Issues and updates Burton facilities, named after a 1946 law retired Puerto Rican boxer. Other DAR ADA Pushes for that provided health facilities with sponsors include Eli Lilly, Boehringer money for construction and modification Mannheim, and Marion Merrell Dow. Increased Research in return for the facilities' obligation to Dr. Novello's work with ADA provide a reasonable amount of services and her efforts on behalf of Hispanic/ and Programs Funding to people unable to pay. The Hill-Burton Latino health is only a small part of Program is administered by the U.S. her many accomplishments as surgeon in Fiscal Year 1994 Department of Health and Human Ser- general. She is particularly pleased with vices. her and her staffs preparation of the The American Diabetes Association Free or low-cost services may re- Surgeon General's Congressional Report (ADA) is urging Congress, in conjunc- lieve economic constraints, but do little to the Country on Adolescents and tion with the Juvenile Diabetes Founda- to modify cultural attitudes. Many His- Smoking and the Second Surgeon Gen- tion and other organizations, to increase panics embrace strongly the belief that eral's Report on AIDS in Women and appropriations for diabetes research and God has total control over an individual's Adolescents. In addition, Dr. Novello has programs at the National Institutes of life—that you cannot change fate. Trying addressed underage drinking, domestic Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease to prevent a disease may seem pointless. violence, and the rise in use of smoke- Control (CDC). In addition, ADA plans "Why should I bother working to pre- less tobacco, especially among adoles- to commit more of its own dollars to vent some disease when it doesn't matter research. what I do?," says Dr. Novello. "Finding cents. "To be successful in our search to out what causes a disease, and its impact Dr. Novello, a board-certified pe- find a cure, all players—business, non- on you and your family does not hold diatrician, is clinical professor of pediat- profit, government—must get involved," much weight when your sole purpose is rics at the Georgetown University School said John Graham, IV, Chief Executive just to live and, when God wills it, to of Medicine in Washington, DC, and the Officer of ADA, in recent testimony pre- die," she says. Uniformed Services University of the sented before the House Appropriations A challenge for the DAR program Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Hu- then is to overcome this fatalistic sense of Born in Fajardo, Puerto Rico, she re- man Services, and Education. "We are hopelessness and resignation. "The DAR ceived her medical degree in 1970 from calling on the federal government to join program teaches them that they can the University of Puerto Rico. Dr. Nov- us and demonstrate its commitment by make a difference," says Jorge Nevares, ello served her pediatric internship and providing funding that will have a true Director of ADA's Cultural Diversity De- residency at the University of Michigan, and lasting impact on diabetes research partment. "It's a positive opportunity to Ann Arbor (1970-1973), and completed and prevention efforts." get them actively involved—to empower her subspecialty training in pediatric Over the past decade, federal them. Then they can bring the message nephrology at the University of Michigan funding for biomedical research at NIH to others. It's a good feeling to help peo- (1974) and at Georgetown University ple," says Nevares, "and no matter how has not kept pace with inflation. Because (1975). poor you are, the act of giving provides of this, many promising research After working in private practice you with a sense of pride and self- projects—some dealing with diabetes— (pediatrics and nephrology), Dr. Novello worth." have been put on hold. For example, in entered the U.S. Public Health Service in Appealing to the Hispanic culture 1991, NIH was only able to fund about 1978, serving in various capacities at the as a whole is one thing, but Dr. Novello one-third of the research projects feels it is crucial to the public health National Institutes of Health. She was deemed eligible for support. system to target the five individual His- awarded a master's degree in public Therefore, ADA is recommend- panic/Latino groups (Mexican Ameri- health with a concentration in health ser- ing a 12% increase for NIH, which cans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Caribbean vices administration from Johns Hopkins amounts to an appropriation for fiscal Islanders, and Central and South Amer- University in 1982. When Dr. Novello year (FY) 1994 of $11.6 billion, with icans) as well. This need will be met at was sworn in as the 14th Surgeon Gen- $835.2 million specifically allocated to ADA through additional PSAs, sup- eral of the U.S. Public Health Service in the National Institute of Diabetes and ported