J ' »ie book iB get ?® %Ay I. 1936 u/>e NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Volume Sixty-nine Number Twenty-three' A- ; GLASSES Properly FIHED By Anthony F. O'Boyle Est. 1900 For many years student self-gov­ ernment was the prime objective of various groups on all the campi of this country. In recent years, how­ DR. J. BURKE ever, such an objective is hardly of DR. W. G. BOGARDUS any real importance according to the Associated Collegiate Press and as DR. E. C. BERRY proof this collegiate news service cites the example of the Norfolk Di­ Optometrists and Mf^:. Opticians vision of William and Mary College. 228 S. Michigan St. This institution is the latest to drop South Bend, Indiana its students governing assembly and Avhen its Men's Senate resigned in a body it did so A\ath the statement that "lack of student problems has made these offices impracticable." PICNIC at —o— the DUNES/ Dr. E. J. Cain Incidentals: In order to further re­ search work on the study of infantile paralysis Columbia has received a The call of outdoors is S13,000 Rockefeller Foundation grant upon us . and for the ... By coating the plants with cop­ benefit of those who do ROGERS per sulphate experts of farm agricul­ not know their local ture at Cornell University are able to geography you have a produce thick skinned onions. An garden spot of scenic beauty but a few minutes Eyesight Olympic cup that was won sixteen years ago by Springfield College in away ... in the glorious Specialists Massachusetts was just delivered to Dunes! Folks travel thou­ that institution. Northwestern sands of miles to view University now has a graduate course tliis natural wonderland in traffic control and Cornell Univer­ . only 57 minutes sity has a credit course open for from South Bend via South Shore electric ti-ain! 212 So. Michigan St. women in a Avalking class. South Bend A professor of history at the Uni­ Go -via SOUTH SHORE Line versity of California has adopted a new policy in attempting to eliminate Call 3-3111, or m-ite C. cuts in his classes. The professor is W. Veach, City Passen­ Doctor Herbert Bolton and his solu­ ger Agent, 301 N. Mich­ Established 30 Years tion to this perplexing academic prob­ igan Street, South Bend, lem is to offer a daily prize to the about fares and schedules. student submitting the best limerick summarizing the previous lecture. LEMONTR^B CHICAGO, —o— SOUTH SHORE & OPTOMETRISTS When two reporters of the Daily 222^ South Michigan Street Califoi~nian recently requested a re­ SOUTH BEND South Bend, Indiana count of the ballots cast in a campus RAILROAD election it was revealed that only 1059 votes of the reported 2807 bal­ lots cast could be found. The success of your SOUTHJORP school year will largely depend on the efficiency Harry McGuire, '25, is the editor of your eyes. of a new magazine. Ringmaster, which made its initial appearance on the newsstands during April. The publi­ cation, which aims to present the world in caricature, includes such BROKEN LENSES Avriters as Stanley Walker, John E. The DOME DUPLICATED IN OUR Tunis, and John Winterich, and such OWN LABORATORY. artists as Chad Grothkopf, Caesar Cirigliano, and Kenenth Becker. IS cominglf - While an undergraduate McGuire was a member of THE SCHOLASTIC staff, was active in debating, being Patronize awarded the Breen oratorical medal, Watch for announcement and was also captain of the tennis "Scholastic** Advertisers team. Two The Scholastic c CALENDAR Friday, May 1 "Scholastic of the Air" over WSBT at 3:15 from campus studios; Tennis, Notre Dame vs. Indiana on Notre Dame courts; Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Toledo, at Toledo; SCHOLASTIC staff meeting. Editorial staff, 6:30 p.m.. General staff, 7:00 p.m.. Editor­ ial offices; Knights of Columbus For­ mal Ball, Palais Royale. Saturday, May 2 Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Ohio State at Columbus; Tennis, Notre Dame vs. Northwestern; Track, Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh; Golf, Notre Dame vs. Northwestern, Burke Memorial Course; Movie, "She Married Her Boss" featuring Claud- ette Colbert, Washington Hall, first show at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, May 3 Student Masses 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.; Officers' meeting of KJnights of Columbus, Walsh hall clubrooms, 10:30 a.m.; Old Timers' football game; Monogram Absurdi­ ties, Washington Hall, 8:00 p.m. Monday, May U Campus radio broadcasts from En­ gineering bldg. studios, 3:15 and 7:00 p.m.; Aeronautical club meeting, 7:45, Engineering building; Monogram Ab­ surdities, Washington Hall, 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5 Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Chicago, at Chicago; Golf, Notre Dame vs. Louisiana State, Burke