Distribution Weather Tcfaj Red Bank Area j M^-vi Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1966. DIAL 741-0010 JHONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS PAGE 01 VOL. 89, NO. 101 Ii«u«d OtSSy, Monday Utfmiih Friday. Second Clui WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1&, 1966 7c PER COPY * Aldrin, Lovell Head for Cape 'Twins CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)-E. Aldrin Jr. planned to leave Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex., gasso Sea area of the Atlantic (Jemini It's astronauts fly to the aircraft carrier Wasp for a for several days of detailed de- Ocean, about 700 miles southeast Cape Kennedy today to begin a two-hour flight to this spaceport briefings. of Cape Kennedy. long series of discussions on where they started the final After that they'll hold a news The landing was another exam- their record-shattering space Gemini journey last Friday. conference in Houston. ple of the precision America has (light, a mission that opened the The astronauts will remain at Lovell, 38, and champion space reached in its man-in-space pro gate to the Apollo man-to-the- Cape Kennedy until Friday or walker Aldrin, 36, brought the grams. For the fourth straight moon program. Saturday, discussing their space Gemini program to a triumphant time, a Gemini craft landed close flight in general terms. Then end yesterday when their space enough to its recovery ship for Navy Capt. James A. Lovell (See GEMINI, Page 3) Jr. and Air Force Maj. Edwin they will fly to the Manned chariot splashed into the Sar- 6 JBJ'S Gonditioii Good WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- repair an abdominal hernia, took of Johnson's vocal cords proved ecision arose while Johnson was dent Johnson underwent twin 53 minutes. to be benign, or non-malignant. under anesthesia. operations today and his doctors A team of six doctors per- Johnson had expressed some Dr. Wilbur J. 'Gould, John- later reported they found no formed the work at the National concei-n on this point, telling a son's throat specialist, has said WAVES TO WASP CREW — While Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. evidence of malignancy — that Naval Medical Center in subur- news conference last week that olyps of its type are generally stands by mY tide, James A. Lovall Jr. waves hit blue they were satisfied with the out-ban Bethesda, Md. , not knowing the nature of the ot malignant. .Nevertheless, come and Johnson's condition. polyp was like "having a cur- cientists will examine-the—re— Navy cap at the astronauts arrive by helicopter aboard ~~SJbyers7~ reading a statement and deferring all questions until tain hanging over you." f Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers PRESIDENT ENTERS HOSPITAL _ President Johnson, the carrier Wasp after four-day journey around the said the surgery, to remove a later, began bjrjsaying the growth Here is the text of Moyer's an- world. (AP Wjrephoto. Story and other photo on Page 3.) polyp Irom Johnson's throat and removed from the edge of one nouncement. 2. A lump at the end of his -with the First Lady by his side, turns to wave as hft "The surgery has been com gall bladder scar, described as enters Bethesda Naval Hospital last night. The Presi- pleted. A benign polyp was re- ding about the diameter of a d f ; t6 undergo a dual operation today. Keuper Says It Protects People's Rights moved from the edge of the silver dollar. It has caused John- • .». • r /•».•,. •. > President's vocal cord and the (See LBJ, Page 3) "' . UP VyVaphotol incisibnal hernia closed. The operation began about 6:27 and ended at 7:20. The President is Defends Suspects' Questioning resting well and the doctors are satisfied with the outcome of the .FREEHOLD — Monmouth Hawthorne,'' near Allaire State be sentenced there to await either new trial, Mr. Frankel said he Viet Battle Flares his electrocution or a favorable will be required after sentencing surgery and the president's con- County prosecutor Vincent Park Aug.' 3, in a talk on law dition." P. Keuper said yesterday that de- enforcement to the Monmouth review of his trial record by theto ask for the automatic Supreme liberate police action in question, College*'Library Association. state Supreme Court. ', Court review of the trial record. Under a standing agreement, big'Clime suspects "protects the The association met at Gibbs Visitors at state prison are Throughout the trial, Mr. Vice President Hubert H. Hum-Anew in 'Zone C' ttght* of the people." Hall, Fort Monmouth, for its an-limited to blood relatives except Fxankel contended that Doss was phrey stood ready to -act if any . It can be done In manyjeases nual fall dinner. by special permission. (See QUESTIONING, Page 3) emergencies requiring immediate SAIGON (AP) — Ground fight- light and sporadic, and bad cut the Communist- sea supply Without risk to individual rights Meanwhile, Dost