• 532 SW.ALWELL. DUliHAM [KELLY,.~ Ramsay George H. & Co. fire brick Skilbeck William, grocer, Market la Watson Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper .. makers. T N 6g Blaydon Smiles .Ann(Mrs.),shpkpr.45Napier rd Crowley road Reay Margaret (Mrs.), greengrocer Smiles J ames, Elephant inn Williamson William George,insurance Bobinson Joseph, timber merchant, Smith Edward Davison M.B., B.S. agent, Crowley road The Forge Durh. physician & surgeon,Leven ho Wilson Thomas, brass founder. T N Bobson George .A. farmer Snaith Ralph, farmer, North farm 3 Whickham Bobson Jsph.Wm. shopkpr.Railway st Snowball Brothers, fire brick makers. Wood Brothers, farmers Bobson Thomas, butcher, Front st T N 44 Blaydon Wood & Fairweather,lamp black mfrs Rutherford Henry G. cycle dealer, & Soulsby Charles Wm. Crowley hotel Young Thos. farmer, Woodhouse fm post office, Front street Spencer James William, draper Ryle Edward Robson, gro. Napier rd Swalwell Co-operative Society Limited DERWENTHAuGH. Byle John Hood, confectnr. Front st (John Thompson, manager) Armstrong John, shopkeeper Byle Joseph, grocer, Whickham road Swalwell Co-operative Society Read­ Consett Iron Co. Limited,coke manu­ Scott John, Three Tuns inn ing Room & Library(Joseph Thorn­ facturers. T N 42 Blaydon Seckel John, pork butcher, Market la ton, librarian) Daglish Isabella (Miss), provision dlr Shepherdson Mary Jane (Mrs.), Sun Swalwell & District Social Club Hughes Bolckow & Co. Limited, scrap inn, Whorlton street Limited (William Blackbird, sec) iron merchants. T N 55 Blaydon Shield Brothers, builders Thompson John, dairyman, Market la Raine & Co. Limited, iron manufr&· Shield Rt. & Wm. spade & shovel mas Tnrbitt Mary (Mrs.), farmr.South fm Taylor George Pike, Skiff inn TANFIELD is a parish and parochial chapelry, and chapel at Town head, erected in 1890. Here also is an consists of the hamlets of Whit-le-Head, Beamish Park, Isolation Hospital for infectious diseases, erected ill' Tantobie, Clough Dene and Causey, in the North West­ 1901-2, by the Lanchester Joint Hospital Board, at a. em division of the county, the middle division of Ches­ cost of about £7,ooo, for 32 patients. Charities amount­ ter ward, .Lanchester petty sessional division and union, ing to about £I6 are distributed at Christmas to the· Consett county court district, rural deanery of Chester­ poor of the parish by the Urban District Council of le-Street and archdeaconry and diocese of Durham. The 'l'anfield and Stanley and the vicar and churchwardens. village is 1~ miles north-west from Shield Row station of the ancient chapelry of Tanfield. There are two on the .Annfield Plain branch and -, south-east from collieries within this parish, besides coke ovens, stone­ Rowlands Gill station on the Blackhill branch of the quarries and brick and We works, owned by James North Eastern railway, 8 south-west from Newcastle­ Joicey and Co. Limited. The Tanfield coal has a high on-Tyne, 7 north-west from Chester-le-Street and 12 reputation. Slingsby Duncombe Shafto esq. J.P. of north-west from Durham. Burnopfield and Lintz Green, Beamish Park, is lord of the manor. Lord Ninian formerly parts of this parish, were united with other Edward Crichton-Stuart M.P. the Earl of Strathrnore townships· into a separate ecclesiastical district in 1871 and Messrs. James Joicey and Co. Limited, are the and will be found under a separate heading. The river chief landowners ; there are several smaller proprietors. Team has its r1se in the parish, and the North Eastern The soil is clayey; subsoil, gravel and stone. The crops­ Railway Company conveys coals from several pits to the are of the usual kind. The area is 4,779 acres of land river Tyne and Jarrow docks for exportation. and 16 of water; rateable value, £42,793; the populatiolll By Local Government Boaru Order No. 32,273, which in 1911 was ro,roi, viz.: North Ward, 4.890 and South. came into operation Jrme 15, 1895• part of the civil Ward, 5,211. The population of the ecclesiastical parish parish of Tanfield was constituted an Urban District. in I9II was 5,327. By Local Government Board Order No. 34,338, March 26, Beamish Park, the residence of Slingsby Duncombe r8g6, part of the Urban District of Whickham was trans­ Shafto esq. J.P. is a large mansion, standing in grounds ferred to the Urban District of Tanfield. By Local of 89 acres, which include a deer park 66 acres in· Government Board Order No. 39,484, March 31, 1899, extent. part of the Urban District