September 29, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1883 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE OF Elizabeth Mazur was born in Carteret, NJ. working conditions are continuing THE ``SS STEPHEN HOPKINS'' She moved with her family to New Castle, NY, undiminished according to the third annual re- and then moved back to Rahway, NJ, where port of the Federal-CNMI Initiative. The Gov- HON. NANCY PELOSI she graduated from high school in 1946. ernments of the Philippines and China have OF CALIFORNIA The couple met in November of 1946 at the expressed concerns about the treatment of Twin City Roller Skating Rink, while Kurt was their citizens in this U.S. Commonwealth and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES employed as a postal worker in Elizabeth. On allegations persist regarding the CNMI's inabil- Monday, September 29, 1997 Valentine's Day 1947, they were engaged and ity to protect workers against crimes such as Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on October 4, 1947 they were married at the illegal recruitment, battery, rape, child labor, honor the memory of the distinguished service Russian Orthodox Church in Rahway. and forced prostitution. of the SS Stephen Hopkins, an American mer- They moved to Lacey Township in October Without Representative MILLER'S language chant vessel, who sailed during World War II. of 1975 and have lived there ever since. Kurt in H.R. 2267, individuals who have been the The SS Hopkins holds a unique distinction was employed as an electrical contractor with subject of human rights abusesÐright here in in U.S. merchant marine history. On Saturday, offices in Lacey and Woodbridge, NJ. Since the United StatesÐhave only the charity of September 27 the city and county of San his retirement in 1992, Kurt has worked part private relief organizations to rely upon for Francisco will observe SS Stephen Hopkins time as a photographer with Ocean County, help. In Hawaii, the Filipino Solidarity Coalition Day and the 55th anniversary of the only NJ. Kurt Booth served as chairman of the is currently providing sanctuary to a young girl American Ship to sink a German Navy Sur- Chairman's Ball Ad Journal for 6 years and named Katrina who came to Hawaii as a Gov- face Warship. co-chairman of the Ocean County Candidates ernment witness. When Katrina was 14 she The Hopkins sailed out of her home port in Ad Journal for 12 years. Kurt was also the de- was brought to the CNMI by an employer who San Francisco on April 14, 1942. On Septem- signer of the journals and most of their ads as promised her a good job and fair wages in the ber 17, 1942, during her maiden voyage in the well as a very effective fund raiser for the restaurant industry. When she arrived in the South Atlantic Sea the Hopkins and her crew party. CNMI her hopes for a better life were de- waged a courageous battle against two heav- Kurt and Elizabeth have a son, Professor stroyed. She discovered that the employer had ily armed German vessels. This battle earned Kenneth Kurt Booth, who spent 14 years in lured her to the CNMI under false pretenses. the Hopkins the citation of U.S. Government South Africa teaching people how to provide Not only was she confined to her assigned liv- Gallant Ship. Her citation inscription recounts veterinary care to animals in the community. ing quarters but she was also forced into serv- the events of that fateful day when, ``Two He now resides in the United States with his ice as a prostitute. Katrina had few options enemy raiders suddenly appeared out of the three children. and even less money but she escaped her morning mist to attack her. The lightly armed Mr. Speaker, Mr. and Mrs. Booth's commit- confines and filed suit against her employer merchantmen exchanged shot for shot with ment to each other, illustrated by their 50 with the help of the local Philippine consulate. the enemy raiders, sinking one and setting the years together, is a testament to their char- When Katrina's actions were revealed to her other a fire. The stark courage of her crew in acters. Not only have they enriched the lives employer, her life was threatened. To escape their heroic stand against overpowering odds of those they have come into direct contact the abusive situation, the consulate helped her caused her name to be perpetuated as a Gal- with, but they have displayed immense leader- to find refuge in Guam. However, Guam's lant Ship.'' The Hopkins was lost as a result ship in their community, State, and country. It close proximity to her former employer still put of that valiant battle after sustaining destroyed is with great pleasure that I recognize this Katrina in a