A A A INDEX MAP HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAP OF ARBA MINCH - AGRE MARRYAM AREA Towns No. Description Lithology Productivity Classes !. ARJO AKAKI BESEKA NAZRET Region Capital 1 Extensive aquifer Unconsolidated sediments, A High !. Zone Capital with intergranular alluvium, elluvium, 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 37°0'0"E 38°0'0"E !. permeability colluvium, B Moderate HOSAINA-ASELA (! !. Woreda Capital Laha !. N !. Zefne A (! lacstrine sediments, a s Developed Area e g i G JIMMA HOSAINA ASELA Wajifo poorly cemented sandstone C Low (! a r Roads a Myzelo D 2 Extensive aquifers with Consolidated sediments and High, moderate, low (! G i d Asphalt a b Chileshe o fracture and/or metamorphosed carbonate; (A, B, C) ! Morka ( 0 SODO - AWASA (! 0 62 Gravel Limestone, sandstone, shale, (Note: Not applicable 7 AA 7 karstic permeability 0 0 10 127 10 10 10 0 A 0 0.5 marl, evaporate marble in this map) 24.1 A 37.5A !. 4 DIME DILA DODOLA/GOBA Mela 35.9 Rivers Belta Neha Dila 40.5 Major Rivers 3 Extensive aquifers with Volcanic rocks, basalts, A High (! (! (! 0 A 0 0 fracture permeability rhyolites, trachytes, B Moderate Lakes ignimbrites C Low Swamp ARBA MINCH - AGRE MARRYAM Chichu 4 Localized aquifers with Non carbonate (! C Low Lake BAKO AHEREMARIAM NEGELE 53 (! fracture and intergranular metamorphic rocks, Ezo 0 A 0 D Poor (! M.Abaya-1 Guanguwa permeability granitic intrusives,dolerites ^_ !. 0 Boundaries a l 5 Main geothermal areas Common occurrence of Moderate or high a KONSO - YABELO 7 Wacha S 126 7 Basin Boundary thermal groundwater in productivity (A,B) 00 00 !. Birbir 00 0 A 00 Mariyam 0 28.4 (! 45 A (Note: Not applicable 0 A 12.4 fractured volcanic ISTIFANOS HAYK YABELO WACHILE Laska 0 A 0 0 National Boundary !. Zada 0 rocks and subordinate in this map) Laska !. 0 (! Sawla Donki !. Has (! 0 5 unconsolidated sediments (! A K e n y a Koti 0 Birbir (!52.5 Spring Discharge [l/s] Bulki Adis 55.5 (! Yela Wulo !. 0 0 (! A 0 A 0 Kofe 0 Kode (! 0 0.01 - 0.75 Sezega (! Hamus 31.5 (! 0 0 Gelta Gebeya 52.5 A (! (! 44.8 36.8 88.5 a A 0.75 - 2.50 8.4 0 A 0 37.5 0 0 A m A 0 30 (! Meho o 0 0 A 0 0 AQUIFER SURFACE CONTOUR (! 0 0 Sokicha 300000 400000 (! K 56 2.50 - 6.00 1285m 45.2 A A (! 0 0 Laha Gidabo Zala Chencha 1.6A 12.1 (! !.Selam Ber !.Zefne Wajifo 1 Kebado !. !. 0 (! 4 Bedesa Resa 6.00 - 16.00 Myzelo (! (! Debech Bekero (! (! Chileshe 00 9 5.4 (! Holjo 2400 (! Dita A ! Morka (! 6 ( 6 (! L. Abaya Dila 7.4 Belta Mela Neha 1 !.Dara 90 90 (! (! 5 (! Shefete 90 90 Halemo 16.00 - 0 Sala L. Abaya Lekicha ! 0 (! ( 1600 (! 2400 50 (! Andida 0 Ezo (! 0 A Wacha (! Guanguwa !. 0 A 5.9 Birbir Mariyam J' Geological Structure !. Zada (! 1.2 Laska 2000(! 2300 Repe Donki! Has Bule (! 700000 !. ( !. Koti (! 