK^ fered by.- the .Manchester High managing the store even though | Manchester Shopping Parkade dreh. Svhool i*vening sihonl Persons his fiilier still takes an active p art' Hartford, Jan. 14 (/P)—A ; wiio. \yfsh to register may i-ontaet in the hiimness, siid no changes, proposed constiLutional ‘ The mbetlng of the Eliz.a Chap'-l are eontemplated under the new i | the /Veiling school between 7 and I...ling rhoti amendment that would ban a ; man Joy CTrcle of the North Meth­ P p in today, or may register be­ set lip. The change was a routine ' odist Church scheduled for to­ On Federal Finances ' one made for "business ressnns, " State income tax on personal, fore the ftrst class tomorrow at 7 K u f i n ^ v d morrow has been canceled until p 111 The fir's! of the seven lei tures he said. |l incomes was ready for intro-1 next month. will he given by I.eon E'allol of the Thp rnf;«grmrnt nf Mls« N!a?ilyn 'Hie incorporation of the store FINAL WEEK OF duction in the General A.s-; I Fallot .'^tndio Hi.« .siihieel will he Francr?! I./Upir*ii to .Slrphon r)on»kl was approved a few days ago by senibly today. ".sielerling Iho F'.quipment ■' ; flsrllfi ig nnnf»\inccd by hri- p«r- the seeret.ary of slate. Under the' TTie amendment la railed for In rnts. Mr ami Mrs. Frank lAipion, incorpo: ation pi ovisiniis. capital I Austerity, Lower Tax a House joint reaotution filed by Crv 111 the Night.'' linin' Iniifr 21 Sunsot .St ■toelt ill .Marlow's. Inc., j.s ^2.")n,000 Rep. Charles W. Terrell, New town Hoj' fianrp IS thr S(m -if Mr, an<l nil.ssinnarv do. unieiitary film, will divifled into 2..'i00 shares, a.11 com-, Republican. LECLERC he shown tomorrow night at 7 :3n Mrs. Nmo TV Osnll.a, 1 Villafjf* St. iiion, V, Ith a par value of .tlflO each. 'There is no personal income tax FUNERAL HOME at the Covcnaul (''oiigrega'ti,nnal Miss lAipion is A pifldi.nto nf The coipnration commences hu.si- S acrifice On Income Mancho.strr HiRli Schocil and Hay In Connecticut now and both the Chureh. Anyone interested is Wei- ness v.'ith 1 .''lO.OflO. Democrats and Republicans are on eoine. Path .hmioT ( ’ollrjjr. lyonKHirarlov/. .M.'ii lew's fo'iiiei lv was one of record opposing such a tax. FliNERAl. , Mh.ss Sho ts rniployrd by thr law the l.'iigest leiad -'lores in this Terrell's resolution calls for Predicted Possibility liaughters of hiberly. No firm of Roul and Riopo. Hartfoid, .stinie which was not ineoi-poraled. Her flam e i.s eftiployed by tlm WTiting the ban in the state con- j SERVKE lVil.,1. will meet torught at 7..30 in stitxition itself. WasliintrLon, .Ian. 14 (/P)— f -aiige Hall MemI ers of the ad­ SotiUiern New Knpland Telephone \\a.8tiinjrton. .!an. 11 t/1’i— riTsidonl Kispiihowor called Walter N ('o. If approved in this session, It Ijeolere visory board will serve refresh- would have to be approved In the Secrotar.v of Slalo Tliillps said tdrlay for a "pay as wp. go” IM rector ments. 1961 session of the deneral Assem­ today ''aiisliM'ily and sacri- The .Senior (lii'l Sciiut I.earier.s FOR RENT i policy on fpdorjtl tinancp.s. bly. If passed then, it would be licf'." |i(’i'ha|is for gem'rations I Speaking' at a linn lieon of the Chill will meet tonight at 8 i I lock 8 and Ifi mm. MovIp I’rotprlorn Call Ml 9-5869 Tlie Highland Park PTA will submitted to a referendum in 196.3. i National I’ress ciuh, Elsenhower meet tonight at 7: t.'i with .Mrs at the home rif .Muss Emily Gove, —•koiind or nibrnt, nlso 85 mm. aiirjid. 'uill 1)0 miyirod to 23 Main Street, Manchester nlido pro joctorn. Terrell's resolution was one of said that if a balance between in­ I Paul Willhide at R Porter St. 281 Spruce St. conntoi' Uio (‘(.■onomii'-inilitary 8 nearly a hundred bills and resolu­ come and spending ran be maln- WELDON DRUG CO. tions scheduled to be read into the .grow'ili of I'oniinnni.sni, talneil this coming year It may Wednesday-Saturday, Jan. 14-17 "W’e may fare a perinil even ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ noi Main Sf. Tel. Ml .3-.1S‘H legislature today. I load to "suhstantlal aurplusea" In Another joint House resolution |haiili‘i Ilian u e have herome used the future. calls for a constitutional ajnend- to." lie .aaiil. With such a finaiiclal program, Why feed the big thirst of bigger '59’s? See the Compact New ment that would limit member­ I Till- S'ri 11‘lary. in a .slatemeiit he held out the po.s.sihlllly of tax ship In the House to one repre.sen- to 111" .Senale Forrigii Reintioiia cuts. UHHEARD OF PRICES! tative from each of the 169 in the i com mill er, dcrlai'cd : Kisciihower said the United stale. The House membership Is ' "Tlic prill' of failure witulil be States luu.sl reform Its lax struc- now 279. Rambler COUNTER ' the ile.strurli'in of ail .our nai'Kinal liirc a tiumhcr nf ways. He said Democratic leaders of the Gen­ lob)ertivea ... we must pi es.s on 111 eral Assembly said they plan to Secretaiy nf the Treasury Ander­ ALL FLOOR MODELS MUST GO! witli courage lo build siirei foiiti- son IS studying way.s of revising- Even More Economical atep up the legislative processes to Id a lrn s for Hie ltitcrde|)oiident the tax structure. TOPS avoid the usual log jam at the end world romniumty of wliUdi u e arc I REn.ACEn M ini of the aesaion. "I would not he jirephred tn say for 1959! a p'o I ' i that \',T would hr prepared to F!RST COME - F!RST SERVED! The Democratic majority lead­ "This will riill I'lr au.stenly and ; recommend next year, as the first FO R M IC A or sari ifu'C on the )).ir', of all " | ers of both Houses have agreed i move 111 llii.s lield, the reduction of CONSOWELD to schedule hearings on Monday* ; Only yesterday Hepuhln :iii lead- | individual iiicoric taxes," he said. er.s in Poiigrcss ciiieigcd from a . 1 snd Fridays if necessary’ to speed ' The President hit at the Idea MATERIAL \\'liite House eiiiifei'eiii e with , up the hundreds of bills filed dur­ that federal spemiing ran promote No Phone Calls — No Dealers ing the session through commit­ I’residcnt Eisenliower latkiiigi ' aboil' a (lossible Sluo million .siir- ' I prosperity. Call Ml 9-4233 tees. ' He said hr docs not believe It At the start of the session, the ' plus 111 the ^77 b.lbiiii bud'.’e' 1" be jpropoii'cl III ('oiigii'ss iieM weedr.
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