8—McClusky Gazette, Thursday, October 29, 2020 Legals Traynor Law Firm, The premises to be sold as aforesaid o’clock A.M. and will remain open until Belile and Michael Axt. Members absent can be installed by the dryer bin that they are located in the County of Sheridan, 7:00 o’clock P.M. of that day. were: Barry Wiersch and Karen Kon- would install themselves. Axt stated the PC State of North Dakota, and described as 2020 General Election Precinct and schak. Others present was: County Com- water board would need to be contacted NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE follows, to-wit: Polling Place missioner Shannon Dieterle, landowners for installing a culvert for drainage if NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Outlot A of the NW¼NE¼ of Section No. 1 All of Sheridan County, Mc- Roland Bromley, Lee & Levi Boehm, and needed and to contact the County Road by virtue of an amended judgment and 8, Township 150 North, Range 77 West, Clusky City Hall, Community Room, 117 representative from AT&T, Curt Walter. Foreman for width specifi cations on the decree of foreclosure rendered and given Sheridan County, North Dakota. Ave B. East, McClusky, ND 58463. Chairman Laib called the meeting to approach. by the District Court in and for the County Dated this 5th day of October, 2020. Dated this 12th day of October, 2020. order. The minutes of the previous meet- The time being 3:00 p.m. the Condi- of Sheridan, North Dakota, Northeast /s/ Trent Naser Shirley A. Murray ing was postponed until the next meeting. tional use hearing was held. Judicial District, entered and docketed Trent Naser Sheridan County Auditor The Variance hearing was held. Laib Lavern Laib turned the hearing over in the offi ce of the clerk of said Court on Sheridan County Sheriff (10/22, 10/29, 2020) turned the hearing over to Lee Boehm to to Curt Walter, AT&T representative. the 10th day of March, 2020 in Civil Case explain project. Boehm stated he thought Walter stated that last year’s AT&T site No. 42-2019-CV-00030, in which NORTH Jason P. Sayler (N.D. ID#08746) the previous Variance was for the whole was turned down for construction due STAR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION, a TRAYNOR LAW FIRM, PC Sheridan County yard and not the one bin to be allowed to tribal burial fi ndings. This AT&T cell NOTICE OF TESTING OF North Dakota Corporation, was Plaintiff , 509 5th St NE, Ste. 1 - PO Box 838 to be within the 200 ft. from the right of phone tower would be in replacement ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM and DARREN JOHNSON AND JILL Devils Lake, ND 58301-0838 way of the farm to market road located of previous request and located on the I, Shirley A. Murray, Sheridan County JOHNSON were Defendants, in which de- Telephone: (701) 662-4077 in the SE4-10-147-78. No objections SW4 & N2 13-148-78. Roland Brumley, Auditor, do hereby give notice that at cree it was adjudged that there was due Email: [email protected] were heard. It was moved by Planning landowner for site of tower, stated that 1:30 P.M., Thursday, October 29, 2020 and owing to the Plaintiff upon a note and Attorneys for Plaintiff North Star Com- Commissioner Axt to approve granting a the property had CRP on it and should be at the Community Room, McClusky City mortgage the sum of $221,774.45, and munity Credit Union Variance for the dry bin to be constructed good for federal guidelines. It was moved Hall, McClusky, North Dakota, a public costs and disbursement, in the amount (10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 2020) within the 200 ft. from the right of way by Planning Commissioner Belile, sec- test of an electronic voting system will of $174.00 for a total of $221,948.45 at of the Farm to Market road located as onded by Planning Commissioner Felchle be conducted. a combined daily accruing interest rate stated above and as recommended by to approve a Conditional Use to AT&T for Dated this 23rd day of October, 2020. of $29.34 per day from and since August Sheridan County the States Attorney to have Variance constructing a 412’ tall communication NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION Shirley A. Murray 1, 2019; and by virtue of a writ of special recorded in the County Recorder’s offi ce tower that includes a 12’ ground antenna Notice is hereby given that on Tues- Sheridan County Auditor execution to me issued out of the offi ce that the Variance is subject to revocation on the above mentioned property. Upon day, the 3rd day of November, 2020, at (10/29, 2020) of the clerk of said Court, I will sell said by the County upon if found out of com- roll call vote – Belile – yes, Felchle – yes, the polling place listed below in the Coun- pliance