Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar Fight Master Magazine The Society of American Fight Directors 1-1987 The Fight Master, January 1987, Vol. 10 Issue 1 The Society of American Fight Directors Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/fight Part of the Acting Commons, Other Theatre and Performance Studies Commons, Performance Studies Commons, and the Theatre History Commons JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN FIGHT DIRECTORS JANUARY 1987 Volume X number I NO SUCH THING by Drew Fracher 9 THE USE OF PARRYING DAGGERS by Richard J. Gradkowski 1 4 THEA THEATRICALTRI CAL WEAPONRY by Eiler Robert Cook 1 8 THE BARBARIAN FROM CROSS PLAINS by T.J. Glenn and David Burton 222 2 QUEST FOR FUN by Rod Colbin 224 4 HENRY IV, PART ONE 225 5 ROBIN HOOD 26 HAMLET 3Editor's Comments 3President's Report 4 Vice President's Report 5 Treasurer's Report 6 Workshop Report 229 9 Points of Interest 333 3 Society News 27 Letters SOCIETY OF AMERICAN FIGHT DIRECTORS THE FIGHT MASTER President Joseph Martinez Journal of the Society of American Fight Directors V",ceV"..,.,President President Drew Fracher 71'easurer7l'easurer David Bcushey Boushey Editor Linda Carlyle McCollum McColium Secretary UndaUncia McCol/um McCollum Associate Editor Olga Lyles Contributing Editors David Boushey The Society a!of American Fight Directors was WAS founded FOUNDED in IN May, 1977. It is IS a non­non- Joseph Martinez profitPROFIT organization ORGANIZATION whose WHOSE aim isIS to TO promote PROMOTE the THE art ART of OF fight FIGHT choreography CHOREOGRAPHY as Graphic Design Akiko Onaka anAN integral INTEGRAI part PART of OF the THE entertainment ENTERTAINMENT industry. Members of OF the THE Society of OF Layout Assistance Carolyn Buswell, Busweli, American Fight Directors serve SERVE the THE entertainment ENTERTAINMENT industry INDUSTRY by BY promoting PROMOTING the THE Nancy Cleveland aestheticsAESTHETICS and AND safety SAFETY of OF well-conceived weli-eonceived fight FIGHT choreography. Published January, May, September atAT the THE University of OF Nevada, Las Vegas. AllAli inquiries INQUIRIES concerning CONCERNING the THE Journal should SHOULD beBE sent SENT to: The Fight Master, c/oCLO Linda McCollum, McColium, Editor, Department of OF Theatre Arts, University of OF Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154. © 1987, The Fight Master As the Society of American Fight Directors prepares to enter its second decade, we may ThThis is year marks the tenth anniversary of look back at the progress we have made since the founding of The Society of American Fight our incorporation in May of 1977. From a Directors. In June of 1977 I was Fight Master handful of members we have grown to an to the Virginia Museum Theatre in Richmond. I organization of two hundred fifty members. received a letter of invitation from David We offer a national workshop each year taught Boushey to join the Society. I remember, as I by the finest instructors in stage combat in the walked to the Theatre on that bright Spring nation. We have certified nearly a thousand morning, saying to myself, "Ah, now it begins. actor-combatants in the use of weapons for the The Fight Choreographer will take his place stage. We have shown the impact well among the other resident professionals in the conceived and executed fight choreography has professional theatre! I am not alone." on a production. Working hand in hand with Like Mr. Boushey, I was forced to train in the armorer our research in historical styles stage fight choreography in Great Britain has influenced the work of the theatrical (there certainly wasn't anything as exciting as armorer. Our members are working in all the National Stage Combat Workshop in areas of the entertainment industry and as existence then), and then to return to this their individual work and expertise continues country and begin to carve a position for to gain national and even international myself within the theatre system. Everywhere recognition the Society and its goals continues I went I was compelled to convince Directors to come to the forefront. We have made some and Producers that their productions would be • giant strides forward for the fight better and their actors safer and more choreographer and our second decade promises consistent, if they hired a professional Fight many more advances. Master. It was certainly an uphill battle. With this issue we end our first decade. Then, six years later, that letter from We welcome Robert Eiler Cook, lecturer and David. At the time I knew only a few of the knife collector, who has authorized the other qualified individuals choreographing reprinting of his article on historical stage fights on a regular basis. Most of the weaponry. Drew Fracher shares a personal violence occurring on stage