Jewish Periodical UNITED STATES ALABAMA Greater Long Beach & W County. DEEPSOUTH JEWISH VoICE (1990).P0 Box 130052, Birmingham, 35213. (205)322- JEWISHCOMMUNITY NEWS I /0). 9002.E-mail: [email protected]. OkaRd., Suite 2, Los Gatos, 9 Lawrence M. Brook. Monthly. (WWW.DEEP (408)358-3033. FAX: (408)356-073 SOUTIIJEWISHVOICE.COM) mail: [email protected]. Cecily Ruttn Monthly. Jewish Federation f ARIZONA San Jose. ARIZONAJEwIsH POST (1946).2601 N. JEWISHJOURNAL OF GREATER C CampbellAve., #205, Tucson, 85719. (1986).3660 Wilshire Blvd., SuiteLtj4 (520)319-1112.FAX: (520) 319-1118. E- Angeles, 90010. (213)368-1661. FAX: mail: [email protected]. Phyllis 368-1684.E-mail:editor@jeWishjou Braun.Fortnightly. Jewish Federation of corn. Susan Freudenheim. Weekly. Southern Arizona. JEWISHJOURNAL.COM) JEWISHNEWS OGREATERPHOENIX (1948). JEWISH NEWS (1973).15060 1625E.NorthernAve.,Suite106, Suite 210, Sherman Oaks, CA 91 Phoenix, 85020. (602)870-9470. FAX: (818)786-4000. FAX: (8l8)380Q32, (602)870-0426.E-mail:editor@jewis- Blazer.Monthly. (Also weekly5 Deborah Susser. Weekly. (www. andradio broadcasts ,,I A JEWISHAZ.COM) Miami.) CALIFORNIA JEWISHSPORTS REVIEW. lovu Blvd., #174, Los Angeles, 9uui AMERICANRABBI (1968).22711 Cass Ave., WoodlandHills, 91364. (818)225-9631. E- 510-9003.E-mail: shel@jewishs mail: [email protected]. Ed.-in-Ch./ Shel Wallman!Ephraim I Pub. David Epstein; Ed. Harry Essrig. Bimonthly. (WWW.JEWISHS Quarterly. COM) LosANGELESJEWISH 1.,...., KEYOF NORTHERN CAL- .. JEWISHNEWS WH WilshireBlvd., Suite 903, Los IFORNIA (1946).225 Bush St., Suite 1480, 90036. (323)933-0131. FAX: SanFrancisco, 94104-428 1.(415)263- 7928. E-mail: [email protected] 7200. FAX:(415)263-7223.E-mail: [email protected]. Woody Weingarten. Chief Joe Bobker; Mng. Ed. Ja Weekly. San Francisco Jewish Commu- Weekly. nity Publications, Inc. SANDIEGO JEWISH TiMES I I /). /., I Ave.,La Mesa.91941.(619)463. JEWISHCOMMUNITY CHRONICLE (1947). FAX: (619) 463-1309. E-mail: 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, 90815. Michael (562)426-760l,ext. 1021. FAX: (562)595- Fortnightly.(WWW.SDJEWISHTII 5 543. E-mail: [email protected]. Mar- ian Leb Martin. Fortnightly except Janu- SHALOM L.A.(1988). 16077 VenI ary, July & August! once per month 21 #400, Encino, 91436,(818; issuesayear.Jewish Federation of FAX: (818)783-1104. 682 JEWISH PERIODICALS /683 Gal Shor. Weekly. Hebrew. CAPITAL COMN1UNIQUI (1991).777 N. Cap- IHALOMLA.COM) italSt., NE, Suite 305, Washington, MAGAZINE (1986).2342 Shattuck 20002. (202)216-9060. FAX: (202)216- Suite 1200,Berkeley,94704. 9061. Jason Silberberg. Biannually. Na- 14-1200.FAX: (510)644-1255.E- tional Jewish Democratic Council. [email protected]. Michael THEJEWISH VETERAN (1896). 1811 R St., Bimonthly. Institute for Labor & NW, Washington, 20009-1659. (202)265- Health. (WWW.TIKKUN.ORG) 6280.FAX:(202)234-5662.E-mail: STATES JEWISH HISTORY (1968). [email protected]. Seymour "Sy" Brody. 5 ass Ave., Woodland Hills, 91364. times per year. Jewish War Veterans of 5-9631. E-mail: amrabbj@pac- the U.S.A. Quarterly Gladys Sturman.Quarterly. MOMENT(1975).4710 4] St., NW, Wash- States Jewish History Associa- ington,20016.(202)364-3300.FAX: (202)364-2636. E-mail: cditor@moment. COLORADO Shanks. Bimonthly. Jewish Educational Ventures, Inc. STAINJEWIsIT NEWS (1913).1275 Fsu MONITOR(1990).1819 1-1 Street, NW, i St.,Suite 214, Denver, 80203- 03)861-2234. FAX: (303)832- Suite 230, Washington, 20006. (202)775- 9770.FAX: mail:[email protected]. Miriam (202)775-9776. E-mail: .Weekly.