doi:10.14457/MSU.res.2019.25 ICoFAB2019 Proceedings | 144 Plant Diversity in Burapha University, Sa Kaeo Campus Chakkrapong Rattamanee*, Sirichet Rattanachittawat and Paitoon Kaewhom Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Burapha University Sa Kaeo Campus, Sa Kaeo 27160, Thailand *Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Plant diversity in Burapha University, Sa Kaeo campus was investigated from June 2016–June 2019. Field expedition and specimen collection was done and deposited at the herbarium of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. 400 plant species from 271 genera 98 families were identified. Three species were pteridophytes, one species was gymnosperm, and 396 species were angiosperms. Flowering plants were categorized as Magnoliids 7 species in 7 genera 3 families, Monocots 106 species in 58 genera 22 families and Eudicots 283 species in 201 genera 69 families. Fabaceae has the greatest number of species among those flowering plant families. Keywords: Biodiversity, Conservation, Sa Kaeo, Species, Dipterocarp forest Introduction Deciduous dipterocarp forest or dried dipterocarp forest covered 80 percent of the forest area in northeastern Thailand spreads to central and eastern Thailand including Sa Kaeo province in which the elevation is lower than 1,000 meters above sea level, dry and shallow sandy soil. Plant species which are common in this kind of forest, are e.g. Buchanania lanzan, Dipterocarpus intricatus, D. tuberculatus, Shorea obtusa, S. siamensis, Terminalia alata, Gardenia saxatilis and Vietnamosasa pusilla [1]. More than 80 percent of the area of Burapha University, Sa Kaeo campus was still covered by the deciduous dipterocarp forest called ‘Khok Pa Pek’. This 2-square-kilometers forest locates at 13°44' N latitude and 102°17' E longitude in Watana Nakorn district, Sa Kaeo province. The elevation ranges from 70-90 meters above sea level. Forest deterioration has been remaining because of the development of the campus, however the plant diversity in this area has not been considered. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore the plant diversity in Burapha University, Sa Kaeo campus. Hopefully, the information from this report will be realized by the authority of the University, then plan to protect the plant diversity before the deforestation. The list of plant species found in the area are presented in this paper as well. Materials and methods Plant diversity was investigated along the trails in Khok Pa Pek forest in Burapha University, Sa Kaeo campus since June 2016-June 2019. Plant habitat and habit were recorded, photographs were taken, specimen were collected and deposited at the Herbarium of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Burapha University Sa Kaeo campus. Morphological characters were studied and identified to species using many volumes of the Flora of Thailand. Plant specimens were compared to the deposited specimen in Bangkok Forest Herbarium (BKF) as well. Scientific names and vernacular names were applied following Office of the Forest Herbarium [2] and www.theplantlist.org. Results and discussion Plants 400 species of 271 genera 98 families were identified from the forest in Burapha University, Sa Kaeo campus. It is approximately 4% comparing to the estimation of total plant species in Thailand [3]. Three species were pteridophytes, one species was gymnosperm, and 396 species were flowering plants (Table 1). Even though most area of forest in the campus is the deciduous dipterocarp forest and it sometimes is burnt by fire from human but the pteridophytes can be found. Isoetes coromandelina L.f. grows near the seasonal canal in the rainy season. Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. and Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook. also occur near the seasonal swamp in the forest. The only one gymnosperm found in this forest was Cycas siamensis Miq. It survives from wildfire by the thick-bark underground stem. ICoFAB2019 Proceedings | 145 Flowering plants found in the forest of Burapha University, Sa Kaeo campus were categorized as Magnoliids 7 species in 7 genera 3 families, Monocots 106 species in 58 genera 22 families and Eudicots 283 species in 201 genera 69 families (Table 1) according to ‘An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV’ [4]. Fabaceae has the greatest number of species among those flowering plant families. Table 1 Plant species list in Khok Pa Pek, Burapha University Sa Kaeo Campus. No. Family Classification Scientific name Plant habit Local name 1. Acanthaceae Eudicots Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson Herb baya บาหยา 2. Acanthaceae Eudicots Barleria strigosa Willd. Undershrub sang korani สังกรณี 3. Acanthaceae Eudicots Dyschoriste erecta (Burm.f.) Kuntze Shrub ya sam chan หญา้ สามช้นั 4. Acanthaceae Eudicots Justicia diffusa Willd. Herb khiang phra เขียงพร้า 5. Acanthaceae Eudicots Ruellia repens L. Exotic Herb toi ting lueai