11!DES DtllliCI'ORY l\iANCHESTER. TAR rrAILO~tinutd, Barnes Geo. P. & Co. Barrnck st. Chester rd. H : Spurrier, Glazebrook & Co. Limited, 8 Market • .-&Oo.S:i Mosleyst.&40Lord st.Liverpool Bebbington Joseph (manufacturer), 1 pl; _works, Wo~ey st. S ftol;!h,d .1: :Raxendale, 47 Corporation 11t Ashton New rd. Clayton Sutcllffe &_ Sutchffe, ~ark Work_s, Con M &b• WiDi&ro, 33 Coryorntion st Bell Bros. Percival si. Colly~mr:st st . Thorn DaYid & Co. Icd1go st: Whi_t lane, Pendle- f}RIBOI'e Thorn'" 147 Rld'-'way st An coats Bentley Isaac & Co. Adelphl 01l works, Pme st. ton; warehouse, 16 Hangmg ditch ~Frank, 4Bank st · Salford Wells M. & Co. Hardman Street Oil Works, ~ :sn-. :!80 Hyde rd. A Bramwell & Fern,lS St. Ann street D~ansgate . ~Joseph, 528 Oldha.m rd. N H Cochrane J. G. & Co. Limited, Brewery st. A Wh1taker & Co. ~1ghtm~le st .. WiQIIJnbn,tl Hn.tlshAw st. MS Colledge, Roy & Co. (&oil refiners & Witty & Wyatt, Ltmited, -~ Brook W'dk•!lP)Il Samuel, IU Ga.rtside st manufactarers), 5 Chase st. Red street, Chorlton-on-Med.lock filn- Thom&S, 113 Stretford rd. H bank 1JiJJ!amll &: Co. (ladies' & gentle- Duggan B. J. & Co. 5 New Wakefield st Bancroft & Co. Limited, Bancroft's 8U'II), 17 and 19 Exchange street, Dyson Watwn, Howarth st. Bradf01·d buildings,28 Old Hall st.Liverpool i wuer of St. Ann's square Ea.stwood James, 14 Market pl . works. Pall mall Will"!!!!! Ebenezer, 25 Upper Brook st. C on M Fa1rclough Georg!', Green Lane 011 Works, Johnson Brothers, Limited, Cleveland W'rllll!ll!! Edward. M. 42 Cu.vendi~h st. C on !\I Brook st. C on M W urkt~, Hull; Manehester office, 23A Victoria O•m Hngh Owen, 10 Wilmslow rd.Rusholme Find later & Kerr, 6 & 7 Wellillgtun Charn bero, buildings, Victoria st-See advertisement W:il'll!!!!! RichardFrancis,40Grosvenor st.ConM 2 Victoria st 11'i1Jn!!lll1Dbert, 99 Greame st. M S Firth Samuel, Frederick st. Broad st. P w; .... 1ames, 64 Corp •ration st Gatenby Richard & Co.102 High st; TANK & CISTERN 1\IAKERS. a: •lames, 175 Warde st. H works, Sharp st. Rochdale rd 1fillaa John F. 111 Regent rd. Salford Gill John B. 7 Bank building~, Cannon st See BoiZer Makers. W:ila,Stanley & Jones, 56 Cross st Goulden W. F. & Co. Little Quay Street Oil JllliillJames, 101 & 103Gt.Jackson st.Hulmc Works, Deansgate 1rat~1'om,ll81 !.shton New road, Beswick Burst Jas. Wwlmgton chambers, 2 Victoria st TANNERS. Wolva10111ot~eph S. 495 Oldham rd. N H Jackson Andrew & Co. Mary st. Strangeways (See also Picker Mal;eTB, also Belting Manu- ood Km~ Wi.Lson, 6 Preston st. & 41 Traf- Light Jaa~es & Son, Sun chambers, facturers, and a~o l.eather Merchant~, lard IlL H 15 Market street; head office, 11 Curriers, &:c.) Wooll1uob, 29 Chapel st. Ancoatg Rumford street, Liverpool - Tele· Angus George & Co. Ltd. 26 Bla.ck:fria.rs st. S Waad Samuel. 