NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD 37 liche Verlustziffern bei Fledermausen, insbesondere "Cemetery of Belemnites"; when the white Cr Myotis myotis. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 78, p. 193. 3 b, identical with the Craie de Spiennes, is Heerdt, P. F. van & J. W. Sluiter. 1953-1960. missing, that cemetery may be found lying on the The Results of Bat Banding in the Netherlands 1952•1959, Natuurhist. Maandbl. vols. 42, p. 101; older Cretaceous. From the diagram we learn 43, p. 85; 45, p. 62; 46, p. 13; 47, p. 38; 48, p. 96; with absolute certainty many facts about the 49, p. 42. Lower Maestrichtian transgression over the older • 1955. Longevity in Bats. ibid. 44, p. 35. layers which may consist in Cr 3 a (Upper Cam- Roer, H. 1960. Vorlaufige Ergebnisse der Flcder- maus-Beringung und Literatur-übcrsicht. Bonner panian) or in Hervian (Middle Campanian); in Zool. Beitr. Sonderheft Ii/1960. the latter case the gap in the Bo/z'ymoufes-ortho- genesis is the larger one (Vijlen, Gulperberg, Wahlwylre). In the Cr 3 b (Lower Maestrich- FORAMINIFERA FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF tian) often Bolivinoides is rare or even missing; SOUTH-LIMBURG, NETHERLANDS. LU. where they were found, they are indicated in the diagram. The number of pustules of Boli- Stratigraphy of the Gulpen Chalk in South-Limburg, vinoides found in the Cr 3 b invariably runs established by means of the Orthogenesis of from 5 to 6, thus filling the gap found in North Western Belgium, and thus giving with cer- BOLIVINOIDES. tainty the stratigraphic place of our white and yellow Cr 3 b: between the top of the Campa- J. HOFKER nian and the base of the Upper Maestrichtian. In many localities the boundary between the While in Belgium large quarries and drill- Cr 3 b and the overlying Cr 3 c is indicated holes are available, in South Limburg only short by a very typical layer with a thickness of about drill-holes and yet shorter outcrops scattered 2 m in which an invasion of more Southern over the area are found. But with the help of forms was detected, and in which Bolivinoides faunae (not always reliable since facial diffe- draco (Marsson) invariably occurs (the only rences often occur) and, even more, of ortho- occurrence in this region of that species). To- geneses (pores of Gavelinellidae, pustules of gether with that invasion (found in Hallembaye, (fig. 2), ornamentation of Neofla- Hoogcruts, Vijlen, De Voat, Wahlwylre) in bellina) not only the stratigraphic place of the several localities also is found a more or less outcrops could be found, but also the gaps in hardened layer with pebbles, shells, etc. the sedimentation. When studying the diagram Cr 3 gamma, also found in Germany in the (fig. 1), we find the thickly drawn levels as vicinity of Aix-La-Chapelle (Aachen) between gaps; here we must bear in mind, that at such the "Kreide ohne Feuersteine" and the "Kreide a gap, the overlying sediment covers directly mit Feuersteine". Bolivinoides of the decorata- the underlying one. So we find, that at Glons gens invariably shows 6 pustules here. In the and Hallembaye in Belgium, the gap in the Cr 3 c in the area Eastern from the Saint Pie- sediment at the Campanian-Maestrichtian boun- tersberg, the fauna is very poor (a large amount dary is much larger than in the quarry Pour- of sponge-needles indicates bad circumstance for baix at Harmignies or at Slenaken, Beutenaken, Foraminifera); yet in some localities (above Onderste and Bovenste Bos. In Northwestern the Cr 3 gamma at Wahlwylre, Mesch, Moer- Belgium (Glons, North, Hallembaye) the whole slag, top of the quarry Vijlen) Bolivinoides Lower Maestrichtian is missing (just above the was found, always of the type as found at the hard ground at Hallembaye rests of it were base of the Upper Maestrichtian as found above found); but as well as in the Basin of Mons the hard ground in the Belgian large quarries, (Craie de Spiennes) as in many Dutch out- and in Germany at the top of the quarry Hem- crops in South-Limburg, and in the Belgian moor and in Basbeck. So the identity with those outcrops in the vicinity (Grindael) the Lower lower Uppermaestrichtian layers with our Cr Maestrichtian is found; its lower formation is 3 c is without doubt. the white Cr 3 b of U h 1 e n b r o e k ' s, the In the Belgian outcrops as well as just upper part is the yellow Cr 3 b. Between these Southern from the Saint Pietersberg (Petit two formations is found in many outcrops the Lannaye) a short gap is found between the 38 NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD tfomier of pustules in the BolivinOüolts decorata ~qeas in South.Limiurg and Northern Belgium CQulptn .Chalk.) o» Veoffabellina Piafersierg, f f/C3.qu».rry 6 7 .7,3 postreti.Cula.ta. 170 Petit. Lanave 2. 