~f IN UTE S OJ.' TH t.: ANNlTAL CONFERENCES if·:,, ' .i 'I)•, METllODIS'l' EPISCOPAL CllllRCll, t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S 1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8. ~ ~ I . I NE\V-YORK: FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: CONl-'Et~F.J1i;1·~~ :>t'Flt'E, ~00 l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET. l: .T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr. 1840. I I I ... ' TO THE READER. THE Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Metho<list Episcopal Church ,· ...: .. '. I contain the statistics of the church in detail. They are therefore both en· I ·: tcrtaining and useful. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of Methodism •;. in this country derive much satisfaction from perusing these documents; and, as a source of authentic information respecting many things connected with the history, polity, and usages of the church, they are inJispensabh~. But being published in pamphlet form, they are liable to be lost ; anJ it requires no small trouble, when a. consecutive series is needed for any purpose, to procure one. For these reasons the idea of publishing them in a v<>lume was early conceived by John Dickins, first book agent in this country, who, in 1794, issued a volume embracing all the Minutes from the commencement of Methodism in America, a period of about twenty-one or twenty-two years. In 1813 a volume was published by D. Hitt and 'f. Ware, book agents. But this work is out of print, and the de&ire of many to have the whole from the commencement to the present period seems to call for the publication now offered. In addition to the benefit of having at hand a work of reference to which resort may be had for.settling any disputed or doubtful question relating to the statistics of the church, the volume now offered to the public may be recom· mended as a useful reading book. The biographical sketches of deceased preachers, of which there are many in the work, are highly interesting, and cannot, we think, be read without profit. The readers of the Minutes should bear in mind, that they are dated, seve­ rally, at the time of their publication ; and the matters recorded in each relate to the year closing at that period. This is necessary to a\·oid mistakes in regard to dates. 114 Minutes for 1804. 3. Virginia Conference, at Salem, April 5. Philadelphia Conference, at Souders­ 10, 1804. burg, May 28, 1804. 4. Baltimore Conference, at Alexandria, 6. New-York Conference, in New­ J April 2i, 1804. y ork, June 12, 1804. ! •,.. • General Conference, in Baltimore, 7. New-England Conference, at Bux­ 1 May 6, 1804. ton, Province of Maine, July 15, 1804. F ~ ( F MINUTES Ji I!! TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST s II' EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 11 FOR THE YEAR 1804. H D Quest. I. Who are admitted on trial 1 Stephens, Thomas Walker, Asa Cummins, G th Adjet M'Guire, William Pattison, An- William Hoyer, Wm. Hill, Henry \Vhite, B thony Houston, Joseph Oglesby, Abraham James Ridgaway, John Durbin, Nicholas Amos, John M'Clure, Fletcher Sullivan, Willis, Samuel Budd, Thomas Skeel, l.Ai­ 1< J ohn Johnson, Epps Tucker, \Vm. M'Ken- ther Bishop, Gershom Pearse, Elijah \Vil­ ny, Wiley Warwick, Samuel Mills, Ga- lard, Reuben Harris, Joel Winch, Dyer K i briel Christian, Benjamin Watts, David Burge, Ebenezer Fairbank, Andrew Ker­ l'; Dannelly, Jeremiah Lumsden, Daniel Kel- nagan, Phinehas Cook, Joel \Vicker, True ly, William Barnes, Joseph Tarply, Thos. Glidden, Ebenezer Easty~ Thomas Perry, E Sands, Isaac Ball, Archibald Alexander, Samuel Thompson, Daniel Dudley, David Wm. Owen,~- Blair, David M'Masters, Stimson, Noble W. Thomas, John Ro- Enoch Jones, James Jennings, Samuel bertson-46. King, Ira Ellis, James Boyd, Geo. Dil- Quest. 