with any State or Federal rule or Sauter – yes, Axt – yes, Laib – yes. Mo- property separately described in said ty of Sheridan, State of North Dakota, judgment hereinafter described to the Sheridan County regulation then the landowner must re- tion carried. a General Election will be held to elect move the subject matter of the Variance, There being no further business the highest bidder for cash, at public auc- Presidential, Congressional, State, Dis- tion, at the front door of the courthouse Planning & Zoning seconded by Planning Commissioner meeting adjourned. trict, and County Offi ces, and an election Felchle. Upon roll call vote – Axt – yes, Shirley A. Murray in the City of McClusky, Sheridan County, to vote on two constitutional measures. North Dakota, on Monday, November 9, Meeting Minutes Belile – yes, Felchle – yes, Laib – yes, Auditor A mail ballot election is being conducted Sheridan County Planning & Sauter – yes Motion carried. Discussion Lavern Laib 2020, at 1:00 p.m. of that day to satisfy for this election and you may contact the the amount due, plus allowable costs, or Zoning Board Meeting was if any State or Federal road offi cer/ Chairman Sheridan County Auditor’s Offi ce, PO Box June 2, 2020 dept. were to request removal of any (10/29, 2020) so much thereof as the proceeds of said 439, McClusky, ND 58463 or telephone sale applicable thereto will satisfy. The Board of Sheridan County Plan- structures than the County would support 701-363-2205 to receive a ballot by mail ning & Zoning board met at 2:30 p.m. that Minnkota will also need to remove The period of redemption on said sale prior to Election Day. If you wish to cast for the real property described herein Members present were Laverne Laib, building along same farm to market road. Sheridan County your vote in person and not take part in Sandra Felchle, Thomas Sauter, Bryon Boehm requested if another approach shall be within three hundred sixty-fi ve the mail ballot election you may do so at Commission days from the date of fi ling the summons the McClusky City Hall, being that is the and complaint in the offi ce of the clerk of one polling place that will be open at 8:00 the district court. Now Hiring all positions! 11 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA SHERIDAN COUNTY GENERALG RA ELECTIONLECE ON BALLOTBALBA OT Full time, part time starting at $13.50. NOVNOVEMBEROV MBEB 3,3 2020 Full time Leadership starting at $15.50. To vote forr the candidate oof yourour choice, GovernorGo rnorno andd Lt. GoGovernor Medical, dental benefits, 401k, Paid Time Off, wellness program. you must darken the oval ( ) nextn to the NO-PARTYNO PARTY BALLOTBALL name of thatt candidate. VoteV for no moremo thanhan ONE $2 shift differential for overnights. set off names To vote for a person whose name is not To vote for the candidate of your choice, Relocation bonus and housing available for full time positions. 21 printed on the ballot, you must darken the Shelley Lenz and you must darken the oval ( ) next to the oval ( ) next to the blank line provided Ben Vig name of that candidate. and write that person's name on the blank Democratic-NPL Party Apply in person at line. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on the ballot, you must darken the 620 Mitchell Ave. N, Steele ND 58482 PARTY BALLOT Doug Burgum and oval ( ) next to the blank line provided or online at: Brent Sanford and write that person's name on the blank Republican Party line. http://coffeecuptravelplazajobs.com/ President and Vice President of the United States DuWayne Hendrickson and Vote for no more than ONE name Superintendent of Public Joshua Voytek Instruction Libertarian Party Presidential Electors Vote for no more than ONE name Even if you are only doing Heidi Heitkamp Kirsten Baesler Biden Bernice Knutson business by phone or email Democratic-NPL Party Warren Larson Brandt J Dick right now, help people know Dustin Gawrylow Jorgensen Martin J Riske Libertarian Party State Auditor you are still there for them. Dylan Stuckey Vote for no more than ONE name 40 Justice of the Supreme Court Vote for no more than ONE name 41 Sandy J Boehler Joshua C Gallion Trump Ray Holmberg Republican Party Contact NDNA or your local newspaper to place an ad Republican Party Robert Wefald 42 Patrick Hart this size in all North Dakota newspapers for only $700! Democratic-NPL Party Jon Jay Jensen (that’s just $8.14 per paper! Regions also available.) 43 ND Newspaper Association: 701-223-6397 Statee TTreasurere u e JudgeJ of thehe District Court Voteo e forfor no moremor thant n ONE name SouthS Centrala Judicial District Representativentativee in Congressongress Judgeshipeship No.
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