ต้อยต่ิงเล้ือย 6. Acanthaceae Eudicots Ruellia tuberosa L. Exotic Herb toi ting ต้อยต่ิง 7. Acanthaceae Eudicots Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. Climber rang chuet รางจืด 8. Acanthaceae Eudicots Thunbergia similis Craib Climber chingcho noi จิงจ้อน้อย 9. Amaranthaceae Monocots Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Exotic Herb ban mairu roi pa บานไม่รู้โรย ป่า 10. Amaryllidaceae Monocots Crinum wattii Baker Herb bua bok บัวบก 11. Anacardiaceae Eudicots Buchanania lanzan Spreng. Tree ma muang maeng wan มะม่วงแมงวัน 12. Anacardiaceae Eudicots Buchanania siamensis Miq. Tree thanon chai ธนนไชย 13. Anacardiaceae Eudicots Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. Tree kok kan กอกกัน 14. Annonaceae Magnolids Ellipeiopsis ferruginea (Buch.-Ham. ex Shrub nom maeo pa นมแมวป่า Hook.f. & Thomson) R.E.Fr. 15. Annonaceae Magnolids Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook.f. & Tree khang hua mu ขางหัวหมู Thomson 16. Annonaceae Magnolids Uvaria dulcis Dunal Climber nom wua นมวัว 17. Annonaceae Magnolids Uvaria rufa Blume Climber phi phuan พีพวน 18. Apocynaceae Eudicots Aganonerion polymorphum Pierre ex Spire Climber som lom ส้มลม 19. Apocynaceae Eudicots Amphineurion marginatum (Roxb.) Climber mok khruea โมกเครือ D.J.Middleton 20. Apocynaceae Eudicots Calotropis gigantea (L.) Dryand. Exotic Shrub rak รัก 21. Apocynaceae Eudicots Ceropegia sootepensis Craib Herbaceous wan sam phi nong ว่านสามพี่ Climber น้อง 22. Apocynaceae Eudicots Cryptolepis sinensis (Lour.) Merrill Climber yan khi phueng ยา่ นข้ีผ้ึง 23. Apocynaceae Eudicots Dischidia major (Vahl) Merr. Creeping Herb chuk rohini จุกโรหินี 24. Apocynaceae Eudicots Heterostemma siamicum Craib Climber khruea khao khom noi เครือ เขาขมน้อย 25. Apocynaceae Eudicots Holarrhena curtisii King & Gamble Shrub phut thung พุดทุ่ง 26. Apocynaceae Eudicots Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex G.Don Tree mok yai โมกใหญ่ 27. Apocynaceae Eudicots Hoya kerrii Craib Climber tang ต้าง 28. Apocynaceae Eudicots Hoya pachyclada Kerr Climber tang yai ต้างใหญ่ 29. Apocynaceae Eudicots Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton Climber khruea pla song daeng เครือปลาสงแดง 30. Apocynaceae Eudicots Lygisma inflexum (Costantin) Kerr Climber ko tian คอเทียน 31. Apocynaceae Eudicots Marsdenia glabra Costantin Climber phak saeo ผักแส้ว 32. Apocynaceae Eudicots Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Moon Climber khruea thai song khaw เครือ ไทสงขาว 33. Apocynaceae Eudicots Oxystelma esculentum (L.f.) Sm. Climber chamuk pla lot จมูกปลาหลด 34. Apocynaceae Eudicots Spirolobium cambodianum Baill. Shrub phet cha hueng เพชรหึง 35. Apocynaceae Eudicots Streptocaulon juventas (Lour.) Merr. Climber thao prasong เถาประสงค์ 36. Apocynaceae Eudicots Toxocarpus villosus (Blume) Decne. Climber thao wan daeng เถาวัลย์แดง 37. Apocynaceae Eudicots Wrightia pubescens R.Br. Shrubby Tree mok โมก 38. Araceae Monocots Amorphophallus napiger Gagnep. Herb buk บุก 39. Araceae Monocots Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Herb buk บุก Nicolson 40. Araceae Monocots Amorphophallus parvulus Gagnep. Herb buk i lok บุกอีลอก 41. Araceae Monocots Pseudodracontium macrophyllum Gagnep. Herb i lok อีลอก ex Serebryanyi 42. Araceae Monocots Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) Schott Climber khruea ngu khiao เครืองูเขียว 43. Araceae Monocots Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume Herb taphit kap yao ตะพิดกาบยาว 44. Arecaceae Monocots Phoenix paludosa Roxb. Palm peng thale เป้งทะเล 45. Aristolochiaceae Magnolids Aristolochia pothieri Pierre ex Lecomte Climber krachao thung thong กระเช้า ถุงทอง 46. Asparagaceae Monocots Asparagus racemosus Willd. Climber sam sip สามสิบ 47. Asteraceae Eudicots Ageratum conyzoides L. Herb sap raeng sap ka สาบแร้งสาบ กา 48. Asteraceae Eudicots Bidens pilosa L. Exotic Herb dao krachai taiwan ดาวกระจายไต้หวัน 49. Asteraceae Eudicots Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & Exotic Herb sap suea สาบเสือ H.Rob. 50. Asteraceae Eudicots Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Herb kameng กะเม็ง ICoFAB2019 Proceedings | 146 51. Asteraceae Eudicots Praxelis clematidea (Griseb.) R.M.King & Exotic Herb sap muang สาบม่วง H.Rob. 52. Asteraceae Eudicots Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski Exotic kradum thong lueai กระดุม Herbaceous ทองเล้ือย Climber 53. Asteraceae Eudicots Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Herb phak khraet ผักแครด 54. Bignoniaceae Eudicots Dolichandrone serrulata (Wall. ex DC.) Tree khae na แคนา Seem. 55. Bignoniaceae Eudicots Millingtonia hortensis L.f. Tree pip ปีบ 56. Boraginaceae Eudicots Heliotropium indicum L. Herb ya nguang chang หญ้างวงช้าง 57. Boraginaceae Eudicots Heliotropium strigosum Willd. Herb ya nok yung หญ้านกยูง 58. Burmanniaceae Monocots Burmannia coelestis D.Don Saprophytic Herb sarat chanthon สรัสจันทร 59. Burmanniaceae Monocots
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