COAT{TYHURLIIIG CHAMPIONS firo falned Ahano hurling team yhio^h recaptured. the County Ilunling Championship by ilefeating Geraldines at tho Ga.elic Grounds last Sunda,y, It is scven yeais s!.nce Afiane lasdwon tlie tible. Bo'btorfi (le$t -row t-o right)-P. 4plly, {. Poyle, t. Byrnes, I}. Leunard (Ca,pt.), S, Herbert, J. Graham, D. Houli- hen Standi:rg -$ef! tp ris_ht)-Peddy McMahon (traiuer); James Conwiy (treasurer), John P<iwer, Tom ga,sey 9_?3gV Endght, Mick Iferbert (Committee), Micha,el IIelly, Fhil ahern (Vioe.Capta.in),'John Mclrarron'F-y31t'- Wil4amsecretarv' _I{e,ane, Seen, Leona,rd, Very Rev. J. Fogerty, P.1?., Castleconneli lPresitlent)'; John .TIAIRING oF TIIE cAprAIN Enthusiastic Ahane supporters cha'ir their Capt-airy D. Leonard, following the presentation of the coveted trophy, -1-- - I ri llirl[tl fIIE ,Iaok ffilffi#r ChampionHurlers & ChampionFoo$t$**u By defeating Abbeyfeale the Ahane Club becorne Football Champions of County Limerick. They are also County H-url-ing Champions. Included in the photograph of the football tuu* *rii, of the farnous county hurling tearn, All-Ireland champions. ""u "i'E- AHANE- 1937Linurick. SeniorHurling Chtmpions. - .lt-' il tl ft'3 lly Opinion-Jaekie Power JACKIE POIVEB-rvho lvon arr all-Ireland hurllng meda,l with Limerick ln 1940, wa6 ono of their moat ver8a,tile players. He pla,yd ln diferent poei- STOPPTAYING MEN tlons ran,ging from the went iD more for trrst-time back-llns to the fonrards ground hurllng and ov€rhead for hls cnrmty and pro- striking. The lesult wa.s, the ball l'lnce. was kept on the move all the 0u 0F time. We dida't waste time plcking up the ball, especially in a fast bout of play, That would have been asldng for rid THEIR trouble. Get POSITIONS of it quick, that was tlxe idea- There have been suggestions and Cregal i:r front of hlm, They I'M going to start off in the ilght dlrection, of course! made that extendlng the paral- let hirn see the ball ard deal I That made the game faster, ielogram or dropping full backs with it. And how Paddy could with a complaint more exciting, and more spec- and full forwards would give desl with lt! goalkeeper about the Plss-n 6 f tacular, and I'd like to se€'some the a chance . I Any team can afford carry DONT to county develop that type of THINK THEBT'S AIYY ooxe shar?shooter, for his shoot- THE SUNDAY PRESS, NEED ,. g8.me agaln. tr.OE ANYTSING I.IKE lng alone--but no more. l'rcm TIIAT. but the Pressin general. Anyway, there's far too much frees snd from play, such a maa It's this: They'vespoiled DELIBER.ATE ELBOWI,NG It's up to the goalkeeper to can be invaluable, and many a DANGEROUS MARITING AND give himself a cha,nce. Aad the team has woD &n All-Irelaad meny a good youngstel IIORSiEPIJIY in game 'blowing the now- \ /ay to do it is so simple. The just because one man had his by him up.' adays. I think most of that man between the sticks ls ln eye in. would not happen if the ball command of his particular area I'm all agaiast playlng a It takes a level'headed sort wet€ -and kept on the move all the it's upto him to impress man out of his best position.if it of chap to hit the headlines in time-they wouldn't have time on his backs the fact that he possibly playing keeP can be avoided, his early days and for it. IS tbe man in charge. your not built Keep forwards on the his head, and we're all The rough stuff ueeds to be The goalkeeper move-the Give young fellorv cut should direct fast attack with the . that way. a out. You find too many the If he says it surprise element exaggerated idea of his own young players, traffc. "Let is half-way an maybe starting come," the backs should let already. importance and he cocky. in first jobs, then there turns tbeir who chuck up it cc,me. He's the man who Put him on a pedestal and playing b€cause they can't afford Keep full-backs and full- getting knows and who ca.n see the forwards-the only people rvho he'll Just stand there and wait to run the risk of hurt, glance. play whole situatlon at a rvould really like to see them go for the to come his way. and maybe hurt badly, goalie gives Beat for ball as often SO IT'S TIME TEEY The the orders- are half-forwards looking for an him a and