~f IN UTE S OJ.' TH t.: ANNlTAL CONFERENCES if·:,, ' .i 'I)•, METllODIS'l' EPISCOPAL CllllRCll, t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S 1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8. ~ ~ I . I NE\V-YORK: FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: CONl-'Et~F.J1i;1·~~ :>t'Flt'E, ~00 l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET. l: .T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr. 1840. I I I ... ' TO THE READER. THE Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Metho<list Episcopal Church ,· ...: .. '. I contain the statistics of the church in detail. They are therefore both en· I ·: tcrtaining and useful. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of Methodism •;. in this country derive much satisfaction from perusing these documents; and, as a source of authentic information respecting many things connected with the history, polity, and usages of the church, they are inJispensabh~. But being published in pamphlet form, they are liable to be lost ; anJ it requires no small trouble, when a. consecutive series is needed for any purpose, to procure one. For these reasons the idea of publishing them in a v<>lume was early conceived by John Dickins, first book agent in this country, who, in 1794, issued a volume embracing all the Minutes from the commencement of Methodism in America, a period of about twenty-one or twenty-two years. In 1813 a volume was published by D. Hitt and 'f. Ware, book agents. But this work is out of print, and the de&ire of many to have the whole from the commencement to the present period seems to call for the publication now offered. In addition to the benefit of having at hand a work of reference to which resort may be had for.settling any disputed or doubtful question relating to the statistics of the church, the volume now offered to the public may be recom· mended as a useful reading book. The biographical sketches of deceased preachers, of which there are many in the work, are highly interesting, and cannot, we think, be read without profit. The readers of the Minutes should bear in mind, that they are dated, seve­ rally, at the time of their publication ; and the matters recorded in each relate to the year closing at that period. This is necessary to a\·oid mistakes in regard to dates. 216 Minutes for 1813. Cayuga, James Kelsey, Samuel L. Raw­ Bay Quint\e, Isaac B. Smith, John Rey- [J leigh. nolds. m Scipio, Joseph Willis, Ira Fairbank. Smith's Creek, Thomas Whitehead. Jc SusQUEHANNAH DIST. George Harmon, Young-street, Joseph Gatchell. H P. Elder. Niagara, Andrew Prindle, ~Ninian Holme1. .~ J ... ycoming, John Hazzard, J as. S. Lent. Ancaster and Long Point, Enoch Bur- Shamokin, James H. Baker, James Hick­ doc\,f Peter Covenhoven. cox. Detroit, George \\i. Densmore. c. Northumberland, Geo. Thomas, Ebenezer LoWER CAN.lDA D1sT • .Nathan Bangs, Li Doolittle. • P. Elder. >I \Vyoming, John Kimberlin, Elisha Bebins. Montreal, Nat/tan Bangs. Canaan, Loring Grant, Orin Doolittle. Quebec, Thomas Burc.h. Lebanon, Dan Barnes. Ottawha, Robert Hibbard. Shenango, Chandley Lambert. St. Francis River, Samuel Luckey, J. F. Broome, Elijah King. Chamberlain. Tioga, Marmaduke Pearce, Alfraham Quest. 16. l.Yhere and when shall our Dawson. next Conjerences be held J Newtown, Thomas Wright. l. Ohio Conference, at Chillicothe, Oc­ ONEIDA DIST. William Case, P. Elder. tober 1, 1812. • le' Westmoreland, Asa Cummins, Abner 2. Tenne~see Conference, Fountain­ ~e Chase. head, November 1, 1812. H Po~ pey, Jonathan Huestis, Gideon Lan- 3. Sout hCarolina Conference,at Charles­ mng. ton, December 19, 1812 .. Otsego, Ebenezer White, Ralph Lanning. 