Vol. II, No. 1 Bonner County Democrat Central Committee January 2018 JANUARY MEETING Bonner County Democrat Central Committee Monthly Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 10** 2018 General Election (second Wednesday of each month) Local Dems protest tax scam bill 6:00 p.m. On Dec. 4, a good group at of hardy souls braved the Hotel Ruby cold and snow to protest (in 2nd-floor conference room) the recently passed Tax Bill that adds taxes TO the On the agenda: middle class and give the 1) January voter registration top 1% and corporations a 2) Updating BCDCC Guiding tax DECREASE. Principles 3) Event updates: Pizzas & Poli- tics, May fundraiser, 4th of July 4) Officer appointments/elections BCDCC Officers: Sylvia Humes, Chair 208-304-2995 [email protected] Vice Chair Idaho Young Dems look- (Position currently vacant) ing for board members, Maggie Meldje, getting more active Secretary Idaho Young Democrats Presi- dent Matthew Kilburn is reaching Lee Christensen, Treasurer out to all state Dems to let it be known they are getting ready to head Democratic State Committeewoman into 2018 fighting and getting young (Position currently vacant) people involved, but they need some Want to learn more about Jack Peterson help from all of us. Membership Democratic State Committeeman in Young Dems is age 36 and under. how to use social media? We need your help to spread the There was a desire to learning Find Bonner County Democrats’ website at: word in your county. more about social media. If you are http://bonnerdemocrats.org/new/ Please share our website link on interested in working with a library and on facebook at: social media tutor please contact Judy https://www.facebook.com/bonnerdemocrats/ your social media! http://idahoy- oungdemocrats.org/ Meyers at [email protected]. January 2018 Bonner County Democrat Central Committee Page 2 Notes from Sylvia: Mark your CALENDAR 2018 will be big for Dems; lots to do -- find for these important DATES and ISSUES candidates, precinct captain training, updating S Tues., Jan. 2, Newport re: guiding principles, carrying out voter registration Smelter Issue: TWO meetings -- 1) Responsible Growth Washington at Hello Everyone!! 1:00 p.m. at Create; and 2) CANSS at Happy New Year to all! 5:30 p.m. at Hospitality House. S Looking for a Dem candidate for County Assessor Jan. 2018, we will be signing pe- titions to have Medicaid expansion Wow, let’s make it a wonderful new year by seeing the Dems to victory wherever there on the ballot. We’ll need everyone’s is an opportunity available. If you know of anyone who may be interested in running for help. County Assessor, let me know. We have candidate training available and as much financial support that we can muster. S Pizza & Politics, Saturday, Feb- ruary 24, Noon. Anyone interested in attending the Frank Church Gala in Boise this March, we will be carpooling. Let me know and I’ll be sure to get you on the early bird list. The Gala is S MAJOR FUNDRAISER May great fun and very informative. 12, 2018, The Barn in Dover. Idaho The DNC is sending our state $10,000 a month to help fund our needs. We have the House Minority Leader Mat Erpeld- support from the national committee; all we need is the participation on the local level. ing, keynote speaker. Precinct captains training on again Precinct Captains, I will be attempting to put together another training. Come to January meeting: discussing voter registration, updating Guiding Principles MAKE CALLS, Please come to the January meeting so we can plan. We will also be discussing doing or send faxes voter registration and presenting our updated Guiding Principles. to faxzero.com May you have a happy and healthy New Year and, with luck, and Bob Mueller, be TRUMP FREE!!! (which must be recorded) Sylvia Tell Republicans in Congress where you stand RUN. FOR. SOMETHING. vU.S. Senator James Risch from Tom Hamilton, Data Director, Idaho Democratic Party 202-224-2752 / 208-667-6130 We need you to run for office! vU.S. Senator Mike Crapo If we can win in Alabama, we can win in Idaho! 549-224-6142 / 208-664-5490 The Idaho Democratic Party is recruiting candidates vU.S. Representative for all 105 legislative seats, every county seat that’s up for re- Raul Labrador election, and every statewide seat—but they need your help to 202-225-6611 / 208-667-0127 do it. Sign up to run for office today. Ready to learn more about running for office? We’re part- Tell Republicans in Idaho nering with the National Democratic Training Committee to Legislature where you stand bring high-quality campaign trainings right to your laptop. These courses are video-centric and available online 24/7 and they can vState Senator Shawn Keough be taken as many times as needed so you can learn at your own 208-263-1839 pace. Sign up for