BRITISH ADVENT Church Paper of the British Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists This issue includes ENCOUNTER Volume Eighty-One Number Seven April 2, 1976 CURRIE CAMPAIGN IN NEWTON'S TOWN Report by PASTOR R. D. VINE, Editor in Newton's historic hometown of Gran- exceed that of our own members. tham, SDAs are doing just what that They have enjoyed preliminary ses- celebrated scientist envisaged and de- sions of scenic slides outstanding for clared. They are publicly presenting the their composition and quality (Pastor manifold prophecies of Holy Scriptures Currie courageously dumps 'duds') . as proof, firstly, of the Bible's unique Above all they have thrilled to the ac- inspiration; and secondly, of the Bible's curacy of prophetic truth, so clearly vital relevancy for today. articulated by the preacher, and impres- Since September 22, 1975, New sively illustrated by slides and charts. Zealander Pastor David Currie, British In touring the world, Pastor Currie has Union evangelist, has delivered out- certainly acquired an armoury of bib- standing presentations every Monc14.y lically orientated slides representing a night to capacity congregations in our formidable amount of preliminary home- own SDA church. Non-member attend- work, and which powerfully dispels the ance has never failed substantially to arguments of the critics. THE TIMES FRIDAY MARCH 12 1976 Pastor David Currie with his camera which he has so effectively put to evangelistic use. Right: The Taylor Quintet as they appeared in 'The Times'. RANTHAM'S most illustrious son, Sir Isaac Newton (1643- G 1727) , has also been acclaimed the world's greatest scientist. His dis- covery of calculus, the binomial theorem, the laws of motion, the laws relating to mechanics, to physical optics, etc., estab- lished him as a scientific and math- ematic titan, and also as the bane (in this writer's days) of non-mathematic- ally-minded schoolboys and even girls. What is not generally known is that Newton was a devout Christian, and a great writer on Bible prophecy—note- worthy is his Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. It was Newton, the Granthamian, who claimed: 'In the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the pro- phecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation' (Quoted in Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3, page 611, by Dr. L. E. Froom). Three hundred years later, with this riven world on the threshold of eternity, The Taylor String Quartet, from Michigan, practising at Wigmore Hall yesterday before their London debut. At the piano is Professor Morris Taylor, father of (from left) Lyndon. Leonard. Lowell and Lucille. This on-going effort proves the myth of Britain's so-called secularism. Decline OBSERVATIONS in church-going is largely due, not so UPON THE NORTH BRITISH .1-1 much to positive rejection of Christian- CONFERENCE 12 ity, as to failure of Christendom to pre- PROPHECIES sent a credible or relevant message. Pleasing aspect of the Currie cam- 0 F President: K. A. ELIAS paign has been the many expressions of surprise and appreciation by non- D ANIE L, member friends. AND THE 'First-fruits' were harvested on Mon- APOCALYPSE NORTH-EAST day, March 8th, when eight were bap- tized—some from nearby Nottingham. 0 F LINCOLNSHIRE NEWS On that historic night, thirty-two people St. y 0 H N. signed dedication cards signifying desire to be baptized or to enrich their grasp SOME may be wondering how the work of truth by further study. In Two PARTS. of God progresses in this part of the On that happy occasion, as on the country which witnessed some of the By Sir ISAAC NEWTON. previous Saturday night, the Taylor earliest work of our movement. The first Quintet enhanced the pleasure of a Adventist church in England, built in L 0 ND 0 N, 1884 at Ulceby, was full to capacity on packed congregation, with their ex- Printed by I. DA RIR' and T. Hiroo a in BarthalmatClaft. And Sold by J. Roa a it I' a in Waaaritk-lonr, J. Ton ton in the a very happy day last autumn, when two quisite playing of elevating classical Strand, W. IN ors and R. MANNY at the Weft End of Sr. Pool's Cbarth-Tard, J. I:reboil,/ and T. LoNOki A N i Parr- ladies were buried in the waters of bap- music: Dr. Morris Taylor on the piano Neer-Row, J. Noon near Mercer, Chapel in Cbaspfidr, T. HATCnar y at the Rayal Extbaagt, S. HARDING in S4 tism and rose to walk with Jesus in —his pianist wife, too, and the four Mantyls lam, J. STAGG in WtibnivIer-Hall, J. Po as La in Pali-mall, and J. Batirorr r in Neu Band-firer,. newness of life: Sister Eileen