4. Virg"inia Conference, at Newbern, Herkimer, Luther Bishop, Wm. B. Lacy. (N. C.,) Fehruary 10, 1813. H \Vestern, Charles Giles. 5. Baltimore Conference, Baltimore, Ja Turin, Reuben Farley. March 24, 1813. th St. Lawrence, Isaac Puffer. 6. Philadelphia Conference, at Philadel­ C1 Black River, Joseph Kinkeacl. phia, April 24, 1813. G Mexico, Isaac Teller. 7. New-York Conference, at Amenia, Utica, Seth Mattison. l\fay 20, 1813. UPPER CANADA D1sT. Henry Ryan, 8. New-England ConferencP., at New. P. Elder. London, June 20, 1813. Augusta, J. Rhodes, E. Cooper, S. Hop­ 9. Genesee Conference, '\Vestrnoreland, kins. July 9, 1813. MINUTES er TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNPAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST ~j EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOR THE YEAR 1813. A Quest. I. Who are admitted on trial J Jesse Hale, Elisha Lott, Jam es Porter, T OHIO CONFERENCE. John Tiowman-17. John Dew, Joseph Tatman, Reuben SOUTH CAROLIN A CONFERENCE. Rowe, Elijah M'Daniel, Robert Hatton, Anderson Ray, Allen Bass, Samuel K. Presley Morris, John Graham, Archibald HodCTes, Daniel M'Phaill, James Parsons, M'Ilroy~ Joseph Spahr, Moses Trader, 'Vm~ Harris, 'Vest Harris, Dabney P. Samuel Brown-11. Jones, \Vm. Collinsworth, John \\'right, TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. .T as. Andrew, \Villiam Barnett, David S. Samuel Brown, John Allen, Claiborne M'Bride, Samuel Johnson, J as. B. Turner, Duval, John Nixon, John Smith, 'Yilliam Philemon Ogletree, Elijah Bird, Samuel T. Elder, James l\l. Sharp-19. King, Thomas Nixon, Zachariah W_itte~, Mumford Harris, Isaac Couger, Ilenpmm VIRGINIA CO~FF.RENCE. Malone, William Douthet, Boaz Ady, \V illiam \Vhitehead, Henry Robinson, l Minutes for 18 13. 217 Lewis Skidmore, Rohort F. Carney, .Sa­ .Foreman, Thomas Sewell, \Ym. Shanks, muel B. \\.hitt>. ShaJrach M. GividenJ, Francis.\. l\lonjar, Robert Hanna, J o::shua John Uov le, John C. Owens, Fletcher \V rnJsor, Amos lla.rnes-9. Harris, ltichartl Parks, Hansom Haines, PIIILAI>ELPHIA CONFERENCE. Allen Elliott, Elijah Sparks-13. David Dailey, George Ilarwhart,0 Joseph BALTl\lOHE CO~FF.RE~CE. S. Colgan-3. Caleb Leach, John Macklcfresh, Thos. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. C. Thornton, \Villiam C. Morri:mn, John Theodosius Clark, Elisha Jacob, Lindon, Thomas Kennerley, Zachariah P. Tobias Spicer, Stephen Beach, Beardsley Mitchell, John Connally-8. Northrop, ~tephen J acoh, William Hoss, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Gad Smith-8. John Potts, Phinehas Price, Samuel J. NEW-ENGLAND CONFEREl\CE. Cox, \\'illiam Allen, John Goforth-5. John Yickory, .T ohn Adams, Benjamin NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Shaw, Thos. \V. Tucker, Richard Emorv, idwlas \Vhite, Henry Hobby-2. N John Paine, Josiah F. Chamberlain, Be~1- .11 ~EW-E~GLAND CONFERENCE. jamin Hezelton, Benjamin Burnham, Ja­ Ju~eph B. w·hite, J<Lson \Valker, Ship­ cob Sanborn, Joseph Ireson, John F. lev \\'. \\'ii son, lfozekiah Dav is, V anren­ Adams-12. se.llaer Osborn, Joseph Luff kin, David GENESEE CONFERENCE. Hutchinson, Joshua N ye-8. Thomas Thorp, James Gilmore, Re­ GE'.'\ESEE CO~FERENCE. nolda Everts, Joseph Hickcox, Ebenezer Jabez Tredwell, Peter Jones, John Doolittle, Elisha Bebins, James S. Lent, Hamilton, James Hall, Elijah \Varren, Gideon Lanning-8. · James II. Harris. Nathan Dodson, Na­ Quest. 