River Street School Given Acting Principal SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Sunny and warm today. THEDAILY HOME .Cloudy and mild tonight. Part-- Red Bank, Freehold ly cloudy, chance of showers Long Branch FINAL tomorrow. 7 (See Eelaila. Page 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 51 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 TEN CENTS Jurists Set to March Through Quagmire By LAWRENCE RESNICK They have brought insurance ity of state gun control legisla- outside public and civic life. Here is a capsule profile of when Robert B. Meyner, then — Justice Nathan L. Jacobs TRENTON (AP) - Seven of companies and realtors into tion and the right of the New Salaries on the high court ex- each of the justices with the candidate for governor, called bridges two eras. the most powerful — but per- line, castigated banks, scolded Jersey Education Association ceed the governor's $35,000 a chief justice listed first and the on Weinlraub to defend his pri- He served under Chief Jus- haps least known — men in legislators, realigned voting, to impose sanctions against year. Chief, Justice Joseph others in order of their senior- mary victory against a court lice Arthur T. Vanderbilt, ar- New Jersey return to the state districts, disbarred lawyers, school systems. Weintraub receives $37,000 and ity: • <& challenge by defeated can- chitect of New Jersey's 1948 capital tomorrow to take up the protected consumers and re- The justices, like all judges, his associates, $36,000. WEINTRAUB didate Elmer Wene. court reform and chief of the cudgel of justice. shaped criminal procedure. are appointed by the governor The associate justices are Na- Joseph Weintraub, who has Weintraub succeeded and a court from 1948 until his death They are members of the Problems Ahead with the confirmation of the than L. Jacobs of Livingston, one of the keenest legal minds meteoric rise in public life fol- in 1957. He now sits to the State Supreme Court which Returning to Trenton follow- Senate. Most of them at one John J. Francis of South in the country, has been a tow- lowed. Meyner, who went on to right of Weintraub. Jacobs was stands at the pinnacle of the ing the summer recess, the jus- time achieved varying degrees Orange, Haydn Proctor of In- ering figure in the high court become governor, made Wein- a key worker in the court re- third arm of government — the tices today and Tuesday will of recognization in politics and terlaken, Frederick W. Hall of during his 11 years at the helm. traub his personal counsel, then form movement. judicial branch. deal with questions on whether civic service. Most attained rec- Bojind Brook, C. Thomas Schet- He has only one Vote, but has sent him to the waterfront com- Jacobs, 63, is a native of The seven have broad pow- the inheritance rights of adopt- ognition while serving on low- tino of Summit and Vincent S. led the way in the decision- mission, named him a judge to Rayonne, where his father set- ers of review over laws and ed children are equal to blood er courts. Harieman of Brigantine. making process by sheer legal the Superior Court, elevated tled at the turn of the century trials. Their deliberations deep- children and the liability of mu- But now, despite their im- Their ages range from 60 to depth, articulateness and him to the Supreme Court in and operated a retail furniture ly and often dramatically ef- nicipalities for malfunctioning mense influence over our daily 66 and their years of service capacity for work. 1956, and promoted him to chief and clothing store for 40 years. fect the everyday. lives of the traffic lights and failure to lives, they are little known. on the state's highest court At the age of 60, Weintraub is justice less than a year later. He differs with Weintraub's V "citizens of the state'; Their de- clear snow from the streets. This is because a"s judges who range from eight to 16 years. •the • youngest member of the JACOBS views of the U. S. Supreme cisions range from abortion to And in the coming weeks they must be impartial, they can no Four are Democrats and three Supreme Court. As the high court's senior Court's criminal decisions The apportionment. will consider the constitutional- longer actively participate in Republicans. His opportunity came in 1953 member — appointed in 1952 (See JURISTS, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Republicans Mull Shift On Candidate Choice FREEHOLD - A Republican by party leaders to run for thought that Sen. Stout was Mr. Beadleston, however, was GOP committee. The commit- change of heart appeared to the post. always more immediately in- reportedly not interested in the tee will meet tomorrow to name have developed today over the What could have happened terested in getting the party's candidacy. the new candidate because the