80 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. June 2, 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 SPORTS GOP doesn’t like Brothers paddle EC in, MHS out MISCELLANEOUS I ^ C A R S MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANjEOUS FOR RENT ROOMMATES RECREATIONAL MOTORCYCLES/ I ^ W A N T E O (equipment FOR SALE FOR SALE IMOPEDS AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE O’Neill aid plan away to victory of state tourney Manchester 1 bedroom, Manchester-Split rent Golf Cart-Set of twelve For salt - Team Murry 10 Bed liner tor S-10 Chew 4 Goodyear fibreglas ... page 15 ^ first floor, stove & refrig­ $315 per month plus heat clubs and ball retrelver. Blue Girls Takara 10 spMd moto CT088 bike. ... page 5 ... page 11 erator, no oets, lease & Pickup longbed used. No belted tires 195/75 R-15 and utilities. 1 months $45.00. 649-7918.0 speed, hordly used, $125 or Ju8t rebuilt, like new holes $99. 74^8101.□ $25.00 a pair 649-0670.P security. $400 per month. best offer. 646-3773 call $50.00. 643-1709 Greg.o 646-1379 security. Available June 1979 CamBro-Excelltnt 1st. 646-8578 days. Ping Pong Table with after 6pm. condition, 4 now tires, 4 paddles and extras, will 24 Locust Street. 7 room ipeed, 1 owner, $3,0IX). KIT W CARLYLK ®by Lwry Wright deliver $50.00. Please call For Sale: Two rubber Call 647-8577. aaartment $600 monthly 643-9003.O tired enclosed horse 107 ri MISCELLANEOUS plus utilities. Security, no Merchandise drawn coaches (at auc­ 1977 Ford LTD-HIgh mi­ AUTOMOTIVE appliances Call 646-2426 Saint Tropez dirtbike. 1984 tion) regardless of price weekdays 9-5. leage, new tires, exhaust model asking $85 tough bid. Sun. June 15th, rt. 14 system, water pump and TIrei Radial 22S-15 (»opd Of0i U)tc6 durable bike with mags. Sterling, Conn. 12 noon. control box. Dependable condition 4/S99 or best A«>$Ay East Hartford, older gen­ Please call 643-9649.0 Call 203-564-7318. tleman, 2 room efficiency, I CLOTHING transportation, $900. 6;0- offer. Please keep trying, H»5plTAt 1814. 875-4493.0 all utilities, share a bath. Boy/GIrl bike very good HI/MOP. iiaurlirHtrr HrralJi $72 weekly. 647-0069. Children's clothing. Huge DO A TWO-WAY fovor ... condition. Asking $35.00 I960 Ford Van. Standard 2-13lnch tires and rims off yoK i selection! Infants to size Phone 649-2320.O get extra cash for yourself 1980 Dotsun $5 each. 2 ) Manchester — A Cily ol Village Charm 10/12. Most Items under transmission with over­ and make It possible for drive. Power steering 8i white Aluminum awnings $1.00 Good condition. 644- someone else to enloy 36 Inch and 30 Inch, $7 1950. brakes. Good condition. 2 Bedroom Townhouse- those golf clubs you neyer $2800. Call Steve at 643- each. Call 742-0274.O bqats/ marine use. Sell them with a want Heat, hot water, carpet­ equipment ad. 2171. ing, air conditioner, all ( Trailer Canopy. 8 x 12 with Tuesday, June 3,1986 25 Cents tent 7x7. $50 643-8095. appliances, nice location. FURNITURE 1980 Toyota C orola- Call 647-1595. 16 foot Mad River canoe, Llftback, red, am/fm ste­ paddles Included. Used Levin King Koll Mattress. reo, 5 speed, $1900, must 1967 Cougar Parts: Trunk- 5 room apartment, up ond four times. Excellent con­ Spinal guard excellent sell. 646-3726. lid, bumper, headlight as- down, 2 bedrooms, stove dition. $800. Please call condition. $75; Please call sembl V, overhead and refrigerator, conve­ 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- 649-9083.D For Sale-1968 CB350 console. $99.00 Takes all. ' Joyner claims nient location, large yard, King - Sized bed. Firm 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Honda tor parts or resto­ 649-0621 after 6:00.o garden area. $600 plus mattress. Two twin box Bob. For sale-Goulds water ration. Call after 3:00. Ask pump with tank $95. Call utilities. Available June springs. Frame. Excellent for Ron $50. 649-2714.0 i .-4* 'V 1st. Call 643-0110. condition. Will be sold 15 ft. 11 Inch Starcratt day after 5:00 646-3663.0 For Sale Viva P195/75R15 with 2 complete sets of cruiser boat with a 1985 60 For Sale-1978 Pontiac Ca- Radial tire on dodge 15 Partly Furnished. Small sheets, 1 bedspread. All horse Mercury engine. Blue pleated lined draper­ tlllna 4 door sedan, air, Inch rim. New with 2 15 town won’t ies 84 Inchs X 125 Inches apartment. Like private for $220, or best offer. Includes easy loader clean and well kept. $1195 Inch dodge rims $50.00 all. home. Working single 643-8082, evenings 8, wee­ trailer full equipped. with brass traverse rod. 646-4790. 742-5050.O DiWhrl^hie. male adult preferred. kends. Keep trying!. $4,900 (negotiable) 647- Extends to 150 Inches. Lease. Security. No oets. 9407. $90., 646-9892.0 643-2880. Loveseat. 