t t t NEWSLE TTER OF THE WILLIAMSTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY VoLUME5, No. 2 Wm.rrER1995 Our New Library:AWish List The goal of all concerned with creat- that was raised in 1994-1995.Here I sometirne in mid-1996. Phase Two will ing the David and Joyce Milne Public must stressthat we are MOST GRATE- take place iJ and when we receive the Library out of the former Pine Cobble FUL to all the donors who have sup- $20O000 reimbursement grant, which Schoolhas been to make a functional, ported this campaignto makeacommu- will be arnounced in September, 1996. altractive library through "adaptive re- nity dream a reality! PhaseTwo monies would enableus to use" of the building. A major challenge Moving ahead: replace all the windows in the building, hasbeen plarming the "project budget" Now our "proiect budget" tota.lis thus greatly irnproving its energy effi- tobe adequateyetrealistic. Therenova. about $760,000,with the possibility of a ciency and also improving thebuilding's tion plans - and thus the budget - $200,000reimbursement grant from the aPpearance. have changed three times during the statethat would come in late 1995. To What did we give up? last year. Here's why: respond to this financial realifr, we cre. In cutting our project budget When the trustees, director, archi- ated a two-phaseplan. PhaseOne is in rough'ly in ha-If, we went from a com- tects and Plaming Committee began process. Our architects are drawing plete make-over of the building to a making "schematic plans" to renovate construction documents to Droceedwith practical renovation based on the most the Pine Cobble building in lune 1994, all the renovations necessaryinside the pressing needs of the project. We de- our tentative proiect budget was about building, and to build a parking lof etc., cided to acquire used furniture and $800,000. Of this sum, $15O000was so thatwe canrnove into ournew library Continuedon page 3 federal grant money and the rest of the funding we hoped to raise. The state grant: ln October 1994came the news of a MEET THE TRUSTEES; possible state construction Srant and using the funding formulas provided, Volunteers we found that we could apply for $739.000toward renovations. We had with a to raise "local support" money of $610,000to apply for the grant, so the lSlOn Capital Campaign forged ahead and vowed to reachthis goal. With the state The Williamstown grani a possibility, we broadened the Public Library is govemed scope of renovations to include things by a Board of Trusteescur- we couldn't afford on the smaller bud- rently comprised of Brent get: stucco-styleinsul.ation for the out- Filson, JoanHunter, Peter side of the building, for example, and an Jusl Zane Lumelsky and elevator to provide accessto the base- Peter \l/hite. The trustees ment. Our working proiect budget ex- are volunteers whose re- panded to $1.5million! sponsibilities include ap- (both When the disappointingnews about pointrnent of the Director; TnLsteesBrant Filson, Ioan Hunte1 Z,aneLumelslcy seated)and Peter Wite (missing:Peter ooerseethe the state grant came in L995, we pronotion of library in- lust) |uly policiesand decisionsof the Willbntstown Public Library. sighed and then applied our best Yan- terests; the securing of kee ingenuity to cut back the proiect funds;determiningtherules and regu- Who are these men and women budget sharply. We determinedto com- lations goveming library services and who give so much time for the en- plete a workable renovation with the personnel, and a number of other hancementof our library? monies we have so far assembled:the policy-forming decisions. Continuedon page 2 $150,000federal grant, and the $61O000 TRUSTEES Contiwredfrom page1 Brent Filson, chairman of the trust- ees, has lived in Williamstown shce 7973.Orignally Irom Ohio, Filson loves the "cows and culture" that Williamstown has to offer. Asked why We wish to express our appreciation to each and every family and he is a library trustee Filson said, "to business who contributed to our Capital Campaign. Our original goal was play a role not simply in managing the $300,000and we accepted the challenge of doubling that because our vision library but in having the community for the new library was so strong. What has made this Ca:npaign so transform it." For him, "Leadership is rewardinghasbeen that many of you have shared this vision. To those ofyou about having people say, 'we did it whom we personally visited, a sincere "thank you" for making our job so ourselves."' His favorite book is Anna easy by your generous contdbutions. To our hundreds of families who Karenina, which he says changed his responded to the townwide mailing, an extra thanks for individually choos- young life. Filson's interests center ing to make a difference. To those of you who plamed and organized our around his family: "Thebest place in the film benefit, special