*&-ssasa^ ■ Pact It lP»t« 13 PiC* IS ■■MiylnmiMlMi Sm 11:1M war MM ** SEP 122002 Ttvo 1MU alumni died on Sept. II, but Students who were m New York and stu- Red-shirt senior Larissa Winkler is ready their legacies continue. dents at JMU give personal accounts of the to play volleyball after a season-ending injury kept her sidelined in '07. healing process of the past year. B James Madison University Sunny Hlfli: 77 THE REEZE * Low: 4» Events tribute to Constitution Constitution's anniversary to be celebrated Sept. 17 BY ASHLEY LUSK "But we only have him (James contributing writer Madison) on our letterhead." Sept. 17 marks the 215th anniversary of the signing of the -66 Constitution and brings with it jMU's second annual campus- Students will see how wide Constitution Day. This year's events, which enriching it is to learn include signing the Constitution and hearing prominent schol- about American ars, promise to be enriching and history. informative, according to Andy Pcrrine, director of Identity —Andy Perrine Leadership at JMU "Students director. Identity Leadership will see how enriching it is to learn about American history," 99 Perrine said. Constitution Day is sup- _66—! ported by the Madison Center, which focuses on integrating James Madison, the person, into more than [On Constitution Day] just James Madison, the uni- versity Phil Bigler, director we recognize the of the' Madison Center, said, "IOn Constitution Day] we importance of recognize the importance uf remembering our founding remembering our fathers." The Madison founding fathers. Center hopes to promote stu- dent ideals of diversity and -PhilBijjIer open discussion through director. Madison Center these events. In addition to flying a his- torically accurate flag over Wilson Hall from the era of 99 fames Madison and Thomas Jefferson, the Madison Center, in conjunction with the uni- Constitution Day was versity and the Cato Institute, founded to help provide stu- a non-profit research institute, dents with a better under- will present the following standing of the namesake of events on Sept. 17, to com- their university as well as a memorate Constitution Day. background of the government All events are free of charge. and how it affects them. "We name universities to give All phoM by BRIAN COKER/ttWrthainj pMapaplltr honor to people," Perrine said. see EVENTS, page 5 Top: Students gather on the Quad As America for the flag ceremony and moment paused to of silence at noon yesterday. remember Speaker to recall Madison's Middle : Senior Bruce MacLeod the lives lost receives a blue ribbon on the com- a year ago yesterday, legacy in keynote address mons yesterday in recognition of so too did JMU. Four BY DAVID CLEMENTSON professor said. This will be his Sept. 11. times yesterday morning, news editor first appearance at the only col- Bottom rl*M: Freshman John the bells of Wilson Hall In James Madison's absence, lege or university in the world O'Malley gives blood to the Red marked the times of the scholar John Samples seems to bearing the "Father of the Cross at the Convocation Center four plane crashes into the be speaking up on his behalf Constitution"'s name. Entitled Tuesday. World Trade Center, the these days. "James Madison and Theodore Bottom left: Students gather on Pentagon and western "I try to recall Roosevelt: Constitutional the commons for a candlelight vigil Pennsylvania. At noon, Madison's Conservatives?" Samples' lec- last night to reflect and to remem- the Quad stood still as a ture will contrast the two presi- legacy to us ber the victims of Sept. 11. flag ceremony was held in today as much dents' attitudes toward war. front of Wilson Hall, as I can,'' said marking the beginning of Samples from -66 a campus-wide five min- his office utes of silence. As evening Tuesday while I try to recall Madison's fell, a candlelight vigil was Ptratii counray of working on legacy to us today as held on the commons, Caiolmtiuc his keynote where an open micro- John Sttfnpwi address for much as I can. phone was available for JMU's Constitution Day. Joined members of the JMU com- by Cato Institute senior fellow —John Samples munity to speak. Tom Palmer. Samples will be Constitution Day speaker The events not only speaking during the symposium prompted reflection and "lames Madison, the 99 remembrance, but encour- Constitution and Contemporary aged us to consider what Politics" 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday Unlike Madison, who hated we can do today to help the in the College Center. war, Roosevelt had a romantic ongoing struggle of the vic- While working for the Cato vision of war, Samples said. tims of Sept. 11. Institute, a Washington, DC- "Like Theodore Roosevelt, based think tank dedicated to many conservatives see war as — compiled from staff reports