WESTFIELD LEADER m THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SIXTY-SIXTH YEAR—No. 8 Entered as Second Class Mutter Published PoBt Office. Wentlleld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1955 Every Thursdu 38 Page*—8 Ccato School Board To Meet United Campaign Polling Places For GOP, Democrats General Election State Contests and Water Fund Receipts Polls will be open from 7 Have Full Slates Wednesday In New Home a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday. 76% of Goal FIRST WARD First District — Roosevelt In Mountainside Borough Council Junior High School, Issue Highlight Election Public Invited Drive IsNow Second District—Roosevelt Expect Normal Postpones Session Junior High School. To First Session In Final Stage, Third District —Benjamin Oft-Presidential Candidates In Tuesday's Election MOUNTAINSIDE — The Bor- Stier Reports Franklin School. Local Democrats ough of Mountainside monthly Fourth District—Municipal Year Balloting {(•publican Democrat council meeting scheduled for Buliding (Pine Room)., State Senator Kenneth C. Hand Robert L. Sheldon At 305 Elm St. Tuesday (regularly held on the A total of $92,288, or 76 per MOUNTAINSIDE — Odd notes Battle Incumbents Fifth District — Benjamin (Harry Mopsick, Independent) second Tuesday of each month), cent of the 1965 United Campaign Franklin School.' in borough elections this fall in will be postponed to Wednesday, goal of $121,896, has been re- elude a candidate who refuses to General Assembly ....Cartylc W. Crane Allen Kaufman The Board of Education will 'Sixth District — Municipal William R. Vanderbilt Mildred Barry Hughes In Three Wards lold its first meeting in its new Nov. 9, in order to afford all citi- ceived to date. This announcement Building (Pine Room). campaign, and a full slate of Dem- zens ample opportunity to vote on was made last night by Russell J. ocratic candidates for the first Florence P. Dwyer William A. Young leadquarters, 305 Elm street, SECOND WARD G. Clifford Thomas Frank A. Slugaski Vednesday at 8 p.m. "This meet- Election Day. Stier, general chairman, who stated First District — Grant time opposing all the local Repub- With only five days remaining ng will be open to the public, as The announcement was made by that the campaign is now in the School. lican candidates. Freeholder Ernest S.| Hickok Francis J, Burns until the General Election Tues- ire all our regular monthly meet- Mayor Komich at a special meet- clean-up stage of the drive. Jean II. Hershey, Independent (Full Terms) F. Edward Biertuempfel Georg'e B. Doty Jr. day both Republican and Demo- Second District — Grant Richard P. Hatfield Robert C, Kirkpatrick ngs," said William C. Child, presi- ing of the Council Tuesday, The report by divisions is as School. candidate, has refused, in spite of cratic leaders on the county and lent of the board. "The board Oct. 25. follows: Residential division, Wil- Third District—Washington requests of many of her followers, (Two year term) ..John W. Zerega Richard A. Pettit state levels arc urging a maximum oom is in the front of the build- liam R. Wilcox and Robert S. School. to do any campaigning at all. In a (One year term) ..Frederick P. Anderson William F. Crowley turnout of voters as political ac- ng, to the right as you come in Miner, $42,997; ,advance gifts, recent interview, Mrs. Hershey COUNCIL tivity nears its peak. Locally there Donald Rindell and Harrison H. Fourth District — Wilson he door. It will seat about 35 visi- School. made the following statement: "I First Ward Clancy D. Connell Charles M, O'Connell has not been much activity as can- Local Minister Young, $36,446; business division, have followed the wishes of many didates conduct quiet campaigns ors comfortably, and if more at- Fifth District— Wilson Second Ward Robert F. Gumbert No candidate end we can always move across Robert C, Fuller and Hunter B. School. of the 848 people who produced the concentrating mostly on neighbor- he street to the Elm Street School Grant, $11,957; Garwood division, tie vote between myself and Wil Third Ward Howard M. Bilden S. Bonsall Stover hood gatherings. Writes Play Robert G. Kcob, $888. THIRD WARD uditorium." First District — Lincoln liam Heine last November, by giv- Fourth Ward James P. Mitchell James S. MacFadyen Aside from the candidates, much "There are still a number of ing the residents an opportunity to interest has been expressed in tho At the left of the entrance is the School. Production Set people who have not been seen, Second District — Lincoln settle this tie vote themselves. $100,000,000 water bond referen- iffice of Miss Frances Peirce, sec- and all workers are urged to com- Many of them last January felt dum which will appear on the bal- etary of the board. Directly in For Wednesday School. plete their calls as soon as possible. Third District — Columbus that the voters, having