George Osbourne Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Bean Edward Troup Tel: 44-207-270-4558 Deputy Governor, The Rainer Brüderle Managing Director of Guido Westerwelle Paul Tucker Wolfgang Schäuble Federal Minister of Economics Fax: 44-207-270-4861 Monetary Policy Federal Minister for Budget, Tax and Welfare Deputy Governor, Federal Minister of Finance & Technology Tel: 44-207-601-4444 Foreign Affairs Tel: 44-207-270-4558 Financial Stability Tel: 49-30-18682-0 Tel: 49-30-18615-9 Fax: 44-207-601-5460 International Tel: 49-30-5000-0 Fax: 44-207-270-4861 Tel: 44-207-601-4444 Adair Turner Fax: 49-30-18682-3260 Fax: 49-30-18615-7010 Fax: 49-30-5000-3042 Nick Macpherson Fax: 44-207-601-5460 Chairman Permanent Secretary Tel: 44-207-066-1000 Econo my Tom Scholar Tel: 44-207-270-4558 Fax: 44-207-066-1099 Jörg Asmussen Ursula von der Leyden Second Permanent Secretary Fax: 44-207-270-4861 » Federal Minister of Mervyn King State Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Managing Director of Labor and Social Affairs Governor Financial Services Authority Tel: 49-30-18682-0 International and Finance Power Tree Tel: 49-30-18-527-0 Tel: 44-207-601-4444 Fax: 49-30-18682-3260 Tel: 44-207-270-4558 Fax: 49-30-18-527-1830 Fax: 44-207-601-5460 Fax: 44-207-270-4861 Werner Hoyer Minister of State «Andreas Dombret Jens Weidmann Member of the Executive Board, Federal Foreign Office President, Bank of England Tel: 49-30-18-17-0 Deutsche Bundesbank Deutsche Bundesbank H.M. Treasury Fax: 49-30-18-17-3402 Tel: 49-69-9566-0 Tel: 49-69-9566-0 Laurent Wauquiez Fax: 49-69-9566-3077 Fax: 49-69-9566-3077 Minister of State for European Affairs Sabine Lautenschläger-Peiter OM Tel: 33-1-43-17-53-53 Vice President, D G Margaret Biggs Peter Van Loan Fax: 33-1-43-17-45-71 Deutsche Bundesbank IN Alain Juppé K President, Canadian International Minister for International Trade Ramon Fernandez Tel: 49-69-9566-0 Stephen S. Poloz Minister of Foreign and D Development Agency Tel: 613-992-7332/995-8872 Jim Flaherty Head of the Treasury and Javier Musca Fax: 49-69-9566-3077 E President and CEO, European Affairs T Tel: 819-997-5456 Fax: 613-996-8924 Minister of Finance Economic Policy Secretary-General I Export Dev. Corp. Tel: 33-1-43-17-53-53 N Fax: 819-953-6088 Tel: 613-996-7861 Directorate General of the Presidency G Fax: 33-1-43-17-45-71 U Tel: 613-598-2500 Fax: 613-995-5176 Tel: 33-1-40-04-15-00 Tel: 33-1-42-92-81-00 E Fax: 613-237-2690 Mark Carney R Fax: 33-1-40-04-15-93 Fax: 33-1-47-42-24-65 Wayne Wouters Governor, Bank of Canada François Fillon M «Christian Noyer Clerk of the Privy Council Tel: 613-782-8111 Prime Minister A Governor, Bank of France and Sec. to the Cabinet Fax: 613-782-7713 Tel: 33-1-42-75-80-00 N Michael Horgan Tel: 33-1-42-92-42-92 Tel: 613-957-5153 Fax: 33-1-42-75-75-04 Y Paul Rochon Deputy Minister of Finance Fax: 33-1-42-92-39-40 Jean-Paul Emorine Fax: 613-957-5043 Assoc. Deputy Minister & Louis Lévesque Tel: 613-992-4925 Pres., Senate Commission G7 Deputy Deputy Minister for International Trade Fax: 613-952-9562 on Economic Affairs Department of Finance Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Tel: 33-1-42-34-20-00 Tel: 613-947-3569 International Trade Fax: 33-1-42-34-26-77 Fax: 613-947-9569 Christine Lagarde A Tel: 