PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 69, NUMBER 12 15 JUNE 2004 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. Full titles are included in each first author’s entry. The letters (R), (BR), (C), or (E) following the article number indicate that a paper is a Rapid Communication, a Brief Report, a Comment, or an Erratum, respectively. Abazajian, Kevork — ͑see Tegmark, Max͒ D 69, 103501͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒͑ ͒ Abazov, V.M. et al. DO” Collaboration — Search for new particles in see Aubert, B. D 69, 031102 R 1 ͑ ͒͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ the two-jet decay channel with the DO” detector. D 69, 111101 R 1 see Aubert, B. D 69, 032004 1 Abbiendi, G. et al. ͑OPAL Collaboration͒ — Experimental studies of ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ ϩ Ϫ unbiased gluon jets from e e annihilations using the jet boost ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052001͑1͒ algorithm. D 69, 032002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052005͑1͒ Abbott, B. et al. ͑LIGO Scientific Collaboration͒ — Setting upper limits ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939 ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071103͑R͒͑1͒ ϩ2134 using the first science data from the GEO 600 and LIGO ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 091503͑R͒͑1͒ detectors. D 69, 082004͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111103͑R͒͑1͒ et al. ͑LIGO Scientific Collaboration͒ — First upper limits from ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111104͑R͒͑1͒ LIGO on gravitational wave bursts. D 69, 102001͑15͒ ͑see Chao, Y.͒ D 69, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ et al. ͑LIGO Scientific Collaboration͒ — Analysis of LIGO data ͑see Chekanov, S.͒ D 69, 012004͑1͒ for gravitational waves from binary neutron stars. D 69, 122001͑15͒ ͑see Garmash, A.͒ D 69, 012001͑1͒ et al. ͑LIGO Scientific Collaboration͒ — Analysis of first LIGO ͑see Nakao, M.͒ D 69, 112001͑1͒ science data for stochastic gravitational waves. D 69, 122004͑15͒ ͑see Zang, S. L.͒ D 69, 017101͑BR͒͑1͒ ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ Abolins, M. — ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ Abbott, R. — ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 082004͑15͒ Abramov, V. — ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 102001͑15͒ Abramowicz, H. — ͑see Chekanov, S.͒ D 69, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 122001͑15͒ Abrams, G. S. — ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 122004͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011103͑R͒͑1͒ Abdalla, E. — ͑see Molina, C.͒ D 69, 104013͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Abdalla, Elcio — ͑see Wang, Bin͒ D 69, 063507͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Wang, Bin͒ D 69, 104014͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 032004͑1͒ Abdalla, M. C. B., A. A. Bytsenko, and M. E. X. Guimara˜es ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ — Quantum states, thermodynamic limits, and entropy in M theory. ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052001͑1͒ D 69, 064002͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052005͑1͒ Abdesselam, A. — ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Ϫ Ϫ Abe, K. et al. ͑Belle Collaboration͒ — Study of B →D**0 ͑D**0 ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑ ͒ϩ Ϫ →D * ͒ decays. D 69, 112002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 091503͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 69, 112002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111104͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011103͑R͒͑1͒ Accioly, Antonio and Ricardo Paszko — Photon mass and gravitational ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ deflection. D 69, 107501͑BR͒͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ Acharya, B.S. — ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 032004͑1͒ Ackermann, M. — ͑see Smy, M. B.͒ D 69, 011104͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ Acosta, D. et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ — Measurement of the average ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052001͑1͒ time-integrated mixing probability of b-flavored hadrons ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052005͑1͒ produced at the Fermilab Tevatron. D 69, 012002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ — Optimized search for single-top- ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071103͑R͒͑1͒ quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron. D 69, 052003͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111104͑R͒͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ — Heavy flavor properties of jets ͑see Chao, Y.͒ D 69, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ produced in pp¯ interactions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 69, 072004͑1͒ ͑see Chao, Y.͒ D 69, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ Adachi, I. — ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 69, 112002͑1͒ ͑see Garmash, A.͒ D 69, 012001͑1͒ ͑see Chao, Y.͒ D 69, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Garmash, A.