ttle Newark Post \ 'OLU ME XVI = . NEWARK, DELAWARE, JUNE 10, I92S. NUMBER 19 Local Fireman NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR H' h S h I G d C M k Ig .c 00 ra uat~s ommencement ar s Ne P Spurns Handcuffs BIggest (lass Fnday W rogress For Short Trip 32 Se";O" to ~"";" D;plom", At Delaware' Seventy Men And Boys Outnumber ·Girls in Group , W. R. Powell Gives Visiting Constable Some Concern Here; Later Attends :::Y~h~:: t, 10 ,~dto~, f., Women ~e~eive Degrees Monday Court and Pays Fine Newark High School's largest Com- HONORARY DEGREES ' mencement Friday night. On that I date, in the new building on Academy U' ., ( d'ts Doctor of Laws G I All D . I MI CHARGE DISMISSED street, thirty-two girls and boys will niverSIty S re 1 Joseph H. Odell, D. D., Wilmington. enera en ecnes rtlce ive their diplomas from John S. A N R . d I George A. Harter, A. M., Ph. D., "w T E dW "Th Whel diminutive Mr. Dolson, emi- Shaw, president of the Newark Board re OW ecognlZe Newark. ar 0 n ar eory nent con table attached to Magistrate of Education I All M' (II I S h T G d Tinsman's palace of justice at Rich· It~ is inter~sting to note that this n aJor 0 egesl GRADUATE DEGREES n peec 0 ra uates ardson Park, endea\!ored to hand- year's class includes more boys than • IElect?'ical Engine/lfl" . • cuff Wa ller R. Powell in his restaur· girls. It is ral'ely seen in High Schools Admission Of Lo I I t't t' I t Julio Russo, B. S. Delaware '20, Famous Military Fig'ure Strikes New ant here last Wednesday night, things in this section. ca ns I u Ion no Brooklyn, N. Y. bega n to happen with great abandon. The gl'aduating class is as follows: American Association of Universi- Mechanical Engineer Note in Urging United States to Mr. Powell, a local fireman, was \ Agnes Frazer, Dorothy Blocksom, . G SlY S William Terry Mitchell, B. S. Dela- Use Her Power to Advance Cause served with a warrant sworn out by George R. Pritchard Mary Rose, Erica Grothenn, Elizabeth lies reatest tep nears, ays ware 18, Waynesboro, Pa. the Hol.laway . Terrace fire laddie~ in Elected Saturday to fill the vacancy Milliken, Blanche Malcom, Alberta Dr. HuUihen In Report Maste?' of ScienclJ of Peace. conneCLlo n wlth a crusade against t 0 I db " f Johnson, Evelyn Shew, Mary Camp- ___- d 'v rs who blocked the highways. a e aware cause y resignatIOn 0 bell, Helen Barnard, . Lidie Towson, George Louis Baker, B. S. Massa- rI e k' f S d W. J. McAvoy. He reports next Sep- chusetts Agricultural Conege '22 DRS. HARTER AND ODELL HONORED neal' the Pel' inS arm .on un ay tember. Edna Doyle, Margaret Seelye, Mar- , Newark. night, May 31st last, 'durlng a fire. jorie Connell, Horace Patchen, Wal- Robert Otis Bausman, B. S. Purdue Commencemerrt season in all its Wh en the aforesaid Mr. Dolson ap- tel' A. Blackwell, Jr., Charles Owens, University '14, Newark. glory of tradition broke over Newark pea red in Newark, armed, with the NEW COACH NAMED Jr., William Armstrong, Jr., . William Purnal Lynch McWhorter, B. S. during the past week-end, when old warran t and a pocketful of weapons, E . Hayes, Jr., George S. Powehl\, Delaware '24, Middletown. Delaware sent 70 young men and I '!r. Powell was busily engaged in POR UNIVERSITY Justin Steel, Robert Strahorn, Jo n N D M C D'd M M W'II' Ward Cleveland, Pelton, B. i:). Penn.: women out from her hans into their serving a number of supper custo-' cue, aVI ac Ul'ray, I Jam sylvania State College '11, ' Newark. lifework. It was the largest combiiled mel's. He also had several tubs of G H P' h d f H C 1 ,Poyle, James Malone, Martin Door-_ M P B . ntc ar 0 iram 0 - dan, Willard Jordan, Reginald Rose, erville Oleo ence, . S. Pu.rdue class of men and women ever to be ice cream freezing in his plant near- ~ University '11, Lafayette, Ind. graduated her~. by. Mr. Dolson insisted that they I~ge, Ohio, Chosen by Trus- James Jaquette, Jr., Albert Clark and Ma'rion Arthur Wi11is, B. S. Clem- In addition to the younger men and go back to court right away. Mr. tees in Meeting Saturday; Harvey Bo;r~':iaY'8 P"ogra,n son Agricultural College '23, Newark, women, two honorary degrees of Doc­ Powell demurred. Mr. Dplson became In Wolf Hall Friday night, Dean tor of Laws and eight graduate de­ angry . So did Mr. Powell. Brings Assisj:ant Wi.th Him, George E. Dutton of the University BACHELORS' DEGR~~S DELAWARE COLLEGE grees were conferred by the Board of Th en, according to accounts, Mr. The long-awaited answer to many .'