wmjin i^ijfffill'jli iWWW»lWiW>^ ''' ff'",y . •f 9W JiB v :;\?i"*v^'; :A .« s/.ntl y srsyl' J£l i.'iKfiU'jaMi' w.K u _ 1 . V? r?'. ••»<&'] OTSgfoaa 4»$':; "«#$ V ' • V'-/-' f:» ;..-MtfifS3 ^s, os«;oH «JJ ri /i -•£* g &£%!T0tt .I -iws «i«Jj Jffiosfeif- x$ .14 .tp^hS.tx> JkfX.ws k j| t&'KfJDSOf ^e«a iii 4POUi7T/ - •'«* *< ii*J Si *#%f^.*^aW$»hi3wJ» t«»» ««r *|tr^R» ';irAT. T.YV lffTTirRI7D -ftA , t hatjT&ix&i eud od.osle jslii/p ftsssa i«S» ei',^i»i,!""JJ» iiA f .••lvllfflDJ'jii t)U NORWALK, «a iftfsfctffcjMfc-.l-l -,& WHOLE NUMBER ifft iff Ml "'ft ' •xBWPipsIs, Savlnjj Mother. ^ The boundary dispute between Mexico and confirm, the sentiments to which I gave ex­ Those parts of the Secretairy's report tention to' the continujrt, decadwca ol NORWALK GAZETTE, Oostlveaess. pression last year. A comparison between wh^ich relate to oui apa-copat defences and latter ahd the Corresponding tfanarer o^or mEE ,81011 Hmiiflid, The farmer sat in hia easy chair :f> The President's Message. Guatemala which led .this Government to 1 ; VK-'i proffer its friendly counsels to both countries,- the respective amounts of silver dollar cir­ armament' suggest the gravest reflections. growing commerce to fdteign bottifaiS; Thifr nilltHI, EVEIT TUUM ••••••<. Chronic Dlar- Between tbe lire, and the lamplight's glare; Oilr existing fortifications are notoriously subject is one of the^utmost importance to For Sale Che^p. A Survey of National Interests. has been amicably settled. culation on November 1, 1881 and on No­ ILL be soldat a Bargain, if apnMed for soon, rbost, Aimdlce, Hit face was ruddy and fall and fair; No change' bks ocburred in bur relations vember 1,1882, shows a slight increase of a inadequate to. the defence of the great the national welfare. ^Methods of, rpyiving a small; neat Ootts*e, «f si*!rooms.ln good Iaoparttyof tbe with Venezuela. I again invoke your action million and a half dollars; but during the baibors and cities for whose protection they American ship-building and of restoriM the Tbe Second Oldest Paper In tbe State. neighborhood, and three minutes? walk ol tbe Blood, ftrerud His three small boys in tbe chimney nook 2V> the Senate and House of Representatives were built.. The question of providing an United States flag in tbe ofeean-kjirrylngIrSde BriageTW Apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. .. in the matter of the pending awards against Interval there had been in the whole number ijf' Ague,, Malaria, Conned the lines of a picture book; of the United Slates: that republic, to which reference was made coined an increase of twenty six millions. armament suited to our present necessities should receive' the immediate Attention of lajljeer • and all Diseases Hit wife, the prido of his home and heart, by a special message from the Executive at Of the one hundred and twenty-eight mil­ hair been the subject for consideration by a Congress. We rbave :mechanical Skill, and .QFFfCE XN QAZBTTE BUILDING. It is provided by the Constitution that abundant material for tbe manufacture, of * caused by De* Baked the biscuit and made tbe tait, the President Bhall from time to time give to your last session. An invitation has been lions , thus far minted, little more than Board, whose report was transmitted to 500 Farms for Sale rangement of IJver, Bowels and Kidneys. received from the Goverhn^nt ,of ;Venezuela thirty-five millions«re in circulation. The Congress at the last session. Pending the modern iron steamshipe "in fair competuipn Laid tbe table and steeped tbe tea, the Congress information of the state or the with our commercial rivals. ^ 'Oirr dlsadvan­ to send representatives in July, 1883, to mass of accumulated coin has grown so great consideration of that report, the War De­ |SubsCriptioh $2.00 per year, in advance. 1)1 Tide Water Virginia? * SYMPTOMS OF A BISKASED tlVKK. Deftly, swiftly, silently ; Union, and recommend to their consideration that the vault room at present available for partment has taken no steps for the manu- tage in building ships Is the greater cost of Bad Brettlr; i Psin' in the Side, sometimes the such measures as he shall judge necessary Caracas for participation' in the centennial labor and in; sailing them^higbertas^wnd | -, Single Copies S Cents. pain is .felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Tired and weary, and weak and faint, V'•: and expedient. In reviewing the events or celebration of the birth of Bolivar, the storage is scarcely sufficient to contain it. facture'or conversion of any heavy cannon, HEAP ANB RICH LANBS. Healthy Rheumatism; - general loss of -appetite; - Bowels She bore her trials without complaint. founder of South American independence. It is not apparent why it is desirable to con­ but the Secretary expresses the hope that greater interest .on capital, wjbile tbo .