January 9, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 357 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION People's Commission of Inquiry to discuss so­ Marshall as one of the most influential individ­ lutions to the war. Anderson, along with our uals in the fields of constitutional and civil HON. LINDSEY 0. GRAHAM group, participated in a week of talks in rights law in the 20th century. OF SOUTH CAROLINA France with North Vietnamese and South Viet­ Justice Marshall had a long and distin­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES namese delegations and the American ambas­ guished career as an assistant and later chief sador. During our stay he encouraged an counsel for the NAACP. As the lead attorney Thursday, January 9, 1997 open discussion in which he questioned, chal­ in Brown v. Board of Education, Marshall was Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, as the 105th lenged and explored solutions to this problem instrumental in convincing the Supreme Court Congress addresses the issue of financing of international scope. to overturn the 1898 separate but equal ruling campaigns, I believe we must first change the Hubert Anderson was born and raised in of Plessy v. Ferguson, and begin the process nature of our election cycle and limit the num­ Dwight, ND. He attended high school in of ending discrimination in public education. ber of tenns a Member can serve. The recent Wahpeton, ND, and in Minneapolis, dropping As a justice of the U.S. Court of Appeals in elections demonstrate that action on both out during his senior year to join the Navy. He the Second Circuit, Marshall wrote over 150 campaign finance reform and term limits is was stationed in Bennuda for part of his tour decisions which included support for immigrant needed and desired by the American people. and was chosen to run the admiral's launch rights, limiting government intrusion in illegal Today, I am introducing legislation that com­ that took President Truman deep sea fishing. search and seizure, double jeopardy and right bines a solution for achieving term limits and An avid sportsman, he played offense and de­ to privacy cases. As U.S. Solicitor General, easing campaign finance burdens. This fense and was captain of the Navy football Marshall won 14 of the 19 cases he presented amendment would limit Members of the House team. He contracted rheumatic fever during before the Supreme Court. to three 4-year terms and limit Senators to two his service and suffered from its effects for the In 1967, Thurgood Marshall became the first 6-year terms. This is a lifetime ban. It would rest of his life. African-American appointed to the U.S. Su­ take effect only on terms of office beginning Hubert finished his high school equivalency preme Court. He served as an Associate Jus­ after the ratification of the amendment. By ex­ degree in the military. He went on to the Uni­ tice on the Court for 24 years, retiring in 1991. tending the terms of Representatives from 2 to versity of Minnesota, the Wahpeton State He left a strong legacy of commitment to the 4 years, we can better limit the influence of School of Science, and graduated magna cum weak and poor in America's justice system. politics and elections in the House and focus laude from Moorhead State University. He Accordingly, I strongly urge my colleagues on better policies and laws for our country. later earned a master's degree and completed to join me in supporting this important legisla­ Additionally, Members of the House would not doctoral work at the University of Minnesota. tion, which will honor the memory of Justice be burdened by increasingly expensive elec­ During his early college career, he played Marshall and help preserve his legacy, by des­ tions every 2 years because the terms would AAA baseball with the Minot, ND, Mallards ignating the U.S. courthouse under construc­ be increased to 4. and pitched against such notables as Satchel tion in White Plains, NY, as the Thurgood Fundamental institutional change . is needed Paige and Roger Maris. Marshall U.S. Courthouse. in order to improve the American people's As an English, drama and debate teacher at confidence in Congress and to return to the Hopkins High School for 30 years, Hubert An­ Founding Fathers' ideal of a citizen legislature. derson was a mentor to students in and out of TODD LANE ELEMENTARY'S GIFT We should abide by the will of the people and the classroom. He led several debate teams to TO THE BEAVER COUNTY TIMES end career politics as we know it. While term State championships, served on the faculty GIVE-A-CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN limits will not solve all our country's problems, senate, and supported the American Field or the need to overhaul our campaign finance Service Program. HON. RON KLINK Hubert Anderson will be remembered as an system, it is a large step in the right direction. OF PENNSYLVANIA avid reader, a lover of language, and a re­ It continues the process of reform and markable individual whose ideas reached far IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strengthens the integrity of Congress. Let us Thursday, January 9, 1997 succeed where we failed last Congress and and wide. His genuine enthusiasm for Amer­ ican politics prompted people of all ages to pass term limits. Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in become interested in government and civil order to recognize the students and faculty of service. Because I experienced Hubert Ander­ Todd Lane Elementary School in Center IN MEMORY OF HUBERT A. AN- son's vitality and wisdom firsthand, I've no Township, Pennsylvania. DERSON-CIVIL RIGHTS AND doubt that this tireless role model made Hop­ For the past quarter century, the Beaver WORLD PEACE ADVOCATE kins, MN, a richer place to live. County Times, in conjunction with the Salva­ As friends and family reflect on his lifetime tion Army holds a donation drive known as the HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK of achievement and scholarship, it is only fit­ Give-A-Christmas Campaign. Its goal is to pro­ ting that we also pay tribute to this great man OF CALIFORNIA vide food and other necessities during the hol­ and good friend. iday season to those who are less fortunate. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year, like the past 20 years, the students Thursday, January 9, 1997 THURGOOD MARSHALL and faculty of Todd Lane Elementary have Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, today I wish to COURTHOUSE BILL participated in the Give-A-Christmas Cam­ pay tribute to an educator, activist, and my paign. In an unprecedented showing of sup­ longtime personal friend, Hubert A. Anderson, port Todd Lane was able to raise over who passed away recently in Hopkins, MN, at HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN $10,650 in less than 1 month. the age of 68. OF NEW YORK Through various donations as well as a I was privileged to know Hubert Anderson at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highly successful candy sale, the students and a special time in our lives and in our Nation's Thursday, January 9, 1997 faculty were able to give their largest donation history. As a grass roots activist, Mr. Anderson Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ever to the Salvation Army. In the words of took special interest in civil rights issues and strong support of the Thurgood Marshall Principal John Zigerelli, "This year's record­ the anti-Vietnam war movement. In 1970, a Courthouse bill. breaking total collection is a testimony to that group of 31 Americans, including Hubert An­ I do not believe that I am exaggerating accomplishment." Furthermore, the effort put derson and myself, traveled to Paris with the when I state that history will regard Justice forth by Todd Lane shows a true commitment eThis "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 358 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 9, 1997 to their community, the 4th Congressional Dis­ in the county and has been the only commu­ As associate vice chancellor for university trict, and our Nation. nity college in northern California to sustain relations at UCLA, John has served as the Wrth the help of the students and faculty of both a television and radio station. chief external relations officer for the institu­ Todd Lane Elementary this year's goal of As the College of San Mateo approaches tion, overseeing the public relations, alumni re­ $67,500 was met and exceeded by thousands. the 21st century, the outlook of the community lations, campus-wide marketing, government Since the advent of the Give-A-Christmas is very bright. For those student that are un­ affairs and special events, and protocol of­ Campaign, more than $1 million has been able to attend 4 year institutions, this college fices. Bringing tremendous vision to this role, contributed. Todd Lane Elementary has con­ is an equal alternative. I am proud to acknowl­ he has been instrumental in UCLA's embrace tributed over $115,000 or 11 percent of that edge the outstanding job the College of San of advanced information technology in its ex­ generous amount. Mateo has done educating our community for ternal affairs programs, and in guiding the uni­ I would like to take this opportunity to ap­ the past 75 years and will continue into the versity onto its present course as a leader on plaud the students and faculty of Todd Lane next century. the information superhighway.
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