180 & 182 Oldha.m rd grams to" LIGHTHOUSE, Liverpool" Ash ton John & Son, 36 Withy grove; works, W:oolf )[orris, 2'.! Briddon st. Strangeways Lindop Wm. G. & Co. Cla.rence st. Cheetham Hyde rd. Gorton IM'!ey WilliArn, 9 Thompson st. Oldhn.m rd M' Allister J ames & Co. City Hoad Oil Works, Ashworth A. & H. H. Ashworth st. Bury New rd lid l'rlntris, H Rutland et 11 City rd. H Ashworth John, Broughton Grovs Works, Ash- l••erC&rl, 20 Upperllrook st. Con M Pet1rsun Frederic, 30 Lansdowne rd. Crmpsall worth st. Bury New rd Price's Patent Candle Co. Limited, Cooke E. J. (walrus hides, bull necks, Guardian building, 3 Cross st tanned buffalo. solo leather, &c. !UI.QBS' TRIMMIN GB MANUFACTURERS Pyne Henry, t-;pring Vale Works, Harrison st. P &c.), 4 Parsonage, Blackfriars st. Rhodes John R. & Co. 43 & 44 Barton arcade; -TA" HIDES, Manchester'' Sa flllo Hatters' Trimming Manufacturer&. works, Cow bum st. Cheetham Cunliffe Thomas & Sons, 26 Blackfri.ars st. S Uliallo Trimming Manufacturers.) Richardson John, 19 Mark la Dean Esther & Sons, 94 Rochdale rd .&prloaeph .l Co, 10 Dale st. Oldham st Rigby John Joseph, Regent Soap Works, Ha worth Peter & Sons, 31 Ki"g st. West AW"I0!\ 1 Gould & Co. 51 High st Comus st. Regent r!l. 8alford Hill James, 36 Bull's Head chambers, Marketpl luiOil Jamlll! & Co. 1 & 3 Palace st. Market st Robinson William, 7 Camp st. Deansgate Hindle Rillph, Milner st. Withy grove; worlr~, hamont BrOB. 15 Cannon st Sheffield W. & Son, 11 City rd. H Chorley lullhrell Jo<eph & Co. 11 Moslcy st Smith Brothers, 4 Hargreaves st. Hossell John Blackburn, Brownbill's buildings, R1111mond, 'furners & Bate, 1 Mosley st; works, Roger st. Red bank _ Regent rd. S-T A '· HossELL, Salford" If !Ml111royd Smith J. and Co. 28 Port st. PICca• Long Willi11m & Son, 10 Hardman st.Dcansgate; llaggJe WJ.lham & Co. 30 Cannon st dilly; works, Swa.ine st. Stockport works, Grap'1Jenhall, Warring ton llgbeo Thomas (dealer), C1.1.mpfield market, Spencer Edward & Co. Openshaw Bridge Oil Marsden William, Ashworth st. Bury New rd illlnigate, it 73 Miller st Works, Tarnworth ~t. Openshaw Melior Thos. & Sons, 82 Deansga.te, &Fa.ilsworth laylohn (de&ler), 58 Cannon st Spurrier, Glazebrook & Co. Limited Mills Brothers. Ltd. Crumpsall vale, Crumpsall J..Balph Henry (merchant). 65 Cannon st (refiners), 8 Market place; works, Moston Ja.mes & Sons, New st. Oldham rd. MP UpWeMarks, 14 Cheetham Hill rd Worsley st. Salford Nelson John, Scotland bridge, Red J ykr George Henry & Co. 28 New Cannon st Stanley J. & J. Bros. HargTeaves st. Hnlme bank Parry,SOn&:Hanson,19to23Mosley st Sudlow William & Son, 19 Hopwood avenue; Nelson W. & Co. Scotland bridge, '-tyll Jonoo, ltl Fountain st works, Green la. Con M Red bank; also at Cherry lane, llol2rtil Henry Taylor, 22 Tib st Thorn David & Co. Indigo st_. Wh~t lane, Pendle- Lymm, Cheshire (Bower & Co.) ll;blo 1. F. & H. Limited, 21 Portland Ht ton; warehouse, 16 Hangmg ditch Newton, Gough & Co. 26 l:llackfria.rs st. Salford; lp!D!h & Sons, Limited, New High st. Bread Waechter Louis W. & Co. 72 l!:rskine st. IInlme Oakleaf Tannery, Wem, Salop ll Bndgewa.ter place, Joiner st. & Market st; Warburton Wm. & Sons, 5 & 7 Robert st. 0 Tullis John & Son 5 Blackfriars st; w!l]l, Wiga11 Gortou, Bolton, Swinton &c. Wells M. & Co. Hardman Street Oil Works, works, St. Ann'~ Leather Works, Tlpor 8&muel & Co 51 Cannon st Deansgate Glasgow-See under th• head Belting 'l'laorp Robert & Sons (silk g~lloo~s, Whitaker & Co. Nightingale st. Manufacturer~ doublet!, Italian ferrets, Chtnartb· W1tty & Wyatt, Lrm1ted, 1 Brook st. Con M Whittle William Booth st. Holland st. Newton boD.I, Prussian bindings, and Wollaston Edwin D. Washington, Wilkinson Edwa~d, 85 & 87 Lona Millgate Pearson'a rich sa.rsnets, &c.), 13 12 Dutton st. New Bridge st Yarwood Samuel & Son, Limited Kosl.ey at; mills, Macclesfield & (curriers and manufacturers of Congleton. Bancroft & Co. Limited, Bancroft's all kinds of belt laccsl, Pro- 'l'oclli Vmght, 57 C~nnon st buildings. 28 Old Hall st. Liver• vidence Works, Miles Platting lnll._Henry, 41 Spear st. O!Uham st pool; works, Pall mall -T N 2051 Nat.; T A "BUFI'ALO, Man- Well.a, Marsh & Russell, 25 Marsden chaster" ~quare -·.. =:. TALLOW REFINERS. Ganderton Brothers (cod oil specially prepared for l, office, 24 High st; works, Morley st. TAI,I.OW CHA.!~DLERS Ardwick Oil & Tallow Refining Co. li3 Railway !,;toneferry, Hull • arch, Temperance st. A Ormerod John & Sons (a.nd roller (!Nallo Soap Manufacturers, ana alBO Candle Bagnall & Co. Red Bank Oil Works, and Hull's skin manufacturers), Globe Man•ifacturers.) Head chambers, Market pl Leather Works, Castleton, near GaenbyBichard & Co. 10:.! High st. & Sharp Bebbington Juseph, Ashton New rd. Clayton Manchester-T N Rochdale 9 j ; T A. Ill Rochdal.e rd Bentley Isaao & Co. Adelphi Oil " ORMEH.ODs, Ca.stleton, Msnchester" JU,apn R~ehanJ. (& wax), 251, 253 & 255 Great works, Pine street, Salford Ancq,la Hi Carter & Smith, Globe Works, Vycr st. Chester Rolp&e lohn & Co. (and wax, sperm and 11Wlp rd. H T.il'E MANUFACTURERS. aDDlaeturers,), 2() St. Mary's gate Colleage, Roy & Co. 5 Chase st. Red bank See Smallware Manujacturer11. lanrunhy John, 304 Ashton New rd. Bffiwick J<'airclough George, Green Lane Oil Works, 11-heBter Soap Co. 306 Stretford rd. Brook st. C on M • Bulme, Ill Moss lane West, Moss Side, & 324 Goulden W F. & Co. Little Quay Street Oil TAPESTRY CURTAIN MANUFACTURERS. P p•l rd.. Salford Works, Deausgate :Lcb&zdaon Edmund, 160 Stockport rd. A Hill Matthew, 53 Temperance st. & 69 Chan- (See aLBo Table Linen, Diaper ~ Damask l-1 •+m Willi11m, 7 Camp st. Deansgatil cery la. A Manufacturers.) lis a Rd~ard & Co. Openshaw Bridge Oil J ohnson Brothers, 23A Victoria buildings, Simpson & Godlee, 8 Minshull st; works, Deans ·~ T&mworth st. 0 Victori>\ st Mill, Swinton " 11tt I: Son, Gorton Brook Soap Worn, 1 La.mpton Mr~. Rester, Palrnerston st. Ancoats .....~ l&ne, West Gorton Light James & Son, Sun Chambers, _._ Dand & Lo. 16 Hanging ditch 15 Market st TAR DISTII,I.ERS. Rig by John Joseph, Regent Soap Works, Cumus (See also Chemista-Manujacturing.) - st. Regent rd. 8 'IAU.OW MERCHANTS & IMPORTERS. Hobinson WilUam, 6 Camp st. Deansgate Barrow Reginald, Ashton New rd. Clayton Skelton G. & G. W. Limited, 15 Quay Drinkwater James, East Philip st. Springfield &e llllo oa Merchants.) street, Deansgate la. S ~ l'red V. & Co. Briddon Street Smith Brothlll'll, 4 Hargreaves st. Roger st. Dunkerley James B. Chatbam st. Clayton OU Works, Strangeways tled bank Fermer & Co.
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