613-944-5000 D Minister of Economy, A Fax: 613-944-8493 Finance & Industry FR N Tel: 33-1-40-04-04-04 A A NC C Fax: 33-1-53-18-36-40 E Robert D. Hormats Neal S. Wolin Under Sec. for Economic, Gary Locke Franco Frattini Deputy Secretary Energy and Agricultural Affairs Secretary Minister of Foreign Affairs Giulio Tremonti Tel: 202-622-1080 Tel: 202-647-7575 Tel: 202-482-2112 Tel: 39-6-36911 Minister of Economy and Finance Ben Bernanke Fax: 202-622-0073 Fax: 202-647-9763 Tel: 39-6-476111 Fax: 202-482-2741 Fax: 39-6-3691-8899 Paolo Romani Chairman Fax: 39-6-5910-993 Minister of Economic Development Tel: 202-452-3201 Timothy Geithner Department of Commerce Tel: 39-6-4204-34000 Fax: 202-452-3819 Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary Fax: 39-6-4788-7770 » Janet L. Yellen Tel: 202-622-1100 Vice Chairman Fax: 202-622-0073 Tel: 202-647-9572 D. Nathan Sheets Fax: 202-647-2283 Director, International Tel: 202-452-3000 «Mario Draghi Finance Division Fax: 202-452-3819 National Economic Council Governor, Bank of Italy Tel: 202-452-3600 Department of State «Gene Sperling Tel: 39-6-47921 Fax: 202-452-6424 Department of the Treasury Director Fax: 39-6-4792-2983 Luigi Giampaolino President, Court of Audit Tel: 202-456-2800 I Fax: 202-456-2223 Tel: 39-6-3876-1 TA Federal Reserve System Fax: 39-6-3876-3477 LY Office of Management and Budget Trade Representative’s Office S Vincenzo LaVia E Jacob J. Lew Ron Kirk Robert B. Zoellick Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala T Chief Financial Officer A Director U.S. Trade Representative President Sri Mulyani Indrawati Managing Director T Tel: 202-473-1988 S Tel: 202-395-4840 Tel: 202-395-6890 Tel: 202-473-1000 Managing Director Tel: 202-473-1000 Fax: 202-522-1640 D Fax: 202-395-3888 Fax: 202-395-4549 Fax: 202-477-6391 Mahmoud Mohieldin Tel: 202-473-1000 Fax: 202-477-6391 E IT Managing Director Fax: 202-477-6391 N Banri Kaieda Tel: 202-473-1000 U Minister of Economy, Fax: 202-477-6391 Trade and Industry Shozaburo Jimi Tel: 81-3-3501-1511 Minister of State for Financial Services Fax: 81-3-3501-6942 K Tel: 81-3-3506-6000 D BAN WORL FUND Naoyuki Shinohara ARY Takeaki Matsumoto Deputy Managing Director Nemat Shafik ET Minister of Foreign Affairs Tel: 202-623-7000 Deputy Managing Director Anoop Singh ON Tel: 81-3-3580-3311 Director, Asia & Pacific Dept. M Masaaki Shirakawa Fax: 202-623-4661 Tel: 202-623-7000 L Nicolas Eyzaguirre Fax: 81-3-3581-2667 Tel: 202-623-7000 A PAN Governor, Bank of Japan Fax: 202-623-4661 ON Director, Western Hemisphere Dept. JA Fax: 202-623-4661 TI Rintaro Tamaki Tel: 81-3-3279-1111 NA Tel: 202-623-7000 Fax: 81-3-5200-2256 R Fax: 202-623-4661 Vice Minister of Finance for Antoinette Monsio Sayeh TE Mitsuru Sakurai IN International Affairs Senior Vice Minister Director, African Department Ministry of Finance Tel: 202-623-7000 Dominique Strauss-Kahn Olivier Blanchard Yoshihiko Noda Ministry of Finance John Lipsky Tel: 81-3-3581-4111 Tel: 81-3-3581-4111 Fax: 202-623-4661 Managing Director Meg Lundsager Economic Counselor and Minister of Finance Fax: 81-3-5251-2667 Tel: 202-623-7000 First Deputy U.S. Executive Director Dir., Research Dept. Tel: 81-3-3581-4111 Fax: 81-3-5251-2667 Fax: 202-623-4661 Managing Director Tel: 202-623-7000 Tel: 202-623-7000 Fax: 