2 J7.2 VfaMwylre 82.83 1 8 5 2 North 406-413 e 7 Vorth.,35G_357 7 10 1 £6,0 /1esch 3./.18G.19Ó s 7 20 2, £5,8 reticulata 353,Aoerslag 1 6 $53 (poitretituUta) /*lóerslaa.,164 3.V. 4 5 £5,5 r«tic.ulata. /1oersla<5,172 3.v: 1 11 3 DeYoat,490 .2.$1 2 3 HoogcrutSjptÜia. quarry 3 2 » WescK 352 1 3 Wesch 3 51 1 jr 5,0 WescK,35ö 5 3 Vvlen,S6> 1 2. 2è5,G Vyler,,76S 4 1 -2 5^ Yyle.n,89 6 2 •S5J Vy/en^l 1 3 15,8 Vvahlwyb-e, pit,3.8m 2 4 4G9,Vvahlwylr« i^ 1 1 |tf 471,Wahlwvlr« 1 1 a.5,5 Eisden, drill.hole144,12 m 2 5,0 GolperT>e.rg, hallo v way 2. 5 5,0 &ulpBrïergJ3.V.g4- 1 Ü5.0 &'ulperïerg,3.Y. qi. 3 -£5,2 42'i, Cosfcerg 3 •fi 5,0 »7 Beutenaken, drill.hole 4 •5*0 452>Grrino(oLci)racinas 1 4 ^4,9 4SA, IVorth,racines 1 8 515,0 Bovenste Bos, kr.60S praeoatlculata 4 -5,0 Bovenste Bos.105 3 tv » Bovenste Bos,1o8 1 _°5,0 Onderste Bos, top,97 Z 3 »> 457,KerkcU(,Slenaker> 2 1^5,0 praeretlc.ul.ata 4G1 Kerkdel.Slenaken 3 1 o 51 '7 G59,Pasaektn_Cr&poei 1 GS1,Pesaekan.Crap66l 1 662,,Pesaeken_Crapöe< 3 3 4,3 77 7S^Pesaelceri.CrApoet 2 1 «J*3 leptodisca. 7&H, Ffesaeken.Crapeel 5 1 5 4,0 >? 7<?2,Pesaeken-Oapoet 3 £4,0 >» BelletjÊSS. 2 £4,0 Beuten aken,3.V. 140 1 2 »5 deutenaken,3.V. ns 2 1 ni3,3 Uptodisc* Voorleek.valley 1 1 102,Oneierste Bos >7 1 77 lOi.Oïide'ste Bos 1 2 77 445,7w«9«n,ïelow 3 1 -33 7» 7w«q«r»,sm above Harvi&n. 3 ia.4 77 3 4 5 ( =3 Diagram 1. NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD 39 /V-Uï uj-ai) & £ «I tj J -J 1 a f O 0. o e 1. I c •e i Ti •> JT - + i L 1-: ] Vlo i 1 ÜlTs <fl T £ oa 9o -o) o.• e s T^ •21 •• _. ^^ o. • | ö S > -V o f» £ ?.* Se • i° 2 r° >£ -o ^ ^ « cl 5 Ji- « ; o.» T ; i- c c «• t 0 c .j * 55 S ï " :3 5T .? £ c3 ö > c 2 x £ C iS w 5 x oo oa ffll C3 -J < 5. iA < <n Diagram 2. 40 NATUURHISTORISCH MAANDBLAD Craie grise (Cr 3 c) and the Craie tuffoide Leiden, no. 42. Leiden 1959)heeft Drs. J. T. (Cr 4) marked by a feeble hard ground. Just W i e b e s ook al het Limburgs materiaal gere- at that level we find in Southern Belgium the viseerd. Als gevolg hiervan moeten enkele ver- Craie phosphatée de Ciply, bridging that gap anderingen aangebracht worden in de voor- in the orthogenesis of Bolivinoides; here the gap gaande lijsten: bet-ween Lowest Maestrichtian (Craie de Spien- Tarentula aculeata (Cl.) 9 Lerop 11-6-1953 nes) and the Craie phosphatée is much larger, (Sa) (1954, p. 40) blijkt T. (Alopecosa) tra- and the middle part of Cr 4 -time is missing balis (Cl.) te zijn (Wiebes, p. 10). here. The top of that time and the base of our T.trabalis (Cl.) $ Wellerlooi 5-1954 (Mon) Tuffeau de Maestricht is refound here in the (1957, p. 31) = T. (A.) pulverulenta (Cl.), Tuffeau de Saint Symphorien, in which in the zoals in 1955, p. 16 was opgegeven (Wiebes, higher levels the last forms of Bolivinoides P-9). gigantea disappear and suddenly a mutation Lycosa paludicola (Cl.) j? omg. Heerlen takes its place, Bolivinoides polonica Pozar'yska, 1955 (Arn) (1957, p. 31) «= L. {Pardosa) found once again in our upper-Md and the amentata (Cl.) (Wiebes, p. 51). overlying Me. L. agricola Thor. $ Horn 20-5-1953 (Sa) Comparing the orthogenetic stages of the (1954, p. 40) =L. (P.) monticola (Cl.) (Wie- Bolivinoides-decorata gens in other countries bes, p. 42). we find that the Cr 4 or Craie tuffoide, the Trochosa spinipalpis (F. Cbr.) 9 Brunssum Pseudo-textutaria-zone in the drill-hole Maas- 5-3-1958 (Arn) (1958, p. 144) = T. mricola bühl I and from Stevns Klint must be of the (de G.) (Wiebes, p. 23). same age, as is that of the base of the Tuffeau Verder moet Hahnia cacuminata Bsb. 9 omg. de Saint Symphorien; the gap between the Cr 4 Heerlen 16-4-1958 (Arn) (1958, p. 144) veran- and the Cr 3 c at Stevns Klint is found also, derd worden in H, montana Blw.
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