possibility of Assemblyman Jo- over the weekend was that a nomination for governor than Mr. Woolley had said Thurs- district extends beyond the seph Azzolina being selected as poll of Republican county and in running for Congress. day that the county leaders boundaries of a single district. the substitute candidate to op- municipal leaders indicated But political leaders said Sen. were to meet with local chair- But Mr. Woolley said the pose_ Rep. James J. Howard in there was not as much sup- Stout, as well as the other state men from 3rd District munici- choice will be made known the 3rd District congressional port for Mr. Azzolina as had senator, Alfred N. Beadleston, palities in Middlesex and this afternoon. Monmouth's race. been thought: .would be the strongest can- Ocean to come up with a rec- choice is expected to prevail Swift and surprising develop- At the same time, it was didates to oppose Mr. Howard. ommendation for the state unless a deadlock develops. ments over the weekend point- ed the nomination, according to TEMPLE DEDICATION — Rabbi Morris L. Rubinstein, left canter, and Rep. James sources, in the direction of State Sen. Richard R. Stout, For River Street School J. Howard, D-N.J., consult program of dedication weekend of Matawan's Temple who up until this time had re- Beth Ahm-as congregation members look on. Prom left are Sidney Friedman; Mel- portedly not been interested in vin Schiloni, dedication chairman; Rabbi Rubinstein; Congressman' Howard; Stan- it. But nothing was certain. ley Lanes, past congregation president, and Donald Broder, current congregation A hastily called meeting was scheduled this morning to dis- president. Delivering dedication address yesterday in new temple, Mr. Howard Acting Principal Selected cuss the candidacy. Attending stressed relationship of Judaism to democracy in areas of equality, obedience to it will be County Republican By DORIS KULMAN The search for a River Street would be acceptable to both Mr. Mitchell's appointment law and tolerance of belief. (Register Staff Photo I Chairman J. Russell Woolley, RED BANK - Miss Lillian School principal, renewed last the board and the community. as River Street principal two Sen. Stout and Mr,__Azzolina, M._ Jordan, principal__of the month when ..George JL Mitchell, "But they're not interested" months ago, by a 5-4 board Out of it is expected to come a Oakland Street School, will be the board's appointee, was in 'the $12,494 post, Dr. Hoops vote, triggered a community good indication of who the can- acting principal of the River transferred to another admin-; reports. controversy. The dissenting didate will be. Street School. She was at her istrative post, has been fruit- The nation-wide unrest in board members and protesting Daly Withdrew new post when the new term less so far, according to Super- school systems is contributing community groups, notably Dedicate New Temple The vacancy was created last opened today. intendent of Schools Dr. Rob- to the difficulty of the search, the local branch of the Na- week when Monmouth County Miss Jordan will serve as ert C. Hoops. Dr. Hoops believes. tional Association for the Ad- Freeholder Marcus Daly with- acting principal until the Board He said he has contacted "This is a difficult year for vancement of Colored People, drew from the contest. He must of Education appoints a suc- "many people" he believes education," he said. (PRINCIPAL, Pg. 2, Col. 2) In Matawan Township undergo surgery and said he cessor to William Pazicky, who would not be able to continue resigned to become principal MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Union. Richard Schulman is 'Stanley Lanes, Mrs. Jerome his campaign. of a new experimental school By Friday, it appeared After 5'/2 years of dedicated the building committee chair- (Fox, Mrs. Melvin Singer, Mrs. in Middletown Township. effort, the members of Temple man. Gary Leffer, Mrs. Leonard that Mr. Azzolina was the Edmund J. Canzona, Board Beth Ahm this weekend opened The dedication weekend be: Green, Mrs. Irwin Benson, choice. And a published re- of Education president, con- the doors to a new sanctuary gan with Sabbath services Fri- Mrs. Bert Barnett, Mrs. Hillard port yesterday stated that he firmed that the board will take on Lloyd Road. day evening, led by Rabbi Gowa, Jack Barst, Art Frank- would be designated the party's .official action -at its meeting Designed by Abraham I. Morris L. Rubinstein, the Con- enthal, Morton Wall, Sidney choice. (tomorrow to name Miss Jor- Goodman of Linden, the 13,000- servative temple's spiritual Friedman and Mrs. Morton Whether a party fight is now dan acting principal at River square-foot building includes a leader for the past four years. Wall. in the offing remains to be Street.
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