RICHARD W. BARSTOW 26, Tregeseal, St. Just Near Penzance, Cornwall, Eng i and. ORDERING INFORMATION Mail orders are promptly filled and despatched on a 7-day examination basis, subject to approval. Immediate refund guaranteed on return of specimens. Please quote the name and the number of the specimen(s) required, and enclose .O./Cheque with order. No charge is made for postage and packing, except for overse~ customers and postage ~ver 50p. We reserve the right to make slight substitutions, if necessary, unless advised to the contrary. Special requests and 'wants lists' are welcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you, and assure you of our best attention at all times. JUNE 1974-. 1. ACANTHITE. Batopilas, ~ihuahua, Mexico. Rich, dar~ grey, granular masses and microcrystals thickly intergrown on Calcite matrix with minor Pyrite, Sphalerite and Native Silver in association. 3x2". £4-. 2. ADAMITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Lustrous, shrp, well terminated crystal sprays to tIt in size and of a creamy yellow colour richly scattered on Limonitic gossan. 2~-x2". £2. 3. ANALCIME. Dene Quarry, st•.Keverne, Lizard, Cornwall. Large, sharp, snow-white well formed crystals to tIt in size, scattered on small transparent modified ~alcite crystals covering gabbro matrix. Specimen A- 6~x3~x2t" - excellent for display - £6; Specimen B- 3tx3~". £3. 4-. ANALCIME. Tichlowitz, Tetschen Bezinks, Bohemia. Semi-transparent, small sharp crystals lining a Itxl" cavity in Rhyolite matrix. An old label is attached to the specimen. 2txl". £1. 50. 5. ANAPAITE. Bellaver de ~erdena, Gerona, Spain. Choice light yellowish green very sharp small crystals richly lining cavities in phosphatic nodules. Specimens vary from lxl" - ltxl" in size and are priced at 75p each. 6. ANDALUsITE. Schneestellkopf, Kreuzeckgruppe Karnten, Austria. An extremely large well formed terminated crystal ltxl" in size protruding from, a schistoze matrix. 2xlt". £4-. 7. ANDRADITE GARNET. Belstone Consols Mine, Nr. Okehampton, Devon. Sharp, lustrous, well formed light browncry.:tals ric~j;Wred on and lining cavities ~in massive Garnet. 3x2". £1.50. -2- 8. TITE. anasqueira, Beira-Belxa, ortugal. Lustrous, S6ffii- transparent, pale lavender coloured he~gonal rystals to 5 mm. in size, richly intergrown and scattered on a Quartzose matrix with lenti~ular groupings of Siderite partially dusted with drusy crystals of ~halcopyrite in asso iation. 2-}x2t". £10.' 9. TITE. Colcerrow uarry, Luxulyan, Cornwall. pe~imen A- Small, lustrous, zoned sea-green hexagonal rystals richly scattered on a portion of a large creamy Orthoclase crystal with a little Ibite and smoky uartz in asso~iation. 2xl". £4; Specimen B- Zonea., sea green hexagonal crystals to 4 mm. in size scattered on a 1" area on Orthocl:lse Pegmatite. 2xli". £1. 50. 10. AP TITE. Cerro de Mer~ado, Durango, Mexi.:o. Specimen large, lime green, mostly transparent, s ingle ~ryst31, Itxl" in size, with a gooa but damaged termination. £4; pecimen B ­ A smaller, though perfect, single crystal 1" in length, and absolutely transparent. £2. 11. AnDENNITE. ~olm-~h3teau, rdennes, Belgium. Rich, lustrous, golden bladed mass 3"xl" on uartz mntrix Itx3". £4. 12. GONITE variety "FLOS FERRI". Eisenerz, Styria, ustria. Excellent, ramifying, tubose cOils and masses forming a fine intergrown group of a bright snow-white colour on a matrix of fibrous ragonite. ChoicE; for display. 4x3".:£!.t. 13. GENTITE. Comstock Lode, Paradise Valley, Nevnda, U.S •.• very rich grey cellular mass encrusted with drusy crystals of cm GYr,ITE nnd associated vlith a lit~le white uartz. 3x2xlt". £7. 14. NATIVE ARSENIC. st. Etienne, Loire, France. Small silvery sharp crystals intergrown and s~attered on a dark shaley matrix with sm~ll octahedrnl crystals of whitish ~~SENOLITE. This was formed by the sublimation of arsenical compounds in the shale during a coal mine fire. Distinct crystals of Native, rsenic in nature are rare. 3x2". £3. 15. SENOLITE. Jachymov, Bohemia. C.S.S.R. Small, sharp, whitish and transp3rent octahedral crystals richly encrusting a mass of grey NATIVE .,. SENIC. 2ix2". £5. 20. AT~~ITE. Remolinos, tacnma, Chile. Rich, pure, lustrous emerald green crystaline mass with a very little red~ish Hematite. 3x2". £4. 21. ~UGITE. Jacobsberg, Wermland, Sweden. Lustrous, sharp, blackish green crystals to 5 mm. in size thickly encrusting matrix. Hx2". £1.50. 22. BOURNONITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Cornwall. Bright, slightly tarnished, metallic grey bladed crystal~ richly intergrO\Vll with minor crystalised Pyrites on Quartz matrix. 2-}x2". £5. 23. BOURNONITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Cornwall. Small, bright grey, bladed crystals ri hly intergrown with crystalised milky Quartz. lxi". £1.25. -3- B 'ZILui ITE. Consolheisa Pira, Minas Gerais, Brazil•. fine, large, very sharp and well formed terminated translucent lime green crystal 1 xt", implanted on a matrix of inter­ grown rystaline Brazilianite. 