produced Westfield Civil Defense Test lot. Both parties have expressed lack of her office are the quar- Some prospects are away on vaca- the tie, should have an opportunity views on the proposal with Union ers of her assistants, Mrs. Frances When the first actor walks onto School. tion and some out of the country. Fourth District — Lincoln to settle it, instead of the Mayor County Republicans favoring- it I'. Mallinson and Mrs. Ann Whit- the stage of the First Methodist These prospects will be seen aa and Council doing so. The latter Called Success, Plan Another and county Democrats opposing It. ombe, and two part-time secre- Church Chapel Wednesday at 8:15 School. choice is set down by law, but 1 they return to Westfield. Fifth District — Jefferson Beside the referendum, principal arial employees, Mrs. Marjorie p.m., and speaks his opening lines, "It does not now appear that the was persuaded to file last spring At a meeting of the Westfield tcers, indicated the success of the interest here seems focused on •avelec and Mrs. Melba H. Stuart. it will be the end of three months School. to appear on this November ballot, full goal can be secured unless Sixth District — Columbus Civil Defense Council last night, project." state contests: The Senate race be- The building, which has been of writing, directing, and produc- many persons who have already in view of public feeling." Civil Defense Director, Norman T. The Westtield Civil Defense tween Senator Kenneth C. Hand, ing for the Rev. Dan S. Bowers, School. Last spring's primary, also hud ented on a five-year lease, also given can see fit to increase their FOURTH DISTRICT Sprague, announced that he was groups covered all operations in Republican, and Democrat Robert louses most of the supervisory aa the Wesley Drama Group pre- gift. the effect of bringing out a full "very pleased" with the results of tho county and several Westfield Sheldon; and that for the Gen- itaft* of the schools. In the rear of sents his original play, "No First District — McKinley write-in slate of Democrats for "It is hard to understand why, . School. 'Operation Muster," the first state- units moved to cover 'incidents' in eral Assembly with Republican In- he first floor are the offices of Steeple in the Valley." in a town like oura, which gener- local office. Eugene J. Sauerboin wide test of Civil Defense facili- two county mobilization areas. cumbents Carlyle W. Crane, Wil-. 'rank B. Sutherland, supervisor of Arising from a suggestion of the 'Second District—McKinley Jr. is opposing the incumbent ally oversubscribes its goal in na- School. ties and organizations held Thurs- Seven men and the Westfleld Civil liam R, Vanderbilt, Florence P. uildings and grounds; Miss Ruth drama group, the play describes tional one-agency drives, falls to Mayor Joseph A. C. Komich for day. Defense fire truck were dispatched Dwyer and G. Clifford Thomas op- V, Vincent, music supervisor, ele- the struggles of a small country Third District — Senior that office while Thomus A. Bur- reach its goal on a drive which High School. Director Sprague complimented to Biertuempfel Field in Union. posing Democrats Allen Kaufman, nentary grades; and Miss Lillis church as it fights to survive. The serves our own youth and our sick. gess and William C. McJames are A personnel truck and a can- Mildred Barry Hughes, William A. lives of nine people are Involved Fourth District — Senior the citizens of the town for their lull, physical education supervisor, It is also noted that at a time when opposing the Republican primary cooperation which, he said, made teen truck were dispatched to War- Young and Frank J. Slugaaki. * ilementary grades. There is also in this struggle, and the action of High School. victors for three-year Councilman there is a growing demand for Fifth District — Jefferson the operation so successful. Near- inanco Park with tho Civil Defense On the local political scone the imple storage space for supplies the play portrays what happens as fewer campaigns, this drive, which Lyman J. Parrigin and Herbert ambulance and Rescue Squad men. Democratic party In Westfield has each comes to grips with the prob- School. ly 300 CD workers were mustered ind records. combines in its one campaign goal W. Mooie. For the two- year un- in Westfield for the operation and, Fifteen police reserves and four produced opposition for Council On the second floor In the front lems implicated in their relation the minimum and necessary re- expiral Council term, created in Red Cross workers accompanied posts in three out of the Jour to the church and to each other. Mr. Sprague said, "the large turn- is the office of Mrs. Dorothy V. quirements of our six characer- 9 last year's tie vote, the Democrats out of defense workers, all volun- the vehicles to Warinanco where wards.
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