/ IW B L V fl 'h^!DAY^A^^GUSf 17,194i I AveMgTmd^^h^^ . The Weather ManeKester Evening Herald For tlw Jhibth of M y, 1948 Foreeast of ,1). a. Weather Bareah Fair and continued cool tonigbt; . Mr. and Mra'., Edward S. D.k. of 8,890 Sunday ' pertly dondy wltb little 20 Henry, atreet, are opending a' Wiiui Proii^otion lioys Injured tenHwratore change. week, at .Jjew r'ound Lake, N. H. Member of tbs AedK The Army and Navy Club, Chitstanding Values In Bnrsea of drcolaUoes , >, ■ Ward Cheney Camp No, 13. U.S. Here in Crash ^Hianthester~—A Ihge Charm I4idy Roberta Lod*«. DaufhUra. W. V., and Mary B. Cheney Auxil­ of Bt OeorfC, wlU poatpohe until Incorporated Outstanding Fu^s Alx< iary, will hold their annuial picnic PRIt^E j m E E CKNTB i ■omeUntt In September theVnonth- 'Sunday aftemcon at the hoire of (OtaasMse AdvsrttalBg ae^ rage 19) (TWELVE PAGES) ;ly bualneaa ind .aoClel meeting Mr. and Mrs. Jerc Maher, 26 Weat- Were on - VOL. LXTV., NO. 271 whldi waa td have been held\Tues- land .stroc*. Dinner will tw served Struck by Auto at Man­ - 7 * ----------- ^ ^ day'evening at th« home of\Miea at 5,,j’cicch» \mohg tNoa-j on the HALE’S AUGUST Rachel Vickemian of Pearl etreet. cdrnmlttte afe Commander and chester Green Mrs. Joel Nichols, respective heads Meet Jfips at of ,each organlMiUon, Mrs. Mary of Thrall Warren,. Mr* Gertrud?- Buehwan rid R I N G a FUR SALE Millions of Homes 3 road, Brpkd3rp4d 1Brook, and Frank and Mrii. Maher. ' J' :\ d o n WILLIS Leainer, 16, of .16 york atreet, \To Hold Oiitinff Hartford, both riding on oiie" mo^ Every Sot. Night At 8:30 Sharp! PMOUTON LAMB. >' GARAGE toroycle, .were admitted to : the * Will^F urnislLW ork . -.'A- ■ . Complete Auto. Seiriee At Cohiiiibia I^ke Manchestafi^Memorlal hospital . 21 Games Including Sweepstakes to ie Sundsiy; 18 MbIb St Tel. 8085 shortliy aftor 9 o’elook last night $149.00 following an accident at the inter­ The first apmial outing of Nich­ section of. Middle Turnpike, east, AduiissioiixSl.OO In Ntixt 10 Years ols.' Bristol, Inc., wfll take place and Vernon street. / ' Sunday afternoon at Columbia Cotter, the operator oY'the mo­ •SILVER BLUE Lake with a i planned'program in torcycle, suffered a hip lnjur>’. a New CIbiiatrncUdn Ekiaa - li. , SIMONIZEVG atore.' ' '' \ ' cut Oi);-fl»e head and .Was bnilsed Police Chief Invited guests include all ,mem-' abopt' the body and Arms. Fearing DYED MUSKRAT For Natidn Makea Pre­ ^The Body §hop Method bera of the Nichols,.Bristol sort- tbdt his hip mighybe fractured he Will Be JFIoTvti Sli ball team, pace aettera In the Man- Waa X-rayed. / * diction Today'; Steel, Upsets Plan SOLIMENE A F I/A C e ^ n c. Japs Flatly ^ i m oheater Softball League, the plcty- ' Robert R. Keeney, Jr„ Riding on the motorcycl?', sekt $ 2 9 9 ^ Copper and Aluminum To Manila Alter •B4 Oeaiter B t IW . Biei •ra wlvea ahd all employees of the i ■ with Cotter,' Frank Leslfiar was HALE'S SELF SERVE Center Street atatipn. • .Roblna Field. Ga., Aug. 17—lat less acrio^y injured. He sustain­ Suppliea Are . Freed . Of His Aide Told Nation t o n ing; Credentials to The group will assemble at the Lt;<Rpbert R. Keeney, Jm Medical ed a cut^n hla left leg and was The Original In I^ew England! station at 11 o’clock in the mornr Corp‘»’'haB been promoted to Cap­ badly bfuiaed about the body? •SIBERIAN NATURAL For Conaumer Gooda Examined After ing and drive out to the site. tain, Brig. Gcn.^ J>»fin Mt dark, Were Thrown from Ills Machine Swimming, boating, games and a | Was Beaten Scouts rival Sunday Nij commanding office of the Warner The two boys yi'efe iiding“the G R E Y s q u i r r e l Pog Held as Clue to SETBACK TONIGHT luncW Ss well as a hot dog roa.st' Robina Air Technical Service Com­ / Washington,' Aug. X8.—(/P) will feature the first get-together torcycle toward M*nchcster SATURDAY SPECIALS! Rapist and Burglar Flight Schedule Givi mand, with headqnartera at Robina yfroirom Bolton. Aa they approached I — Americans will build 10 to B:1B, V, r . W . HOMB of the group. 87 Minutes Earlic BIAMOinEBTER O M X N Field, announced today. Captain^ Vernon atreet a car .being driven Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! 16 million homes in the next Given to Owner With­ Foreign Minister Says B-3^s Bun to Anti- Keeney, son of Robert'R. Keenpy., ekat by Mrs. Agnes Bowen, of 630 $349.00 decade. This ^as predicted Prizes! Refreshments! 