81-3-5251-2667 Tel: 202-623-7000 Fax: 202-623-4661 Fax: 202-623-4661 Fax: 202-623-4661 THE MAGAZINE OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY 888 16th Street, N.W., Suite 740 Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: 202-861-0791 • Fax: 202-861-0790 www.international-economy.com 56 THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY SPRING 2011 [email protected] SPRING 2011 THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY 57 András Simor Governor Jozef Makúch The Internat ional E conomy Power Tree Jónas Martonyi Hungarian National Bank Governor Tel: 36-1-428-2600 National Bank of Slovakia Alfredo Moreno Charme Minister of Foreign Affairs Fax: 36-1-428-2500 Ivan Mikloš Tel: 421-2-5787-1111 Mikuláš Dzurinda Minister of Foreign Affairs Tel: 36-1-458-1000 Minister of Finance Fax: 421-2-5787-1100 Minister of Foreign Affairs Rafael Ramirez Carreño Tel: 56-2-827-4200 Fax: 36-1-212-5918 Tel: 421-2-5958-1111 Minister of Energy & Petroleum Tel: 421-2-5978-1111 Hector Rangel Domene Fax: 421-2-5958-3048 Fax: 421-2-5978-3333 Tel: 58-212-708-7581 György Matolcsy General Director Juraj Miskov Fax: 58-212-708-7598 Minister for National Economy Mexican Export-Import Bank Agustín Carstens Matías Mori Minister of Economy and Construction Tel: 52-55-5449-9100 Executive Vice President, Tel: 36-1-795-1400 Governor, Bank of Mexico Marek Belka » Tel: 421-2-4854-1111 Fax: 52-55-5652-9342 Foreign Investment Committee Fax: 36-1-318-2570 Tel: 52-55-5237-2000 President, National Fax: 421-2-4333-7827 Jorge Giordani Richard Samuel Canán Tel: 56-2-698-4254 Fax: 52-55-5237-2070 Bank of Poland Minister of Finance Minister of Trade Fax: 56-2-698-9476 Tel: 58-212-802-1000 Tel: 58-212-509-6861 Tel: 48-22-653-1000 Miroslav Kalousek Martin Kocourek Fax: 48-22-620-8518 Y Minister of Industry and Trade Fax: 58-212-574-2432 R Minister of Finance Gloria Guevara Manzo Felipe Larraín Bascuñán Miroslav Singer Tel: 420-2-2485-1111 A IC Tel: 420-2-5704-1111 Jan Vincent-Rostowski L Governor, Czech Fax: 420-2-2481-1089 Minister of Tourism Minister of Finance José De Gregorio Rebeco G Fax: 420-2-5704-2788 Karel Schwartzenberg Nicolás Maduro Moros B National Bank Tel: 52-55-3002-6300 Tel: 56-2-473-2000 President Minister of Finance N U Deputy Prime Minister and Ernesto Cordero Arroyo » Minister of Foreign Affairs P Tel: 420-2-2441-1111 Fax: 52-55-1036-0789 Tel: 48-22-694-5555 U E Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Finance and Nelson Merentes Central Bank of Chile R Fax: 420-2-2441-2404 Tel: 58-212-806-1411 Fax: 48-22-694-4177 H Tel: 420-2-2418-1111 Public Credit President, Central Bank Tel: 56-2-670-2000 K Fax: 58-212-861-2505 A Fax: 420-2-2418-2031 Tel: 52-55-9158-2000 Tel: 58-212-801-5111 Fax: 56-2-670-2099 Waldemar Pawlak V Kamil Jankovský Fax: 52-55-9158-1142 Patricia Espinosa Cantellano Fax: 58-212-861-0048 Deputy Prime Minister O LIC and Minister of Economy L UB Minister for Regional Development Minister of Foreign Affairs V S EP Tel: 48-22-693-5000 R Tel: 420-2-2486-1111 Tel: 52-55-3686-5100 E CH Fax: 52-55-3686-5582 N Fax: 48-22-693-4048 ZE Fax: 420-2-2486-1333 E C Juan Andrés Fontaine Talavera Julio Velarde Bruno Ferrari García de Alba Z U Minister of Economy, Governor,
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