THE PLAN ETAR IAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol. 17, No.3, September 1988 Articles 07 Answers to Creationism ........................................................... James Rusk 11 Murder for Fun and Profit ................................................ Sheldon Schafer 13 Selected List of Space News Publications ......................... Robert Allen 15 VCR-Laser Disc Debate ............................................................ Alan Gould 18 Astronomy for Special People ............................................. Noreen Grice 20 IPS Guidelines on Star Naming ............................................................ IPS 22 POPS Revisited ....................................... Cary Sneider & Alan Friedman Features 24 Focus on Education: SCOLA ......................................... Mark Sonntag 26 Planetarium Usage for Secondary Students: Mars .... Gerald L. Mallon 35 Forum: Technical Standards ................................................. Lonny Baker 38 Computer Corner ...... ~ ........................................................... Keith Johnson 41 President's Message .............................................. Von Del Chamberlain 42 Regional Roundup .................................................................. Steven Mitch 46 Script Section ...................................................................... Jordan Marche 47 Dr. Krockter ................................................................................. Norm Dean 48 Book Reviews ..................................................... Carolyn Collins Petersen 49 Secretary's Notepad ....................................................... Gerald L. Mallon 51 Planetarium Lifeline: Morehead Planetarium ............... David H. Menke 57 Jane's Corner ................................................................... Jane G. Hastings The Planetarian (lSN 0090-3213) is published quarterly by the International Planetarium The Society under the auspices of the Publications Committee. ©1988, International Plane­ tarium Society, Inc., all rights reserved. Opinions expressed by authors are oer:son,al Vol. No.3 opinions and are not necessarily the position of the International Planetarium its officers, or agents. The Editor welcomes items for consideration for puID!ic:abon. September 1988 Editor reserves the right to edit any solicited or unsolicited ma.nuscri,pts needs of this publication. Executive Editor PUBLICATIONS CHAIRPERSON Carolyn Collins Petersen John Mosley Loch Ness Productions Griffith Observatory P.O. Box 3023 2800 E. Observatory Rd. Boulder, Colorado 80307 Los Angeles, California 90027 213-664-1181 TREASURER AND MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN CompuServe 74156,473 Mark C. Petersen Loch Ness Productions Associate Editors P. O. Box 3023 Boulder, Colorado 80307 Lonny Baker Forum ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Suzanne Gurton Arthur Barton Wallace Fiske Planetarium What's New University of Colorado Campus Box 408 Andrew Fraknoi Boulder, Colorado 80309 Universe at Your Fingertips 303-492-5001 Jane G. Hastings MEMBERS}flP CATEGORIES Jane's Comer Individual Membership: U.S. (3rd class bulk mail): $34 Keith Johnson Other North America (lst class): $5 postage SUI)p14~mlent Computer Comer Overseas Atlantic (lst class): $5 postage SU1,pi1ement Overseas Pacific (lst class): $8 postage Sut)p142m~ent Tim Kuzniar Institutional Membership: Kodalith Comer $125 first year; $50 annual renewal Library Subscriptions: Gerald L. Mallon with same as above Secondary Students I. P. S. INFORMATION SERVICE Jordan Marche II To receive word of new POSlt!.on o~~ni]1.gs send up to six C£lII'I-_''''101.·..... ''''.'' ......-t stamt>ed AnllTAI,"\1i""M::>C1 Section Donald Director David Menke Str'aS42nl)ux'gh Planetarium Planetari urn Lifeline 1480 K()(~he:ster New York 14603 Steve Mitch BACK ISSUES OF THE PLANETARIAN with Vol. No.4, individual are each. Carolyn Collins Petersen "",-rIC)'".,""''':' issues are from: Book Reviews IPS Back Publications :;tI'a~entJu]~2:h Planetarium Mark S. .'1or.,ntr;Z(l 1480 Focus on Education NEW York 14603 The Planetarian is ae:slgned Printing by Victory '''' ....'OM ....' ..... 