͒ D 69, 012001͑1͒ ͑see Garmash, A.͒ D 69, 012001͑1͒ ͑see Nakao, M.͒ D 69, 112001͑1͒ ͑see Nakao, M.͒ D 69, 112001͑1͒ ͑see Nakao, M.͒ D 69, 112001͑1͒ ͑see Zang, S. L.͒ D 69, 017101͑BR͒͑1͒ ͑see Zang, S. L.͒ D 69, 017101͑BR͒͑1͒ Adak, M., T. Dereli, and L. H. Ryder — Possible effects of space-time ͑see Zang, S. L.͒ D 69, 017101͑BR͒͑1͒ nonmetricity on neutrino oscillations. D 69, 123002͑15͒ Abe, Kenji — ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 69, 072003͑1͒ Adam, I. — ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 69, 072003͑1͒ ϩ Ϫ ϩ Abe, Koya et al. ͑SLD Collaboration͒ — Production of , , K , Adam, N. E. — ͑see Arms, K.͒ D 69, 071102͑R͒͑1͒ Ϫ 0 K , p, and ¯p in light ͑uds͒, c, and b jets from Z decays. ͑see Danko, I.͒ D 69, 052004͑1͒ D 69, 072003͑1͒ Adamczyk, L. — ͑see Chekanov, S.͒ D 69, 012004͑1͒ Abe, T. — ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 69, 112002͑1͒ Adams, D.L. — ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 69, 072003͑1͒ Adams, G. — ͑see Avakian, H.͒ D 69, 112004͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011102͑R͒͑1͒ Adams, M. — ͑see Abazov, V.M.͒ D 69, 111101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011103͑R͒͑1͒ Adamus, M. — ͑see Chekanov, S.͒ D 69, 012004͑1͒ 69 i ii CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 69 Adhikari, R. — ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 082004͑15͒ ͑see Nakao, M.͒ D 69, 112001͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 102001͑15͒ ͑see Zang, S. L.͒ D 69, 017101͑BR͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 122001͑15͒ Ainsley, C. — ͑see Abbiendi, G.͒ D 69, 032002͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 122004͑15͒ Akatsu, M. — ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 69, 112002͑1͒ Adler, V. — ͑see Chekanov, S.͒ D 69, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Chao, Y.͒ D 69, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ Adye, T. — ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Garmash, A.͒ D 69, 012001͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Nakao, M.͒ D 69, 112001͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Zang, S. L.͒ D 69, 017101͑BR͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ Åkesson, P. F. — ͑see Abbiendi, G.͒ D 69, 032002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 032004͑1͒ Akimoto, H. — ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 69, 072003͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 69, 012002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052001͑1͒ Akiyama, Satoru and Yasuhiko Futami — Nonrigid chiral soliton for ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052005͑1͒ the octet and decuplet baryons. D 69, 014001͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Alam, M. S. — ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 091503͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111104͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 032004͑1͒ Afanasev, A. — ͑see Avakian, H.͒ D 69, 112004͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ Affolder, T. — ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 69, 012002͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052001͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 69, 052003͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052005͑1͒ Afshordi, Niayesh, Yeong-Shang Loh, and Michael A. Strauss ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ — Cross-correlation of the cosmic microwave background with the ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071103͑R͒͑1͒ 2MASS galaxy survey: Signatures of dark energy, hot gas, and ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 091503͑R͒͑1͒ point sources. D 69, 083524͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111103͑R͒͑1͒ 0 Agaev, S. S. — Power corrections to the ␥ transition form factor and ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 111104͑R͒͑1͒ pion distribution amplitudes. D 69, 094010͑1͒ Alan Kostelecky´, V. and Matthew Mewes — Lorentz and CPT Ageev, A. — ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 082004͑15͒ violation in neutrinos. D 69, 016005͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 102001͑15͒ Albert, J. — ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 122001͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 011103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 69, 122004͑15͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Aghuzumtsyan, G. — ͑see Chekanov, S.͒ D 69, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A. — Erratum: Effects of mixing with quark ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 032004͑1͒ singlets ͓Phys. Rev. D 67, 035003 ͑2003͔͒.D69, 099901͑E͒͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ , G. C. Branco, and F. R. Joaquim — Neutrino masses, mixing ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052001͑1͒ and new physics effects. D 69, 073004͑1͒ ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 052005͑1͒ Aguirregabiria, Juan M. and Ruth Lazkoz — Tracking solutions in ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 69, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ tachyon cosmology.
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