W V mm mil IIIMHIWMWi : iVlTH WE ; OA Mi'MH........ .... NSitaSBi UHAMHIUN BENNY A REAL CHAMPION Copyright, 1921, by Bobert Edgren, OoBTrtfM, 1I1L. bjt Tk rrw. Co. tTM Hiw jEnaiaf Worts.) t A ruiiuaiai ton SV1GRE AGGRESSIVE I) - SYNOPSIS OP PRECEDING INSTALMENTS. t .. !EB U mat Orer. taarrto t Joba Aaaor? a tk aaarrow, true bar r6VM ' MelVlll 1 tailttttiMil. mm kM n. MNllUlM lM til aloft lt hlfla. JoZta flDBBM kt Saej , lull. hM ' kla Rvevectir bride, sad la tan b Vaela. ker twtoter Matm, wba la nrm iM ayxn.lkilln -- wtwii or riias. van axpiaiaa raauera, aaa a foaa awar, aiurmnnn. Tka next dar Vtrla com ta kla apartment ta return a pU of rilii'i. wile all kae ana. touokea DT IM enapalM or IB firu aaaa on w eaarrr aim. 1 f ovin t fa ; ID" THAN il,0 U da of tk wtddlx. at pkona Jls Ual ek aoarrVd and bartm a irdM brjrall-- OLMIIR at lk TW. oa ftenrerd Mia a apt-a- rt. Varl kear ker a Joka wh k 'Moi km,-- ka Btuanad, Van acnotapaklea bar kuakaad ta Iketf mew jdrersM ' Sham sAemid. UoUr BtllwtU, tU kn tka ah la la UrriM atraUat a at la ......7.r !.?. 'j!r-..il- i. .nri1m IW. Bon. mm, arrlia al ker keOM CraBl ' Mnun. awx at tlma J lea ttvmm . ." uBtuwniii . .? ftesen! aJghtwdtfil Title JTW ,tr I?,?! . iiriorelraa eiliuao la ker apanoank On dar. wkaa kM t rat, Joanik.cone kona and nada Nina awtlUni aim. Holder. Reminder of Clever CltVPTKIl T. sho had bought at tho deliMUswea Negro but Has Entirely Dif-- had slammed tho door ana gone ouw 3 ICoauaaedi' "Ami i could have naa any ess, erent Style. Gans Depend- A IXJNQ time ago, when you Nina thought bitterly as she sat thero MtM X first came, I discovered waiting for John. RMMr fHK. - ed on Countering to Win JMgk it that Varli, cared- for She counted ovor the men wno naa you, one day asked her to marry them. Thero waa His Fights and Lacked I found her the Impoverished French noblemaa sobbing beside iier window; it was of undoubted family, who would'havo Flashy Footwork in Ring. on his Just after you bad left mo. And theni accepted her hand If but even ao Ajctioh. trrowao you me oft my I for- had not 'been token tn oy mat. cr6mrCAixY I carried feet Andrew MoManus, who had raabea got Varta, I forgot everything! Until her madly for a season and then sona .sat By Robert Edgren. that very last night and Varla beg oft and married a girl from home. boy was name who BO 5 new-timer- s, ged me, begged mo to givo you up. that what his TANT and some would ZaV hadn't a cent but said ha work old-tlmc-rs, LjWW jflaaaaaaB Mel oame and that was tho way out 'I I VI have asked me 'OKBltfKUTKfPS BHab for hurl That tat old stock broker. whether or not I I took it" but his hands were so wot and would "back turned her face clammy. Then John, quiet but madly eona,ler Benny Nina sank and prospects; 'V: Leonard In Joo away so that ho only saw the outline In love, with no brilliant tt. Pa:Da'9 as a lightweight oham-.,- .. and nt last, Mel. bard and handsome d8 of her cheek. Her thick dark hair with his talk of mines In tho Wes- t- P'n. Right thero la room for end-lc- sa 4 outlined It against the chair. She had fancied herself in ioto wim J argument Except In thoso auV 'My Ood. Nina, what do you tell hlml Love, lovo. what was lafT Jctlc c "Wo'vo Tho black mnrblo dock Interrupted tf, rents whero distances and mo this now forr hs aaked. her with a wtieciy sound, I OVtockl J8 tf'mtlmo show exactly what perform-.- - made & hash of our Uvea and there's Fool, he ought to know enougn vo of" come earlier! ances are, It's almost lmposslblo to Varla to think , : havo was But ho hail not come at and Nina comparo present champions with "I shouldn't told youI flunir nut to buy something for their away" out former title holders. I'U say that Joe Grnt a a carried Nina took her evening meaj that would not requira tiny handkerchief and wiped away cooking, Sho could not bear house Leonard has shown himself easily some a little trick she LtoUC&b -- invisible tears keeping. She had never naa to ao it to-d- WLWftS KHMKi seeing Barry, da-I- t master of rivals In his class ay had learned from Ethel hnfnm- - nil a wouldn't ROW. It 0Mk MU CcSTaHT To Bmrt maun more. Mol thought she had married him to' nd a great lightweight. In many NMT A BUM I couldn't boar you to think