3. Who are admitted into full G lard, James Reid, J oho Richards, Simon connection 1 el Gillespie, Samuel PhilJips, J?~eph A. Elisha ,V. Bowman, John A. Grenade, D Shackelford, J a~es Watts, Philip Ken- Benjamin Young-, Meshach Boyce, Hugh R nerly, John I~attimore, Sampson Tram- Porter, James Hill, William Wright, Ro­ mell, Nathan Barnes., John Me.ek, John bert Carter, l,ose'2h...Toy James Smith, l Holmes, James Davisson, Levi Towne, - Fielder Parker7 Fredtrfif Stier \Villiam R:obert Burch, Thomas Boring! Jesse Da- Ryland,Joseph Hays, Wm. Steel: Leonard Th vis, Manley Smallwood, Daniel. Ireland, Cassell, Thos. Church, Christopher Frye, Thomas Curren, Sylvester HilJ, John Robert R. Roberts, Andrew Hemphill Dickins, J?hn Collins, James B!indle, Edward Matthews, Samuel .Monett, Wm~ ~athan Smith, John Brown, Benom Har- Smith, Frederick '\Yoodward, Joseph '\ViJ­ ris, Parley Parker, Henry Stead, 'fhomas lis, John Walker, Andrew 1\f'Kain, Ebene­ Dunn, Henry Redstone, Zalmon Lyon, zer '\Vhite John Billinas 7 Thos. Stratton Sa~uel Cochran, ~enjamin Hill, Eben John Betbel, John Hu.sse1kus, Joseph Smith, Datus .Ensi~n, Cleme~t Parke!, Aydelott, Thomas Adams, Nehemiah U. James M. Smith, Moses Currier, Lewis Tompkins Sylvester Foster Paul Dustin Bates, James Y ~n~g, John Tinkha~, Asa Kent: Francis Ward, Nathan Bangs: D~xter Bates, Wilham Stevens, David Thomas Madden, Elias Vanderlip, Caleb Goodhue, Dan Young, Luther Chamber- Dustin, William Goodhue, Alfred Metcalf, Jain-78. David Batchelor, Philip Munger, Nehe- Quest. 2. Who remain on trial1 miah Coye, Dan Perry, Allen H. Cobb, Samuel Hillman, Daniel Ricker, Thomas Ja.cob Young, Wm. Crutchfield, Ralph Ravlin, Asa Pattie-54. Lotspeich, Jesse Walker, J... evin Edney, James Crowder, John M'V ean, John Gib- Quest. 4. Wlao ar(f tlae dtat:MU 1 hons, John C. Ballew, James Taylor, Tbose marked thua (•)were ordained this year. Richard Lattimore'. John Bell, Thomas John A. Grenade, Jesse Walker, James Budd, Edmund Henley, George Woolley, H. Mellard, Benjamin Jones, \Vm. Jones, John P. Weaver, Mitchell B. Bull, Joseph Hugh Porter,• James Hill,• Meahach a• Minutes for 1804. .J 15 Boyce,• Wm. ·'\Yright,• Robert Carter,• Algood, Josiah Philips, Jeremiah King,• Joab Watson, William Hubbard, Thomas Jesse Coe,• Samuel Garrard,• .T n. Game­ L. Douglass, Lewis Taylor, David B. well,• John Cox,• Joseph Toy,• William Mintz, Samuel King, Noah l!,idler, Joseph Knox,• William Page, elect; \\i~m. Wat­ Hall, Geo. Askin, James Smith,• Fielder ters, Daniel Hitt, John Simmons, Law­ Parker,• Frederick Steir,• Wm. Ryland,• rence M'Combs, Joshua \Velis, Jas. Ward, William Steel,• Leonard Cassell,• Thos. John Philips, Samuel Coate, Nathaniel B. Church,• Christopher Frye,• Robert R. Mills, Jonathan Forrest, Lasley Matthews, Roberts,• Edward Matthews,• Joseph Thornton Fleming, Seely Bunn, James Hayes,• Samuel Monett,• Andrew Hemp­ Paynter, Curtis Williams, Hamilton Jef­ hill,• Philip Kennerly, John BeJl, Wm. ferson, Benjamin Essex, John Potts, Jas. Smith,• John Walker,• Frederick Wood­ Hunter,' Daniel