Byrne de- children: Leonard (18), first violin; m.occxxxin. Lyndon (14), violin; Lowell (17), cello; cided on this step after coming in touch and Lucille (19), viola. with the Advent message through the Later that week they gave a concert Title page of Sir Isaac Newton's commentary on friendship of Grimsby churchmembers; at London's prestigious Wigmore Hall Daniel and Revelation. (From The Stanborough and Sister Wilkinson who, after the sad (see illustration of cutting from The - Press library.) loss of her husband, began to study the Times). This Adventist family from dith, the lovely singing of its special Bible more deeply and wanted to fol- Michigan, USA, testified that their min- quartet and trio, and others. low her Lord all the way. Both were istry of music is constrained by love of Your prayers are requested for the received into the fellowship of the Grimsby church and are actively seeking Christ and desire to glorify Him. evangelist and his associates, David We should here mention the regular Robertson and Richard Cooper; and for to further the work of the Lord. Pastor ministry of song rendered by Grantham's the many non-SDA friends still attend- J. Freeman had the privilege of bap- own choir under Sister Violette Mere- ing the Grantham church campaign. tizing these new members and our spec- ial visitor for this service was Brother W. J. Griffiths. The first British Adventist printing press was in Grimsby, so it is fitting that the printed page be used much in our newpoo flWJ$IE efforts to finish God's work in this large P area. Our church in Grimsby is one of our smaller groups, but each week many copies of our magazines are placed in TWO GOOD WORKERS homes and then calls are made to see if any interest is shown. In the last GONE WEST three years thousands of homes have THE new cafeteria, the organ platform, been visited and well over a hundred the salesroom, and the principal's office families have been reading our litera- —just some of the parts of Newbold ture regularly. We- hope to see many which Ken Hayes has either built or more finding fellowship with us as a result of this work which Brother D. altered. For the last eight years Ken Ken Hayes says good-bye to fellow maintenance has been on the staff at Newbold build- man David Throssell. Below: Megan Hayes issuing Chapman first envisaged and financed, ing and maintaining the college prop a library book to Lorna Blackburn. and the members have enthusiastically erty. supported by their time and effort. His wife, Megan, has worked in the A happy aspect of our church life is library for four years, been treasurer at the group of children who faithfully the church sdidol for six, catered for attend. Sabbath is an enjoyable day for summer school one year, and as a wed- them, especially in the summer with a ding caterer given more than one young weekly programme of picnics in the couple a well-fed start to married life. lovely Lincolnshire Wolds or sheltered It is obvious then that the March seaside spots. Study of birds, flowers, departure of this widely talented couple and trees on these occasions prepared for Broomhill House to act as warden them for Investiture on January 31st. and hostess leaves a considerable gap in We appreciated having Pastor Stuart Newbold's work force. At Broomhill, Ware and his family with us for this Ken, of course, will be building again service. After he had invested 6 Busy —this time twelve bedrooms and an Bees, 6 Builders, and 1 Friend, Pastor extension to the dining room Ware's message reminded us of the two 'Eventually,' he told me, 'I'll be re- Newbold will certainly miss the Hayes' runners sent to David who waited sponsible for the garden as well.' Megan good humour and good work. We know anxiously for news of his son, we re- will have her work cut out catering for that they have the qualities to build solved to make sure that we in Grimsby the domestic side of conferences at up Broomhill in more ways than one. would 'run' bearing the-Gospel tidings Broomhill. HELEN PEARSON that everybody needs. PR SECRETARY 2 CAMP HILL'S GOOD NEWS YEs—we do not hesitate to call it 'Good Historic Picture Gallery News'. If the joybells ring out in heaven, and the angels sing over one person who gives his or her life to Jesus, then Camp Hill church feel privileged to join them. This we did in a combined baptism held on Sabbath afternoon, January 17th. Pastor L. P. Anderson was joined for the occasion by Pastor Robinson from the Chelmsley Wood and Yardley churches, together with members from both.
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