(WWW.IJN.COM) [email protected] Nickolai Butkevich. Quarterly. Union of Councils for Soviet CONNECTICUT Jews. JT JEWISHLEDGER (1929).740 N. NEAREAST REPORT(1957).440First St., W Hartford, 06117. (860)23 I- NW. Suite607, Washington, 20001. (860)231-2428.E-mail: editor- (202)639-5254. FAX: (202) 347-4916. Dr. Lisa Lenkiewicz. Raphael Danziger. Fortnightly. Near East VWW.JEWISI-ILEDGER COM) Research, Inc. DER (1974).28 Channing St., SECURITYAFFAIRS(1976). 1717K St., NW, 1468, New London, 06320. Suite 800, Washington, 20006. (202)833- 7395. FAX:(860)443-4175. E- 0020. FAX: (202)296-6452. E-mail: [email protected]. Mimi Per]. Bi- [email protected]. Jim Colbert. Quarterly. wish Federation of Eastern Jewish Institute for National Security Af- ut. fairs. DELAWARE WASHINGTONJEWISH WEEK. See under MARYLAND E.100W. 10th St., Suite 301, )n, 19801.(302)427-2100. FLORIDA 427-2438. ) E-mail: lynn.edel- CHRONICLE(1971). Edelman. 22 580 5. McIntosh Rd., year. Sarasota, 34232. (941)371-4546. FAX: Jewish Federation of (941)378-2947. Barry Millman. Biweekly. Sarasota-ManateeJewish Federation. RICTOF COLUMBIA FEDERATIONSTAR (2001).1250 Taimai I. 5505 Connecticut Ave., NW, Trail, No. Ste. 202, Naples34102. Washington, 20015. (877)298- (941)263-4205. E-mail: [email protected]. X: (888)766-1506. E-mail: Susan Frank. Biweekly. Jewish Federa- Dan Polisar. tionof Collier County. Hebrew/English. The Shalem HERITAGEFLORIDA JEWISH NEWS (1976) VW.AZURE.ORG. IL) 207 O'Brien Road, Ste. 101, Fern Park H INTERNATIONAL JEWISFI 32730. (407)834-8787. FAX: (407)834- 1886,under the name Meno- 8277.E-mail:news@orlandoheritage. (Street, NW, 7thFloor,Wash- com. Lyn Payne. Weekly. (WWW.HER- 20006. (202)857-2708. FAX: ITAGE.COM) 8l. E-mail: ijm@bnaibrith. JACKSONVILLE JEWISH NEWS (1988). Elana Harris. Quarterly. B'nai 8505 San JoseBlvd.,Jacksonville,32217. national. (904)448-5000. Fax: (904)448-5715. E- 684/AMERICANJEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2007 mail: [email protected]. Susan R. Goetz. GA 30338. (404)564-455k Monthly. Jacksonville Jewish Federation. (404)252-1172. E-mail: mjacobs. (WWW.JEW1SHJACKSONV1LLE.COM) Jacobs. Weekly. (WWW.ATLJEWE COM) JEWISH JOURNAL (1977). 1701 Green Rd., Deerfield Beach, 33064. (954)574-5328. ILLINOIS FAX: (954)698-6719. E-mail: speskoff CHICAGO JEWISH NEWS (l.z-) Stan Peskoff.Weekly. Dempster, Skokie, Ill 60077. South Florida Newspaper Network. 0606.FAX:(847)966-l65 JEWISHPRESS OF PINELLAS COUNTY [email protected]. Pauiiii (Clearwater-St.Petersburg) (1985). P0 wood. Weekly. (WWW.CHICAGOJE Box 6970, Clearwater, 33758-6970; 1101 NEWS.COM) S. Belcher Road, Suite H, Largo, FL CHICAGO JEWISH STAR (1991). P0 Bo 33771.(727)535-4400.FAX:(727)530- Skokie, 60076-0268. (847)674-7827. 3039. E-mail:[email protected]. (847)674-0014. E-mail: chicagojt Karen Wolfson Dawkins. Biweekly. Jew- [email protected]. Dough' W'i h ish Press Group of Tampa Bay (FL), Inc. Fortnightly. in cooperation with the Jewish Federa- tion of Pinellas County. (WWW.JEWISH- JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS S4 PINELLAS.ORG) Main, Suite 7A, Belleville, 62223.ii 6100. FAX: (618)398-0539. E-mail: JEWISH PRESS OF TAMPA (1987). P0 Low. Quarterly. JewishFederatii Box 6970, Clearwater 33758-6970. (813) Southern Illinois. (WWW.SIMOKYFED 871-2332. FAX: (727)535-4400. E-mail: Karen Wolfson JUF NEWS & GUIDE To JEWISH LIvI Dawkins. Biweekly. Jewish Press Group CHICAGO (1972). One S. Franklir of Tampa Bay (FL), Inc. 701G, Chicago, 60606. (312)3 FAX: (312)855-2470. E-mail L'CHAYIM (2003).6237-EPresidential Sondra Fargo. Court, Ft. Myers 33919. (941)481-4449. (Guide, annually). Jewish Uni FAX: (941)481-0139. Deborah Robbins Jewish Federation of Metropo Millman. Biweekly. Jewish Federation of cago. Lee & Charlotte Counties. INDIANA THENEWS(2002). 