4240 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 27, 1866. Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the TREASURY WARRANT. - County of Elgin. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, made 1st Elginshire Rifle Volunteer Corps. and passed in the session of Parliament holden in Ensign Robert Kynoch to be Lieutenant. Dated the third and fourth years of the reign of Her 12th July, 1866. Majesty, chapter 96, for the regulation of the Robert Urquhart to be Ensign. Dated 12th duties of postage, power is given to the Commis- July, 1866. sioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, from time to John Grant Mackenzie to be Assistant-Surgeon. time, by Warrant under their hands, to alter and Dated 12th July, 1866. fix any of the rates of British postage or inland postage payable by law on the transmission by the post of foreign or colonial letters or newspapers, Commissions signed By the Lord Lieutenant of the or of any other printed papers, and to subject the County of Hereford. same to rates of postage according to the weight thereof, and a scale of weight to be contained in 1st Herefordshire Rifle Volunteer Corps. such Warrant, and from time to time, by Warrant The Reverend John Goss to be Honorary Chap- as aforesaid, to alter or repeal any such altered lain, vice the Venerable Archdeacon Lane rates, and make and establish any new or other Freer, deceased. Dated llth July, 1866. rates in lieu thereof, and from time to time, by Warrant as aforesaid, to appoint at what time the 8th Herefordshire Rifle Volunteer Corps. rates which may be payable are to be paid. The Reverend John Goss to be Honorary Chap- And whereas further powers are given to the lain. Dated llth July, 1866. Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury by another Act made and passed in the session of Parliament holden in the tenth and eleventh years of the reign of Her Majesty, chapter 85, for Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the giving further facilities for the transmission of County of Stirling. letters by post, and for the regulating the duties IStk Stirlingshire Rifle Volunteer Corps. of postage thereon, and for other purposes relating to the Post Office. Alexander Brown, Esq., to be Captain. Dated And whereas certain powers are also given to 19th July, 1866. the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by John Walker, Gent., to be Lieutenant. Dated another Act of Parliament, made and passed in 19th July, 1866. the eighteenth year of the reign of Her Majesty, William White, Gent., to be Ensign. Dated chapter 27, for amending the laws relating to the I9th July, 1866. stamp duties on newspapers, and for providing for the transmission by post of printed periodical pub- lications. Commission signed*by the Lord Lieutenant of the And whereas a convention hath been lately County of Wilts. made and concluded between the General Post 9th Wiltshire Rifle Volunteer Corps. Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the General Post Office of the William Charles Bonaparte Wyse, Esq., to be Kingdom of Portugal, for the purpose of improving Captain, .vice Pickwick, resigned. Dated 16th the postal service between the United Kingdom July, 1866. and Portugal, and it is expedient for the better carrying out of the same that certain regulations [The following Appointment is substituted for should be made in the manner hereinafter men- that which appeared in the Gazette of the 10th tioned and contained. instant.] Now we, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, in exercise of the powers reserved to us Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the in and by the said hereinbefore recited Acts of County of Fife. Parliament respectively, and all and every, or 9th Fifeshire Rifle Volunteer Corps. some or one of them, and of all other powers The Reverend Robert Edgar to be Honorary enabling us in this behalf, do, by this Warrant, Chaplain. Dated 1st July, 1866. under the hands of two of us, the said Commis- sioners (by the authority of the Statute in that case made and provided), order, declare, and Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the direct as follows, that is to say :— East Riding of the County of York, and the 1. On every letter not exceeding one quarter Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull. of an ounce in weight, posted in the United King- dom, addressed to any place in Portugal, Madeira, 2nd East Riding of Yorkshire Artillery Volunteer the Azores or the Portuguese possessions, on the Corps. West Coast of Africa, or posted in Portugal, {Kr Charles Legard, Bart., to be Captain, vice Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese posses- Sir d'Arcy Widdrington Legard, Bart., sions on the West Coast of Africa, addressed to deceased. Dated 20th July, 1866. the United Kingdom, and transmitted by the post between any part of the United Kingdom and any place in Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the MEMORANDUM. Portuguese possessions on the West Coast of Africa, vi& France and Spain, or via France and Adjutant John Mair, of the 2nd Administrative by French packet boat, there shall be charged, Battalion of Forfarshire Rifle Volunteers, to taken, and paid an uniform rate of postage (British serve with the rank of Captain. Dated 21st and foreign combined) of six pence, if such July, 1866. respective letters be prepaid, and if such respec- tive letters be not prepaid, an uniform rate of postage (British and foreign combined) of eight pence. THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 27, 1866. 