waited in his Doss and Mrs. Bunche have ing flared anew in Communist weather over North Viet Nam ine by intercepting traffic south U properly pursued, he declared. cell at the county Jail for his first lived together at the home of her war Zone C today and U.S. planes once again cut heavily into air of the 17th.Parallel dividing North Preparing to defend Monday meeting since Monday with his parents, Steven and Florence rained heavy blows on the Viet trikes. and South Viet Nam. night's conviction, of Williaih G. girl friend, Mrs. Dawn Bunche, Bennett; for 11 months but she is'Blue Acres' Plan Cong stronghold 60 miles north- • 299 Bacgeg Hit In ' other developments, Pre- Doss, 20, of Wall Township, of 18, mother of his three-month old not divorced and they are not west of Saigon. i The U.S. Navy disclosed that mier Nguyen Cap Ky's govern- first degree murder without a son, Billy.. '" '.•'. eligible to marry. Giant B52 bombers struck 'n t had sunk or damaged 299 ment announced a cabinet reshuf- recommendation for mercy, the Visit Scheduled Doss' court-assigned attorney, imbattled Tay Ninh province for Communist cargo barges off the fle and U.S. Ambassador Henry prosecutor said he was certain Mrs. Bunche will be among vis- Charles Frankel, said that he and For Water Told the seventh straight day, follow- coast.of North Viet Nam In theCabot Lodge denied reports that Doss' constitutional guarantees itors tomorrow in . the regular his associate, Paul Feldman, are ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - A Today the 500 officials at the ing up 104 strikes on Viet Cong first 20 days of a new campaign he.is quitting his post. ', had been protected since his ar-semi-weekly visiting day at the weighing whether" to apply for a blue sister to ' New Jersey's gathering will meet in smaller positions by smaller tactical —called Traffic Copr-to choke, off The Ky government said. It rest Aug. 23. while the public new trial. If they move it will be 'Green Acres".project may re- workshops and seminars. bombers. • seaborne infiltration, into South would swear in four new cabinet JJaila . It mayy bee ononee of Doss' last The B52 raid at midday came k h h f ti before Nov. 23, the date set by lieve the state of having to wor- Roe said his water, proposal Viet Nam... \-Y. ; . ministers, today to replace men Interest was also being safeguard, talk* with her for some time, about the same' time a battalion ., Adm.. Roy, %,', Johnso^.', N who. quit, as. a result of the dis- however.. Superior- Court Judge EWin R. ry about the source of its. next would be submitted to the, gover- SimmUl, torimpos*'«!»* mind* nor withia *jx. months and, coulc of LSOji nteij of; tiiBU:S. 1st In-minder; fn^cWel --ot -$g~ Pacific pute between northern and south- in the jail "rinfc c-tvrajer,, fantry. JDivision. jhade contact the death tary death sentence* be iniplpitentetfby 1973, „ Fleet, said. Traffic" Cop has hadern factions lo the government. ' j.ajt jj 'State: with a Viet Cong force of un- a "substantial, effect" . on the In the'Tay Ninh sector where house in State PrUon. Dos* must Even if he does not' file for a missioner Bobert A. Roe pro- * Roe said the program wouli more than adequately supply thi known' siie. - Communist supply line. • Operation Attleboro continued, a posed yesterday that a $200 mil- unit of the 1st Infantry Division lion water development—dubbed state's water needs until 1990. HE The outcome of the clash was He reported U.S. destroyers "Blue Acres" — be set up that said that- 30 years from now, not yet reported by. U.S.. head- sank 155 barges arid-damaged 14 reported destroying a Viet Con/; would "avert water shortage cri- plants that process salt watei quarters. ...' ' more from Oct. 25 through Nov. camp and finding 15 enemy dead. Issue Looms, ses that we experienced in.1965." would fill the requirements of th Ground action elsewhere was 13. Previously, the Navy tried to (See VIET NAM,«<Page 3) He outlined the four-point plan state. at the opening session of the But desalinization plants to Freeholders Plan .Advertising annual conference of the New day are economically unfeasible, Jersey state League of Munici- he said. Such a plant supplying Water Problems Mount palities. It -would bring 25 reser- 150 million gallons of water By FRANK W. HARBOUR utility, if it can prove that ser- progress has been made because voirs and aqueduct systems daily would cost $300 million tc build,-while the new Spruce Rui Bids on Library Wanted MIDDLETOWN — The Town- vice extension would not net a the attorney's report has not provide matching funds for munic- Reservoir cost $40 million to •hip Committee is still waiting profit, cannot be forced to make been forthcoming and the govern- ipalities to improve their own of rebSdding or holding 'Vaccaro to a revised (See 'BLUE ACRES' Page 3) FREEHOLD — The Monmouth County' for a.
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