~ill address the graduates. The stu- Trustees. Dolson unleashed his handcuffs and queries during the past two months dent orations will be delivered by Bachel07' of Art8 (Arts and Science) Teachers' diplomas for the two-year n blac kjack. The blackjack vanished was answered Saturday at noon when Miss Agnes Frazer and Martin 0001'­ Francis Joseph Cummings, Wil­ course in education at the Women's into thin air in a few seconds, and it was anounced that George H. dan. Eugene Kennedy, president of mington. College were a warded to 34 girls. Mr. Dolson went home empty handed. Pritchard, 37 years old, of Hiram the Alumni Association for the past David Mitchell Dougherty: Wil- Perfect summer weather brought Mr. Powell accompanied by several College, Ohio, lias been chosen direc- year, will award the Alumni annual mington. out a large and representative audi­ friend s and witnesses peaceably at- tor of Physical Education at Dela- scholarship. Herbert Hayman Lank, Seaford. ence under the trees in front of Old. tended Mr. Tinsman's esteemed court ware. and wi11 take up his duties in Class night will be observed in Richard Grant Long, Smyrna. College. From all parts of Delaware the next day and paid a fine and costs September. He succeeds Coach Wil- Wolf Hall this evening, and the grad­ Georges Quesnel, Valence on Rhone, and from nearby states they ,came, amounting to $4.50 for resisting ar· liam J. McAvoy, resigned. uates are planning a number of France. drawn by pride in their young people rest. Se veral and sundry hot re- At the same time, the trustees humorous skits for the entertainment Dr. Walter Hullihen Paul Robert Rinard, Wilmington. now finishing their course and love marks were passed back and forth elected Herbert Mathews assistant to of fellow students, parents and 8 0rnelius Alfred Tilghman, Smyr- for the scenes which recalled many among the rival firemen attending the Mr. Pritchard. The two have been friends. Who completed his fifth year as na. happy days in past years. U was a hearing. This enlivened the proceed- working together in Ohio. and Mat- The schools will 'close their doors President of tbe University on Mon­ John Winston Walker, Wilmington. Commence~ent of which Delaware ings immensely. hews is thoroughly familiar with his on Friday of this week. day. He was complimented on his Ba.ckelor of Science (Arts and Dliltht weB be proud. The charge of blocking the road- chief's methods. • • • work by H. B. Thomp.on, Trustee Science) President. • Gen. AUen Is Speake?' way, lodged against Mr. Powell, was While both Pritchard and his col- STANTON FESTIVAL . William McCoy Donaldson, Wil- ·.s mi ssed. l'I!ge are little known to Newark peo- A GREAT SUCCESS mington. Major G~neral Henry Truman It was further brought out that pie, he comes here ' with hi'gh recom-I The strawberry festival held ai ABen, one of the outstanding figures During the course of his report to Ralph Lyle France, Wilmington. Hollaway Terrace firemen, who swore mendations. He was chosen from a Stanton by the Girls' Friendly of St. in the United States Army, and an the Board of Trustees in their last Frank Ira Garatwa, Newark. out the warrants, did not receive a list. o.f some thirty applicants for the James Church, on Thursday evening authority on international affairs meeting of the year on Saturday Frederic Courtland Houghton, New- call to the fire at the Perkins place. pOSitIOn. was a decided success. The affair with particular import on the Eu­ morning, Dr. Hullihen, President of ark. They merely saw the flames, .and .Si,nce his grll'duation, in 1908, Mr. was held on the lawn of the home of ropean muddle, delivered the com­ the University, took occasion to stress Wi11iam Spencer Jackson, Dover. good and true firemen as they are, Pritchard has had a successful record C. P. Dickey, which was beautifu\1y mencement address to the graduates. particularly the great step forward John Gilbert Leach, New Castle. drove over with a great clatter and as a coach. He was for one year com- decorated with fancy booths. The sum He was introduced to his audience in which was completed during the year. Francis Grove Miller, North East, rush just in time to meet the other mandant at thl! Howe School, Indi- of $60 was realized from the affair. glowing terms by President Hullihen. He I'eferred to the aceptance by the Md. co ming home. Nevertheless, they ana; principal of the Texarkona High The Gil'ls' Friendly will hold a The general, an ere<!t, virile man, Association of American Colleges of Harry Pikus, Dover.
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