Memorial golf course; Final elections. Senior class officers, Dining hall, 1:00-5:00 p.m.; Faculty lecture by Dr. O'Grady in Engineering bldg. auditorium; Chem­ ists' Club banquet Oliver hotel, 6:30 p.m. Wedyiesday, May 6 Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Wiscon­ sin at Madison; Meeting of campus Radio Group, Engineering bldg., 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 7 Baseball, Notre Dame vs. North­ western at Evanston; Radio program from campus station 4:30 and 7:00 p.m. M*X ADM COLLEGIANA £; The Yale University swimming 'The Big Store on the Corner'''^ team recently won its 151st succes­ sive victory in intercollegiate dual- meet competition by beating Harvard, 45 to 26. Has all the latest Arrow Because Mississippi's Gov. White things in a wide variety has secured virtual control of the six state colleges Mississippi State may of styles and colors. lose membership in the Southern As­ sociation of Colleges. May I. I 936 I h r ee ••-,, ,J« Hmjm a- .•* -^ t •"^%l=5* •-^'sr?«-- „,^,-'-;.-- ;_^ ^IJ^SSlPWSUS^JIJ^ statue of The REV. EDWARD SORIN, C.S.C, founder of Notre Dame The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailinsi [ at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918,J Volume LXIX May I, 1936 No. 23 DR. WM. MAYO TO SPEAK AT COMMENCEMENT NINETY-SECOND BACCALAUREATE SERMON Knights of Columbus TO BE GIVEN BY ARCHBISHOP MOONEY Hold Formal Tonight By Louis Da Pra Chairnian Henry Dendler an­ Dr. William J. Mayo, world-famous Latin High school in Cleveland, be­ nounced yesterday that the advance surgeon and co-founder of the Mayo came spiritual director of the North ticket sale indicates an excellent at­ Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, will de­ American College in Rome, and was tendance at the Knights of Columbus liver the Commencement address, and later appointed Apostolic Delegate to Formal to be held this evening in the Most Rev. Archbishop Edward F. India and consecrated titular arch­ the Palais Eoyale. Jack Russell and Mooney, of Rochester, New York, bishop of Irenopolis. his orchestra will furnish-the music will preach the Baccalaureate sermon at the ninety-second Commencement In 1931 he was appointed Apos- exercises of the University of Notre Dame on Sunday, June 7. The University will confer hono­ rary degrees upon these two speakers, as well as upon Dr. Charles H. Mayo, associate chief of staff of Mayo Clinic and co-founder with his brother of that institution, and upon Mr. Francis P. Garvan, a New York attorney and founder of the Chemical Foundation of New York. Four hundred and sixty-six -candi­ dates in the Colleges of Arts and Let­ ters, Science, Engineering, Com­ merce, and Law will be awarded CHAIRMAN HENRY DENDLER Bachelor degrees in the colorful ex­ Night of Knights. ercises which will take place in the University gymnasium, Rev. J. Leon­ for the dance, which will be the high­ ard Carrico, C.S.C., director of stud­ light of the Knight's social season. ies, announced this week. REV. J. LEONARD CARRICO, C.S.C. One hundred and seventy - four Directs Commencement Prograyn Introducing a new feature at Notre members of the 1936 graduating Dame formals, the orchestra will play class will receive degrees with honors, tolic Delegate to Japan. Since Au­ a program of dance numbers all of twenty-eight of whom will be award­ gust, 1933, he has served as Bishop which will be requested from the ed the degree of magna cum laude of the diocese of Rochester, New floor. In addition, members of the for scholastic attainment above 90 York. Archbishop Mooney has been band will present a short floor show. per cent for the four years. & great friend of the University for Jane Allen, popular radio star who Rev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C, pres­ years. has been heard on the Dodge pro­ ident of the University, will officially gram, will appear with the orchestra. One of the greatest surgeons in begin the three-day Commencement the United States, Charles Horace Chairman Dendler also reaffirmed program on Friday noon, June 5, the ban on corsages announced in Mayo is a graduate of Noiihwestern with a private talk to the Senior class, University who has become world fa­ last week's SCHOLASTIC. Permissions and the interim will be taken up with for the dance will extend until 12:30 mous for his operations on the eye, athletic events, reunions, and the an­ throat and ear, as well as for ortho­ school time. Dancing wall be from nual alumni dinner. 8:30 until 12:00. pedic, thoracic, and plastic surgeiy. A gi-aduate of the University of Other K. -of C. activities planned Michigan with an M.D. degree in • He has had a strong influence in for the near future include the an­ 1883, Dr. William J.
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