5' x 3' x 2', brown plaid cloth with 2 Inflatable boat, extra Two wheel sulky for share enough 3 Room Apartment-First matching cushions. Ex­ heavy duty, brand new gravely walk behind trac­ 3 floor, large rooms, stove, cellent condition. $99. 649- with foot pump, $69.95. tor. Air tires, steel seat 9540 otter 3pm. Motor mount extra. 646- $45.00 643-4535.0 refrigerator, heat and hot By George Layng water, garage, laundry 8436.0 ’■sSisK Dinette Set-Table, six 10 speed bike with acces- Herald Reporter District ieader facilities, very clean. $475. sorles. Like new $150 or Lease and security. Ask choirs upholstered and leaf for table. Nlnty nine best offer 643-8857 even­ NEATINQ/ Talks between officials of the serious on sewers about Senior Citizen dis­ MUSICAL ings. counts. Call 646-7268. dollars. Please Call 649- I PLUMMNO town and Eighth Utilities District 0293. ITEMS — story on page 3 over a proposal to share a ENDROLLS Pogarty BrothBri ■— Ba­ Custom Rotottlling; i Solid maple honey color IndBpBndBnt Construe- firehouse on Tolland Turnpike Free upright piano, needs 27*A wMlh-2S8 : tion Co. Otnorol Controe- throom rtmoMing; in- Troy Wit Rototlllor. dinette set. Four chairs, tuning. You take It away. have broken down because the 13¥i wldth-2 for 2M tors, custom homo Btollatlen wotor hootors, trovol. Oordana, ' Vernon. Residential area table top needs reflnlsh- Call 646-4305 after 5pm. illno» oorbogo dlsoosott; foucot flow ar boda, lo r town has not offered the district close to parks and shop­ Ing. $99 646-3525 or 646- MUST be picked up at the . otc. ropolrt. M94S39. Viso/M- enough space. District President or the (firefighters’) union.” ping. 1 bedroom apart­ 2968.0 Manchester Herald Office The town’s station was built in before 11 A M. ONLY. '4SM7211 oBtarCord ocetolBd. Walter Joyner said this morning. ments 8, 2 bedroom town- Joyner said the town's proposal the 1970s before the state Supreme houses available at $450 Kitchen set, formica table I PETS AND and $575. Large living and four choirs $35.00. SUPPLIES provides the district with one bay, Court ruled that the district had the areas with hardwood Call 649-7650.O Automotive MWHLMK0U8 O D XonO two small rooms and no shower sole legal authority to fight fires in floors. Rent Includes ap­ AKC. Brittany Spaniel KllVttl Sprlno Claon facilities — an offer he called the Buckland area. The town pliances, heat 8i hot wa­ Five piece black hitch- Pups, orange and white lnoB.flowgrliihr unacceptable, cannot use the facility to fight fires ter. 871-2844. cock stye living room set. $200. 289-6555. Call after Inot. Praai “ I don’t think the town is in the immediate vicinity, but does Sofa, chairs, coffee table Odd lobt. Trucking. 4pm. .MoniB your o«m ;prlct — 099-2436 attar I use the station to serve other areas Monchester-2 bedroom, $99. 646-1830.O [gjJCARS TKoMwr Gnd ton. Foat. Homa raoolrs. You nomt negotiating in good faith,” Joyner within its jurisdiction. wall to wall carpeting, FOR SALE IkgThMtf .MbtlMBBlIna — dBRBngahl* BGrvIc*. It, w t dO: It. Proo oBtt- Homaewnara, said. "I'm not going to let our appliances, olr condition, Cabliwtik' rotfflng, gut- Pointlna, PcBiBrhanalna motos. iniurad. 643-0304. people go in there as second-class I t v / stereo/ Nrli, room'. odattlDits, tricot work and I In the past, offers by the district heat, no oets, clean, avail­ MISCELLANEOUS «i RtmovcH. Coll 64l-$781. yard ogulpmont citizens.” to purchase the firehouse have able Immediately. $550 a appliances OB typBS Dt remo- olao town cam However, Town Manager Robert been rejected by the town. In month. Coll 647-9137. I FOR SALE urntracfbirf. rn e e HowfcM Troo Sorvtco — Call 64M3S4 orftor Tpmi; 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint Iniurad. Buckot Truck ft Chipptr. Weiss said this morning Joyner’s November, residents served by the Used Refrigerators, |y 34W7, qftBT ■ Hebron 3 bedroom duplex Washers, Ranges — Used sliding glass patia condition. Only 12,000 Stump Romovol. Proo Es- Mqaonry,;,.coro description of the town’s offer was Town Fire Department voted 1 '/2 baths on treed lot, $550 clean, guaranteed, parts doors, thermal, $15 each. miles. $9,800. 647-9764. iB E c m eoL ttmotoB. Soodol cpntidar- stucco rogotr "absolutely incorrect.” Weiss de­ overwhelmingly in favor of keep­ per month plus oil heat.. and service. Low prices. Call 646-2300. otton for eidorty and Hon- ottorotlona. o d i ‘4 clined to provide details of the ing the station at the urging of the Security and references B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 dteoMNd. 647-7SS3. or64W635. town’s latest proposal — made two Democratic majority on the town required. No oets. After Main Street, 643-2171.
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