online campaign trainings; call Tom at IDP, or https://www.traindemocrats.org/idahodems. vState Rep. Sage Dixon Don’t wait for someone else to step up. It’s your turn to 208-610-4800 / 208 332-1185 run for for office. vState Rep. Heather Scott We have huge opportunities in 2018 that we need to take 208-920-3120 advantage of. Let’s get out there. Page 3 Bonner County Democrat Central Committee January 2018 New feature: 99,924 signatures needed by Jan. 7, 2018 -- Updates from the IDLCC NATIONAL PETITION: Stop Foreign Smelter from Kelsey Dillon, Finance & Development Director, IDLCC from Being Built in a vaping, I think we're missing the bus," Residential Area she said. "We're going to see long-term Rep. Wintrow takes on expenses for (tobacco-related health is- 1 sues) that are more expensive than if we “We the people, ask the Federal sexual harassment and assault put money into prevention.” Government to call on Congress to act on an issue: Stop Foreign Smelt- In an opinion column entitled er from being built in a residential “Idaho Must Go Beyond Sexual Ha- rassment Training” in the Twin Falls area (created by N.H. on December Times-News, Rep. Melissa Wintrow 3 House Democratic Leader 08, 2017) takes a thoughtful look at the social Mat Erpelding’s exposure of Fed- systems that pervade our workplaces eral tax scam continues to hit home Needs 99,924 signatures by and schools that create an environment where sexual harassment is tolerated. January 7, 2018, to get a response Aside from being a crime against Rep. Mat Erpelding called on from the White House women, Rep. Wintrow noted on a more Idaho’s Congressional delegation to fundamental level that sexual harass- vote against this tax scam in a column We the citizens of Newport, ment inhibits talent that is so desper- which has burned up opinion pages Washington, and surrounding areas are ately needed in this state: “Consider across Idaho for the last two weeks. The requesting that the proposed HiTest the long-term effects of being told you Idaho Statesman just printed it in Boise. silicon smelter NOT be built in a resi- don’t matter as much, your work isn’t Erpelding noted that “Most politicians dential area, but INSTEAD be built on valued as much, your experience doesn’t answer to their ‘shareholders,’ too. a pre-existing industrial site. matter as much, and there is only one way Corporations and special interests hold Emissions data recently dis- to get ahead,” Wintrow wrote. most of their stock.” Rep. Erpelding closed in HiTest’s Draft PSD Modeling “This state of affairs limits opportu- warned that state lawmakers will Protocol prove that the smelter would nities, tamps down talent, and eventually likely push a similar tax scam in generate 320,000 tons of greenhouse tamps down your spirit.” Rep. Wintrow 2018. Be sure to call Idaho’s Con- gases, 760 tons of sulfur dioxide, and also laid out her plans for legislation in gressmen and Senators to tell them 700 tons of nitrogen oxides each year. 2018 to fully fund sexual assault kits. to stop sucker-punching Idaho’s The selected location is within middle class. Learn more at http:// approximately 5 miles of 9 schools (a www.idahostatesman.com/opinion total of 1600 students), a hospital, clin- ic, senior care facility and 2 municipali- 2 Senator Ward-Engelking ties. Any spills, contaminated liquids or calls for smoking/vaping preven- wind transported contaminants carrying tion funding 4 Rep. Chew “poster” woman potential exposure to silica dust, will for Clean Energy Campaign adversely affect human health, property, What the final meeting of the State wildlife, and our rural quality of life. Legislature’s Joint Millennium Fund Groups around the country are push- Please sign and share: Committee lacked in substance, it made ing towns and cities to adopt a “Ready https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/ up for in flair. The Millennium Fund For 100” policy in which municipalities pledge to set a 100-percent clean energy petition/stop-foreign-smelter-being- contains payments each year from a goal in at least one economic sector by 1998 tobacco lawsuit settlement. The built-residential-area 2018 and meet it by 2035. money is used to fund various smok- Rep. Sue Chew became the “face” ing and drug prevention and treatment of the campaign, so to speak, in an programs around the state. article in the Boise Weekly. Rep. Chew NO tax cuts for Quoted in the Lewiston Tribune, is seen holding a “Clean Energy for All” the rich without Sen. Janie Ward-Engelking brought poster to promote the program. If you’re up the growing issue of “vaping” and looking for a sunny reminder of Spring Trump’s the need to tackle the problem before it and Summer, learn more about the starts.
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