049-063 JNL 420:Layout 1 29/12/09 14:20 Page 49 049-063 JNL 420:Layout 1 29/12/09 14:20 Page 49 049-063 JNL 420:Layout 1 29/12/09 14:20 Page 49 J. CETACEAN RES. MANAGE. 11(1):49–63, 2009 49 J. CETACEANCETACEAN RES. MANAGE. MANAGE. 11(1):49–11(1):49–63,63,­­ 2010 2009 49 J. CETACEAN RES. MANAGE. 11(1):49–63, 2009 49 Marine mammal records from Iran Marine mammal records from Iran * + # ^ ** GILLIAN T. BRAULIK*,SHARIF RANJBAR+,FEREIDOON OWFI#,TEYMOUR AMINRAD^,SEYED MOHAMMAD HASHEM DAKHTEH**, GILLIAN T. BRAULIK*,SHARIF RANJBAR+,FEREIDOON OWFI#,TEYMOUR AMINRAD^,SEYED MOHAMMAD HASHEM DAKHTEH**, GEHSANILLIANKT.AMRANI BRAULIK++AND*,SHARIFFATEMEHRANJBARMOHSENIZADEH+,FEREIDOON^^ OWFI#,TEYMOUR AMINRAD^,SEYED MOHAMMAD HASHEM DAKHTEH**, EHSAN KAMRANI++AND FATEMEH MOHSENIZADEH^^ EHSAN KAMRANI++AND FATEMEH MOHSENIZADEH^^ Contact e-mail: [email protected] Contact e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACTIran has 1,700km of coastline that borders the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea in the northwest Indian Ocean. Apart from a handful of records, Iran has 1,700km of coastline that borders the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea in the northwest Indian Ocean. Apart from a handful of records, Iranalmost has nothing 1,700km is ofknown coastline about that which borders marine the mammal Persian Gulf species and occur the Arabian in Iranian Sea waters. in the northwest This review Indian was Ocean.conducted Apart to fill from this a handful information of records, gap. A almost nothing is known about which marine mammal species occur in Iranian waters. This review was conducted to fill this information gap. A almosttotal of nothing 127 marine is known mammal about records which of marine 14 species mammal were species compiled occur from in Iranian Iranian waters. coastal This waters. review Ninety-nine was conducted were from to fill the this Persian information Gulf, 26 gap. from A total of 127 marine mammal records of 14 species were compiled from Iranian coastal waters. Ninety-nine were from the Persian Gulf, 26 from totalthe Gulf of 127 of Oman marine and mammal 2 were recordsof unknown of 14 location. species Records were compiled of finless from porpoise Iranian (Neophocaena coastal waters. phocaenoides Ninety-nine) were (25), from Indo-Pacific the Persian humpback Gulf, 26 dolphin from the Gulf of Oman and 2 were of unknown location. Records of finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) (25), Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin the(Sousa Gulf chinensis of Oman) and (24) 2 and were Indo-Pacific of unknown bottlenose location. Records dolphin (ofTursiops finless porpoise aduncus) (Neophocaena (22) were by far phocaenoides the most numerous,) (25), Indo-Pacific a probable humpback reflection dolphin of their (Sousa chinensis) (24) and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) (22) were by far the most numerous, a probable reflection of their (inshoreSousa chinensis distribution) (24) and and local Indo-Pacific abundance. bottlenose Other species dolphin recorded (Tursiops were aduncus long-beaked) (22) were common by far the dolphin most (numerous,Delphinus a capensis probable tropicalis reflection), of rough- their inshore distribution and local abundance. Other species recorded were long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis tropicalis), rough- inshoretoothed distribution dolphin (Steno and bredanensis local abundance.), striped Other dolphin species (Stenella recorded coeruleoalba were long-beaked), spinner common dolphin (Stenella dolphin (longirostrisDelphinus), capensis Risso’stropicalis dolphin (),Grampus rough- toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis), striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris), Risso’s dolphin (Grampus toothedgriseus), dolphinfalse killer (Steno whale bredanensis (Pseudorca), striped crassidens), dolphinsperm (Stenella whale coeruleoalba (Physeter macrocephalus), spinner dolphin) and dugong (Stenella (Dugong longirostris dugon),) Risso’s. Records dolphin of 26mysticetes (Grampus griseus), false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) and dugong (Dugong dugon). Records of 26 mysticetes griseuswere compiled,), false killer 10 of whale which (Pseudorca were tentatively crassidens), identifiedsperm as whale Bryde’s (Physeter whales macrocephalus (Balaenoptera) edeni and dugong), 1 possible (Dugong fin whale dugon ()Balaenoptera. Records of 26 physalus mysticetes), 3 were compiled, 10 of which were tentatively identified as Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni), 1 possible fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), 3 werehumpback compiled, whales 10 ( ofMegaptera which were novaeangliae tentatively) identifiedand the remainder as Bryde’s were whales not identified (Balaenoptera to species. edeni The), 1 largest possible threat fin whale