3. Who are admitted into full thaniel Reeder, Israel Chamberlain, Israel connection J Cook, Hobert Mcnsha.11, Zenas Jones, OHIO CONFERENCE. Goodwin Stoddard-13. Jacob Gorwell, Abel Robinson, 'Valter Quest. 2. Who remain on trial l Griffith, John Strange, Matthew Nelson, OHIO CON FERENCE. Daniel Fraley, Marcus Lindsev, Isaac \Yilliam M'.Mehan, Thomas D. Porter, Pavey, James M'Mehan-9. ~ Benjamin Rhoten, \Villiam Dixon, John TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Somerville, Daniel Davisson, John l\t'Me­ han, Charles \Vaddle, Robert \V. Finley, John M'Farland, Baker \Vrather, James John Cord, Jonathan Stamper-I I. Dixon, Thomas \Vright, John Phipps, Thomas A. King, George A. Colbert, TE~N ESSEE CONFERENCE. Thomas Griffin-8. George Ekins, J csse Cunningham, Ri­ SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. chard f'onn.,. David Goodner, \Vm. Hart, Samuel Lewis, Joseph Foulks-7. Solomon Brvan, John Sewell, John I. E. Byrd, Daniel Brown, Reuben Tucker, SOUTH CAROLINA. CONFERENCE. James Hutto, Samuel 1\1. Meek, John Griffin Christopher, Benjamin C. Scott, Shrock, Andrew Pickins, Ashley Hewitt, Allen Turner, Thomas Stanley, Nicholas John Boswell-IL Talley, Benjamin OglPtree, James C. VIRGINIA CONFERE~CE. ~h:trp, John Freeman, Henry Bass, Ni­ rholas Punch, L. Q. C. Dey am pert, James James A\'ant, James Sandford, Samuel C. Koger, John Bunch, Jacob Hill, Hugh \Vaggoner, John Mallory, Henry Holmes, M'Pha11l, :\rehiha.ld Brown, James L. Be­ Samuel Hunter, John C. Traylor, Abra­ lin, Alexander II. Saunders, Benjamin R. ham Trail, Lewis Kimbell, Joseph C. Brown, Charles Dickinson-20. Bell, Leroy Blaekburn, 'Jesse Branch, \Villiam M. Elliott-13. VlRGl.XIA CONFF.RE:'\CE. Thomas Puckett, Peter \\·vatt, Minton BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Thrift . .las. Thomas. l\fatthe\v M. Dance, John C. French, James M'Cann-2. John Giles-6. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. BALTl~IORE CO:'\FERE~CE. Joseph Lybr:rnd, Samuel P. Levis, Lewis R. Fechtige, John Bull, Jacob James Smith, \Villiam Ryder, \Villiam \V. 218 Minutes for 1813. Foulks, \Villia.m Leonard, John Finley, Bell, elect, Leroy Blackburn,• Jesse Manning Force-8. Branch*-14. NEvV-YORK CONFERENCE. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. L. John B. Matthias, Gilbert Lyon, Benja­ John Davis, John \Vhite, James Ste­ min Griffen, Cyrus Culver, John T. vens, \Vesley \Vehster, \Villiarn Monroe, Addoms, Hawley Sandford, Samuel Wea­ Asby Pool, Nathan Lodge, Tobias Reiley, ver, John B. Stratton, Jesse Hunt, Elijah Ezra Grover, Robert \Vil son, James \Vil­ Hibbard, David Lewis, Almond Dunbar, son, John C. French,* James M'Cann• .Tohn Reynolds, Samuel Luckey-14. -13. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFEREXCE. Aaron Lummus, James Jaques, Thomas Joseph Lybrand,• Samuel P. Levis,• F. Norris. Cyrus Cummins, Harvey Mo­ James Smith,* William Ryder,* \Villiam rey, John Jewett, Daniel Fillmore, John \V. Foulks,* v\'illiam Leonard,* John Atwell, David Blanchard, John Lewis, Finley,• Manning Force,* \Ym. Torbert, Lawrence Lawrenson, John Price, \\rm. E \Villiam Marsh-I I. to \Villiams,) ohn Emory, J ohu Yan Schoick, GENESEE CONFERENCE. J3 Samuel Griffith, Thomas Davis, John Fer- Ralph Lanning, Ira Fairbank, Elijah non, James Quail-' 18. · King, .1 ohn Hazzard, Palmer Roberts, Marmaduke Pearce, Orin Doolittle, Tru­ NEW-YORK CONFERENCE.
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