at , "But be a servant points ho is very much Hko Gans, A&TOW A.MO tiOT of mo that way. John." Nina roso Tho evenlnrr worn away, and SHU EJmwr Leowwh CowCt asotmo CeuHYCtw RiToua MJTCMCU and wrapped her fur about her. "I nKWho is conceded the master boxer ANY WIWAKiiH BoXlMGi POO& - Nina looked expectantly at the. clock. suppose it's all becausa Mel's in such Sho was relieved John did not great old-tlm- o light-.ght- s. that ol all the MTTCNCU. OUT. trouble." ( come. V0VE5 c3 VYour husband T' Nina nodded. "I've got to go to The next afternoon she "waited ... Jo Cans started as a knockout some one to borrow somo money. again, but sho knew when twllirbt work-1rf".iB- deepened tbo room no . .artist when he was a small boy ,c He'll be able to pay It back in a had In that ,n Oh, John, you couldn't help would not come. A mood of rebellion tno flsn market at Baltimore, The Evening month. swept over hor; sho hated this crowd W World's mo us could your' won his flrst eight fights mar-b- lo bnw with now much wouia you ncour no ed apartment am tho imitation inknockouts. He had been fighting over asked. hall, the Impertinent girl who 'car- two years when ho had his first 'Oh let mo seo a thousand would ried her to her floor In tho clattering by Kiddie Klub pull him through!" elevator, and tha whole Harlem being beaten Dal Hawkins oa. Korner omttm. iia. kr n tw rwMt m jm tm neighborhood with squaiung naven t inat mucn witn mo, or its ' decision In fifteen rounds. His "l children and dirty streets. : ' Conducted by Eleanor Schoror in my bank now" J. winning streak started again lmmo- - "Oh John, you darling, how like Sho even hated Md Mel, who had a ately and went along smoothly un- - you!". Nina brushed hor faco agntnst certain hold on her when she- was his sleeve as though '"io were a black with him, n stronger will than; her he was knocked out by George own, a frightening intensity. l' -- 'fctcFadden in Soon Woodl kitten. "Bring if to no 4 199. after that and Wonder Tales This Is my address. I shouldn't want uy weuncsaay sno had given up lost to .Frank Erne In all thought of John's coming. - Met twelve By Cousin Ele a n o r Varla to Jtnow it wowa aistrcss "3. ; " .'founds, the light being stopped be- -, her!" was exuberant over some now "scheme," and Nina began tO'worlc cause Gans bad a badly cut eye and Afi A SLOWER. , John Amory stood thero with his No. hands in nia pooxeis, loosing aown out another plan of attack for her v.- -. couldn't see. CLSVWIO. - THBV 18Pollykin Misses Billy -- tho rug With tho father. 3 fr. i . 1 1... J. at at tils feet. nlh? ..Terry McGovern knocked Gans out Brighteyes. temptation of Nina's foca so near nis Tho lunch dishes were; stilt un- h v in two rounds and years later he lost snow was so thick on the own, hs could only look away- Man- washed. Nina was bent ovfer a 'morn- V- flfteen-roun- d like, ho know sho would havo ing newspaper, reading intently, whea - decision to Sam of the that Pollykln that minute, in round, THB forest , given htm a kiss. Ho had to hold tho buzzer sounded. Langford, then a lightweight Ho that flrst Johnson 11.11 . I . was helpless, was beaten down, was Chicago iiiu nine oiona girill uau not himself back physically, and not un- She had done her hair hurriedly. It won fights again until 1908, when counted out He never had u chance C EVENING WORLD'S )l Skaters kept her tryst with Billy Brlghtoyes til ho hoard tho door close softly struggled about her face; her" akin r Battling Nelson fought him twice, to start a blow after he rumpled for several days. Pollykln was not after her did hn irlve a free breath. looked sallow; sho had coverod'her-se- lt -- Benny's hair and grinned at him. "What's got Into me," he muttered, with an apron. ""'knockingt him out In seventeen and Ready to Leave of snow, you twenty-on- .Leonard boxed many bouts for va- (OWN SPORT HISTORY afraid tho must not "that woman" But much as he When tho open door showed" he e rounds. At that time rious war funds during tho war, and J think so,, but her mamma thought she tried to hate Nina, ho saw hor face John Amory's faco sho started1 b&ok v,'Qans was In the decline that ended In a few for himself.
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