to small (Balaenoptera cetaceans in Iranphysalus is likely), 3 humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and the remainder were not identified to species. The largest threat to small cetaceans in Iran is likely humpbackto be incidental whales capture (Megaptera in fishing novaeangliae gear. Nine) and finless the porpoisesremainder were were recorded not identified as bycatch to species. and thisThe and largest other threat coastal to small species cetaceans may be in declining Iran is likely due to be incidental capture in fishing gear. Nine finless porpoises were recorded as bycatch and this and other coastal species may be declining due toto beunsustainable incidental capture mortality in rates. fishing Some gear. of Nine the world’s finless porpoises busiest shipping were recorded lanes pass as through bycatch Iranian and this waters and other and ship coastal strikes species are likely may be to declining be the largest due to unsustainable mortality rates. Some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes pass through Iranian waters and ship strikes are likely to be the largest tothreat unsustainable to mysticetes mortality in the rates. area. Some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes pass through Iranian waters and ship strikes are likely to be the largest threat to mysticetes in the area. threat to mysticetes in the area. KEYWORDS: DISTRIBUTION; NORTHERN HEMISPHERE; INDIAN OCEAN; IRAN; SIRENIA; STRANDINGS; CONSERVATION; KEYWORDS: DISTRIBUTION; NORTHERN HEMISPHERE; INDIAN OCEAN; IRAN; SIRENIA; STRANDINGS; CONSERVATION; KEYWORDS:PERSIAN GULF; DISTRIBUTION; FINLESS PORPOISE; NORTHERN INDO-PACIFIC HEMISPHERE; HUMPBACK INDIAN DOLPHIN;OCEAN; IRAN; LONG-BEAKED SIRENIA; STRANDINGS; COMMON DOLPHIN; CONSERVATION; ROUGH- KEYWORDS:PERSIAN GULF; DISTRIBUTION; FINLESS PORPOISE; NORTHERN INDO-PACIFIC HEMISPHERE; HUMPBACK INDIAN DOLPHIN;OCEAN; IRAN; LONG-BEAKED SIRENIA; STRANDINGS; COMMON DOLPHIN; CONSERVATION; ROUGH- PERSIANTOOTHED GULF; DOLPHIN; FINLESS STRIPED PORPOISE; DOLPHIN INDO-PACIFIC ; SPINNER HUMPBACK DOLPHIN; DOLPHIN; RISSO’S LONG-BEAKED DOLPHIN; FALSE COMMON KILLER DOLPHIN; WHALE; ROUGH- SPERM PERSIANTOOTHED GULF; DOLPHIN; FINLESS STRIPED PORPOISE; DOLPHIN INDO-PACIFIC ; SPINNER HUMPBACK DOLPHIN; DOLPHIN; RISSO’S LONG-BEAKED DOLPHIN; FALSE COMMON KILLER DOLPHIN; WHALE; ROUGH- SPERM TOOTHEDWHALE; BRYDE’S DOLPHIN;DOLPHIN; WHALES; STRIPEDSTRIPED FIN DOLPHINDOLPHIN; WHALE; HUMPBACK ;SPINNER DOLPHIN; WHALE. RISSO’S RISSO’S DOLPHIN; DOLPHIN; FALSE FALSE KILLER WHALE; SPERMSPERM TOOTHEDWHALE; BRYDE’S DOLPHIN; WHALES; STRIPED FIN DOLPHIN WHALE; HUMPBACK ; SPINNER WHALE.DOLPHIN; RISSO’S DOLPHIN; FALSE KILLER WHALE; SPERM WHALE; BRYDE’S WHALES; FIN WHALE; HUMPBACK WHALE. INTRODUCTION salinity, commonly measured at 40-50ppt and up to 70ppt in INTRODUCTION salinity, commonly measured at 40-50ppt and up to 70ppt in INTRODUCTION shallow, enclosed bays in the southeast (Sheppard, 1993) and The southern coast of the Islamic Republic of Iran is 1,700km shallow, enclosed bays in the southeast (Sheppard, 1993) and The southern coast of the Islamic Republic of Iran is 1,700km highly variable sea surface temperatures between 12ºC and inin length, length, and and is is bordered bordered to to the the east east by by Pakistan Pakistan and and to to the the highly variable sea surface temperatures between 12ºC and in length, and is bordered to the east by Pakistan and to the 35ºC (ROPME, 2003). The harsh environment of the Persian west by Iraq (Fig. 1). There are four coastal provinces, from 35ºC (ROPME, 2003). The harsh environment of the Persian west by Iraq (Fig. 1). There are four coastal provinces, from Gulf, combined with its recent geologic origin, have created west to east: Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan, and Sistan and Gulf, combined with its recent geologic origin, have created west to east: Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan, and Sistan and biological communities characterised by low species Baluchistan. The marine environment of Iran includes two biological communities characterised by low species Baluchistan. The marine environment of Iran includes two richness and moderate to low primary productivity compared very different habitats; the Persian Gulf, a warm, hyper- richness and moderate to low primary productivity compared very different habitats; the Persian Gulf, a warm, hyper- toto the the Arabian Arabian Sea Sea (Price, (Price, 2002; 2002; Sheppard, Sheppard, 1993). 1993). In In contrast, contrast, saline, shallow and enclosed sea and the Gulf of Oman, a to the Arabian Sea (Price, 2002; Sheppard, 1993). In contrast, saline, shallow and enclosed sea and the Gulf of Oman, a thethe Gulf Gulf of of Oman Oman exhibits exhibits characteristics characteristics typical typical of of pelagic pelagic relatively
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