3 President Treasurer & Membership Chairman Eledions Committee Chairman Von Del Chamberlain Mark C. Petersen Thomas Stec Hansen Planetarium Loch Ness Productions Central Bucks East 15 South State Street P.O. Box 3023 Holicong and Anderson Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 USA Boulder, Colorado 80307 USA Buckingham, 801-538-2104 303-455-0611 215-794-5856 President-Elect 1988 Conference Chairpersons Awards Committee Chairman Terence Murtagh Ken Wilson and Eric Melenbrink Bruce Dietrich The Planetarium Armagh Universe Planetarium Reading School District Planetarium College Hill, Armagh 2500 West Broad Street 1211 Parkside Drive South Northern Ireland, BT61 9DB, U. K. Richmond, Virginia 23220 USA Reading, 19611 USA 0861-524-725 804-257-0211 215-371-5838 Past-President 1990 Conference Chairman Alan J. Friedman Lars Broman IPS Permanent Address: New York Hall of Science The Furores' Museum 47-01 111th Street Galaxen Convention Center Corona, New York 11368 USA Jussi Bjorling's Road 25 International Planetarium ..... "'f''''':'hr 718-699-0005 5-781 50 Borlange, Sweden c/o Hansen Planetarium +46-243 73427 South State Street Executive Secretary 15 Gerald Mallon, Ed.D. Historian Salt Lake Utah 8411 204 Haws A venue Paul R. Engle, Planetarium Norristown, Pennsylvania 19401 USA University of Arkansas at Uttle Rock 215-631-9403 (office) 33rd & University Avenue Please notify the Editor of changes of 215-277-8767 (home) Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 USA Officers or Affiliate 501-569-3259 Association of Mexican Planetari- Great Plains Planetarium Associa- Planetarium Association of ums (AMPAC) tion (GPPA) Canada (PAC) Gabriel Munoz Alinda Wengenroth Planetario de Morelia Grout Museum of History & Science Ventura Puente y Ticateme 503 South Street Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico 58070 Waterloo, Iowa 50701 Ontario M5S 2C6 Canada 451-4-24-65 319-234-6357 416-586-5736 British Association of Planetari- Middle Atlantic Planetarium Mountain ums (BAP) Society (MAPS) Association (RMP A) Terence Murtagh Thomas Stec Collins Petersen The Planetarium Armagh Central Bucks East High School Loch Ness Productions College Hill, Armagh Holicong and Anderson Roads P. O. Box 3023 Northern Ireland, U.K. BT619DB Buckingham, Pennsylvania 18912 USA Jjml1dl~r Colorado 80307 USA 0861-524-725 215-794-7481 303-455-0611 European/Mediterranean Plane- Nordic Planetarium Network Southeastern Planetarium tarium Association (EMPA) (NPN) Association (SEPA) Dennis Simopoulos Lars Broman U. Eugenides Planetarium Broman Planetarium Museum Syngrou Avenue-Amfithea Fjallhavren 7 Blvd. Athens, Greece 5-424 49 Angered, Sweden v ,.·C"'" '" 23601 USA 94-111-81 +46-31 30 28 37 (office) +46-23 101 77 (home) Great Lakes Planetarium Associa- Southwestern Association of tion (GLPA) Pacific Planetarium Association Planetariums (SWAP) Sheldon Schafer (PPA) Donna Pierce Lakeview Museum Planetarium Larry Toy Highland Park Ind. School District 1125 West Lake Avenue Chabot College Planetarium 4220 Emerson Peoria, Illinois 61614 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75205 USA 309-686-6682 Hayward, California 94545 USA 214-526-4800 4 :::>epternlber 1988 ic()rJ science and fundamentalist '-' .... "... .... "", bar on page 9), that follow if you insist the old. And there are excellent Many of us were caught up in the nonsense that sur­ faced this when it was revealed that the First Lady consults an astrologer. As much as we wish it would go away, belief in the irrational is strong, and The best r\r"O_C'lrn ..... as public educators we have both an and tional is The an obligation to the Committee for Scientific In,restig:ation Russell Planetarium, in Paranormal. It's the first counters with creationsists, thy shares his with us. does a service by .... 'V .. A ....... 'U ...... <:;.. his answers, but I don't think he'll win with them alone. Creationists use the to make it seem that their have a scientific on basis, but in fact their use of science is a smoke-screen. rernelmt.efllng when it was dent of the United States to schedule him to ations with a .J."JI;;:(~~Cll.U seemed to have absolute faith in the of this woman, who had """ .. ,,,,..-1.,,4-,., •.-1 "n.~."..",,"h'; ..... ,... bad" was to to ident shortly he was movements Han in 1981. Before consulted a but she now n0110"'OI'"'l tha t this The First Lady referred to the woman in San Francisco as 'My Friend." along her to me after with her on the telephone-she had become such a factor in my work, and in the highest affairs of the that at one point I kept a color-coded calendar on my desk (numerals highlighted in green ink for "good" days, red for ubad" days, yellow for "iffy" days) as an aid to II1II l1li1 Ans\Alers to ere lonl8 compiled by James Rusk, Director Russell Planetarium Mesquite, Texas 75149 liThe worst, the most corrupting lies are problems poorly stated" -George Bemanos Creation science is dependent on the Bible. CrleatiOIl.­ French theologian ists like to pretend that creation science is tnclepen!C1eIlt of religion so that they can legally introduce creation­ Preface ism into the public schools. But consider this quote from a leading creationist: liThe instructed George Bernard Shaw described debates in London at Christian knows that the evidences for full divine the turn of the century when a flat-earth advocate inspiration of Scripture are far weightier than the could leave a distinguished professor sputtering in fury evidences for any fact of science." (Henry
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