Appendix N Transport Assessment www.emgamm.com www.iluka.com Balranald Mineral Sands Project Transport Assessment Prepared for Iluka Resources Limited May 2015 www.emgamm.com www.iluka.com BalranaldMineralSandsProject TransportAssessment IlukaTrimReferenceNo:1646005 PreparedforIlukaResourcesLtd|1May2015 GroundFloor,Suite01,20ChandosStreet StLeonards,NSW,2065 T+61 2 94939500 F+61294939599 [email protected] emgamm.com BalranaldMineralSandsProject Final ReportJ12011RP1|PreparedforIlukaResourcesLtd|1May2015 Preparedby DrTimBrooker Approvedby DrPhilipTowler Position AssociateTransportPlanner Position AssociateDirector Signature Signature Date 1May2015 Date 1May2015 This report has been prepared in accordance with the brief provided by the client and has relied upon the information collected at the time and under the conditions specified in the report. All findings, conclusions or recommendations contained in the report are based on the aforementioned circumstances. The report is for the use of the client and no responsibilitywillbetakenforitsusebyotherparties.Theclientmay,atitsdiscretion,usethereporttoinformregulators andthepublic. © Reproduction of this report for educational or other noncommercial purposes is authorised without prior written permissionfromEMMprovidedthesourceisfullyacknowledged.Reproductionofthisreportforresaleorothercommercial purposesisprohibitedwithoutEMM’spriorwrittenpermission. DocumentControl Version Date Preparedby Reviewedby V1 14November2014 TimBrooker PhilipTowler V2 24November2014 TimBrooker PhilipTowler V3 3February2015 TimBrooker PhilipTowler V4 6March2015 TimBrooker PhilipTowler V5 5April2015 TimBrooker PhilipTowler V6 1May2015 TimBrooker PhilipTowler T+61(0)294939500|F+61(0)294939599 GroundFloor|Suite01|20ChandosStreet|StLeonards|NewSouthWales|2065|Australia emgamm.com ExecutiveSummary ES1 Projectlocationandtransportoperations The Balranald Mineral Sands Project proposes mining and rehabilitation of two linear mineral sand depositswhicharelocatedapproximately12kmand67kmnorthwestofthetownofBalranald. ThelocationofthemineprojectareaandtheproposedmineproducthaulageroutesthroughBalranald, andTooleybucinNSWandManangatanginVictoriaareshowninFigureE.1.Themineproductswouldbe a combination of processed heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) and ilmenite. These would be further processedatlocationsinVictoriaandexported. AstherearenorailtransportconnectionstotheBalranaldareaofNSW,roadtransportusingBDouble truckswouldbeutilisedforallthemineproducttransportwithinNSW.Potentially,theilmenitewouldbe transferredtorailtransportatManangatangandtheHMCproductwouldbeeithertransferredtorail transport at Hopetoun in Victoria or transported by road the entire route to an existing Iluka mineral processingfacilityatHamilton(alsoinVictoria). ES2 Projectlifeandworkforce Theprojectwouldhavealifeofapproximately15yearsincludinga2.5yearconstructionperiod,andnine years of operations, followed by rehabilitation and decommissioning during the final 3.5 years of the project.Themineisanticipatedtoemployapeakconstructionphaseworkforce(includingsomeofthe startup operations workforce) of approximately 450 people in May 2018 and a subsequent peak operationalphaseworkforceofabout550peopleinJune2020. Duetoshiftrosteringandleavearrangements,themaximumactualworkforceatthemineatanygiven timewouldbe315(construction)and385(operational)respectively.Duetotherelativeremotenessof theminefromthenearestmajorpopulationcentresatSwanHillandMildura,averyhighproportionof theseworkforces(95%)wouldberesidentatanonsitemineaccommodationfacility,duringthemain projectconstructionandoperationalphases. The mine accommodation facility would be approximately 11 km north of Balranald, within the mine projectarea,asshownonFigureE.2.Theavailabilityofonsiteaccommodationwouldsignificantlyreduce theminecommutingtrafficwhichwouldotherwiseneedtouseBalranaldIvanhoeRoadandotherlocal roads in the Balranald area for daily commuting to and from the project. The accommodation facility wouldalsogeneratesomelocalservicinganddeliverytrafficincludingsomelocallybasedemployeeand trucktrafficandlongerdistancetruckdeliveriesfromregionalsuppliersforconsumables,maintenance andwasteremoval. ES3 Projectconsultationandfeasibilitystudies Anumberofdesignstudiesandfeasibilityassessmentsfortheproposedmineroadtransportoperations have been undertaken by Aurecon and other consultants during 2012 R 15. These have included a transportrouteoptionsstudyforthemineproducthaulage,anoversizevehicleroutesstudyformine constructionaccess,roadsafetyauditsfortheNSWandVictoriasectionsoftheproducthaulageroute and a haulage route pavement strength review which includes a future road pavement maintenance strategyandcostingsofproposedworksfortheproducthaulageroute. J12011RP1 E.1 D A O R G N ¯ A ME N P RRU G-RU N NG ROA R D T OAD A R G OP HUT D A O R Y E ARUMPO L !