University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 12-1-1946 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, December 1946 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, December 1946" (1946). The University of Dayton Magazine. 88. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/88 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. I l DECEMBER • 1946 MESSAGE FROM ALUMNI PRESIDENT This could be called the "Prexy's Corner." It could be called by any of a number of more descripitve but less complimentary titles. After you've read it call it what you will. We ESTABLISHED 1929 don't care so long as it serves its in­ tended purpose of presenting man­ Vol. XII December, 1946 No.9 to-man-and-woman talks on one sub­ ject we all have in common- the Mary Shay '44 .. .... ... .... ... ..... .. .. ... ........ Editor Alumni Associa tion. Elsewhere in this issue you'll find Sue Dudlext '45 .... ..... ..... ... ..... ... .. ...... .. Ass't. Editor a report on a meeting of your Board Jack Jones '47 ....... ... .. ...... ...... .... ...... Sports Editor of Directors. A careful r eading should convince you that your board "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, is vitally interested in the association Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." and its future. Issued Monthly- October through June It is almost axiomatic that before SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa­ the association can perform any tion, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. world-startling feats it must get its own house in order. War-enforced Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni inactivity destroyed the nice lines of Association of the University of Dayton." communication and solid chapter or­ For wills and other beque~ts , the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni­ ganizations that existed in 1941. versity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." So, Mary Shay has as her immedi­ ate goal the reorganization of the various chapters. A good start has plans? H ave you any suggestions? Edwin F. Atkins, Dayton, 0 . been made in this direc tion. More Let us know. In the meantime, a Major James G. Ayres, Arlington, will follow, especially if every alum­ very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Va.-$5. nus will consider it a personal chal­ HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS B lenge to get in and pitch- take the NEW YEAR. Peter A. Babb, Durango, Mexico. lead if necessary-to get his or her Elmer J. Will, '37, Pres. E. C. Baczenas, Washington, D.C. chapter started. University of D ayton Dr. J. K. Bailey, Dayton, 0.-$5. When speaking of reorganization Alumni Association. George A. Barrett, Dayton, 0. an allied subject rears its head. The J. E. Bender, Dayton, 0.-$5. fil es ! Your alumni secretary should 1946 Alumni Helen Bistrek, Dayton, 0.-55. be able to provide something of a Membership Report Thomas J. Bliley, Richmond, Va. directory service for you. Frankly, To give you a brief summary of -$5. she can't- not as completely as she the reports which have been made Linus B. Boeke, Chillicothe, 0. should or would like. The war again. on the 1946 alumni membership Roy J. Boerner, Bell ville, Ill. Too many moves. A concrete effort drive of the University of Dayton, -$5. is being made to rejuvenate the fil es please note : M arch, 455 members, James P . Bolger, Cincinnati, 0. (see board of directors report), but $2,100.00 ; M ay, 538 members, $2,- Albert C. Botzum, Cuyahoga this will of necessity be a slow proc­ 472.00 ; Dec. 16, 811 members, to­ Falls, 0. es . K eep Mary Shay informed of talling $3,847.50. We are 184 con­ William Boyd, Dayton, 0. any changes, not only your own but tributors above last year's record of Wm. K. Bramlage, Dayton, 0. those of fe llow alumni who may be 635; however, we are 189 member Charles L. Brinkman, Dayton, 0. suffering from writer's cramp. Better short ·of our goal- that 1,000 mem­ Rev. Victor Broering, Hamilton, still, bombard Mary with requests bership. The average contribution on 0.-$5. for a list of alumni in your area, the '46 drive is $4.74 per capita. J . E. Brown, Staten Island, N.Y. make its correction a chapter project The officers and members of the George M. Buchard, Dayton, 0. so that we can print a directory of board would like to express our ap­ -$10. your city. preciation to you. The following is Dick Bucher, Dayton, 0 .