108-A Barton Ave., Rock- ledge 32955. (407)636-1824. FAX: (407) ALEFII: HISTORICAL STUD,..... -, 636-0614. Ann C. Samuels. Biweekly. Jew- ANDJUDAISM (2001). Indiana ish Federation of Brevard County. Press, 601 N. Morton St., Bl 47404. (812)855-3830. FAX. SARASOTA-MANATEE JEWISH NEWS (2000). 8507. E-mail: kcaras@indiana. 580 S. Mcintosh Rd., Sarasota 34232. tonal address: Sidney Edelst& (941)371-4546. Howard Trevlowitz. Week- Hebrew University of Jerusal ly. Sarasota/Manatee Jewish Federation. Ram, Jerusalem 91904.IsI (WWW.SMJF.ORG) Freudenthal. Annual. SHALOM TODAY-BROWARD (1994). 200 E. BRIDGES: A JOURNAL Or JEWE Las Olas Blvd., 10thFloor,Ft. Lauderdale (1996)4860 Washtenaw Ave 33301. (954)356-4000. FAX:(954)429- Ml 48108. (734)395-4438, 1207. E-mail: shalom@sun-sentinel .com. (812)855-8507. E-mail:cIar' Bob Gremillion. Weekly. Jewish Federa- Editorial address tion of Broward County. 1206, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SHALOM TODAY-PALM BEAcII (1994). 3333 berg. Semiannual. (w S. Congress Ave., Deiray Beach 33445. NAL.COM) (561)243-6600. FAX: (561)243-6546. E- HISTORY AND MEMORY 1: mail: [email protected]. Michelle UniversityPress, 601 N. Simon & Bruce Warshal. Weekly. Jewish Bloomington47404. (i Federation of Palm Beach County. FAX: (812)855-8507. E-mail: Editorial addres GEORGIA History, Tel Aviv University. ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES (1925)1117 Peri- Tel Aviv 69978 Israel. "'' meter Center West, Suite N3 11, Atlanta, annual. JEWISH PERIODICALS/685 INDIANA JEWISH POST AND OPINION (1935). FAX:(502)458-0702. 238 S. Meridian St., #502,Indianapolis, E-mail:jfed 46225. (317)972-7800. FAX: Sheila SteinmanWallace. (317)972- Biweekly. Jewish Community 7807. E-mail: [email protected] Federation Cohen. Weekly. of Louisville. ISRAELSTUDIES (1996).Indiana University LOUISIANA Press, 601 Morton St., Bloomington JEWISHCIVIC PRESS (1965).924 Valmont 47404. (812)855-3830. FAX:(812)855- St., New Orleans 70115. 8507. E-mail: [email protected]. (504)875-8784 Edi- E-mail: jewishcivicpress.coni.Claire & torialaddress:I3en-Gurion Research Abner Tritt. Monthly. Center,Sede-BokerCampus,Israel 84990. Three timesa year. JEWISHNEWS (1995).3747 W. Esplanade Avenue, Suite 307, Metairie,LA 70002. JEWISHSOCIAL STUDIES: HISTORY, CUL- (504)780-5614. FAX: (504)780-5601E- TURE, AND SOCIETy (1939,new series mail: jewishnews@jewishnolacom 1995). Indiana University Julie Press, 601 N. Schwartz. Fortnightly. JewishFederation Morton St., Bloomington 47404.(812) of Greater New Orleans. 855-3830. FAX: (812)855-8507.E-mail: kcaras@indianaedu Editorialaddress: MARYLAND Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Bldg. BALTIMOREJEWISH TIMES (1919).1040 Park 240, Rm. 203, Stanford University,Stan- Aye, Suite 200., Baltimore, ford, CA 94305-2 190. StevenJ. Zipper- 21201. (410) stein, Aron Rodrigue.
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