CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES - 30 KARNATAKA PART Xli - A & B : VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY & PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK HAVERI DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERAIIONS, KARNATAKA, BAN GALORE Motif Rivler Var.ada flowing in Haveri District A tributary to Tungabhadra riv,er, Varada enters Maradur, Neeralagi and Belevigi of Haveri taluk, Haveri district at Gondi village of Hangal ta]uk, Kunimcllihalli, and Hiremaralihalli of Savanur enters Haveri taluk near Adoor and joins River taluk of the district have been built. Lift Irrigation Tungabhadra near Ga]aganatb of same taluk. Projects ncar Koosanur and Vas ana on the left bank and Sheshagiri on the right bam1k have been The Department of Minor Irrigation has built constructed. 3 Lift Irrigatloll Projects and Barrages ncar Honkana, Koosanur and Arclakamapur villages to Drinking water is being supplied to Haveri harness the river water in Hangal taluk. Barrages town from Karjagi barrage for a period of six near S angur, N aganur, Karj agi, H osari ththl. months. Source : Deputy Commjssioner, Haved District, Haverl INDIA D IJ l KAl{NAT}\ KA I DISTRICT HAVER I iJ I "'0 r6c\.'~' .S' Km 5 0 5 10 15 Km (; r t..:' ... _,( l fr ... /) / (_, ....... \ .'1 .,y" 7' , r: ~'>~ 15 .J ,,, 15 ! d _.~ .t' - o '.- '- ..... (, " a=: ~ E-. I I C(l 1' - ·-.' ......... -.;;:; " J Q -".. .- rn. ... ,...,.. .-.-....... i . _o"" ' 1. .' \ Hal.gttt • - " , I'-"~ .... ,.~\JIiI\ ,. 'V \ .1 ~~ \0 'II.",r ,:{5 3 CD Block bound!lry or fIll "era 1S './.. - !"-, I I co-lei minus with taluk boundftry • 1 HatlihaUI • r Tun:.IlIl ~lka llJ · '-.'._'. r - - . TOTAL AREA Of DrSTRIC:'l' (IN SQKMl ............ t 8Zl00 -:J ... TOTAL POPULATI01' or DlSTRICT.... .............. 14'19116 \ ~ TOTAL NU NBKR 0 .. TOWNS IN D~STR1C1'.......... 09 \) ~ TO'I AL )'OUMm R Of VILI.AGES I!'. D1 STRIC'!'........ 696 'l ~ BOUNDARY, DISTRICT ................... .................... c,,~ .. c:e: IN JVRISDI:TION TALUK ........................................ .. IlY.Il HEADQUARTERS. DISTRICT T,\LlIK ..... ................... • @ Km 2() 0 M! t ~ATIO. AL HIGHWA'! ....................................... .. ~TATE H!CHWAY .......................................... SH ~ IMPORTANT META1.l.LD ROAD ................ .............. .. RAIL"'''Y LINE !11TH sr"TIO~. BROAD GAllGt: ........... RIVER WITH STREA \{ ....................................... TANK ......................................................... \'ILLAGE HAVIN\; 5000 MID ABOVE POPULATION WITH :-.'A\tf. ................................................. 11 ~ RBAN APoE.\. WITH f CPl I .AT I O~· SIZt· Aro:'d t ransferred d CLASS II III. IV. V ........................................ .. • • from Dhlll "lid ttl DEGREE COLLEGE AND TI:.'CH:"-.lCAI. !NSTITUrrO~ Hovel'! D,strlci m lhe year 1997 Based lP':11 urve> 01 Indus map With the PCI miSSIon of t he :;ur-.-.. \or G<'n ..rol of lndl" (C) G " 'rmnent o f lndlil CopYright. 2006 CONTENTS Page No. District Map iii Foreword Lx Preface xi Acknowledgement xiii District Highlights -2001 Important Statistics XVJJ Ranking ofTaluks in the District xix Statement 1-9 Statement 1 Name OftllC Head Quarters of the District/Taluk, their mral-urban status and distance fwm the district headquarters, 2001 xx Statement 2 Name of the Head Quarters of the District/C.D.Block, their rural-urban status and distance from the district headquarters, 2001 xx Statement 3 Population of tbe district at each Census from 1901 to 2001 xxi Statement 4 Area, number of villages It owns and Population in the district and Taluk, 2001 xxii Statement 5 C.D.Blockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001 xxiii Statement 6 Population of urbilll agglomerations (including constituent units)ltowIlS, 2QO I xxiii Statement 7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D.Bloek level as per 2001 ·Census and amenities available xxiv Statement 8 Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as pcr 20UI Census and amenities available xxv Statement 9 Houseless and Institutional populatiun uf taluks, rural and urban, 2001 xxv Summary statement - Jurisdictiun of C.D. Blocks in each taM:, 2001 XXVI Analytical Note History and scope of the District Census Handbook 003 ii) Brief history of the district 006 iii) Administrative setup and jurisdictional changes during the decade 1991-200 I 009 iv) Physical Features (I) Location and size, (2) Physiogmphy, (3) Drainage, (4) Climate, (5) Winds, (6) Rainfall pattern, (7) Foresh)', (8) Geology, (9) Flom and Fauna, (10) Soils, (11) Cropping pattern, (12) Irrigation, (13) Natural Wealth, (14) Animal Husbandry, (14A) Veterinary Services, (15) Fisheries, (16) Industries, (17) Trade and Commerce, (18) Transport and Communication, (19) Electricity and Power 013 v) Census Concept 025 vi) Non Census Concept 032 vii) 2001 