-$5. M aybe we will realize our ambi­ the list of alumni who have made Daniel P. Burke, Cumberland, tion to publish a directory of all contributions as of Dec. 16, since the Md. alumni. An honest try will help make last pub]ication in the May Alumnus. c it 0. If any additional contributions are Francis C. Canny, Dayton, 0. The alumni association ha a goal received, a supplementary list will be Bernard A. Carlen, Detroit, Mich. that is a challenge-the lOOth an­ published in the January Alumnus. Margaret Carroll, Xenia, 0. niversary of the university. The a - A J. J . Caveney, Wheeling, W . Va. sociation hould and must play a -$5. prominent role in any celebration William H . Adams, Jr., Zanes­ ville, 0 .-$10. Lt. John Chalmers, M.D., West but we've got to consolidate our Palm Beach, Fla.-$5. forces first. 'Ve've got to be an or­ John B. Alexander, Dayton, 0. - $10. James Cleary, Llamerch, Pa.­ ganization in more than name only ! $ 10. Have we started something here? Dr. J . R . Arthur, Dayton, 0 . Do you agree or disagree with our - $10. Continued on page 4 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ployment, research or activity. o ther depa r tments. H is dutie A propo a! wa made to the board will include, among o ther things, HOLD MEETING for the approval of appointing a all public rela tions insofar a A meeting of the Board of Direc­ committee to plan for the alumni's a th letics are concerned. tors of the University of Dayton contributions to the Centenary Cele­ " T he first task of the n ew a th­ Alumni Association was held at the bration, which will be held in 1950. letic d irecto r will be to select h is university on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1946. However, it was decided that the uccessor as head coach of foot­ The members present were : Elmer program a yet was too indefinite to b all. J. Will, '37, president of the Alumni make any concrete pl ans on commit­ "Brother Aloys Doyle, S.M., Association; Father George J. Ren­ tees or action at this particular meet­ wh o h as b een a thletic director of neker, S.M ., president of the univer- ing. the University will be assigned to ity; Dr. John Duchak, '31, Dayton ; At the request of those board a n ew post." Frank Mar hall, '31, Sidney; Charles members present, another meeting H arry Baujan, who was out of Reiling, Sr., Dayton, and Miss Mary wa called for the latter part of town at the time of the athletic hay, secretary of the Alumni As­ M arch, 1947. board meeting, authorized this state­ sociation. ment by phone : The meeting wa opened by the "I am delighted an d deeply president submitting a resolution to BAUJAN NAMED grateful to the Athletic Board of the board on endor ing the state­ ATHLETIC DIRECTOR the U n iversity for ap p oin tin g me ment made by Father Renneker on Athle tic Directo r. Father Ren­ the appointment of Harry Baujan as H arry Baujan h as been appointed nek e r h ad informally d iscussed Athletic Director. Father Renneker as director of athletics according to the p ossibility of this app oin t­ explained that it was deemed advis­ announcement of Rev. George J. m ent with m e, and I had assured able for the advancement of the Renneker, S.M., university president. him of m y willingness to accept athletic department, as well a for Baujan' first task as new athletic the gr eater r esponsibility of thi ecuring better public relations that director, Father Renneker said, will p osition. Previously I had thi a layman be appointed at the head be to elect his successor as head title, but it is m y under standing of the department. coach of football. that the ch an ge en visages an en­ The next matter of busine was Completing his twenty-fifth year larged athletic program at the ecuring the permission of the board at the university Baujan has been Univer sity." to appoint a committee for the moved into the position previously revi ion of the Constitution of the held by Bro. Aloys Doyle, S.M., who Alumni Association. The present will be assigned to a new post. The Student Council Constitution was submitted to the change in organization was made, Pledges Support board and the alumni in April, 1929, according to the president's state­ and is seriously in need of revision. ment, in view of the expected ex­ The University of Dayton student A report wa made to the board pansion of the athletic program and council has endorsed the appoint­ by the alumni secretary on the re­ the belief that a layman be head of ment of H arry Baujan as university activation of the res pective alumni the athletic department.
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