700000 (! Bulki (! (! !.Yela !. a (! Wulo Kode Adis Kofe Dumerso (! !. (! s (! Gelta Hamus Gebeya (! Major fault, downthrown shown Sezega (! (! r Bukisa Laska Meho Sokicha ! (! Chencha (! (! o ( 0 Zala Debech Resa 2200 (! Dita !. (! (! (! G Shefete Koma 2600 Yir-Ch-2 20.6 5 (! Holjo(! (! (! A Major fault Gorsa ! ^_ 15.6(! Dumerso ( Gelela Tulise Dido (! (! 2100 (! Gelela Dido(! Gulta 44.5 Normal fault, downthrow shown (! Gulta Yarte Shara Adame (! Shara (! (! (! Yarte (! (!0 3.7 2400 Kofele ! A Foge (! ( Adame Otolo (! 0 (! !. Gerse(! Normal fault Lante (! (! Gayle (! Haru 75.7 (! Konga Wachile 0 ! 0 A 48.5 Gina Kedida 0 ( (! 0 36.8 (! 0 Mora A 0 Inferred fault, downthrown shown 1600 ! 0 0 22.5 Layl 2 0 Widese( Yirga Belta Genta Gelana (! Wib Hamer Kemba (! (! (! 0 44.2 14.3 11.8 0 !. (! Beto Bonke Beza Ononcho 6 A 12.1 (! A A Wachile 6 (! (! (! 0A Foge (! Inferred fault !. !. Giwe 80 Otolo 0 60 6.4 0 Chefe 80 Yetnebersh (! Chorso Golja (! 80 80 82.8 (! Abel (! 0 5.4 0 0 Gerse (! A A 0 69.5 Melka Lole (! Toylo Arba Minch 0 A (! Kencho ! 0 Major fault, downthrown shown, by satellite images !. (! ( Gayle Lante 0 0 38 0 Metsir (! !. Tolta(! Zekusa Sigiga G (! Haru 0 32.4 (! Gerda Konga 0 0 (! 0 2 Weyto River A A 5.9 A A (! i 68 20.2 8.2 n 0 A 7.2 Major fault, by satellite images Zaba No.2 Chelelektu (! Tore a 0 5.5 1100 Ch'ep'o A 12.5 0 Zomba Gerese !. 12.5 (! (! 3.2(! A 2.2 Widese Getamir !. (! Normal fault, downthrow shown, by satellite images ! Gedeo Konga 11.3 ( (!Pila Sego Shele 1300 Sile 0 0 (! (! Sermele 0 Normal fault, by satellite images Aykamir Dimele Baya Kedida 0 A0 A 3.7 (!Geza (! ! 0 K ( 0 (! 1100 0 50.4 22.3 0 Bako (! Kele Derba u A A 23 18.8 (! 1 (! a 0 46.5 A L. Chamo l Mora Inferred fault, downthrown shown, by satellite images 2 1500 !. f n 80 ! o o 0 11.8 0 0 0 ( 0 Boshkoro Zeyse 1400 a A A Kure (! ! 0 (! 1200 1900 l 0 38.6 ( R 0 A 0 A 2000 2100 28.1 22.1 a (! e A Alga 1800 Layl g i Ononcho 0 Inferred fault, by satellite images !. 0 v 7.3 n 0 G (! (! 1600 7 Genta e o 1 ! r 0 76.5 Belta ( (! Fisiha K (! Kaysa Wib (! Arkesha(! 37 A 2.2 0 A 0 85.5 Genet Geology boundary Benata Arguba Hamer BH7 0 1 (! (! (! Bonke !@ 0 0 3 Kemba A 0 0 A60 0 6 0 50.4 (! Biloya 6 41 J 25.4 24.8 A (! Inferred geology boundary 0 70 !. Beza A Adis 0 0 15.6 70 Beto !. 70 (! 7.7 70 0 A 0 A 0 A 27.7 Ketema 0 19.9 Kako Gidole 0 A 38.6 (! !. Agere Mariyam Giwe 0 103.6 Chorso Caldera edge (! !. 56.8 77 0 68.7 Golja A (! #* Sek'ama 0 A 0 0 A 0 0 Volcano / Volcanic Cone 0 0 84 49.5 Mashile 0 31.5 (! Gato 13.7 2 Abel (! A 0 0 (! Arba 0 A 68.7 A 0 A 0 22.4 0 Borehole (Well) Key Afer 1000 Gato Fuchicha 0 0 ! Toylo Minch 37.5 !. ( 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 20 30 !. 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 31.5 0A 0 10Sisota 20 Total depth [mbgl] Soyema A (! 52.5 Kebeda 0 A 0 0 !. Kencho (! 0 0 (! 0 A Gelabo Chelelektu !. Sigiga 0 Specific capacity [l/min/m] A Static water level [m] (! 1300 a Gembo 6°0'0"N s Alduba (! ! u ( Delbena k (! 6°0'0"N Segen River e (! Z 600000 600000 K Draw down [m] u l ! 