Cen,us Findings - Population, its distribution 037 viii) 13rief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables I to 36 U3g ix) Brief analysis of Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47 059 x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and households amenities, Houselisting Operations, Censns of India 2001 based on inset tables 48 to 52 065 xi) Nchaeolugy 070 xii) Brief description on places of religious, historjcal or archaeological importance jn vinages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district 070 xiii) Scope of Village Directory and Town directory 076 PARICA: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I : Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations nsed in Village llirectOlY ORl (b) List of merged villages in tOWilS and outgrowths at 2001 Census 085 (c) CD. I3lockwise presentation of Village Dircctory data Talnk Map of" ~higgaon 090 Alphabetical list o!"villages ofShiggaon C.D.Block 091 Village Directory Statement ofShiggaon C.D.Block 093 Taluk Map of Savanur 114 Alphabetical list of villages of Savanur C.D.Block 115 Village Directory Statement of SavaTIur C.D.Block lJ7 Taluk Map of Hanagal 134 Alphabetical list of villages of Han gal C.D.Block 135 Village Directory Statement of Han gal CD.Block 139 Talok Map of Haveri 172 Alphabetical list of villages ofHavcri C.D.Block 173 Village DirectOlY Statement of Havcri C.D.Block 175 Taluk Map of Byadgi 196 Alphabeticalli,t of villages ofByadgi C.D.Block 197 Village Directory Stalement ofDyadgi C.D.Block 199 Taluk Map at Hirekcrur 214 Alphabetical list ofviUages ofHirekerur CD.Block 215 Village DireetOlY Statement ofHirekerur C.D.Block 219 vi Taluk Map of Ranibennur 246 Alphabetical list of villages ofRanibcnnur C,D, Rlock 247 Village Directory Statement ofRanibcnnur CD,Bluck 249 (d) Appendix to Village Directory Appendix-l Abstract of Rducational, medical and other amenities available in villages-C D Block level 272 Appendix -I A Villages by number ofPrirnary schools 276 Appendix-I B Villages by primary, middle and sccondary schools 276 Appcndix-I C Villages with different sources of drinking water [acilities available 276 Appendix-I! Villages with 5,000 and above popUlation which do not have onc or more amenities available. 277 Appcmlix-ll A Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 277 Appendix-Ill Land utilization data in respeCt of Census '1 awns/non-municipal Towns 278 Appendix- IV CD, Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available 278 AppenJix-V Summary ,huwing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes populatioll' 278 Appcndi~-VI Summary showing number ohillages not having Scheduled Tribes population 27R Appcndix-Vll A : List of villages according to proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by I311ges 279 Appendix-Vll B List ohillages according to proportio'n of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges 287 Appcndix- Vlll C.D.Bloek wise nllmber of villages tmder each Gram Panchayat 294 Appendix-IX Statement showing number of girl schools in the district 317 Section-II: Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviatiuns used ill TowlJ DileclUlY 321 (b) Town Directory Statements (I to VII) Statement - Status and Growth History 326 Statement II - Physical Aspects and Location of towns, 1999 328 Statement III - Municipal finance 1998 - 1999 330 Statement IV - Civic and Other amenities, 1999 332 Statement V - Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 334 Statemeni VI - Ttadc, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 336 Statement VII - Civic and other Amenities in Slums, 1999 33R Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowths with population 340 vii PART-B : PRIMARY C~~NSIJS ABSTRACT Ca) Brief nute un Primary Ceillus Abstract 343 (b) District Primary Census Abstract 347 (c) Appendix to District Primary CenSllS Abstract j,e, U1bml blockwise figures ofTotal Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population 354 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled rastes 367 Primary Census Absu'aet for Scheduled Tribes 375 Primary Census Abstract of Shiggaon C,D,Block 383 Primary Census Abstract of SaVantlI CD,Block 397 Primary Census Abstract of Hangal C,D,Block 411 Primary Census Abstract of Haver; C,D.Block 431 Primary Census Abstract of Byadgi C.D.Bloek 445 Primary Census Abstract of Hirekernr CD,Block 459 Primary Census Abstract of Ranibennur C,D,ll]ock 479 Urban Primary Census Abstract 493 Anncxures Annexure - Number o[Villages under each Gram Panchayat, 2001 Census 521 Arnexure - 11 Note on Fertility & Mortality and Migration - 1991 & 2001 Census 545 Annexure - 1lI Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage-I 991 Census 546 Annexure - IV Percentage distribution ofMib'fants by place ofbirthllast
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