protecting civil liberties. both inevitable and as an Samples spends his time telling opportunity for the nation to others what James Madison's grow bigger," Samples said. thoughts on our nation's current - Its not romantic. It's not an war on terrorism and possibk' element of greatness." While he said his lecture war against Iraq might have Tuesday will delve heavily into been. He's told US* Today, Fox the writings and history behind Mews Channel, MSNBC, Roosevelt and Ma. I Georgetown University, Cornell Samples said our nation's cur- University and Harvard rent standoff with Iraq also will University among others, and be discussed. "And 1 think now he's coming to JMU. "I'm looking forward to it," the Johns Hopkins University seeSfEAKEKpagrS 2 ITHK BREEZE I THURSDAY. SEPT. 12, 2002 Thursday, September 12, 2002 DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR TABLE OF CONTENTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 NEWS • Women s club softball In mils Thursday and Friday. MM al • Hunk Cuter of Shenandoah Valley will hold an open house in Carrier library reduces hours 4 Godwin stc-ps al 330 p.m. to get a ndc to trvoil ..minus field commemoration of Sept. U. The Center is kicaled at 1330 Country Magazine suspects arrested 4 Tryouts will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Bring dcats, gloves, bats and Club Rd. Everyone is invited to visit the mosque between 2 and 5 p.m. any other equipment Questions? Email Laurvn at tthumalh. Sn Ml presentations will be gn en. Reln'shmcnts will be served Visit On-campus Weight Watchers group 4 unmiasv.org or e-mail [email protected] (or questions. • Baptist Student Lnion Mi & Worship, 530 p.m. al the Where has the Newman Lake fountain BSU house on the comer of Cantrell Ave. and South Main St. • Club tennis kjekoff BBQ for members, 4 to 8 p.m. at Purcell Park gone? 4 Send an e-mail to Evan at sriniwrf. Bring a side item. OPINION • Eta Sigma Gamma, National Health Science Honorary, is having an informational meeting from 7:30 p.m. to • Canterbury Episcopal Ministry is having its Eucharist service at 5 Education and information: Vital to your 8:30 p.m. in ISAT 136. For more information, contact p.m., followed by a home-conked meal. The Canterbury House is patriotism 6; Kelly Abemathy al 433-2570 or abemakv. located on South Main St., across fn>m the Quad. Questions, please Letter to the editor College goals FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 call 432-9613. include more than books 6 • Men's club basketball tryouts at UREC 3 to 5 p.m. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Spotlight question: How has our nation Friday. Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 2. Contact Kyle • Alternative Spring Break leader interest meeting, 8 p.m. in Taylor changed since Sept. 11? 8 at proetUkt Hall 40S FOCUS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Be not forgotten 11 • Mock Interviews will be taking place all day Tuesday and • Student Duke Club pre-game tailgate. 4 p.m., Godwin Field. Guests Wednesday in the Sonncr Hall Interview Center. Professional dress STYLE of SDC members are only $2. For more info, go to lartejmu.etiu/orgs/sik. is recommended. Register online at www.pmifdu/amrr/mtfrvimmg. Call x8-622v lor more information. Sept.11: One year later 13 POLICE LOG Yom Kippur: A day ol atonement for WEATHER Jews 13 BY SHARON BLEAKM I Burlington, Iowa and Francis W. Murphy, police log reporter 20, of Miles City. Mont were arrested Today The Olsen twins: Fashion's friends or and charged with trespassing, soliciting Sunny foes? 13 Two JMU students reported that magazines and refusing to leave High 77 Low 48 unknown subjects entered their room Chesapeake Hall Sept. 6 at 12:19 p.m. SPORTS and ransacked their drawers, removed two posters from the wall, pulled the Larissa Walker feature 15 A trespass notice was issued for two High Low phone cord from the jack and left a CD non-students selling magazines at the Friday Mostly Sunny 80 50 Volleyball game 15 smashed on the floor in Wayland Hall Godwin bus stop Sept 6 at 2:40 p.m. Saturday Sept. 8 between 8 30 and 9 p.m. Partly Cloudy 80 59 Football preview 15 A trespass notice was issued for two Sunday Mostly Cloudy 78 55 Picks of the week 16 In other matters, campus police report non-students skateboarding inside Duke the following Monday Thunderstorms 76 52 Hall Sept 7 at 12:02 pm. Petty Larceny MARKET WATCH Non-students David Lowe, 23. of ly. SecNanter 11 2002 A JMU student was judicially referred for Spencer, Mass. and Robert A Hair. 25, breaking and entenng and for larceny of of Grapevine, Texas, were arrested and DOW JONES X AMEX VCR movies and a jelly bean machine charged with trespassing at 0.06 T in Chappalear Hall Sept 8 at 4 30 a m.
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