( X O E R A L C D A O A R R E U O M H N P A O NEPEAN MINE V -I R D O L A D NA A R L A B NEPEAN ACCESS ROAD INJECTION BOREFIELDS D BU A R O ACHLAN RIVER K R L E Y A E N L INJECTION BOREFIELDS D X W O I D L A L O S R R LE O G A MU N D RU RR P UM N B O ID T GE S E RIV EU ER WEST BALRANALD MINE WEST BALRANALD ACCESS ROAD D A O EUSTON R STURT HIGHWAY EG E !( A A W ROBINVALE R WATER SUPPLY PIPELINE A W BALRANALD !( MUR LLEY HIG R AY VA H WAY R O B I N V A L E KEY - S E A L Project area A K E Nepean access road R O A D HMC transport to Hopetoun or Hamilton Ilmenite transport to Manangatang KYAL W ITE R A O Atlas-Campaspe project K AD O O TOOLEYBUC L RI Willandra Lakes Region World !( VER MANANGATANG K Heritage Area O MALLEE HIGHWAY R A L Main road E B IG A H L Local road R R O A N A A D Lakes/rivers CA L L D D E R National parks and conservation SPEEWA R R O O H AD A areas I G D H W 01020 A Y km Source: EMM (2014); GA (2014); Iluka (2014) GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 T:\Jobs\2012\J12011 - Balranald Mineral Sands Project\GIS\02_Maps\TA001_ProjectLocation_20150312_08.mxd 12/03/2015 Project\GIS\02_Maps\TA001_ProjectLocation_20150312_08.mxd Sands Mineral Balranald - T:\Jobs\2012\J12011 Location of the Balranald Project Balranald Mineral Sands Project Traffic Assessment Figure E.1 ¯ ARUMPO ROAD NEPEAN MINE D A O R E O WI H NTONG ROAD N NEPEAN ACCESS ROAD A V I - D L A GLE N N EM A U AD R RO L A B INJECTION BOREFIELDS INJECTION BOREFIELDS OXLEY ROAD PRU NGL E M AIL RO A B B D O X C U RE R EK K E W I L L S R O A PENARIE D !( INJECTION BOREFIELD ABBOTTS TANK ROAD MYLATCHIE TRACK WEST BALRANALD MINE KEY Project area Main road WEST BALRANALD ACCESS ROAD Local road WATER SUPPLY PIPELINE ACCOMMODATION FACILITY Major watercourses Cadastre STURT HIGHWAY Relic and ephemeral lakes D A Ya n g a O Perennial lakes R ER National H I V BALRANALD R Park A National parks and conservation E R !( E D IDG O A areas MB G RU N P R O A M UR U NA A P 0510 W km GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 Source: EMM (2014); Iluka (2013) T:\Jobs\2012\J12011 - Balranald Mineral Sands Project\GIS\02_Maps\TA002_MineLayout_20150312_06.mxd 12/03/2015 Project\GIS\02_Maps\TA002_MineLayout_20150312_06.mxd Sands Mineral Balranald - T:\Jobs\2012\J12011 Project area Balranald Mineral Sands Project Traffic Assessment Figure E.2 AseriesoftransportagencyworkshopswereheldinBalranaldduring2013and2014providingbriefings to RMS, VicRoads and the Balranald and Wakool Shire Councils. The results of the initial transport feasibilitystudiesandrouteassessmentswerepresentedattheagencyconsultationmeetingsandhave beenincorporatedintothisreport. Duringthelaterstagesofprojectconstruction,regularoversizevehiclemovementswouldoperatetoand fromexistingIlukaprojectsitesinVictoriatotransportminingequipmenttotheBalranaldarea.Dueto thewidthrestrictionattheexistingTooleybucBridge,theseheavyvehiclemovementswouldgenerally needtotravelviatheMurrayValleyHighwaytoRobinvaleandviatheSturtHighway,betweenEustonand Balranald.Atanumberofintersections,whichareprimarilylocalintersectionswithinBalranaldtownship, intersectionearthworks(egfill)wouldberequiredtoaccommodatethesweptpathsofthetrailersfor theseoversizevehiclemovements. ES4 Trafficimpactsonroadsandatintersections Thisreporthasassessedtheprojectrelatedtrafficimpactsforthemineconstructiontrafficatthepeak stage of mine construction in 2018 (which included the overlap period of mine construction and operations) and the peak stage of mine operations in 2020. It considered the affected road networks withinNSW,withinapproximately100kmofthemine.Thisincludesthetwoproposedmineaccessroads (WestBalranaldAccessRoadandNepeanAccessRoad). TheNepeanAccessRoad,wouldincorporatesectionsoftwoexistinglocalroads(BurkeandWillsRoad andArumpoRoad)whichwouldbeupgradedtoanappropriatestandardtoaccommodatetheproposed minetrafficincombinationwiththeexistinglocalandtouristtraffic.Priortotheestablishmentofthe West Balranald access road Iluka may require temporary access along Burke and Wills Road for traffic during the early stages of construction. Iluka would ensure sections are regraded to address induced damageandminimisecorrugations,potholesandothersurfacedefects. Thecurrentroadwidthshavebeenmeasuredforallthemajorroadsandsealedlocalroadsinthearea potentially affected by the project traffic. The existing daily traffic volumes for these roads were determinedfromacombinationofhistoricRMStrafficcounts(generallyfromtheyear2006),Aurecon’s programoftubetrafficcountsfortheproducthaulagerouteinJune2014andpeakhourlytrafficsurveys forvariousroadsinBalranaldtownshipbyEMMinOctober2014. The assessment of the project construction and operational stage traffic impacts for the key affected roads and intersections within the Balranald
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