98 ^Spruce street; Maiichepteri L.ydnll atreet. according to the re­ o u t A n y Arrest Elvery Japanese Should Aircraft Fight- Than jatps Pre O oM M <^ AH Pure Snbject To 20% Federal Tax. today by the nation’s he^ All PUyers Welcome! BODY WORK Cdnn.. wai a.sslgned to ,• Rbbina port of Officer Walter Cassells, Read ’ and Carry Out er Opposition or Sec- Field Nov. 6, 1943 aa a-ssiatant to made a left turn frpm Middle turn­ 25 Lb. Bag construction boss, Himhr^ot- Evanston, 111., Aug: 18.—(S’)—A Manila, Aug. 18.- FENDER AND ^ chief. X)ut' Patient Cllnlef Cap­ pike into Vernon atreet. Her car Flour ter. These were o^ ct high Potsdaim Declaration ond Straight. pan officially informed tain Keeney la a graduate «?f Trin­ hit the motorcycle, throwing both $1.35 case of the right hand not know­ Puy ridera to the ground. ' appts as the swing-over to eral MacArthur tonight tl SOLIMENE A FLAGG ity College. Hartford' Conn.« and Maxwell House ing of the left's doings thwarted -Ban Francisco, Aug. 18—(ff) — before entering th^-Fervlce' waa a The accident Atcurred at 8:59 peace-time living moved Police Lieut. William Calder- This trio of officers will meet Japanese auri-en der drlpgaiea when they land at Ie under Inatruc- , Okinawa, Aug. 18—(AT—Ana^l surrender emissaries woul INC.'- The JMtHAU COM ehead:\ I ‘Die Japanese people, treated here­ physician with ofttce.s at 791 Main and aa several ambulartcea were The SS4 Oeater St.. Tel. 6101 1 Lb. Jar AiaMCHBSTBl Co n n - wood’s e n g ^ h g ' experiment to tlona of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. (Left to right) Maj. Gen. Kenneth B. Wolfe of Los Angelrt, depu­ can. B-32S, flying reconaissaneV leave Japan Sunday nior atreet. Manchester, Conn. ' called much -eXcitemeftt resulted,. 34c Mare Food Forecast ty commander of the 6th Air Force; Brig. Gen. Thomas D. White, of Springfield, HI., commander of tofore to a seriea of face-saving, missions, ran Into anti-aircraft and \-weather permitting—any Robins Field is part of .the Air The boys were brought to the hop'- crime detection. and Brig. Gen Fred H. Smith, Jr., of Washington, D. C„ commander Of the 6th. 1. Food officiala forecast more the 7th Air Force; evasiva explanations of their sur­ Japanese fighter opposition over neadquartera spokesman-HBT* Dewey-Riehmati TscbjittcMl Satvice Command. pitar in Quiah'a ambulance. food of all kinds for civilians as Police fotmd \ dog waqd^ng Fighter Command. render, were told flatly today by in a neighborhood 'victimlMd by JApan 'for the second straight day th§r would be flown slrsii Mrs. Bowen was arrefied,. Lb. Box scheduled Army cutbacks go into one of their top-flight leadeiu they today. charged with reckless driving. ‘ HOrshey Cocoa 10c effect over the. next few months. a rapist and burglar whC had a are a bdaten people and must pay frora^le island, off Okinav C o . \ dog with him. Believing the dog The B-32s were accompanied by LECLERC All ill Reftdiness Meat rationing may end next the price for- an imperialistic P-38 Lightning flghtero today. to Manila. yoClIlJLIST month. might be the same,' Calderwood Jobless Seek dream bubble that burst in the The official Japanese me locked the brown /ollie in a cell Ghen«ysio Offer Jobs Yesterday, four B-32k, encoun4 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED i;r a l b o m b 7 ^ A Thera were signs labor and blast of atomic bomba. tered heavy anti-aircraft fire and aaid the emissaries would' For Club Outing Rum & Brondy Fruit Cokes and starved it , ' >(' ' at Ie about 1:20 p. m., Sy Main Street ’"management' leaders may have After four days of thock-absorb- had to fight off several persistent N EW PRAAIES In a Box— Ready To Ship!- ^ Hale’s Final given the administration informal The theory yras that the fam- To 6et Idle ing elatementa to the effect the' Japanese' interceptors for 20 min­ (12:30 A m., SUhday, e.w.tj- isHed dog .whrit freed would scam­ LENS DUPLICATED Phone S2tl9 2-Pound' aasurancea that’ wartlms no- To All Those. Laid Nipponese de’eat ’’Is but tempos utes. The B-32s were unescorted Will Pick Vp'Emlssarlea The Washington Club's annual strike- ifb-Iockout pledges will bf per home' for food. Police would ary,” and “we atlU think our way yestorday. An American plane wlU^ pick ' REPAIRS MADE outing will take place tomorrow continued. follow and seize his master. It of thinltinK Is right" hard headed Qak'R-32 was heavily damaged waa all .So simple. the emissaries from Vnp gr“ afternoon at the Manchester Rod 5. The War Production Board Employees Foreign Minister. Mamoru Shlge- yesterday. ■’ croc tod white Japsnese tr freed tremendous quantities 6f Yesterday the lieutenant felt mitau, who held the same post in Today’s photographic reconhala- porta, at Ie and Is expected and-Gun Club in Coventry; A full Lbs.
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