dangerous situation. engines, exploded boilers, and catching fire couple on this special occasion. Through the help of the Filipino Solidarity from stem to stern. Only 15 of the 19 surviving f Coalition, Katrina managed to escape to Ha- crew survived the 31-day lifeboat trip which waii where local donations and a small grant DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE, brought them to safety in Brazil. from the Department of Labor helped to pro- JUSTICE, AND STATE, THE JUDI- Mr. Speaker on behalf of the Congress, let vide her shelter, food, and further legal assist- CIARY, AND RELATED AGENCIES us join the veteran merchant mariners and ance. However, there are many others who re- APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998 San Francisco community in commemorating main in the CNMI still suffering the abuse and indignity that Katrina managed to escape. I the service of SS Stephen Hopkins and the SPEECH OF brave crew who sailed her into history. appreciate the Chairman's support of the Mil- f HON. NEIL ABERCROMBIE ler language which will help those like Katrina OF HAWAII who are victims of human rights abuse, not THE 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES faraway in a foreign country, but right here in OF KURT AND ELIZABETH the United States of America. Friday, September 26, 1997 BOOTH, OCTOBER 4, 1997 f The House in Committee of the Whole HON. JIM SAXTON House on the State of the Union had under A TRIBUTE TO REV. RICHARD J. LEHMAN, PASTOR OF THE CON- OF NEW JERSEY consideration the bill (H.R. 2267) making ap- propriations for the Departments of Com- GREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and OF CHRIST Monday, September 29, 1997 related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, and for other purposes: Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct HON. MICHAEL P. FORBES privilege and honor to pay tribute to Kurt and Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in OF NEW YORK Elizabeth Booth of Lacey Township, NJ. On support of the Miller language adopted into IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES October 4, 1997, Mr. and Mrs. Booth will cele- H.R. 2267, the Departments of Commerce, brate their 50th wedding anniversary. Justice and State appropriations bill. These in- Monday, September 29, 1997 Kurt Booth was born in Elizabeth, NJ on structions will set aside a small amount of Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to March 23, 1927. After graduating from Thom- funding for the Executive Office of U.S. Attor- pay tribute to Rev. Richard J. Lehman, pastor as Jefferson High School in 1944, he enlisted neys to provide assistance to the victims of of the Congregational United Church of Christ, in the U.S. Marine Corps. During his service human rights abuses in the Commonwealth of in Farmingville, Long Island, who this Sunday as a marine, Kurt did a tour of duty in World the Northern Marianas Islands. will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordi- War II's Pacific campaign and did occupation Since at least 1984, Federal officials have nation. duty in Japan. He was discharged from the expressed concern about the CNMI alien labor Along with the golden anniversary of his or- Marine Corps on August 21, 1946. system. Worker complaints over wages and dination in 1947, Reverend Lehman will also · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 29, 1997 mark two other important milestones this Sun- gram or tirelessly advocating for public policy HONORING CAPTAIN NIKOLAOS day: he and his congregants will celebrate the that maintains decent and affordable housing FRANGOS 25th anniversary of his pastorship of the Con- for all New Yorkers, the Interfaith Assembly on gregational United Church of Christ, on the Homelessness and Housing has provided the HON. RON KLINK same day as his 75th birthday. city of New York with a valuable service that OF PENNSYLVANIA A truly gifted and dedicated professional, we all ought to recognize and acknowledge. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reverend Lehman has built a proud legacy of Mr. Speaker, I rise to commend the Inter- Monday, September 29, 1997 service to the spiritual needs of his faith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congregants. This Sunday, September 28, for its dedication to the homeless, its fight for honor the 1997 Hellenic Chamber of Com- 1997, the Congregational United Church of affordable housing, and its ability to effect merce ``Man of the Year Award'' recipient, Christ community will join in praising his out- change in a city that desperately needs it.
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