52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1559.pdf IN SEARCH OF SUBSURFACE OCEANS WITHIN THE MOONS OF URANUS. 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 C.J. Cochrane , T.A. Nordheim , S.D. Vance , M. Styczinski , K. Soderlund , C. M. Elder , E. J. Leonard , R. J. 4 4,5 6 7 1 Cartwright , C. B. Beddingfield , L. H. Regoli , N. Gomez-Perez .. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology ([email protected]), 2University of Washington, 3University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics, 4SETI Institute, 5NASA Ames Research Center, 6John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 7British Geologic Survey. Introduction: Magnetic induction has been a signal exists at the 1004-hr period (the beat frequency valuable mechanism for probing the interior of associated with the very small difference of the synodic planetary bodies in search of subsurface oceans within and orbital periods), it seems likely that such a signal our solar system, the prime examples being the Galileo will not induce a strong induction response for plausible magnetometer investigation of oceans on Europa and oceans in Miranda due to the attenuation in amplitude Callisto [1]. The major Uranian moons are also well expected at this frequency. suited for a magnetic induction study as each are exposed to a strong time-varying magnetic field due to 2 Miranda 10 Ariel the tilt of Uranus’ magnetic axis with respect to its spin Umbriel Titania Oberon axis, in addition to the slight eccentricity and inclination 101 of the moons [2,3]. External time varying magnetic ) 0 fields will induce currents within any conductive layers T 10 n ( d of the moon, which results in the generation of a l e i F -1 10 secondary magnetic moment that is roughly c i t e proportional to and in the opposite direction of the n g a 10-2 primary field. The strength and phase-delay of the M secondary field will depend on interior properties of the -3 moon (e.g. thickness and conductivity of various layers) 10 making it ideal for magnetic sounding of potential ocean -4 worlds. Based on geological features, images of the 10 Uranian satellites collected by Voyager 2 suggest that 101 102 103 104 Period (hr) these moons could have harbored subsurface oceans earlier in their histories and could possibly still host Figure 1: Magnitude of Uranus’ magnetic field them today [4,5,6] evaluated at the orbital position of its five major moons In this work, we assess the spectral content of the as a function of frequency. magnetic environment experienced by the moons from Amplitude (nT) Phase Delay (°) 2 2 10 10 6 3 8 0 4 0 8 2 3 2 0 8 6 0 the Uranian magnetic field (see Fig 1) to determine the 2 0 2 8 5 8 8 0 0 0 8 5 0 2 5 8 1 1 0 0 2 2 5 1 8 Miranda specific frequencies at which each of these moons can 1 1 2 4 1 8 0 0 . 0 5 . be probed and the anticipated amplitude and phase delay 5 5 ) 4 1 0 1 1 10 6 10 m 0 k 6 8 0 3 ( 4 2 8 2 3 0 0 expected in their induction responses. We also present 8 2 8 0 6 2 8 8 0 5 0 0 2 5 8 5 0 n a 1 2 2 e 5 preliminary interior structures for Ariel and Miranda c 1 1 o 2 8 1 8 4 D 0 0 . 0 5 . (see Fig 2) and discuss the possibility of motional 5 5 0 0 4 0 10 .5 0 10 8 6 2 8 2 0 8 0 induction through ocean circulations. This work 8 8 0 8 2 5 8 5 2 1 1 provides insight into potential future mission concepts 2 and magnetometer specifications. 10-1 100 101 102 10-1 100 101 102 (S/m) (S/m) Methods & Results: For a subset of models, it is ocean ocean Figure 2: Contour plots illustrating magnetic moment instructive to examine the full spectral response of (based on planetocentric B ) and phase delay of the (blue complex magnetic induction [7]. By analogy to y dots) Uranus synodic, (cyan) 2nd harmonic, and (yellow Enceladus, we examine two interior models for Miranda dot-dash) 3rd harmonic periods for Miranda, assuming a spanning a plausible range of global ice thicknesses. We 3-layer shell model (20-km non-conducting ice shell, specify a seawater composition (35 ppt salinity) and conducting ocean layer, non-conductive interior). compute self-consistent structures using TEOS-10 [8] with the PlanetProfile package [9]. The self-consistent The full waveform response combining phase and models have ocean (ice) thicknesses of 25 (76) km and amplitude information can be inspected by plotting real 85 (14) km, with mean conductivities of 2.7 S/m. The and imaginary parts of the complex wave form to corresponding amplitude and phase curves (Fig. 3), examine the internal induced responses arising in phase computed for depth-dependent conductivities, match (Re) and out of phase (Im) with the external field of the magnetic contours in Fig 2. Although a strong Uranus. Figure 4 illustrates the responses weighted by the strength in the field at the periods noted in Figure 3. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1559.pdf In contrast with the analogous set of signals recently The impact of these asymmetric features are quantified examined for Jupiter’s ocean moons, Miranda’s by comparison to symmetric models. In this way, we strongest signal (at the synodic period of Uranus) is determine the degree of uncertainty in ocean actually slightly longer than the orbital period. characterization and set detection thresholds for Additional strong oscillations occur at the 2nd and 3rd candidate oceans. harmonics of the synodic period. All three oscillations Finally, we also assess whether fluid motions within create signals larger than 1 nT, even for the smaller the oceans themselves (e.g., due to convection, ocean, as also reported by [Weiss2020AGU]. mechanical driving, and/or electromagnetic forcing) may generate induced magnetic fields that would add uncertainties to magnetic field inversion calculations for ocean conductivity and thickness. Following the approach developed in [9], magnetic fields generated by such motional induction can be estimated as 푏~휇0휎푈퐷퐵0 where 휇0 is the magnetic constant, is electrical conductivity, U is characteristic flow speed, D is ocean theld measured at the satellite. At the surface, the induced magnetic field will be a factor of 푙+2 (푟푠푎푡푒푙푖푡푒/푟표푐푒푎푛) times weaker, where 푙 is spherical harmonic degree. An induced dipolar 푙 = 1 magnetic field of 푏 = 1 푛푇 nT at the surface would then require flow speeds of 푈~1 cm/s (푈~10 cm/s) for the thick (thin) ocean scenario for Miranda, which are comparable to or stronger than convective flow speeds estimated for Enceladus [14]. Figure 3. Spectral amplitude and phase response for Discussion: Magnetic induction is a powerful two plausible model seawater oceans in Miranda. mechanism that can be used to detect potential oceans Vertical lines demarcate the synodic period and its within the major moons of Uranus. Because of the strong harmonics. strong and dynamic environment in which they reside, single-pass ocean detection may even be possible. Beyond a new mission to the Uranian system, material properties and detailed motional induction modeling are needed to characterize the oceans’ compositions and thicknesses. Acknowledgments: Funded by the JPL Strategic Research & Technology Development program and Icy Worlds project (13-13NAI7_2-0024). Figure 4. Complex response function parameters for References: Miranda at the synodic period and its strong harmonics. [1] Zimmer, C., Khurana, K.K., Kivelson, M.G., (2000). Icarus, 147, 329–347. [2] Connerney, J.E.P., Acuna, As little is known about the properties of the Uranian M.H., Ness, N.F., (1987) JRG 92, 15329-15336. [3] moons, a wide variety of possible candidate interiors is Herbert, F. (2009), JGR., 114, A11206, [4] Hussman et possible for each body. Detection of oceans within the al., 2006 (doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006. 06.005). 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