in part by the Upjohn Company, March 1990, she became the first woman Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). that target specific groups by featuring and the first Hispanic ever to hold the However, in recognition of the need to well-known Hispanics, such as Edward position. She completes her term in June share the funding burden, ADA is form- James Olmos, a Mexican-American actor 1993. ing a public-private partnership with and director, and Jose Chegui Torres, a —KL1 NIDDK. ADA will co-fund 12 NIH- DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 16, NUMBER 6, JUNE 1993 965 Issues and updates approved grants for up to 5 years, pro- for major illnesses will decrease health- ments on diabetes and the alert. All cov- viding about $2.4 million in the first care costs in the future. erage focused on the fear of diabetes, year. These grants will support research In addition to the recommenda- value of early detection, and available aimed at identifying the gene for non- tions for federal funding, ADA plans to treatment and services. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. provide more than $8 million for ADA- On ABC's "Good Morning Amer- ADA is also advocating a $60 sponsored diabetes research projects na- ica" Dr. Pi-Sunyer explained what diabe- million increase in funds for CDC's Di- tionwide in FY 1994. Over the next few tes is, its subtle beginnings, and the vision of Diabetes Translation for FY years, ADA intends to increase the per- course of the disease. He noted that ADA 1994, which would be a much needed centage of money spent on research from "is keen on having diabetes diagnosed increase from the current $9.5 million the current 15% of its annual budget to early...because this will help stop the rav- annual budget. The division has led a 25%. The hope is that by investing in ages of the disease." national effort to translate diabetes re- research and programs for those with ADA's Senior Vice President, Pa- search findings into clinical and public diabetes—and asking Congress to do the tricia Stenger, RN, CDE, was interviewed health practice through diabetes control same—more money and lives will be on NBC's "Saturday Today" by Scott Si- programs. saved. mon, who has insulin-dependent diabe- In 1977, CDC began implement- —SLR tes mellitus (IDDM). Stenger addressed ing these state-based programs, which the fear-of-diagnosis issue. She aptly pointed out that "not knowing you have focus on treating and preventing diabetic diabetes and not knowing how to take complications— particularly diabetic ret- care of it is far more dangerous than the inopathy and lower-extremity amputa- Diabetes Alert Reaches disease itself." tions—as well as reducing the incidence Millions Dr. Michael Bush, president of of diabetes. The emphasis has been on the Los Angeles Chapter of ADA, and working within a community setting to Millions of Americans were reached Tom Parks, a comedian who has IDDM, develop strategies to deal with diabetes through national media coverage of the were interviewed on "CNN Morning and its complications. Funding for these American Diabetes Association's (ADA) News." Dr. Bush spoke not only about programs has not been increased since seventh annual Diabetes Alert Day in the alert, but about promising research 1985, and consequently, only 26 states March and through the efforts of ADA initiatives for preventing the develop- have been awarded grants for diabetes affiliates nationwide. The Alert Day is a ment of diabetes and the possibilities for control programs. public awareness program designed to a cure as well. Tom Parks talked about According to Ann Gordon of educate people about the symptoms and dealing with diabetes on a personal level ADA's Government Relations Depart- risks of diabetes, and search out people and the importance of support systems, ment, "real opportunities now exist to who have diabetes but are undiagnosed. such as family and friends. reduce the diabetes burden. CDC should Approximately 7 million Ameri- "CBS This Morning" correspon- be supporting...diabetes programs in ev- cans have diabetes but are unaware of it. dent Bob Arnot did a lengthy segment on ery state and territory. Without addi- "The results can be tragic," said ADA diabetes and talked in detail about the tional resources, however, opportunities President Dr. F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer in a diabetes-risk test. Arnot stressed the ad- to reduce the nation's diabetes burden television interview the day of the Alert. vantage of knowing whether you are at are being missed." "The Diabetes Alert is our 1-day call to high risk for developing diabetes because More than 20 organizations, in- action to all Americans to get tested." measures can be taken to delay or possi- cluding the American Association of Di- The test, a diabetes-risk question- bly prevent onset.
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