the American Gun a new, exciting, hard-cover magazine Something sensational was bound to happen when men like Each issue of THE AMERICAN GUN will have a main theme - for Larry Sheerin, Herb Glass, Larry Koller, and Don Myrus got to­ the first issue it is the Civil War. From the single ball of a gether with Lucian Cary, Harold McCracken, William Ruger, sniper's bullet, to the really big cannons that Robert Bruce writes James Serven and Roy Weatherby. It was sure-fire. The result: of in "Artillery on Land and Sea", the gunsmoke will rise from a new concept in gun lore, THE AMERICAN GUN, a hard-cover THE AMERICAN GUN. Continuing features will be big-game hunt­ magazine that re-creates the meaning of the gun as a symbol ing, evaluation of modern firearms, book bonuses of excerpts from famous hunting and shooting literature of the past. Yes, of masculine vigor, of hallowed deeds by the brave, of the de­ everything that has ever had meaning to any man of discriminat­ fense of life and family, or the excitement of the hunt. THE ing taste who has an interest in guns or sports will be presented AMERICAN GUN is a four-times-a-year periodical on gun lore, gun by gun experts, hunters and collectors in vivid, illustration· collecting, gun history and gun usage. Overall lOW' x 131jzt' packed style. size, high quality paper, lavish, full-color illustrations, stimulat­ The first edition will contain such articles as Serven's THE ing text ... all combine into "trophy" proportions for your library! PASSION FOR POCKET PISTOLS, Peterson's THE REPEATER Let THE AMERICAN GUN carry you through our great wars and LINCOLN TESTED, Wellman's BAREBACK GUNFIGHTERS, Camp's deadly Indian conflicts - help you share the lives of the har<1 WATERFOWL OF THE OUTER BANKS, Purdy's SOME MADE IT HOT. men who shoot for a living - sw~at out the birth pangs of the Enjoy them all, and many more in the handsome Charter edition Brownings, the Colts, the Remingtons, the Winchesters - pick that's waiting for you. The initial print order is limited, so mail out Custer's hunting weapons, stagecoach armament, and the the postal paid airmail card to THE AMERICAN GUN, 2120 Time guns of Lewis and Clark. & life Building, New York 20, N. Y. without delay! GUNS • FEBRUARY 1961 31 KNOW YOUR Hon. Price Daniel Governor of Texas I DO NOT believe that the laws of Texas infringe in any way on the constitutional right to keep arms for protection or for the legal purposes of hunting, collecting, target shooting, etc. We do have a law requiring a person to have a certificate of good character to purchase a pistol. The Attorney General of Texas has recently held this law unenforceable because of a technical defect pointed out by our Court of Criminal Appeals. The Attorney General has called for a new law regulating the sale of pistols. He considers unrestricted sale and possession of these weapons to be one reason for the increasing murder rate. His recommendation proposes the licensing of pistol dealers by the State; banning of sales to minors, persons of unsound mind, chronic alcoholics, narcotics addicts, those previously imprisoned for crimes in which a deadly weapon was' used, or persons under the influence of narcotics; and establishing a 48-hour waiting period between the time a buyer makes applic~tion to purchase and actual delivery of the weapon. The latter would permit time for a check on the pur­ chaser, as well as providing a "cooling off" period. Law enforcement officers in our State likewise see a need for legislation to require purchasers of concealed weapons to show that they are law-abiding citizens and pro­ viding for adequate records of purchases. In the interest of good law enforcement, I favor such regulation and do not see in it any infringement on the right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes. Hon. Buford Ellington Governor of Tennessee OUR TENNESSEE Legislature will convene in January, but I have not heard of any proposed legislation which would affect the right of the citizen to bear arms_ I am sure that if any severe limitation of this right is proposed, the members of the General Assembly will view it with caution, not only because that right is guaranteed by the Constitution, but because many thousands of our people enjoy the firearms sport. Hon. David L. Lawrence Governor of Pennsylvania THERE ARE MANY LAWS throughout our State pertaining to firearms, and the individual and group opinions concerning such laws are as equally numerous. In 1943, the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved what is commonly known as the "Uniform Firearms Act." Permit me to call your attention to the fact, however, that indIvidual possession is not prohibited, but regulated. It is doubted that any constitutional rights are violated, and to the best of my knowledge, the constitutionality of the law has never been challenged in our courts. Pennsylvania, as you know, is a great hunting state-more than one million resident citizens and almost fifty