^aUj id C and mild cUmate. Fish and Oysters in greyt generally costive, sometimes alterotuing with lax; the year which has elapsed since the com- J. ' -fL - abondance.'- In connection with this event it is designed tinue this coinage now so enormously in authority and means to begin that impdrtant highways are already moiiopblized by. our , K. C. U^DSLE^ * P«., . ' the hew is^trouwea with pain, is dull and heavy. Like many anoti&t household saint— ' " • mencemcnt of* your sessions, 1 first call your formidable- competitors;11 'These obstacM' Entered at the Post Offlee atNorwalk, uonn., wUh ocmfiderable loss of memory, mcccttpanied ! attention to the gratifying cobdition.of our to commence the erection at:Caracas of a excess of the public demand. As to the work will soon be provided. ; 3m38' •./ . ^ . Norfolk, *»• with a painful sensation of leaving undone something Content all sefflsh blisd above - silver certificates, in addition to the grounds I invite the attention of Congress to the should in some' way. be. overcome, and foe as Second-Ohm Matter. whidioistht tb have been dbnej'a sKght; dry cough Foreign Affairs. Our intercourse with other statue of Washington, and to conduct an in­ our rapid communication rwi(h foreign lands and .flushed hot is, sometimes an attendant, often j In the.patient ministry of love. i »ii '•<> a •;! Powers has continued to be of the most dustrial exhibition which will be open to which ..seemed last year to justify their re- propriety of making more adequate power tiremient, may be mentioned the effect which for arming and equipping the militia than is we should not continue to depend wholly xi :• A. mistaken for fconsumbtTbh;nsumpuon; the—«. patient complains. ' friendly cbaractcr. Such slight differences; American products. I Teiroqmend tnst the upon vessels built in the yards 6f 'other Advertising Rates j of wcariBess a»d.deb)by ; nervous, eSsHy sttxtled; At last, between the clouds of smoke' ' - as have arisen during the year have been United Statei be represented, and that suit­ is likely to .ensue from the supply of gold' afforded by the act of 1806, which is still .'! .. .ra *'1: ' ^ _ , r*.« » .-,'V^iav»MJs. ' feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation able provision be made therefor. certificates, for whose issuanee Congress re­ upon the statue books. The matter has al­ countries and sailing under foreign flagS. ' mHE large, commodious front room in iQazette cf the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent,' • That wreethed hi» lips/the husband apijlCc • already settled, or are likely to reach an With no United rSutea steamers !on the Four lines or less, 1 time 50c., 3 times $100 J.- Bniiding just vacated by .Francis McKeon. and, although satisfiedthai exercise would he bene* " There's tajies.io raise and interest to. pay— early adjustment. ^ -The elevation of the grade of our mission * cently m£de provision, and which are now ready been, the subject of discussion in the Full particulars of ' „> t. -• , ficial, yet one can hanlly summon up fortitude to in - Central Ameri6a to the plenipotentiary in active circulation. Senate, and a bill which seeks to supply the principal ccean lines, or ia ^ny. foreign ports,, One.sq.uare, one insertion..... 100 -- • "-B;'j. STiriroES ' a—every remedy. Several And if there should come a rainy day, ^ The arrest of citizens of the United States deficiencies of the existing laws is now upon our facilities for extending oUr commerce axe Per week for continuance • SO of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases in Ireland under recent laws which owe their rank, which was authorized by Congress at REVENUE AND TAXATION. greatly restricted, while the nations which have Otfcurrtd Wnen htit lew of them existed; yet 'Twould be mighty bandy, I'm bound lo say, origin to the disturbed condition of that its late session* baf since been effected. its calendar. One Square, three months • •• • «*• • • • • 400 yygwtifiariftn aficr death has shown the Lifer to The l Ybu cannot fail to note with interest the .. The'Secretary of ;War calls attention to build and sail the ships and*cafTy the mails " six months.... 700 For Sale or to Rent. have been eitettfvety deranged.' T' have aonaethin' put by. For folks must country, has led to a somewhat extended war between Peru and Bolivia on the discussion by the Secretary as to the neces­ and passengers : obtain thereby conspicuous correspondence with the Government of one side and Chili on the other began more an embairassment e^ist, growing out of the ' "ft/U *' one year, with paper.... 1500 HE well-knoWn Farm atWinnipaftk, formerly * 'clics sity c2 providing by legislation some mode recent act of Congress making the retire­ advantages in increasing their.trade, ; Tw1W0a, •« •« , « , «• 2500, owned by Morgan T.Smith, is offered for It alioufd be used by all persons,®Id-and Great Britain.
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