2txlt". £12. 2). ChL-':ITE. heal Wrey, r. Liskeard, Cornwall. Specimen; - A mass of intergrown whitish transl?3rent elongated thin hexagonal crystals, mostly around t" in size? associJted vlith a little .;ellular uartz and GJlena. 4'2x4". £8; Specimen B- An intergrown mass of whitish translucent to transparent elongated hexagonal rystals to 1" in size with minor Galena. 3tx2". £); Specimen C- Small, shnp, transparent elongated hexagonal ~rystals on and intergrovm .,ith cellular Quartz I'lith smal~ bright cubes of Pyrites. 2xl". )Op. 26. CaLCITE. Levant Mine, Pendeen, Cormlall. Large, vlhitish, platy hexa§onal crystals resembling rosettes, intergrown on uartz. ltxl'4" with individual crystals to i" in size. £2. 27. ~SSITThITE. Clyes Lode, Polberro., Mine, st. ,.gnes, Corm131 Lustrous, black, elongated terminated 4-61d~d crystals richly intergrown and scattered on a uartz/S13te matrix with minor Chlorite. The largest cassiterite crystals range up to 1 cm. in size. 3x2t". £7. 28. CASSITERITE. Wheal Peevor, Redruth, Cornwall. Small, bright, sharp brovmish black 2rystals richly 8ncrusting cellular Quartz/ChloritE- veinstuff• 2x2". £3. 29. CaSSITThITE. hltenberg, Saxony, Germany. Bright black twinned crystals to t" in size implanted on greisen matrix vlith lustrous creamy translucent crystals of TOP..Z. 2xlt". £6. 30. CEhUSSITE. Tsumeb, Otavi, S.I. hfrica. ~ superb group of very lustrous semi-transparent sh1rp twinnea crystals. This specimen shows excellent form and the largest crystals are approximately i" in size. 2xlt". £8. 31. CERUSSITE. Tsumeb, Otavi, S.~. hfrica. L1rge, sharp, well formed translucent glassy crystals to tot in size, nicely implanted on a cellular Quartz matrix with minor greenish DUFTITEm in association. 2xlt". £6. 32. CRONSTEDTITE. 1'hG81 Jane, Kea, "::ormTall. Specimen" - Choice, lustrous, blackish needly crystals richly lining cavities in crystaline Pyrite ma,trix. 3X2t". £); Specimen B ­ Lustrous, blackish needly crystals richly scattered in cavities in Quartz/Chalcopyrite matrix. 2txli". £2. 33. CUPRITE. Wheal Gorland, st. Day, Cornwall. Bright, sharp, maroon coloured oct8hedral crystals to 4 rom. in size richly lining cavities and scattered on massive "::uprite matrix, with minor cellular QU:Jrtz. Specimen l> - Very choice, 3x2". £6; Specimen B- ltxl-}xlt". £3; Specimen C- ltxl". £1. 34. CUPRITE. variety "TILE OhE". Phoenix Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall. Very rich, large, red masses surrounded by an alteration rim of blackish MELr."::ONITE with minor greenish M.:Jlachite in Kaolinised granite. Specimen rl. - 2tx2xlt". £2; Sp ecimen B- 2x2". £1. -4- CUPR ITE variety Clk COTR I..-:HITE. Phoenix IUne, Lin.1dnhorne, Cornwall. Rich, bright carmine red, needly masses infilling small cavities in irony gossan. Specimen '" - lxl" - very l rich in ChalcotrL::hite - £1. 50; Specimen B- lxi !. 75p. 36. DESCLOISITE. Berg .mkas, Otavi, S"~ • .u.frica. Specimen -"- ­ very unusual st31actitic mass composed of numerous sharp, lustrous, blackish bro\-'ll intergro~m cryst31s to t" in size. :,ttractive for display. 4xl-~". £7; Specimen B- Sharp, bl ckish brovm crystals thickly encrusting a cellulJr matrix. 2xl-&". £2. 37.DIOPT"SE. Rennivi11e, Znire (Congo). Specimen" - Excellent, cellular mass with numerous and large cavities lined with intergro~m, very bright, emerald green rystals, with individual crystals to 4 mm. in size. 2txP·x2". £14; Spe imen B- ':;ellular green mass with a lixt" cavity 3nd with other smaller cavities thi kly lined with intergrown sharp bright cryst31s. 2xlixl"*". £9. 38. EPIDOTE. Zoptau, Moravia, Czechoslov'lkia. "crust of bright, small, sharp light green crystals, encrusting Gneiss. 2-&xlt". £4. 39. FERRIMOLYBDITE. ~ittle Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake Co., Utah, U.S.". Rich; canary yellow, mass intergrown with silvery plates of Molybdenite ",ith a little Quartz. 2txltxlt". £4. 40. FIDORITE. Rosiclare, Hardin Co., Illinois, U.S.n.. 1;. plate composed of large, very deep purple, intergrown cubic crystJls, showing some parallel growth, with individual crystals to I" on face edge. Good displ:3y specimen. 7x4". £7· 41. FLUORITE. Cb~monix, Mont Blnnc, France. b. it group of intergrown pink octahedral crystals, the Inrgest crystnl being incomplete but aving faces 1 cm. in size, the crystals are implanted on a matrix of ,,,lbite vlith minor Quartz. 3x2". £12. 42. G, LEN-,,-. Weardale, Co. Durh3m. Specimen 1i - Very bright, sharp, lustrous cube-octahedral crystals to 1 cm in size scattered on limestone matrix, with odd small crystals of Fluorite. 2txlt". £2; Specimen B- ,~n intergrown gro\lp of bright lustrous cube-octahedral crystals
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