4241 2. On every letter not exceeding one quarter private ship direct, there shall be charged, taken, of an ounce in weight, posted in any place in and paid an uniform rate of postage (British and Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese foreign combined) of sixpence if such respective possessions on the "West Coast of Africa, ad- letters be prepaid, and if such respective letters dressed to any of Her Majesty's Colonies, or any be not prepaid, an uniform rate of postage foreign country, or posted in any of Her Majesty's (British and foreign combined) of eight pence. Colonies, or any foreign country, addressed to any 5. On every letter not exceeding one half of place in Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Por- an ounce in weight, posted in any place in Por- tuguese possessions on the West Coast of Africa, tugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese and transmitted by the post between any place in possessions on the West Coast of Africa, addressed Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese to any of Her Majesty's colonies or any foreign possessions on the West Coast of Africa, and any country, or posted in any of Her Majesty's colonies of Her Majesty's Colonies, or any foreign country or any foreign country addressed to any place in through, the United Kingdom, the said respective Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese letters being conveyed between Portugal, Madeira, possessions on the West Coast of Africa, and the Azores, or the Portuguese possessions on the transmitted by the post between any place in West Coast of Africa, and the United Kingdom Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese vi& France and Spain, or via France and by possessions on the West Coast of Africa, and any French packet boat, there shall be charged, taken, of Her Majesty's colonies or any foreign country, and paid for such transmission thereof between through the United Kingdom, the said respective Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese letters being conveyed between Portugal, Madeira, possessions on the West Coast of Africa, and the the Azores, or the Portuguese possessions on the United Kingdom, an uniform rate of postage West Coast of Africa, and the United Kingdom, (British and foreign combined) of six pence, if by British packet boat direct;"or by-private snip such respective letters be prepaid, and if such direct, there shall be charged, taken-, and paid, respective letters be not prepaid, an uniform rate for such transmission thereof betweep Portugal, of postage (British and foreign combined) of Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese posses- eight pence. sions on the West Coast of Africa, ana the United 3. On every letter so transmitted, as is herein- Kingdom, an uniform rate of postage (JBritish and before in the first and second clauses of this War- foreign combined) of sixpence, if such respective rant respectively mentioned, betvifettf* the United letters be prepaid, and if such respective letters be Kingdom and Portugal, Madeira, t&e Azorer, or not prepaid, an uniform rate of postage (British the Portuguese possessions on the WlSgt Coast of and foreign combined) "of eight pence. Africa, if ex^ediag one quarter of an\ounce *n 6. On every letter posted in any place in Por- weight, there ifeaU be charged, taken, and( Pai(*tue tugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese several furthered additional and n'r°gressive possessions on the West Coast ojj^R*/G&, addressed rates of postage according to the/s'calrf of weight to anll^^Her Majesty's^cqlcaB^r/any foreign and number of rates u^reinafter ^eni&oned; that country, or'pefitejHji any of Her Majesty's colonies is to say :— **-• ~7/ or any foreign country, addressed to any place in On every such lett^^f transmitted exceeding Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese . one quaxter^pf'anapce a"flj5Tnot exceeding possessions on the West Coast of Africa, and one half of an ounce In'Weight, two rates of transmitted by the post between any place in Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, or the Portuguese On every such letter so transmitted exceeding possessions on the West Coast of Africa, and any one half of an ounce and not exceeding of Her Majesty's colonies
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