Fidler, Solomon Harris, ward, • And'w M'Kain,• Ebenezer White,• Enoch George, David Stevens, Learner John Billin~s,• Thomas Stratton,• John Blackman,• John vVest, Jesse Stoneman, Husselkus, • Thos. Adams,• Henry Boehm, James Quinn, Shadrach Bostwick, Peter Da\'id Best, Benjamin Iliff, James Aikins, B. Davis, John Pitts, Joseph Aydelott,• Griffin Sweet, Alexander Morton, Mat­ John Bethel,• Joseph \Villis, • C:ileb Mor­ thew Yanduzan, James Polemus, William ris,• Joseph Osburn,• Gideon A. Knowl­ Brandon, Asa Smith, Josiah VVilkinson, ton,• Jacob Gruber,* Richard Lyon,* Da­ John '\Viltbank, Nehemiah U. Tompkins,• niel Ryan,* Smith Arnold,* Thos. Ware, Sylvester Foster,• Paul Dustin,*' Asa John Smith, '\Villiam M'Lenahan, 'Villi am Kent,• Francis \\·ard,• Nathan Bangs,• Colbert, William Bishop, Joseph Everett, Thomas Madden,• Caleb Dustin,• Elias John Smith, William Hunter, Wm. Mills, Vanderlip, Isaac Candee, Phinehas Peck, David Dunham, Edward Larkins, Benja­ Ebenezer W a.sh burn, Luman Andrus, Jo-· min Bidlack, David James, James Herron, shua Crowell, Nathan Felch, Oliver Beaie, vVilliam Earlv, Eber Cowles, Zenas Co­ Samuel Draper, Elijah Hedding, Martin vel, Robert M;Coy, Joseph Totten, Roger Ruter, Seth Crowell, Thomas Branch, Benton,• Ezekiel Cooper, Ephraim Cham­ Samuel Howe, Alexander M'Lane, Wm. bers, Elijah 'Voolsey, Richard Sneath, Da­ Goodhue,• Alfred Metcalf,• David Batch­ niel Higby, vVilliam P. Chandler, Johnson elor,• Philip Munger,• Nehemiah Coye,• Dunham, Thomas Jones, Walter Fountain, Dan Perry,• Allen H. Cobb,• Daniel David Bartine, James Moore, Robert Dil­ :' . Ricker,• Thomas Ravlin,• Asa Pattie• lon, John Crawford, Sam'l Thomas, Tho­ -88. mas Smith, James Lattomus, George Ro­ berts, John M'Claskey, Solomon Sharp, Quest. 5. Who are the elders J Laban Clark, Michael Coate, Ralph '\Vil­ Those marked thus·(*) were ordained this year. liston, Nathan Emory, Freeborn Garrett­ William M'Kendree, Thomas Wilker­ S<.,'n, Sylvester Hutchinson, Peter Moriar- son, John Watson, William Burke, Sam'l ty, James Campbell, Daniel Ostrander, Douthet, John Sale, He'lekiah Harriman, John Brodhead, Daniel Brumly, John Fin­ Lewis Garrett, Tobias Gibson, Benjamin negan, Joseph Crawford, Joseph Sawyer, .. Lakin, Elisha W. Bowman,• Louther Tay­ \\'m. Thacher, John Wilson, Aaron Hunt, lc1r, Moses Ployd, Thomas Milligan, Mo­ Ezekiel Canfield, Billy Hibhard, Samuel ses Black, Benjamin Young,• Samuel Merwin, Elijah Chichester, Thomas Mor­ Cowles, Jas. Jenkin, Sam'l Ansley, Stith rell, Abner '\\-"' ood, Peter Vannest,. Thos. Mead, Hanover Donnan, Thomas Shaw, F. Sargent, Jas. Coleman, Sylvanus Kee­ George Dougharty, William Gassaway, ler, Cyrus Stebbins, John Gove,• William Lewis Myers, Nicholas \Vatters, William Anson,• Daniel Pickett,• Henry Ryan,• \; West, Bennet Kendrick, Thomas Darley, Henry Eames,• Elias Vanderlip,* John " Zachariah Maddox, Britton Capel, Moses Robinson, T. Madden• and N. Bangs, mis­ I. Matthews, John Campbell,• Isaac Cook,• sionaries, George Pickering, Joshua Tay­ Levi Garrison,• Jeremiah Russell,• Bud­ lor, Peter Jayne, Joseph Snelling, Epa­ phras Kibby, Reuben Hubbard, Daniel dv W. Wheeler,• William Avant,• John 1 M'Vean, Jesse Lee, Philip Bruce, Jona­ Webb, Aaron Humphrey, Joshua Soule, '~ than Jackson, John Buxton, Samuel Rish­ Asa Heath, Joseph Baker,• Samuel Hill­ er, Daniel Hall, Joseph Moore, Humphrey man,• Comfort C.
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