musical event, and townwide tag sales, we extend our world to go is home." gratitude for yourenergy, effort, and financialcontribution to the Campaign. "As a teenager, my public Iibrary This Campaign has brought townspeople togetherwith a commonPurpose. had a profound effect onmy life," notes We celebrate a wonderful Campaign and thank you for your generous suDDort! trustee Joan Hunter. "The Iibrary was a ^ wonderfully supportive environment ifyouhave notconhibuted yet to our Campaign, we welcome additional where the quest for knowledge was re- conhibutions at any time. There are many items on our wish list, and each spected. All children deserve this sup- and every gift will help us make this abetter Library. Memorial contributions port for learning-" Hunter, who has to the Campaign ate also encouraged as a meaningful way to remember a chaired the capital campaign with loved one or acknowledge a special event (such as a special birdrday or Wayne Wilkins, looks forward to the aruriversary). A gilt to the library will last forever. Any new contributions to completion of the library's move into the Carnpaign will be acknowledged in.the next issue of the Biblio-File. the new building where there finally >rncerety/ willbe adequate space.She particularly [oan Hunter and Waune Wilkins enjoys readingbiographies, psychology books and books by modern female au- thors, especially Margaret Atwood. In was able to explore the pleasures of nity - serving everyone without qualifi- addition, she enjoys sharing Lois Lowry reading freely and peacefully."To hi-rn, cations," said Zane Lurnelsky when ard Roald Dahl books with her 6-year- being a husteeis a way to try to Provide asked whyhe joined the Board of Trust- old daughter. A Pittsfield native, she that "sanchrary"for others.Hehaslived ees. "The hony is that the more I try to has lived in Williamstown for alrnost 18 in Williamstown since 1988 when he give to the library, themore itgivesback years. joined the faculty of Williams College. to me. For example, I used to think Olat For trustee Peter Just, an anthro- He liveswith his wife, Ann, their son, it wasiust a place to get information,but pologisi who was born and raised in and a number of cats. now I see that it serves an important suburban Washington, D.C., the library "I rar for trustee with the convic- socialfunction in our comnunity aswell of his youth was a "sanctuary- a special tion that the public library is the most - it brings people together." A Mirme- place, different from school, where I democratic institution.in our commu- sota native, Lumelsky has lived and worked in Williamstown since 1982. Currently he is fascinated withbooksby Arthur Koestler. His most often used Uocoming Events Planned book, and one ofhis all-time favorites, is the dictionary. irfctrildreln's Room Trustee Peter Just is a retired busi- Children's librarian Pat Malone reports there are a numbet ness executive with backgror.rnd as a He was president of f programs planned for January arrd February While all dates corporate lawyer. (New ave not been confirmed yet, keep checking at the Iibrary to see the trustees of the Bemardsville exactly when programs will take place- Jersey) Public Library for sir yearsprior to moving to Williamstown in 1987.Mr. In early January parents and children are invited to celebrate books and White reads history and current non- movement with Judy Fitzgerald. judy is an experienced creative movement instructor who ties stories and picture books in r /ith her program Three, 4- fiction. For him, the best part of serving and S-year-olds and theirparents are encouraged to "come move with Judy!" as a trustee has been getting to know arrd appreciate all that the wonderful In late lanuary there willbe a Mystery Night for families in the Children's have Room. Come arrd solve the mystery! staff and volunteers at the library Families and their teddybears are invited to enjoy arrevening of bedtime done for the Town of Williarnstown. stories with cookies and milk in February in the Children's Room. Wear your "Al1 that the library manages to do is a f! pajarnas and slippers, but no snoozing is allowedl tribute to its staff and volunteers." AWSH LIST ContinttedJrom page 1 shelving instead of new except in the TIIE HOUSEOF TOCAL children's room, for example, and have HrsToRr STAGESEVENTS happily been able to assemble already ? The House ofLocal Historv much of the fumiture we need. Some of will sponsor a number of the other changes are listed below, with approxirnate costs: a INSULATION: Instead of insu- History, will be featured in a program titled lating the building outside with stucco, Preserving Fermily Papers. They will discuss simple and inexpensive the outside will remain much the same. steps individuals can lakc to slow the deterioration oftreasured family records.
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