thousand nonresidents participate in this healthful outdoor recreation each year. It seems to me, therefore, that the right to bear arms and the opportunities to enjoy such healthful recreational opportunities should be preserved. During the practical administration of the law, it is often found that changes are warranted, and it is possible that the "Uniform Fire­ arms Act" may, too, require occasional revision to maintain its effectiveness in the best interests of the citizens of this Commonwealth. Hon. Paul Fannin, Governor of Arizona AS A LONG TIME HUNTER, fisherman and supporter of objectives of the' National Rifle Association, I have long had a deep interest in this subject. I am familiar with the Second Amendment to our United States Constitution, and I do not wholly agree with the interpretation that has been placed upon it by the United States Supreme Court; i.e., that it is a limitation on Congress, rather than a general guar­ antee of a freedom or right that extends to all the people of the nation.... In Arizona we have a constitutional provision that is much stronger than any other state in the nation. Without mincing words, it guarantees the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms for his own self-protection.... In the field of firearms laws; I believe ours are fair and to the point. Arizona law does not impair the right of any­ one to keep or bear arms; we require parental consent for youngsters under 18 to buy guns and ammunition; we prohibit possession of a pistol by those convicted of a crime of violence until such time as they are pardoned; we prohibit carrying con­ cealed weapons; but beyond those limits we do not go. Our policy has been to protect the right of every citizen to keep and use firearms for lawful purposes, and to restrict'only the illegal use of firearms. Readers Note: All Congressmen may be addressed at "House Office Building/' and all Senators at "Senate Office Building," both at "Washington 25, D. C." Address all Governors at: State Capitol, name of capital city, name of State. GUNS FEBRUARY 1961 FEBRUARY. 1961 Vol. VII, No. 2-74 George E. von Rosen Publisher Arthur S. Arkush Ass't to the Publisher E. B. Mann ...•...... Editor IN THIS ISS UE Wm. B. Edwards Technical Editor shooting ••• Elmer Keith Shooting Editor HOW TO STOP GUN ACCiDENTS AI Johnson 12 Kent Bellah Handloading BACK TO SCHOOL ..• FOR SHOOTING James E. Bie 20 DUCK HUNTING WITHOUT DUCKS Jerry Chiappetta 22 Roslyn Wallis Editorial Ass't CBs LICK THE NOISE PROBLEM Cylde H~well 36 hunting ••. Sydney Barker Art Director TOUGHEST TARGET IN THE SKY Bert Popowski 14 Lew Merrell Ass't Art Director guns around the world .•• GUNS ON THE KURDISH FRONTIER Capt. George C. Nonte 16 NEW "SLING" FOR DAVID J. Irving Davidson 25 Lee Salberg Advertising Director western •.• Lou Weber Ass't Adv. Dir. TRACING A BANDIT'S GUN Colin Rickards 19 M. Magnusson Classified Adv. collector ••. WINCHESTER-LEE: SO MANY AND YET SO FEW Walter Sipe 28 Sanford Herzog .. Production Manager did you know •.. Kay Elliott ..... Ass't Production Mgr. NEW PUNCH FROM OLD THiRTIES Nils Kvale.31 WHAT MAKES A SIXGUN SHOOT? , Elmer Keith 32 Lou Satz Circulation Manager departments •.• George Tsoris Promotion Manager KNOW YOUR LAWMAKERS............................... 4 HANDLOADING BENCH Kent Bellah 6 ELMER KEITH SAYS ,: Elmer Keith 8 Editorial Advisory Board CROSSFIRE......... .......•....•......................... 10 PULL! ............................................•....... Dick Miller 37 Col. George M. Chinn Military SHOPPING WITH GUNS Roslyn Wallis 58 Carola Mandel Skeet THE GUN MARKET 64 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS. ...... .. ...... .. ........ .. ..... .. .. ... 66 Stuart Miller Cartridges ~. Val Forgett Collectors Dee Woolem " Fast Draw Bill Toney Police Les Field Leg islation EDITORIAL OFFICES: E. B. Mann, W. B. Edwards, 81S0 N. Central Park, Skokie, III., ORchard 5-5602 Elmer Keith, Salmon. Idaho. Kent Bellah, Saint JO, Texas. REPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, Eugene L. Pollock, 60 East 42nd St.• New York 17. N. Y., YUkon 6-9280. MIDWEST ADV. OFFICES, 8150 N. Central Park Ave., Skokie, III .• ORchard 5-6967. CALI· THE COVER FORNIA. The Ren Averill Co., Ren Averill, 232 N. Lak., Ave. Pasadena, Calif. MUrray 1-7123. Hunter's tales are made of moments such as SOUTHERN, Hal Moore; 279 NE 79th St., Miami 38, Fla. PLaza 8-5516. the one on our cover-those heart-stopping, GUNS Ma~azine is published monthly by Publishers' Development Corp., 8150 N. Central Park Avenue. Skokie. ~~~~~j~5.t~~~~~n~r:Scg~it~t~.P~i~A~d~~kOJ~e·Agg~~~S:a}c:,u~t~~~k~~nna~tirg:t~~~~i~:ceOSni}:Bch~~~~O~~~~~d unforgettable moments when the buc.k ~rste\~a~:ri~~llc:~ngrb'e~~~~~~~Uu~?~~ ~~~giA~~~~m;~u;~lrJk~enrho~~:fh~~h,~~~~n~.~lldbeSOm~~:h:irr~~~ YO'u've dreamed of shows just after you've currpnt at time of acceptance and will cover reproduction in any or aPJ GUNS mat!a:r.ine editions.
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