FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 30, 2018 MEDIA CONTACTS: Phil Stambaugh Secret Golf, Inc. 904.610.9261 [email protected] Chris Dornan Insperity Invitational 403.620.8731 [email protected] SECRET GOLF, INSPERITY TEAM UP ON REVOLUTIONARY INTERACTIVE PHONE APP FOR 2018 INSPERITY INVITA- TIONAL Secr et Go lf, o n e of go lf’s fa st est -gr o win g d igit a l m ed ia co m p a n ies, t o d a y a n n o u n ced a partnership wit h In sp er it y , an in d u st r y lea d er in p r o vid in g h u m a n r eso u r ces a n d administrative r eso u r ces to sm a ll a n d m ed iu m -sized b u sin esses fo r o ver 30 y ea r s, t ea m in g t o get h er on an interactive a p p lica- t io n t h a t will significantly en h a n ce t h e fa n exp er ien ce at t h is week’s PGA TOUR Ch a m p io n s even t , t h e In sp er it y Invitational go lf t ou r n a m en t n ea r Ho u sto n . Th e In sp er it y Interactive Go lf Ap p in clu d es d et a ile d co u r se st r a t egy fo r t h e t o u r n a m en t ven u e, Th e To u r n a m en t Co u r se at Th e Wo o d la n d s, fr o m St eve Elkin gt o n , a win n er of 10 PGA TOUR e ven t s in clu d in g t wo Pla y er s Championships a n d t h e 1995 PGA Championship. Th e a p p , d evelo p ed in p a r t n er sh ip wit h Best Ap p r o a ch a n d StrackaLine, in clu d es a GPS-en a b led y a r d a ge gu id e wit h su p er b gr a p h ics a n d fly o ver s by Best Ap p r o a ch , In c. as well as an in n o va t ive Pu t t Pr ed ict o r fr o m StrackaLine, In c., a llo win g fa n s b o t h at t h e even t a n d at h o m e, to see wh ich wa y a n d h o w m u ch b a lls will m o ve on a gr e e n b efo r e professionals m a ke a p u t t in g st r o ke. Da ily p a ir in gs, co n t est s a n d sp ect a t o r information a lo n g wit h p u sh notifications fr o m sp o n so r s ca n a lso be fo u n d in t h is in n o va t ive a n d excit in g a p p . “We are excited to partner with Insperity on this new venture. The app was built from the ground up with the spectator in mind, to take them inside the ropes for the first time. Fans will now have a lot of the same information that a Tour player has,” Elkington, the co-founder of Secret Golf said. “We are continuously seeking innovative ways to deliver a world-class experience for our fan base,” said Jay Mincks, Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Insperity. “Insperity Interactive Golf is a game changer. It brings the spectator inside the ropes in- to the minds of a Tour professional while standing over a shot on the Tournament course and understanding what they are thinking before addressing the ball, while also providing all of the relevant tournament information our fans need in the palm of their hand.” A unique invitational format on the PGA TOUR Champions, the Insperity Invitational is an award-winning tournament that features one of the top fields on Tour with eight cate- gories of eligibility to compete in the prestigious event. Two-time PGA TOUR major win- ner, John Daly, will try to successfully defend his title from last year against a star- studded class that includes three-time Insperity Invitational winner, Bernhard Langer, Jesper Parnevik (2016), Ian Woosnam (2015), Esteban Toledo (2013) who will be cele- brating the fifth anniversary of his first Tour victory, Fred Funk (2012), and Jay Haas (2006). The 2017 champion is also one of 13 PGA TOUR major championship winners in the field that includes Langer, Woosnam, Tom Kite, Mark O’Meara, Sandy Lyle, Lee Janzen, David Toms, Tom Lehman, Corey Pavin, Mark Calcavecchia, Jeff Sluman and Bob Tway. Fo r a p r eview on t h e In sp er it y Interactive Go lf Ap p : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/insperity -interactive - golf/ id1367976674?mt=8 About Secret Golf Secret Golf is one of the world’s fastest-growing digital golf media companies and is the industry leader in golf instruction by Tour professionals. Secret Golf is the first company of its kind, owned by Tour professionals who passionately believe in sharing deep in- sights into the game of golf. Secret Golf is the first to have personalized online video in- struction from Tour professionals who play or have played the game at the highest level. In addition to Elkington, Secret Golf’s growing team from the PGA TOUR and Web.com Tour includes World Golf Hall of Fame member Jackie Burke, PGA Champion Jason Dufner, Bronson Burgoon, Jason Gore, Brian Harman, Patton Kizzire, Russell Knox, Colt Knost, Jason Kokrak, Andrew Landry, Marc Leishman, Lee McCoy, Ryan Palmer, Pat Perez, Martin Piller, Chris Stroud and Ethan Tracy. Team Secret Golf’s LPGA staff features two-time LPGA Tour Player of the Year Stacy Lewis, U.S. Open winner Brittany Lang, two-time ANA Inspiration winner Brittany Lincicome, Sandra Gal, Gaby Lopez and Gerina Piller. Former Tour player turned instructor Bradley Hughes of Australia rounds out the group of professionals For more information about Secret Golf, please visit www.secretgolf.com.and join us on Facebook: SecretGolf, Instagram: Secret Golf and on Twitter: @SecretGolf About the Insperity Invitational presented by UnitedHealthcare A PGA TOUR Champions event, the Insperity Invitational presented by UnitedH- ealthcare features the world’s premier golfers age 50 and older. Last year’s tournament winner John Daly, will be returning to the Insperity Invitational to defend his title April 30- May 6, 2018. Managed and operated by Pro Links Sports, in 2008, the tournament re- ceived the prestigious Presidents Award as the best event on the Champions Tour, and in 2011 received the President’s Award for Excellence in Achievement. In 2012 and 2015, the tournament received The Players Award for having the “best of everything” for the players, sponsors and spectators. Interfaith of The Woodlands, one of the local charities benefitting from the tournament, was named the 2016 PGA TOUR Champions Charity of the Year. The Insperity Invitational is grateful to have support from these offi- cial corporate partners: Woodforest National Bank, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, 3M, United Airlines, Northside Imports Houston – Alfa Romeo, Dr Pepper, Bai, National Car Rental, Sports Radio 610, Houston Chronicle, Texas Sports Nation and Vander Dys Fi- ne Jewelers. Past champions include Larry Nelson, Jay Haas, Mark McNulty, three-time winner Bernhard Langer, John Cook, Fred Couples, Brad Faxon, Fred Funk, Esteban Toledo, Ian Woosnam and John Daly. For more information about the Tradition of Ex- cellence at the Insperity Invitational, visit www.insperityinvitational.com. About Insperity Insperity, a trusted advisor to America’s best businesses for more than 31 years, pro- vides an array of human resources and business solutions designed to help improve business performance. Insperity® Business Performance Advisors offer the most com- prehensive suite of products and services available in the market- place. Insperity delivers administrative relief, better benefits, reduced liabilities and a systematic way to improve productivity through its premier Workforce Optimization® so- lution. Additional company offerings include Human Capital Management, Payroll Ser- vices, Time and Attendance, Performance Management, Organizational Planning, Re- cruiting Services, Employment Screening, Expense Management, Retirement Services and Insurance Services. Insperity business performance solutions support more than 100,000 businesses with over 2 million employees. With 2017 revenues of $3.3 bil- lion, Insperity operates in 68 offices throughout the United States. For more information, visit www.insperity.com .
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