94 Gerda f ( (! o Iyanda S Doketu(! 6 0 50 6 !@ 900 Bele Sayado (! R ! A e (! JICA Well Kolme !. (! g 60 0 i 60 (! 60 v 60 (! e Weyto 1 (! e Fasha n n Mecheke (! 4 (! ! Zaba r ( 800 Didiga R (! 0 No.2 0 (! (! i v TEM e Ch'ep'o r Tore 600 700 !. Survey Point of Transient-phenomenon Burka Gerese ^_ Dimeka !. (or Time-domain) Electromagnetic Exploration Method !. Zomba S (! e r 300000 400000 m e l e !. Gedeo Upper Aquifer Surface Contour SCALE 1:1,000,000 (! 100m interval 1000m interval 0 10 20 40 km le Shele Si (! G el an 6 a 6 FLUORIDE CONCENTRATION MAP (! Sego 300000 400000 50 50 50 50 (! Gocho Teferi Kela (! Laha Selam Ber Zefne Gidabo Dimele (! !. (! !. Wajifo L. Abaya !. (! Bedesa Myzelo Gigesa (! (! Geology (! Morka Chileshe L. Chamo (! (! Belta Mela Neha Dila Dara (! (! !. (! Sala Luda a (! Derba Holocene Andida 1235m (! n (! (! Bako a Ezo Guanguwa (! l (! Chebicha !. e Wacha !. Kele Birbir Mariyam G Al !. Zada (! Sokicha Jeba Laska Has (! 700000 Donki(! 700000 Alluvium;Fine sand - mud !.! !. Koti (! ( Bulki !.Yela (! Sire (! ! Adis Kofe !. ( Wulo Kode !. (! (! Gelta (! Hamus Gebeya Bule Laska Sezega (! Meho (! ! Chencha Ilacha Zala Debech ( Bekero(! Resa (! (! Dita !. (! (! (! Zeyse Q Shefete Koma Boshkoro (! (! (! (! (! Unclassified Fluvial Deposits;Sandy gravel-mud Gorsa Repe Dumerso Holjo (! ! (! ( Gelela (! Dido (! Gulta Yarte Shara Adame(! 6 6 (! (! (! Kofele Foge (! !. 40 40 lac2 Otolo (! 40 40 Bulbla Lacstrine Deposits; (! !. Gerse(! Lante (! (! Gayle (! ! Haru 72 ( Konga Wachile Lake deposits such as gravel, sand and mud Gina Kedida (! (! 13.5 A 21 (! Mora ! (! Widese( 26.7 Layl Belta Genta (! Wib Hamer Kemba (! (! (! (! Beto Bonke Beza Adis Ketema Ononcho !. !. (! (!Giwe(! Pm Corbetti Pumice Flow & Fall Deposits; Yetnebersh (! Chorso Golja (! Abel (! Arba Minch (! Toylo Chelelektu Sigiga Pumice falls and pumice flow deposits Kencho !. (! (! Metsir (! !. Tolta(! Zekusa (! Gerda Konga Kaysa Weyto River (! Sisota (! Zaba No.2 (! Ch'ep'o Tore Vol Corbetti Rhyolitic Volcanics; Zomba Gerese !. W (!Getamir (! !. Gedeo Benata e Arguba (! (! Sego ! ! ( y ( Rhyolite lava flows and Obsidian lava flows Pila Shele (! (! Sile t Sermele o o Aykamir Dimele Baya (! (! R Geza (! Luda i Bako (! Kele Derba Gelana v BH8 (! !@ (! e K rb Butajira Recent Basalt; !. Jeba Sire 6 r 117 6 Boshkoro Zeyse Kure ! (! 30 53.8 42.4 30 (! ( L. Chamo 30 A 30 Basalt lavas and reddish brown basaltic scoria (! Alga!. 20 (! Arkesha(! Kaysa (! Benata Arguba lac1 Meki Lacustrine Deposits;Lake deposits such as (! (! 55 3.9 A 3.5 poorly-sorted gravel, sand, pumice, tuff, and volcanic sand Kako 2.9 (! Gidole Kako !. Agere Mariyam (! Gidole Ag-Ma-2 K' Pleistocene !. 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 !. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 ^_ 20 Sek'ama Mashile Y Langano Poorly Welded Pumiceous Pyroclastics; ! Gato !.
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