was wild and encounter with Ralph Faulkner. Richard dangerous, or completely anachronistic, Gradkowski's research of fencing styles sheds because stage fights were being "staged" by light on the use of the parrying dagger in competitive fencers. And naturally, the double fencing. T.J. Glenn reveals the real qualified Fight Masters were working the East story of Conan, and Rob Golbin Colbin sends us an and West coasts. Except for Chicago, where I offer we can't refuse. Tony Soper reviews had resided for a number of years, the great productions he has seen around the country, center of the country was a blank sheet. And and in our letters section we have some very before the Society of American Fight Directors concrete responses to some previously set it was almost impossible to share ideas or to forth ideas. have a healthy argument with a peer about For our May issue I am encouraging theory or technique. members to share with our readers their But why dwell upon the past? Today the views of and experiences with the Society Society is very much a part of the during the first decade. I am hoping we can entertainment industry. We are much better update our archives for the future. Please acquainted with the other individuals who share any reminiscences you have on the early practice our art in the United States. We have years of the Society. Linda Carlyle McCollum 3 a national tool, The Fight Master, to communicate our ideas and opinions. Producers and Directors universally acknowledge the role of the Fight Master. We have established standards of safety and promote excellence in training through our programs of Certification. We are no longer alone. David Boushey deserves a warm accolade for drawing us together in 1977 and for his Dear Members, untiring efforts in supporting the day to day I hope the New Year finds you all well and operations of our organization. He has spent ready for another period of forward progress thousands of hours in the service of an ideal, and growth for the Society. I am still working the Society of American Fight Directors. And on gathering information for a brochure on the now, he is stepping down as Treasurer; a Society to be sent to theatres and universities measure of his confidence in the health and across the United States. Many thanks to those vigour of the Society. From Founder, members that have contributed information. President to Treasurer, he has shouldered Hopefully it will be ready for mailing by much of the responsibilities of seeing that our workshop time this summer. organization survives and prospers. On behalf We will be having a get together at the of all of the members of the Society, past, spring SETC Conference in Richmond, Virginia present and future, thank you David. for any members in attendance and I look However, as the saying goes, "The King is forward to seeing some of you there. Dead, Long Live the King." We must now look Otherwise things seem to be moving along for a successor to David as Treasurer. Any well for us and again I urge all of you to get out member of the Society who is interested in there and hold the Society of American Fight serving as Treasurer to the Society should Directors banner high. We must strive to submit a letter of intent to me. I must say that make ourselves THE organization that theatres it is very important that the Treasurer have call upon for fight work and this is only some form of secretarial help (funded outside possible by continuing to do safe and solid work of the Society) and perhaps have the in all aspects of the business. Keep up the good possibility of access to subsidized photocopying work and keep those lines of communication services. This is a very crucial position among open the Officers and I will be appointing a Cheers! Treasurer as soon as possible. The interested Drew Fracher individual will serve for a minimum of two years. We are going to celebrate our tenth anniversary at the Southeastern Theatre Conference in Richmond, Virginia in March and at the National Stage Combat Workshop in Memphis, Tennessee in July. I urge all of the members of the Society to get together and organize other regional celebrations of our tenth anniversary. We must vigilantly continue to promote the Society whenever and wherever we can. We are poised to prosper in the next decade. Joseph Martinez 4 The 1987 ANNUAL DUES are here once Please make your checks out to the Society ofof more! It seems as though we just finished American Fight Directors. Do not send youryour paying for one year when the next year is upon dues to the Seattle address as Linda has taken us. For those who paid last January, it over this responsibility and will continue to dodo probably doesn't seem quite so soon so might I so indefinitely.
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