of Annfield Plain was trans­ CAUSEY ROW is r! miles east. Here are Primitive· ferred to the Urban District of Tanfield. Methodist and United Methodist chapels. This place is now gove.med, under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, 1894," by an Urban Dis­ TANTOBIE is a small village in the parish of Tanfield,. trict Council of thirteen members, and for Urban pur­ 1 mile south-west from Tanfield and 9 miles south-west poses is divided into north and south wards. from Newcastle. There is a Wesleyan chapel bt-re, built­ Burnopfield ecclesiastical parish (which will be found in 1893, and a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in rgo8. under a separate headmg) is included in the Urban Lord Ninian Edward Crichton-Stuart M.P. is lord of the­ District. manor and chief landowner. The soil and subsoil are The church of St. Margaret, originally built in or clay. The chief crops are barley, oats and some lana about the 13th century and rebuilt and enlarged, in pasture. _ excepting the chance], in 1749, was restored in 1879 and WHIT-LE-H'EAD is a small village r! miles south-west, 1886 at a total cost of £4,500, the chancel having been nd has a colliery. previously rebuilt in 1864 by Messrs. John and Erlw!\rd 1 Joicey, as a memorial to their brother James Joicey: tne STANLEY WITH BEAMISH have been formed into a. church is of stone in the Perpendicular style, and con­ civil parish from anfield, and will be found under a sists of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western separp.te heading. tower containin~· a clock and 8 bells: the tower, on Post Office, Tanfield.-Thomas Swinburne, sub-post­ which is a sundial, was built in 1853 at the expense of master. tetters through Tantobie, eo. Durham, arrive John Eden esq. of Beamish Hall : there are memorial at 8.30 a.m. & 4·So p.m. ; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & tablets to the Davison, Eden, Ripon and Clavering 5-45 p.m. Tantobie is the nearest money order & families, and several memorial windows, including one telegraph office, three-quarters of a mile distant to the late John Eden esq. erected at a cost of £no, Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Tantobie (letters shoulcf in 1885, one to James Joicey, another to Edward and have co. Durham added).-William Holmes, sub-post­ John Joicey esqrs. placed in 1882, at a cost of £roo, master. Letters arrive at 7.40 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.; one at a cost of [150 to Robert Clarke esq. of Lintz dispatched at 11.30 a.m. & 4.20 & 7·45 p.m. week Green, and one to the late Slingsby Duncombe Eden esq. days only of Beamish P'lrk, placed at a cost of £rso: the altar Post & M. 0. Office, Tanfield Lea.-William Brewis, table, of oak, is a memorial to the late Thomas Wardle sub-postmaster. Letters from Tantobie, co. Durham, Asquith, of Harperley Hall, and was presented by his arrive at 9 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. widow and sisters in r8gg: the marble font was pre­ & 5·I5 p.m. week days only. Tantobie is the nearest sented in 1897 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee telegraph office, r mile distant of Her late .Majesty Queen Victoria, and the canopy. Wall Letter Box, Whit-le-Head, cleared at II-45 a.m. k a memorial to the late Thomas Duncombe Eden esq. (d. 4 & 8 p.m. week days only 1899), wa~ presented in the same year: the whole TANFIELD URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. church has been restored at different periods at a cost Council room, Tanfield. of about £6,ooo, and in 1907 a new organ was provided Meeting day rst wednesday in each month, 6.45 p.mo at a cost of £1.500: there are seats for 8oo persons. The registers· d •te from the year 1719. The living is a Members. vicarage, net vE>arly value £287. with residence, in the All retire April, 1917. gift of the Biohop of Durham, and hE-ld since 1877 by Chairman, Richard .Abbott. the Rev. Thomas Hewan .Archdale M.A. of Trinity Col­ Vice-Chairman, John James Gray. lege, Dublin, and ad eundem M.A. Durham, rural dean North Ward. of Chester-le-Qtreet, surrogate, and honbrarv canon Richard Abbott John Lawson of Durham. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel at Rev. Matthew Bell Aubrey S. Swallow Tanfield Lea, hui't in r913; a Weslevan chapel at the William Braidford John Matthew Trotter same place, erected in 1873, and a Primitive Methodi"t Matthew Cheesman .
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