STOP. play not he'll lose his temPer. PED OONCENTRATTNG and that's ideal defensive easy path to goal. as ON proper Unless he's a strong character TTIE MAI\T AND PAID A' wheo you have a under- Try the trrst-time stuff. Keep the ballyhoo will beat him-so LIrII.E I}TOBE ASTENTION slanding between the g'oalie the ball on the move, the way we let's cut oul a bit of the bally- TO IEE BALL. and bis backs. used to do. Refereeing was a hoo. There wlll be plenty of It's the wiDning of the ga.me The trouble wlth mo6t tea.ms very easy job in my day-we time for that later on,'if he's as that counts*not whether you ts that the backs are too much just hurled away and had no time good as people thlnk he ts. can stop so-a,nd-so. ilrclined to play every ball for anything else, I've seen many a good young There was a time in Dublin themselves even when they're Two teams should be sent to player ruined by having his when a comm{Stee wa€ fomled badly positloned, There's maay the tr.S. every year. ft's really head turned. to wa,toh out for the little a shot that would be far better very unfair to refuse permission goalkeeper. Hurling to-day isn't nearly up incidents tha,t rvent on behind left to the Instead, to a side that's invited. f was on to the standard of the 1930's the referee's back. That was a they are apt to g'et ln his way the 1936 trip, so I know tvhat and 1940's. At least that's mV first-class. ldea-r wonder why and then blame him if tlingg go they'd he mlssing'. opinion. You do see some fast il was d,ropped. wrong. Just a word now about the and lively games and attend- It certainly cleaned up the I think we had the almost progress hurling ls making in ances are. growing all the time, g'ame in Dubliu very quickly. perfect defensive plan in Kerry. I trained and played with but the all:round quality we Ofrenders were brcnrght before Limerick in the days when tl're Kingdom for a couple of used to have lsn't there any the Co. Boerd ard suspended. PADDY SCANIIIN, prsbably seasons, and I'll say this about more. ft's hard to explain why T'lrat may seem & bit drastic, the best. goalkeeper ever. was them-Kerry rvill be a force in -we weren't any trtter or but I'd stiU like to see that playing. Paddy himself will tell hurling yet. That brilliart per- faster than the lads are to-day. system introduced all ove,r the you it all depeudea ou the co- formance against Antdm was no f think the answer Is'that we country. opera,tloo ol McCarthy, Keonedy flash ln the pan, I IIIT the J\ior r.. ;-..-=-JT t-tc'++ .\ zo20 YEAFYEA GAEL (Ahane) had rnuch the better of tl tv \ 6. cultvtploNsHrp Thedeathof Mr. W. F. Lee, centre-field duels lvith anothel counl\ i pl:ryer, The latle Limerick deprived P. Fitzgelald. \ . .At Gaelic Grouncis.l Castleconnell, f13d. tor once. an oft day, a'lthougt.\ Anane retained games - the Countv I Gaelic of a lifeJong he did not lelish the neavv qorng I 'fiXllh"iln;i o,"; enthusia"stic notarv. He was a The losers had a great play6r in' fJ"{, supporter from b6Yhood and Collopy, rvhose rvonderlui one of the I Custodian - most interestine I was lnstrumental ln lounolng clearances in the fil'st half frort nnars seen in senior ""ltff9ver hurl-_| Ahane hurling club, which the reiuVenal,ed Mick f,Iackev u'ere was. flattering hiehlishts of the game. C' toll8;*^, the 1_9^^"-99re l had given the finest exponents the victors, who in the lai? I the roie of left back' srages were to Limerick All-Ireland hurl- Mclnelney,-.in flghting grimly to I did trojan defensivs r'"'ork. reraln of also their laurels, which ihev I ins teams. an ex-Principal Outstanding as stated. Ahane's for- nad no\l' \.on eieven t imes iir I A6ane National Schoril, he rvere rnuch niPPier anq thirteen years rvards was attracted to the language heavier than theil opponents Best for .and _ Rathkealc \\.ere movement early in life and their onslaughts always carrled. i :3llon ,Neville, Fitzgeratd, took a keen interest in the itlne. The Frothers, Jbhn and [lick (;uny and Ryan. For Ahhno 1el) folklore of the countryside. liiEt<ev made their experience John Nlac-key, Mi&-- Mr"ii"vi and thbv were responsibie fo! creat- Hassett,.
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